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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 167
by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)
listed in product news, originally published in issue 167 - February 2010
The Joy of Sound Healing
When I first did singing on my sound healing training course I realized that this was unlike any other kind of singing I had done before. It was all about sharing. A sharing of love. When you vocalize in a group, especially if you are singing sacred chants, it takes you back to a place you have long since forgotten. That sense of community, of sharing something special with others.

Group Singing
We're all subjected to sounds on a daily basis. Some of this is good sound; bird song, laughter, songs we love and some of this is 'bad' sound; traffic noise, road-works, planes overhead, people arguing. We tend to absorb these sounds and they can have a detrimental effect on us.
Sound healing is a way of 're-tuning' yourself by projected good sounds back into the body. This is done through the use of voice, shakers, tuning forks, singing bowls and gongs. It's incredibly relaxing and can create a meditative state of mind. It helps with anxiety, insomnia, depression, headaches/backaches, allergies, IBS to name but a few problems. It can also help work alongside prescribed medication for sufferers of long term illnesses.
Heather Parker BA Hons MCSH trained with College of Sound Healing whose web site is full of interesting articles on sound and music. They also have courses running all over the UK. www.thecollegeofsoundhealing.co.uk
Further Information
To book for a workshop please contact Heather Parker on Tel: 01628 668802; Mob: 07793 8417; isissounds@live.co.uk www.isissounds.weebly.com
The Journey 2010 Course Schedule

Entry Level Course: The Journey Intensive
At this dynamic 2-day seminar you'll learn and experience firsthand The Journey's highly-effective
tools, which get to the root cause of longstanding issues and clears them completely, creating both emotional and physical healing. Old cell memories and limiting patterns are uncovered, resolved and cleared completely. Emotional blocks that may have held you back for years are eradicated.
Fast Track to Enlightenment
Practitioners Programme
Following the Journey Intensive you will undergo Six powerfully liberating healing Seminars and retreats followed by case studies.
Advanced Skills Workshop
An inspiring one-day seminar where you'll learn the countless powerful tools developed by Brandon in her years of private practice.
Manifest Abundance Retreat
Our most joyous and popular retreat, this 2 1/2 day retreat, At the Manifest Abundance Retreat you'll meet and uncover your deepest fears, insecurities and denials – all the ways in which we have created unconscious and destructive behaviours and shut-downs in our lives.
Healing with Conscious Communication
A powerful weekend of dynamic process work that transforms your ability to communicate consciously, elegantly and effortlessly from the deepest part of yourself.
Liberating Kids Shining Potential
A delightful and freeing day where you'll play like a child all the while learning a multitude of invaluable tools that will help you set free the boundless potential of children of all ages.
No Ego Retreat
The most powerful and revealing retreat on The Journey curriculum. You spend seven days in process in the blazing fire of truth, deconstructing the scaffolding of your false identity, your ego.
The Practitioner Training Retreat
Go from Student to Master, This Eight Day where you experience an even more Profound truth to life and further enhance you ability as a Journey Practitioner.
Further Information
Courses held throughout Europe; all courses below can be attended in the UK. Please contact The Journey on Tel: 01656 890 400; infoeurope@thejourney.com www.thejourney.com
Natural Greens Chlorella
Natural Greens have launched their new range of Natural Greens, including Chlorella, Spirulina and Wheatgrass.

Chlorella is comprised of a fibrous outer shell (20%) and nutrient rich inner (80%). The fibrous outer shell is thought to be behind Chlorella's main health benefits and it has been proven to actually bind with, and eliminate, heavy metals and toxic chemicals that can accumulate in our bodies. By cleaning the body's bloodstream this amazing little organism is able to help strengthen our body's defence system in a natural way.
Chlorella's inner nutrients are uniquely varied and make up a concentrated supply of vitamins, minerals, protein, antioxidants and chlorophyll. Research from Japan suggests that Chlorella could be effective in fighting major 'lifestyle' conditions and diseases, including reduction of body-fat percentage, cancer, heart disease and blood-glucose levels, therefore helping those suffering from Type 2 diabetes and aiding digestion by stimulating the growth of 'friendly' bacteria.
A percentage of the company's profits go to the charity Yes To Life, which helps support people with cancer in the UK in accessing Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Further Information
For more information please visit www.naturalgreens.co.uk www.yestolife.org.uk
Medical Taping Sports Injuries Course
Aneid UK presents the course Medical Taping Concept Application Techniques for Sports Injuries to be held on 27 –28 Feb at the University of Bedfordshire, Luton Campus, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3JU.

