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JIN SHIN JYUTSU® is an ancient Japanese art of harmonising life energy within the body. It is a
physio-philosophy that involves the application of hands on energy locks (points) of the body to gently balance the flow of life energy in the body. Jin Shin Jyutsu® is an art which helps your body to heal itself of any disharmony, that being emotional/physical/spiritual.

The history of Jin Shin Jyutsur®

According to ancient written records, which remain in the archives of the Imperial Palace in Japan, Jin Shin Jyutsu® was widely known before the birth of the Buddha in India; before the birth of Moses (recorded in the Bible) and before the Kojiki (Record of Ancient Things, Japan AD 712). Jin Shin Jyutsu® is an innate part of human wisdom simplifying the complexities of existence and is truly an art of living.

For many centuries the keys to the treasures of Jin Shin Jyutsu® were passed from generation to generation by verbal teachings. Gradually these keys began to fade until the true concept of this art was virtually lost. The re-discovery of these ancient treasures came about by master Jiro Murai of Japan in the early 1900s.

Master Murai was born in 1885 into a long-line of medical professionals. He chose not to follow family tradition and began his own search to discover the true meaning of life. Master Murai was a man who lived life to the full, so much so that his excessive lifestyle eventually caused him to become ill. In fact his illness was diagnosed as terminal. He never lost faith and began to wonder about the great men of the past of whom he had read, experiencing miracles and enlightenment through meditation, mudras and what would become the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu®.

When his illness deteriorated such that he was near death, he asked his family to take him to their cabin in the mountains to enable him to spend his last few days alone so he could prepare himself for what he thought would be his death. He asked his family to return in 7 days. During this period of solitude Master Murai spent his time in a meditative state practising mudras and experiencing the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu®. Over the seven days he went through periods of unconsciousness, with his physical body experiencing loss of heat. Then on the seventh day he experienced a feeling of immense heat running through his body. Once this feeling of heat had subsided he felt no more ill effects. It was like the passing of a terrible storm, leaving his whole being encompassed in quiet, calm and peace. To his amazement and disbelief he was able to walk down the mountain. Jiro Murai made a full recovery and vowed to dedicate the rest of his life to the study of Jin Shin Jyutsu® to help all people. This he did accomplish.

In the late 1940s Mary Burmeister, who is the leading figure of Jin Shin Jyutsu® today, met Master Murai in Japan where she became his student and studied in Japan with him until the 1950s. Mary then married, moved to America and continued her study with Master Murai through correspondence until Jiro’s death. Mary Burmeister began teaching Jin Shin Jyutsu® in the 1960s and although she does not currently present any Jin Shin Jyutsu® seminars herself, she continues to see clients in her office in Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.A.

Jin Shin Jyutsu® seminars are now offered by Mary Burmeister’s instructors throughout America, Canada, South America, and Europe.

Jin Shin Jyutsu® is truly the art of happiness

Through Jin Shin Jyutsu® our awareness is awakened to the simple fact that all we need for harmony and balance, whether physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually is evident within us. There is only the present state of BE-ing, which already is our ‘past’ and the foundation of our ‘future’. It is getting to know (help) ourselves.

Jin Shin Jyutsu® is an ART as opposed to a technique. An Art requires much understanding and is creative. A technique is a mechanical application which requires much effort.

Jin Shin Jyutsu® translated is:

Thus Jin Shin Jyutsu® is the Art of the Creator through man of knowing and compassion.

It is an art of reawakening one’s awareness and understanding of ‘now know myself’. As Plato said “Learning is remembering”. All are born with a profound delicate power to be able to enjoy their potential to the fullest extent. However, due to one’s ignorance of ‘myself’, one is unaware of this profound delicate
power within.

A Jin Shin Jyutsur® treatment

The Art is not a physical manipulation of tissue and it uses only minimal pressure. The hands of the practitioner are used as Jumper Cables contacting 26 “Safety Energy Locks” to redirect or unblock the flow of energy along its pathways.

A typical treatment session will last 40 minutes to 1 hour. The receiver of the treatment remains clothed and lies face up on a cushioned surface. The practitioner will listen to the energy pulses in the wrists, which will inform the practitioner which areas require attention. A practitioner employs a sequence or “flow” appropriate for unblocking particular pathways thus returning the body to universal harmony.

