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The Hazards of Water Fluoridation

by Dr Graeme Munro-Hall and Dr Lilian Munro-Hall(more info)

listed in environmental, originally published in issue 93 - October 2003

"Mothers – Save your Children". This is the way Dr Kennedy from San Diego begins all his presentations on Fluoride. It is a dramatic statement that grabs the attention, but what Fluoride will do to the health of the population deserves dramatic attention, so here is the truth about Fluoride. This is the first of two articles – this one is about Fluoride, what will happen to the health of the nation, the cancers it will cause. All the facts come from peer-reviewed published work by experts in the field. A future article will describe our approach and methods of treating patients with cancer from our own very alternative but scientific viewpoint.


Lake image

About 10% of Britain has fluoride in the drinking water already. The Government has announced that it intends to add Fluoride to the rest of the water in the UK. The reason, officially, is to increase the dental health of the poorest section of society, as they traditionally have the worst diets, from a dental health point of view, and low levels of oral hygiene. The lower the socio-economic status, the more tooth decay is present. The facts of the matter are that this section of society will suffer the greatest health problems from Fluoride added to the water, with no benefit to their oral state whatsoever. It also violates the Nuremberg Code and the Council of Europe's Biomedical Convention of 1999. It is mass medication without testing or permission, and appears to be illegal under European legislation.

Fluoridation was born in deceit in 1945 and its whole history is one of mis-information and propaganda allied to promoting special interest groups. In 1944, the American Dental Association was vehemently opposed to Fluoride, due to bone damage and thyroid dysfunction. However, by 1950, and without any scientific evidence, they were endorsing Fluoride with a religious fervour and have stuck to that dogma ever since. This, despite the huge amount of evidence confirming the harm Fluoride does without any health benefit whatsoever.

The Manhattan Project – the making of the Atomic Bomb – required the use of huge amounts of Fluoride, which was released into the environment. Even today, huge amounts of Fluoride are used to process Uranium for weapons. Recently released secret documents have revealed the truth. A local elementary school down wind from the plant had all its windows etched milk white from released Fluoride. In order to keep the parents and teachers quiet, an order went out to find a health benefit for Fluoride. So it was claimed that Fluoride reduced tooth decay. The evidence for this was that the workers handling the Fluoride had fewer cavities then normal for their age group. This was factually true, but omitted the fact that working with Fluoride had affected the jaw bones to such a degree that nearly all their teeth had fallen out, so there were hardly any teeth to have decay in. No teeth, no decay. Most of the workers had such poor health that many of them died whilst working on the project or shortly afterwards. These facts were kept secret. After all, the development of the Bomb came before everything else, including the health of children it seems. From this deliberate fabrication the myth of Fluoride preventing tooth decay was born and has been adopted by the Dental Profession as the unalterable truth.

Early on it was Sodium Fluoride that was added to the water, now it is Hydrofluorosililic Acid or HFS, that is used. HFS is an industrial waste hazard product, collected from the chimneys of the fertilizer industry that is too toxic to be allowed to be released into the atmosphere. It is 85% more toxic than Sodium Fluoride, it contains 20% Fluoride by weight – the remaining 80% is made up of radioactive material and other pollutants, such as Arsenic. HFS has never been tested for safety. Even the Health Minister of Canada, who supports Fluoride, has stated that "no-one knows the long-term effect of adding Fluoride to the water". Fluoride is lethal at a dose of 5mg/kilo body weight. This means there is enough Fluoride in one tube of toothpaste to kill anyone who weighs up to 30 kilos. Fluoride is more toxic than lead and also leads to more lead absorption in the brain.

Fluoride is cumulative, that is, it steadily builds up in the body. It is easy to measure how much one is getting daily – the amount of Fluoride in the urine is one half the amount taken in that day. The other half is stored in the body forever.

Flourosis is the brown mottling of teeth due to Flouride
Flourosis is the brown mottling of teeth due to Flouride

It is claimed that fluoride reduces tooth decay, but tooth decay rates have fallen across the world, and the greatest fall in tooth decay is seen in NON-Fluoridated populations. World Health Organization (WHO) studies of 80,000 children in New Zealand and 39,000 children in the USA show no reduction in decay rates for children from Fluoridated areas. Indeed, children with low calcium diets show an increase in decay when exposed to Fluoride.