The basis for the Medical Taping Concept was laid in Japan and Korea in the seventies. At
the time, methods of taping were being developed, starting from the idea that movement and muscle activity are essential in maintaining and recovering health. The idea behind this was that muscles are not only responsible for moving the different body parts but they also control, for instance, blood and lymph circulation and body temperature. If the muscles do not function properly, it can cause a range of symptoms and complaints.
The Medical Taping Concept is based on principles that are simple to learn, and the CureTape can be applied to any region of the body, as long as the physiotherapist understands the concept and is capable in its application.
Course Programme
Recap of the Medical Taping Concept
- Concepts, theory and application techniques
- Ligament techniques
- Joint correction techniques
- Space techniques
- Fascia techniques
- Lymphatic techniques
Applications for each phase of the injury
Treatment for specific sports injuries
Dealing with different injuries specific to each sport
The course will teach combined techniques to treat pathologies of the muscles,
tendons, articulation, ligaments etc., which are specific to sports injuries.
Clinical Cases
Practical Exam
Further Information
Further information and to book, please contact Aneid UK on Tel: +44 (0)1582 485209: info@aneid.com www.aneid.com/mtc_courses.asp
The 10 Secrets of 100% Healthy People
by Patrick Holford
Published by Piatkus. 2010. £12.99. ISBN 978-0-7499-2911-4.

The 10 Secrets of 100% Healthy People (Piatkus, £12.99) is an innovative book based on feedback from the highest scorers in Britain's biggest-ever health and diet survey of over 55,000 people and analysed by nutrition expert Patrick Holford. The 100% Health Questionnaire has been developed by Patrick over many years and is available online at www.patrickholford.com
Patrick interviewed the super healthy who scored above 81% in the questionnaire and studied the differences in their habits compared with those who scored less and enjoying only average to poor health. He presents the 10 secrets to 100% health and how to devise your own 100% Health Action Plan. With in-depth questionnaires and personalised advice tailored to your results, inspiring case studies and the latest findings of nutritional science, this accessible and inspiring guide provides a practical means to transform your health at every level and for years to come.
Patrick's approach is based on the latest scientific findings and is in line with what the increasing numbers of people – who don't want a pill for every ill – are demanding. With the UK's NHS now costing over £100 billion a year, and diseases of the 21st century such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, dementia and cancer on the increase, it makes powerful sense to understand what we can do to prevent illness and to transform our health without drugs and in turn decrease the burden on the NHS.
Further Information
Available from all good book stores and from Amazon
Crocs Medical for Healthy Feet
There are 2.3 million people diagnosed with diabetes in the UK. It is not easy to find a pair of suitable shoes when you suffer from diabetes. Usually sufferers have to wear standard footwear and wait until the end of the day, when the foot is usually more swollen, to condition or repair the feet and wear soft socks.
The new Crocs Medical clogs have been specifically developed for people suffering with diabetes, and are engineered to protect and soothe the feet. They provide an original and comfortable alternative for people who must pay special attention to their feet.
The new Crocs Medical range does not 'mould' around the foot but instead, provides a gentle, seamless environment that doesn't put pressure on sensitive feet. Their protective toe area and elevated heel rim have been engineered to reduce the effects of stubbing and bruising and as they are a slip on design they minimise the risks of being too tight, cutting off circulation and injuring the foot.
The stimulation nubs on the foot bed have been smoothed and softened, so provide a gentle and safe massaging effect on the diabetic foot without causing abrasion. The foot bed has also been specially injected with silver which is known for its anti-fungal properties. This addition stops perspiration so that bacteria cannot breed and cause infection.
What's more, Crocs shoes are ultra lightweight. At only 200g a pair they prevent rubbing and foot fatigue. Combined with Crocs Diabetic Orthocloud Sock, the new Crocs Medical is the ideal footwear to protect the feet of people with diabetes.
Further Information
Crocs Medical are available on Tel: 0161 975 5384; www.lovethoseshoes.com
New Yogi Tea
New Yogi Tea® 'Fit 4 the Day' is a special edition selection pack containing four organic herbal formulas that promote wellbeing throughout four distinct phases of the day.
The Ayurvedic experts at Yogi Tea have created this special combination to help tea lovers make a great start to the New Year. The Yogi Tea Fit 4 the Day programme can be followed for six days of the week and each box also contains tips on simple yoga exercises for each day.
The four blends in each pack are designed to be consumed at specific times of the day: early morning, after lunch, mid-afternoon and late evening. The blends have been chosen for their traditional associations with the body's specific needs during these phases and help to maintain energy flow and to revive the senses.
At the start of the day, drink Yogi Tea Green Energy, a blend of green tea, kombucha and guarana. The fine taste of selected green tea and guarana helps to energise mind, body and spirit;
Yogi Tea Ginger Lemon. This blend of ginger, lemon, and hibiscus creates a feeling of lightness and helps refocus energies after lunch.
Kick-start the senses as the afternoon progresses with the Yogi Tea Heartwarming blend. The combination of chilli with the sweet taste of liquorice, aromatic basil, lemon, cardamom and orange fires up the soul and lifts the spirits.
As the day draws to a close, enjoy Yogi Tea Bedtime. A cup of its specially selected mild flavoured herbs includes fennel, chamomile, cardamom and peppermint to help the mind unwind and prepare for a relaxing night of rest.
An information leaflet is contained within each box of Yogi Tea Fit 4 the Day explaining more about the six-day programme and giving clear instructions on simple exercises.
Further Information
New Yogi Tea Fit 4 the Day is available from independent health food stores nationwide
Atrosan Devil's Claw Tablets: Backache, Rheumatic or Muscular Pain?
- Atrosan – for the relief of backache, rheumatic or muscular pain
- Made with sustainably harvested herbs

