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Bodywork Matters: Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy

by Carole Preen(more info)

listed in neuroskeletal, originally published in issue 152 - November 2008

As reported in previous issues, this therapy is light touch, non-invasive and extremely effective for many musculo-skeletal problems and certain neurological disorders. I originally trained in Australia in 1997 and have since re-developed the system, and teach the diploma course at Morley College in London. In addition to the Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy (NSRT) techniques, we use deep tissue massage and trigger point therapy, also taught on the course to complement it, to give a full lasting set of treatments. Massage and NSRT are not usually given in the same session, but can be in certain circumstances. Patients love the fact that it is relaxing and non-invasive; the clothes are kept on when NSRT is being performed.

For this issue, one of my fellow practitioners, Clare Hudson in Essex, who trained with me in 2005, has sent in two very interesting case studies, one on migraine and the other on hip and neck pain.

Case Study: Migraine

The patient was a 14 year-old girl who had been suffering one or two migraines each month for almost a year. It would start with her vision blurring, and she would have to leave school immediately and go home to lie in a darkened room, as the pain and throbbing escalated. This was usually accompanied with sickness and diarrhoea. The migraines would sometimes last for 24 hours.  After the first NSRT treatment she felt very relaxed, and had experienced several nice sensations during the session. The second treatment, a week later, was cancelled on the day as a migraine had begun that afternoon. However, this migraine was nowhere near as severe as usual and did not last very long. She was surprised to be up and about by early evening.  We rescheduled the NSRT appointment, and for the third treatment I found her neck and upper back muscles to be very tight during the full body remedial massage given.  On the morning of the fourth treatment, the patient felt that a migraine was starting as she had been car sick; however, it did not materialize. She has been migraine free since. Several other patients have also reported being headache/migraine-free after being treated specifically for back pain with NSRT.

Case Study: Hip and Neck pain

The patient is a 41 year-old PE teacher. He came for NSRT treatments, having been diagnosed as having 'deterioration of the right hip', and also a stiff neck. He plays cricket at the weekend and always has problems getting up the morning after a cricket match. Not much relief was felt from the first treatment, but he returned sceptically for a second appointment. Immediately after getting off the couch, he complained of intense stiffness around his whole body and left the clinic feeling like the 'Iron Man', and did not intend to return! However, about an hour after the treatment, all the stiffness just gradually released and he felt much better and more mobile. He enjoyed a full body massage for his third treatment where I used firm pressure and some trigger point therapy. The fourth NSRT treatment created extreme stiffness as previously, which again released around an hour later. When the patient arrived for a fifth treatment he reported that his neck was now fine, and no longer inhibited activities, and that the hip pain also had greatly reduced. He also told me that he was not having any problems getting up in the mornings after cricket. I have recommended occasional NSRT treatments as maintenance.

In Closing

We have numerous successful case studies such as these, between us, some of which you can view on our website, or on the Positive Health (PH) website where we have published several articles. The case studies range from general neck, shoulder and back pain, including sciatica and whiplash, all the way to more severe disorders such as CVAs (strokes).

If you would like to contact Clare for an appointment, or any of our practitioners, including myself, a full list can be found on our website. This year's students graduate in November, so the list will grow shortly! We have put the London postcode next to their names to make it easier to find someone nearest your area.

Further Information

If you are interested in the NSRT diploma course, you can find details on our website,; enrolment is through Morley College. The next course starts on the 11th October and is a year's course run over 8 week-ends between October 2008 and July 2009.


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About Carole Preen

Carole Preen FCHP FANM HonMIFA is a Fellow of the Association of Natural Medicine and the former Aromatherapy & Allied Practitioners' Association and has been a practitioner since 1994 and an educator since 1997. She is also an honorary lifetime member of the International Federation of Aromatherapists awarded for her contribution to the profession. As well as specializing in Aromatherapy and Anatomy, Carole also introduced Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy to the UK. Carole is an specialist educator, and internal and external moderator working in both the private and FE sector and has level 4 qualifications in quality assurance. She is Director of Complementary Health Professionals and may be contacted on Tel: 0333 577 3340;
For further information about Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy (NSRT) please view the website at with links to published articles and a Facebook page. The diploma course is accredited by Complementary Health Professionals through Natural Therapeutics. Training details and information on booking a treatment with me is available via Mob: 07455 195 515

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