Fluoride does reduce decay when it is applied to the teeth directly. It works because it poisons the bacteria around the teeth. It has no protective effect if swallowed, only harmful side effects. The latest study published by the University of Iowa (2003), a long-term study over 10 years, admitted that the "ingestion of Fluoride is not essential for the prevention of tooth decay". What they mean is water Fluoridation does not work. Fluoride does delay some development in children by about one year i.e. a 12 year old child from a Fluoridated area has less decay than a 12 year old from a non-Fluoridated area. This is sometimes claimed to be positive. What is really happening is that the teeth have delayed eruption – when they do erupt the decay rate is the same. Mis-information again. It can bring forward development as well – for females Fluoride makes puberty start earlier. We do not believe any alteration of developmental rates is good for children.

There are three questions to be answered before any medication is promoted:

  1. Is there a double-blind trial to show it is effective in what it claims to do?
    For Fluoride, no. There is not one double-blind trial for Fluoride, after 50 years of use, that proves that Fluoride reduces decay.
  2. What is the dose that causes the effect (all drugs dosage is given in mg/kilo)?
    Answer: No-one knows for Fluoride.
  3. How much Fluoride is the population getting anyway?
    Answer: No-one knows. It is vital to know how much Fluoride is being taken in through diet etc. before recommending a dose.


Since these three basic questions cannot be answered, to put Fluoride in the water, untested, without permission and without medical supervision, is unlawful medical research. This is in direct violation of the Nuremberg Code and the Council of Europe's Biomedical Convention of 1999.

What Fluoride in the water does do is accumulate in all the food we eat. Sprouts, for example, have been analyzed at 180ppm grown in a Fluoridated area. According to American Paediatrics, infant formula made with Fluoridated water gives excess Fluoride to the baby. At the dose in the water of 1ppm, as recommended for the UK, a 6 year old child who drinks more than one cup of water, or other drinks made up with water, per day will exceed the safe limit for Fluoride. Any food processed with Fluoridated water will contain large amounts of Fluoride, be it breakfast cereals or soft drinks. There will be no escape from the effect of all this for anybody.

The Centre for Disease Control in Atlanta, say the at-risk groups from water fluoridation are the elderly, heart disease patients and those with kidney disorders. Kidney dialysis machines are not supposed to use fluoridated water.

The elderly are at risk from increased hip fractures – 27% increase for women and 41% increase for men. Male bones are especially vulnerable to Fluoride. Fluoride increases the bone density but also makes the bone more brittle.

One study in Michigan showed heart disease rates doubling after the introduction of Fluoride in the water, but the study was discontinued and no other studies have ever been done. It is known that Fluoride causes hardening of the aorta.

Wrinkles or premature ageing are caused by the breakdown of Collagen in the body by Fluoride. Increased Collagen breakdown products are found in the urine of those living in fluoridated areas. There is a general decrease in fertility of both males and females due to Fluoride – the effect is more pronounced on females where it also increases the frequency of Downs Syndrome babies. This occurs in younger women and reduced thyroid function plays a role. Fluoride is a potent thyroid toxin and was used as a drug to reduce thyroid function. Fluoride has also been marketed as a rat poison and insecticide.

Scientists working for the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA), state that water Fluoridation leads to Neurological conditions in children. These are Hyperactivity, Attention Deficit Syndrome, reduced thyroid activity, increased aggression, increased lead in the brain and a significant reduction in IQ. A child may be robbed of 10 IQ points due to Fluoride. Especially susceptible are those on a poor diet and those with a milk intolerance. Calcium inhibits Fluoride but if you are low on vitamins and calcium, the neurological effect is greater than those decently fed. Hence the poor section of society will be affected the most. Children growing up with Fluoride and from a section of society intolerant to dairy products will have a lower IQ and more aggression. Studies have shown that Fluoridated areas have a higher crime rate that Non-Fluoridated areas.

Fluorosis is the brown mottling of teeth due to Fluoride. It can occur at the dose recommended for Fluoride in UK water. Fluorosis is unsightly and is a major side effect. The mottled teeth are more brittle and do cause immense distress in the younger generations especially with so much emphasis placed on appearance these days. To correct this is an expensive dental procedure most often done by sticking veneers over the teeth. Veneers will have to be replaced approximately five times over the course of a lifetime, leading to considerable expense for the sufferer. Dentists incomes are higher in areas with Fluoride in the water than in other areas. A very strange result if Fluoride actually did what it is claimed to do.

