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Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET) - Channelled Energy from the Angelic Realms

by Gilly Workman(more info)

listed in angelic healing, originally published in issue 162 - September 2009

"IET can change your life..... I know, it has changed mine."

Life leaves it's footprint on us - we have all had experiences that have taken their toll, such as physical or emotional trauma, surgery, suppressed feelings, fear or stress, yet to name a few. I know I have.

The resulting negative emotions (or baggage) causes our energy flow to become restricted or blocked, rather like a dam blocking the flow of a river. When our energy is restricted, our body can react by making us more likely to develop illness or diseases, emotional or mental problems. We may find it difficult to move forward with our health, wellbeing and life.

Integrated Energy Therapy logo

IET works by releasing those trapped emotions such as guilt, distrust, lack of confidence, shame, feeling unsupported, heartache, anger, resentment, fear and stress. These feelings are gently replaced with their positive counterparts - innocence, trust, confidence, support, love, forgiveness, empowerment and safety. Freeing up the flow of energy can make such a difference, it has to me.

With IET, I can honestly say that I have experienced more benefits than with any other treatment I have tried, and I have tried many! It 'got the issues out of my tissues'. Life still happens, but now I deal with it very differently, as the layers of old baggage has gone, never to return.

For a number of years prior to discovering IET, I had been aware of Angels drawing closer to the earth; little did I know what they had in store for me!

I first came across IET at a local Psychic & Wellbeing Fayre in my home town. I was drawn to a very warm woman who was offering Angel card readings. I was taken aback, as despite putting on a front, she picked up that I was ill with depression and anxiety at the time, and explained how IET could help me. Following a series of traumas in my personal and work life I was under the GP and taking anti-depressants, I had also had lower back pain and IBS for years.

After reading and re-reading her flyer several times, I went for three sessions with her, and couldn't believe the difference that it made to me! My recovery from the depression and anxiety was quicker than was thought possible, my IBS began to improve (it is now a thing of the past); even my chiropractor noticed a difference in my back. By releasing the old emotions that I had carried in my lower back (as many people do) and tummy, my health and life have improved. Things that used to bother me, I now take in my stride. My life is very different now, as due to my increased confidence I have made some life-changing decisions.

I was so impressed with the rapid benefits that I had experienced with IET that I knew I had to train, so I could help others more effectively on their self healing journey. All three levels of training were completed in three days and I began taking clients very quickly. Many were so impressed that they too wanted to train; I went on to train as a Master Instructor. But let me tell you more about IET.

IET is a hands on channelled healing which is an Angelic vibration. It was 'developed' (if that is the right word!) in the USA by Stevan Thayer, a White Light Reiki Master and Interfaith Minister. Stevan noticed that with some clients, the blockages were very resistant; he was keen to find a way to speed up their self healing journey.

Part by accident and in part by divine inspiration, he discovered the IET core cellular memory map (the specific areas where a particular emotion is stored), and the IET Integration points (the small areas which, when gently pressed, can trigger the release of these emotions). Although these points have not been identified by any traditional acupressure systems, they have the power to support the clearing of the clearing of the energy blocks that can result from deeply suppressed emotions in the cells of the body. Feeling sceptical? Think about transplant patients who report taking on some of the tastes, mannerisms and personality traits of the organ donor.

Stevan began to teach this technique in 1994. There are now over 1,600 Master Instructors world wide who collectively have taught well in excess of 6,000 students in over 25 countries.

How does it work? As the practitioner has undergone attunements to enable them to channel the angelic energy, they begin by joining their 'heartlink' to those of the Nine Healing Angels of the Energy Field, then at each of the core cellular memory areas, transmits healing energy in order to energise that area. The next step is to apply gentle pressure to the Integration points in order to 'trigger' the release, then the practitioner will physically 'pull' the negative energy out, followed by again applying gentle pressure to the Integration points, which imprints the positive or opposite emotion.

During treatments, many clients sink into a deeply meditative and blissful state; others remain semi-conscious and can 'feel' energy being pulled out of them. All clients find it deeply relaxing, even those who find it hard to relax, unwind and let go find themselves feeling more relaxed and at peace than they ever have before.

Some clients come for sessions as they have a physical problem they would like to heal; other because they are aware that they have an energy block. What ever the presenting symptom, the root cause is an emotional blockage or restriction.

One regular client started coming because she had IBS, and had suffered with this since the age of 2 years - a very young age to develop this distressing condition. She was also aware that she had emotional blocks to do with her early childhood and her relationship with her mother.

Initially I found all sorts of blockages in her energy - guilt, distrust, shame (it's all my fault) the feeling of being unsupported, wishing she had done things differently in the past, hurt, anger and past stress. She began releasing during this session by crying, and experienced muscular twitching and Rapid eye movement. We continued working over a series of fortnightly sessions, and the old energies left her one layer at a time.

As these old layers of baggage released, she found that her digestive system began to improve, but also that her relationship with herself changed - she began to accept that what had gone before was not her fault. How she viewed her relationship with her mother also changed; she now feels very differently about things. She has let go of an incredible amount, and is now able to feel compassion towards her mother, something she didn't dream could be possible.

