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Self Healing BSM Method

by Maciej C Kuczynski(more info)

listed in healing, originally published in issue 87 - April 2003


Twenty-seven years ago in Warsaw, Poland, a retired colonel, Eugene Uchnast, took a nap in his hospital bed with the palm of his hand placed under the side of his skull. To his surprise, after a while, the persistent pain he had been experiencing in his hip disappeared. As he already had had an interest in studying the structure and functioning of the human brain, he had the immediate thought that perhaps the radiation from his palm had influenced the site of the brain that governs the physiological processes of the hip. In due course, he found out that the same thing happened for him in other situations. When his throat was sore or arm painful, he simply used his hand to cover the proper sensory area of the brain responsible for the infected organ – and soon felt relief. His family and friends began to practise the method. Continuing his study of the body's anatomy and the map of the brain's functions, Uchnast was able to establish eight healing spots and to position them on the surface of the skull.

Uchnast named his method BSM, the Polish abbreviation for Bio-Emanation Brain Linkage as, according to him, bio-emanation is "all radiation emanated by an organism of unrestricted scope and diversity of forms".

Kazimierz and Alicja Debecki with the Author (on the right), applying BSM positions: from left to right – positions 3, 8 and 5. The Debeckis are shown after recovery from several severe illnesses, including burns and paradontosis: they have been applying the BSM method prophylactically and have kept in good health with no recurrence of illness
Kazimierz and Alicja Debecki with the Author (on the right), applying BSM positions:
from left to right – positions 3, 8 and 5. The Debeckis are shown after recovery from several severe
illnesses, including burns and paradontosis: they have been applying the BSM method
prophylactically and have kept in good health with no recurrence of illness

In comparison with several other methods, BSM seems to be very recent, but there are some clues pointing to its possible antiquity. For instance, a ceremony of healing by the 'kings touch' was medieval Europe, A 5th century engraving depicts the French king Henry VI touching the heads of ill people kneeling in front of the king, while behind each 'patient' there is a monk standing with both his palms on the person's head. As the monks appear to be following the BSM rules, it could be supposed that it is they who heal, while the king's touch is only a symbolic one.

After Uchnast's death, his assistant, Peter Lewandowski, published a book entitled Selfhealing by the BSM Method[1] and continued propagating this virtually new way of healing through regular public gatherings in many Polish towns. Today, considerable experience has beencollected. It has appeared that the method is helpful in innumerable cases, such as muscular pains, colds, illnesses of the internal organs – heart, liver, kidneys – in glaucoma, squints, hypertension, rheumatism, open wounds etc. On several occasions, its action at the very moment of a heart attack – on the street or in the bus – actually stopped the attack progressing and saved the person's life. It has also been used effectively to heal animals.

Despite the obvious and well-proved effectiveness of the method, and despite the positive opinions of the thousands of patients and their families who have enjoyed its beneficial action, BSM's scientific, clinical and physiological evaluation has not been undertaken so far. The reason for this is that BSM relates to those areas of the body's functioning that are not yet fully recognized by the scientific world. All knowledge of the method, which has been gathered and stored by Peter Lewandowski, is based only on his and Uchnast's observations and on the experience of BSM practitioners. It is estimated that the method is familiar to at least two million people in Poland.

How BSM Works

The BSM method does not follow standard medical and pharmacological practice in which the biological system is the object of treatment. Instead, this method most probably influences the organism's electromagnetic field, which is the force responsible for the proper, harmonic functioning of the various systems of the human body.

Distinct from other non-conventional therapies, the BSM method acts directly on the central nervous system. Since that system is enormously sensitive to receiving weak electromagnetic impulses, the energy radiated by every person's living body (flesh) is therefore sufficient to evoke healing reactions. This sensitivity seems to be related to the presence of magnetite crystals in the human brain and it has recently been discovered that the concentration of magnetite in the brain is very large in comparison with that in other organs.

The radiation emitted by the live cellular tissue arouses sensory centres in the cortex, which initiate self-healing processes. A person becomes ill when changes occur in their electromagnetic field. The BSM theory is that this field and the central nervous system are fed by an individual's own radiation and it is likely that the elimination of these changes is what stimulates healing processes. During treatment, all metal objects must be removed from the body and hair. Also herbal drinks, alcohol, tea and coffee may not be consumed, as they are considered to be factors that produce excessive 'jamming' signals within the nervous system.

It is to be emphasized that the BSM method has nothing in common with all popular kinds of the so-called bio-energetic therapies practised by healers. It does not demand possession of any kind of recognized healing properties.