Of all the conditions caused by Fluoride, Cancer is the most life threatening. Adding Fluoride to the water will, according to extremely conservative projections, increase cancer deaths in the UK by at least six people per day. To put it another way, every four hours of every day someone will die from cancer caused by Fluoride. This means that, of the people living in the UK today, at least 100,000 will die of cancer caused by adding Fluoride to the water. Studies show Thyroid cancers increase by up to 400%, bone cancer in young men is increased and there is an overall increase in cancer of 5% in water Fluoridated areas compared to non-Fluoridated areas. Dr Dean Burke, former chief scientist with the National Cancer Institute in the USA, testified before Congress that "Fluoride causes more human cancer deaths and causes it faster than any other chemical I have ever come across". Even if Fluoride was effective, this alone is too high a price to pay. The fact that Fluoride does not work and causes so much other damage to people turns tragedy into obscenity.

Dentists supporting Fluoride call science that does not support their position junk or invalid science. The fact is that dentists are not toxicologists and are unqualified to judge work published in peer-reviewed journals. Other scientists with the relevant background are the only ones with the right to criticize results or methods. We dentists should not have the temerity to claim an expertise we do not have, just because the results do not fit our belief system. Prof Boyd Haley, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Kentucky, summed it up when he said, "It is like arguing with the town drunk, talking to dentists about Fluoride and Mercury – the science is so clear, the data so extensive but you never get anywhere!"

To protect yourself and your family against Fluoride is difficult. The only filter systems that work are Reverse Osmosis Filters. All the rest allow Fluoride through. Reverse Osmosis Systems costs between £200 and £500 to install and require new filters every 6 months at around £40 a time. Water distillation removes Fluoride but requires both time and electrical energy to work. Bottled water is usually OK, but check the label – one popular brand has a high Fluoride content. Diets high in Calcium are important, as well as sufficient vitamin and mineral intake. This may be difficult after the banning of many supplements by the EU.

The International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology, Europe – a group of dentists, doctors and Scientists, of which Dr G Munro-Hall is the founding President – intend to take the British Government to the European Court of Human Rights for Violation of the Nuremberg Code and the Council of Europe's Biomedical Convention of 1999. This will take several years. Even in the EU, a majority cannot force a minority to take a poison against their will.

The scientific references for the facts written are so many that we have put them on our web site, along with more facts for those who are interested.

There is an epidemic of cancer in the developed world. Water Fluoridation will increase this. We have developed our own strategy for treating patients with cancer which we will explain in a future article.

Prominent Researcher Apologizes for Pushing Fluoride

"Why'd you do it, Doc? Why'd you toss the fluoride folks overboard?" I had just tracked down Dr Hardy Limeback, BSc PhD in Biochemistry, DDS, head of the Department of Preventive Dentistry for the University of Toronto, and president of the Canadian Association for Dental Research.

(Whew.) Dr Limeback is Canada's leading fluoride authority and, until recently, the country's primary promoter of the controversial additive. In a surprising newsmaker interview this past April, Dr Limeback announced a dramatic change of heart. "Children under three should never use fluoridated toothpaste," he counselled. "Or drink fluoridated water. And baby formula must never be made up using Toronto tap water. Never." Why, I wondered? What could have caused such a powerful paradigm shift? "It's been building up for a couple of years," Limeback told me during a recent telephone interview.

"But certainly the crowning blow was the realization that we have been dumping contaminated fluoride into water reservoirs for half a century. The vast majority of all fluoride additives come from Tampa Bay, Florida smokestack scrubbers. The additives are a toxic by-product of the super-phosphate fertilizer industry." "Tragically," he continued, "that means we're not just dumping toxic fluoride into our drinking water. We're also exposing innocent, unsuspecting people to deadly elements: lead, arsenic and radium, all of them carcinogenic. Because of the cumulative properties of toxins, the detrimental effects on human health are catastrophic."

A recent study at the University of Toronto confirmed Dr. Limeback's worst fears. "Residents of cities that fluoridate have double the fluoride in their hip bones vis-a-vis the balance of the population. Worse, we discovered that fluoride is actually altering the basic architecture of human bones." Skeletal fluorosis is a debilitating condition that occurs when fluoride accumulates in bones, making them extremely weak and brittle. The earliest symptoms? "Mottled and brittle teeth," Dr Limeback told me. "In Canada we are now spending more money treating dental fluorosis than we do treating cavities. That includes my own practice."