Her IBS was always worse during her periods; she would be doubled up in intense pain, experienced constipation, bloating and gurgling, which she found embarrassing. At her last treatment with me, she reported that during her last period she had not experienced any problems at all. It had been improving gradually and noticeably, but this was the best it had ever been in her life. Mission accomplished. Her life is now quite different and she is moving forward.

IET works very well in conjunction with other treatments, both conventional medicine and other complementary therapies.

I am currently working with a middle aged man who has oesophageal cancer; he is undergoing gruelling chemotherapy. If the tumour shrinks, he then faces massive surgery.

He has been stressed for most of his life and has found relaxation difficult, if not impossible. He also has high blood pressure and has had a hiatus hernia for many years. His most distressing symptom was the sensation of his skin 'crawling', which would keep him awake at night. His oncologist thought it may be to do with his liver. The liver is where we store anger.

He was nervous when he came for his first session as he was unsure what to expect; his wife had found my details on the internet. I gave him a full intermediate session, finding many old emotions trapped in his body including anger, resentment, fear, stress, old regrets and heartache/ hurt.

He relaxed very deeply (the snoring was a clue!), and afterwards he said he had never recalled feeling so relaxed. Relaxation is crucial for cancer patients, as it is when in a state of deep relaxation the body can begin to repair and rejuvenate. I do not heal people; IET facilitates their own self-healing journey.

Several days later his wife emailed me, and explained that he was feeling much more relaxed and positive, was sleeping like a baby and that his skin 'crawling' sensations had improved.

At his second session one week later, he appeared very positive - he felt sure that the tumour was shrinking as he was finding it easier to eat. Again, he relaxed very deeply as I continued to remove more layers of old emotions.

I bumped into him the next day; again he had a great nights sleep and was feeling good.  We will continue with weekly session until his chemotherapy has ended, and he has received the results from the next scan. I trust the Angels to help the tumour to shrink.

Is IET difficult to learn? No, it is very easy! There are three levels - Basic, Intermediate and Advanced - each level requires one attunement and one days training. A full manual and certificate are provided for each level. I usually teach all three days back-to-back, but it is equally fine to take one days training at a time. There isn't a period of self clearing, or any need to have a period of time between each level

It is a perfect stand-alone therapy for the would-be therapist who would like to make this the first venture; it is also a great addition to widely trained and experienced therapist who would like increase their repertoire. It combines well with Reiki and Quantum Touch, works very well in conjunction with EFT and Thought Field Therapy.

It is safe to treat, train and attune pregnant women. I have worked with several heavily pregnant women; their then unborn babies certainly appeared to enjoy the sessions. One expectant client was very run down - with an active two-year old that is not surprising! She was getting ill with a bug one week out of four, was prone to kidney infections that had plagued her during her first pregnancy and had already had one kidney infection in this pregnancy. All in all, this was making her life very difficult. She began coming for weekly treatments at around 24 weeks and continued until shortly before the birth. Very quickly, her energy improved and she stopped getting ill - even nursing her partner and 2 year old through the winter 'flu but not catching it herself. She did not develop any further kidney infections either.

Once trained in IET, you can use it for regular self treatments, and it can be used to distance healing with good effect. During the three attunements (which must always be done in order), the energy field is permanently expanded to channel the Angelic healing Energy but it also optimizes our 12-strand DNA.

IET can also effectively clear past life and karmic issues, which may be affecting the client in this life. Indeed, many of my past life issues have been healed.

So, how has IET changed my life? My health and general wellbeing have improved, I no longer suffer with stress and its symptoms; life is very different. I am also living my life's purpose and soul's mission by facilitating the healing of others; my passion for IET is helping to get it known here.

I am so happy and grateful to be of service and help others on their self healing and spiritual journeys. What can IET do for you?

Further Information

Main IET website:
Click on the tab 'measuring results' to read more about the measured benefits of IET

There are 24 Master-Instructors in England, 8 in Scotland; 1 in Wales and Ireland can boast 481. Click on 'Find and Instructor' to find the nearest to you, most also offer treatments. Although a list of practitioners is not available, Master-Instructors may be able to share details of their students who may be nearer to you.


  1. Gesine said..

    I live in Durban South Africa. Is there a way I can be tought IET via Skype?

  2. Jo Jacyszyn said..

    I am looking fora IET practitioner in the uk i live in Dumfries scotland.

  3. Joanne Jacyszyn said..

    Can you let me have a list or IET practitioners in scotland please

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About Gilly Workman

Gilly Workman BA (Hons) Reiki 2nd Degree, following a successful career in the charity world and local government, and her life changing healing with Integrated Energy Therapy, retrained as a complementary therapist. Gilly is now an IET practitioner and Master Instructor, offering treatments, training in the three levels of IET, IET for Kids and IET for Pets.

Gilly is also trained to Reiki 2nd degree, offers Quantum Touch Healing, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Indian Head Massage and is an Advanced Stress Consultant; she also holds a BA (Hons) in English Studies and Politics. Gilly is based in Witney, West Oxfordshire and may be contacted on Tel: 70884 353628

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