Treatment is performed by placing one's hand (or another part of the body, preferably a well-muscled one, e.g. the forearm) on one's own (or someone's else's, or even a dog's or cat's) head, over the proper site of the outer layer of the brain (cerebral cortex) that controls the afflicted part of the body. The sensory centres placed on the left side of the cortex control organs on the right side of the body and vice versa. Therefore the palm has to be placed on the proper side of the skull.

Treatment Position VI. The right hand is used here on the right half of the skull. The curing effect is much weaker when the left palm is applied. Use the whole length of the middle finger to find the longitudinal groove remaining in the forhead section following the fusion of the large fontanel. The middle finger should be left in the groove. The palm heel should rest just above the horizontal line linking the eyebrow with the base of the ear. The thumb should be spread and the remaining fingers kept together. Position VI is used to treat insomnia.
Treatment Position VI. The right hand is used here on the right half of the skull. The curing effect
is much weaker when the left palm is applied. Use the whole length of the middle finger to
find the longitudinal groove remaining in the forhead section following the fusion of the large fontanel.
The middle finger should be left in the groove. The palm heel should rest just above the horizontal
line linking the eyebrow with the base of the ear. The thumb should be spread and the
remaining fingers kept together. Position VI is used to treat insomnia.

It is interesting to note that Mexican Indians even today use hairless dogs pressed against their bodies for effective healing, while South American Indians use guinea pigs.

There are eight healing positions of the hands on the skull. To obtain healing results, the palm's proper placement has to be determined. It is performed by way of auxiliary points and lines on the skull as well as on the palms. Each treatment procedure should last at least 20 minutes. The curative reaction in the organism will last for three to four hours after each correctly pursued procedure. At least two to four procedures should be applied daily until the illness is completely cured. In cases of light complaints, one or two procedures may prove of help. However, certain illnesses, especially long standing ones, may require treatment lasting several weeks. The mental aspect plays no part in the BSM healing. No concentration on the process or any kind of 'belief' in its effectiveness is needed. One of the method's most important features - when applied in strict accordance with the rules - is the absence of any harmful side-effects.

There are several indications and counter-indications to be followed and professional medical diagnosis and control are required by more serious ailments. Proper diagnosis is imperative for the treatment position to be selected. What's more, only a physician may state whether a patient has been fully cured.

Anyone can check, without any risk or expense, that the BSM Self-Healing Method works in cases of minor illnesses or pains by simple, prolonged touch of their own healing palms.

Case Examples

Amongst the several thousands reports of people who have been healed using BSM, are some particularly significant examples.

An artist, Mr. Debecki from Warsaw, Poland, poured hot stearin over his face and hands. He reported: "I went to a doctor who stated that the recovery would take two months and that the wound would leave scars. I applied position III of the BSM method day and night, every four hours. After ten days my face was covered with freshly growing skin. I am looking better and younger than before the accident."

Ms Teresa Pietrzak from Warsaw writes: "My brother was electrocuted at work. He was taken to hospital with a gaping hole burnt in his neck; his condition was regarded as hopeless. As soon as he recovered consciousness, he placed his hands in position V. Even though he was at death's door, this young man fought for his life with only his own two hands and with which he cured himself, despite the doctors regarding his case as utterly hopeless. Slowly, his health improved and the wound healed. This was an extraordinary medical phenomenon because burn wounds caused by electricity usually do not heal for years...

I also applied BSM to my mother, who suffered so badly from inflammation of the nerve roots that she could scarcely move... I held my hands in position V for thirty minutes... An hour later my mother was able to stand up without feeling any discomfort. Her pains have never come back."

From Stan Urban, Rivergrove, USA: "I had asthma and took medicine in a spray. After two days of applying the BSM method my breathing improved and now I don't have to take medicine."

Waldemar Tomporowski from Chicago, USA describes his experience: "For over a year I had bladder problems and took different drugs. After several weeks of applying the BSM method my illness went away."


1. Lewandowski P. Selfhealing by the B.S.M. Method. Aries. Warsaw, Poland. ISBN 83-900653-2-0. 1997.


  1. Yumico Tanaka said..

    Hello, I have translated your method several years ago, and I was paid partly. I thought you must have used the translation, but have not heard from you since. Why have you not used it for this website? Are you still interested in putting your method in Japanese here?

  2. Yumico Tanaka said..

    Hello Mr. Peter Lewandowski
    Long time no hear, but hope everything is well.
    I am just wondering why there is no Japanese page of this site.

  3. Jolanta Gallagher said..

    Would you please let me know if I can buy this book in Australia or order it from Poland.

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About Maciej C Kuczynski

Maciej Kuczynski, born and living in Warsaw, Poland, is a freelance writer, author of 30 books on travel, novels, science-fiction and popular science, a participant of several scientific expeditions of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the US Environmental Protection Agency and a member of The Explorers Club. He can be contacted on


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