The herb Devil's Claw, found only in the deserts of southern Africa, has long been known for its beneficial properties. The increasing popularity of Devil's Claw threatens the plant with extinction and also the livelihood of the South African indigenous people who harvest it. The herb is difficult to cultivate but A.Vogel worked for several years to develop a sustainable Devil's Claw crop on a specially created farm in the Kalahari. Working with scientists and local people, a sustainable organic farming method was achieved.
Further Information
For stockists Tel: 01294 277344; www.avogel.co.uk
Montmorency Cherry Juice Aid Sleep
Between one in ten and one in twenty of us suffer from insomnia every night according to Dr Irshaad Ebrahim, Medical Director of the London Sleep Centre. The condition, caused either by stress, anxiety, being overweight or use of alcohol can lead to depression and anxiety reducing the body's immune system function.

Research now indicates that cherry juice, one of the few known sources of melatonin, can improve the body's circadian rhythms and natural sleep patterns which is good news for those who struggle to get a good night's rest. Melatonin is nature's sleep-regulating hormone. Produced naturally in the brain, its levels can be increased through introducing foods naturally rich in the hormone to the diet.
Studies at the University of Texas Health Science Centre found tart Montmorency cherries contain 13.5 nanograms (ng) of melatonin per gram, an amount higher than normally found in the human blood system. Researchers from St. Marianna University of Japan also found that melatonin is easily absorbed from the diet and enters the blood stream whilst being capable of binding to sites in the brain, indicating that consumption of tart cherry juice can raise melatonin levels in the blood, improving the body's natural sleep patterns.
Reduced melatonin levels can lead to difficulty in initiating sleep, maintaining sleep and waking too soon from sleep, all cases of insomnia. Regular sleep patterns are essential to restore energy and give the body an opportunity to detoxify and repair whilst also protecting from chronic health problems including type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Further Information
Available in two flavours – Original Cherry and Cherry & Berry from most major supermarkets.
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