A “flow” is a series of hand placement combinations using the “Safety Energy Locks” that stimulates the circulation of energy along the given pathways in the body, each with a distinct function or essence. To a certain extent the experience of Jin Shin Jyutsu® is unique to each person for each session.

As well as having a Jin Shin Jyutsu® treatment by a practitioner one can also apply it on oneself. A practitioner will encourage this by showing clients basic self-help applications.

A practitioner is not the “do-er” but the one who simply assists the flow of the infinite supply of universal energy. This process does not affect the practitioner’s own energy.

As well as treating people with physical and emotional problems, Jin Shin Jyutsu® releases tension, so healthy people who just want to stay fit and prevent the occurrence of illness may also use Jin Shin Jyutsu® on a regular basis.

This Art releases tensions which are the causes of various symptoms in the body. Our bodies contain energy pathways that feed life into all of our cells. When one or more of these pathways become blocked, this damming effect may cause discomfort or pain. This blockage or stagnation will not only disrupt the local area, but will continue and eventually disharmonise the complete pathway of the energy flow.

As we abuse our bodies in our daily routine, be it through bad eating habits, stress, emotional upset, or physical injury, our safety energy locking system becomes activated. This is simply to let us know that we are abusing our bodies.

Jin Shin Jyutsu® is not only an oriental art, but stems from the beginning of life. It is the creator’s art which all life has been given to utilise for the enjoyment of experiencing life.

Case study 1

Paul came to me with what had been diagnosed as a badly strained knee ligaments. The knee was extremely swollen and movement was minimal. The leg could not be straightened and although some weight could be put on the knee, this resulted in extreme pain and made walking very difficult.

Paul was treated a total of 3 times over a one week period. After the first treatment there was more mobility in the joint and by the next day the pain had lessened. Subsequently after two more treatments the pain had gone and mobility in the knee joint was restored.

Case study 2

Jeff had been diagnosed as having ME (chronic fatigue syndrome), of which he had suffered for 4 years and needed regular rest periods throughout the day. Jeff was a client who was very eager to help himself and applied Jin Shin Jyutsu® self-help which we gave him every day. The more self-help a client does, incorporated with receiving treatments the more beneficial. Jeff informed us that he could positively feel a gradual improvement. His rest periods had started to lessen. He began to get up earlier in the mornings. His body gained a warmer feeling, which he said was more like his old self. When he had started to suffer from ME, his body always felt cold.

He also informed us that he had started to regain his sense of humour as he started to feel better in himself. To date Jeff has received 7 treatments and is continuing to feel the benefits of Jin Shin Jyutsu®

Case study 3

Another client had been experiencing chronic lower back pain for a number of years. The gentlemen was an ex-body builder. The back problem had started from an injury which he received through training. Gary had tried many different therapies over a number of years, some of which had given him temporary relief, but the pain had always returned.

After regular treatments over a three month period he reported that there was no more pain or discomfort whatsoever and to his amazement he was able to return back to his training.

Gary was another client who did his self-help programme which we had set him everyday. Although he no longer has his back problem, he still continues with self- help Jin Shin Jyutsu® for general well being. He says he actually enjoys doing the self-help as it makes him feel very relaxed and releases any stress he may be feeling.

Case study 4

Julie came to us after suffering for many years with psoriasis. We expected to treat Julie a number of times as it had been a long-standing problem. Julie phoned us two days after her first treatment as she was amazed that her psoriasis had started to clear.

She continued to have another five treatments. As well as being relieved from the psoriasis problem, she informed us that she felt more full of energy and had increased enthusiasm to do things.

Julie still comes for a Jin Shin Jyutsu® treatment from time to time simply for the feeling of well-being and

Further information

Further information and a list of practitioners of Jin Shin Jyutsu® can be obtained from David Burmeister, Jin Shin Jyutsu® Inc., 8719 San Alberto, Scottsdale, Arizona, 85258 U.S.A.. Donna and David Thomson can be contacted at their Jin Shin Jyutsu® practise at 9 Beazley End, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9BG, England (01268) 733228.


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About David and Donna Thomson

Donna and David Thomson can be contacted at their Jin Shin Jyutsu® practise at 9 Beazley End, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9BG, England (01268) 733228.

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