One of the most obvious living experiments today, Dr Limeback believes, is a proof-positive comparison between any two Canadian cities. "Here in Toronto we've been fluoridating for 36 years. Yet Vancouver, which has never fluoridated, has a cavity rate lower than Toronto." And, he pointed out, cavity rates are low all across the industrialized world, including Europe, which is 98% fluoride free. Low because of improved standards of living, less refined sugar, regular dental checkups, flossing and frequent brushing. Now less than 2 cavities per child Canada-wide, he said. "I don't get it, Doc. Last month, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) ran a puff piece all across America saying the stuff was better than sliced bread. What's the story?" "Unfortunately," he replied, "the CDC is basing its position on data that is 50 years old, and questionable at best. Absolutely no one has done research on fluorosilicates, which is the junk they're dumping into the drinking water." "On the other hand," he added, "the evidence against systemic fluoride in-take continues to pour in." "But Doc, the dentists." "I have absolutely no training in toxicity," he stated firmly. "Your well-intentioned dentist is simply following 50 years of misinformation from public health and the dental association. Me, too. Unfortunately, we were wrong." Last week, Dr Hardy Limeback addressed his faculty and students at the University of Toronto, Department of Dentistry. In a poignant, memorable meeting, he apologized to those gathered before him. "Speaking as the head of preventive dentistry, I told them that I had unintentionally mislead my colleagues and my students. For the past 15 years, I had refused to study the toxicology information that is readily available to anyone. Poisoning our children was the furthest thing from my mind." "The truth," he confessed to me, "was a bitter pill to swallow. But swallow it I did." South of the border, the paradigm shift has yet to dawn. After half a century of delusion, the CDC, American Dental Association and Public Health stubbornly and skilfully continue to manipulate public opinion in favour of fluoridation.

Meantime, study after study is delivering the death knell of the deadly toxin. Sure, fluoridation will be around for a long time yet, but ultimately its supporters need to ready the life rafts. The poisonous waters of doubt and confusion are bound to get choppier. "Are lawsuits inevitable?" I asked the good doctor. "Remember tobacco," was his short, succinct reply. Welcome, Dr Hardy Limeback, to the far side of the fluoride equation. It's lonely over here, but in our society loneliness and truth frequently travel hand in hand. Thank you for the undeniable courage of your convictions.

Reprinted from The Tribune, Mesa, AZ . December 5, 1999.

Further Information

International Society for Fluoride Research:
Dental Fluorosis:
IAOMT Risk Assessment for ingested fluoride:

Appeal for Legal Funding:

In the UK please send donations for legal fund to: NPWA, 12 Dennington Lane, Crigglestone, Wakefield, WF4 3ET.
Resources The Hazards of Water Fluoridation




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About Dr Graeme Munro-Hall and Dr Lilian Munro-Hall

Dr. Graeme Munro-Hall BDS has over 40 years experience as a GDP both in the UK and abroad. He was awarded his Fellowship of the IAOMT in 1992 for work on Dental Detoxification. Graeme is President of International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology – Europe and Chairman of the Transition & Training Task Force of the World Alliance for Mercury Free Dentistry.

Dr. Lilian Munro-Hall BDS graduated in 1988 from Lund University, Sweden, one of the leading research universities for state-of-the-art dental materials and techniques.

Together they developed Hall V-Tox Therapy – a method of removing toxins from the body using intravenous Vitamin C and have lectured world wide about the benefits of the Hall V-Tox Therapy, Amalgam, Mercury, Fluoride, Root Fillings, Cavitation Infections, Detoxification Methods and Protecting patients and staff. Their book Toxic Dentistry Exposed explores in detail the link between dentistry and chronic disease. They currently run a holistic, metal free dental practice together in rural Bedfordshire, with some residential places, set up to treat the sensitive and ill patient as well the more normal dental patients. The Clinic is as environmentally clean as possible and located at Munro-Hall Clinic, Rushey Ford Business Park, West End Road, Kempston Rural, Beds MK43 8RU. Tel: 01234 840099; Fax: 01234 855844.  &

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