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The Alexander Barrie System Of Pelvic Correction
by Alexander Barrie(more info)
listed in back pain, originally published in issue 172 - July 2010

The Ideas Introduced Exist as a Result of Previously Pursuing Three Lines of Direction:
- Observation;
- Empirical work on myself and others;
- Correction/solution.
A complete cure was always uppermost in my heart and my mind. I began to perceive that the various musculo-skeletal conditions anywhere around the body were nine out of ten times, symptoms of a dysfunctional* pelvis and not problems that were from disparate reasons.
Empirical Work on Myself, and Others
The discovery that nine out of every ten people have, in varying degrees these debilitating conditions led me to conclude that two of the most dominant pelvic lesions* were:
- Iliac (wing) osseous prolapse on one side - ('drop');
- Iliac torsion ('twist') of both ilia (wings), that is: one wing anterior the other posterior or forward torsion for one and backward torsion for the other.
Pelvic Slippage Recurs
The pelvis is the Foundation of the Skeletal Frame and the base for the 'hara' (centre of gravity of the body and the core of one's interior strength). Naturally, if the basin/pelvis that holds the 'hara' is distorted, so commonplace, then an adverse effect is to be expected in the human physiology.
When pelvic subluxation occurs, an immense strain is placed on the lumbar vertebrae/segments: because, the whole spine is sitting on a pelvis (its sacral component) that is tilted to one side, it [the spine] must therefore, bend and twist to accommodate this physiological dilemma. A pelvis should be neatly horizontal to enable the spine that sits on it to remain erect and vertical and therefore healthy.
Some Observations
- Approximately one person in five hundred suffers leg length discrepancy even after pelvic correction;
- When a pelvis is corrected and stays thus, certain medical conditions tend to clear-up;
- There are a number of different distortions a pelvis may sustain.
The Correction
Importantly, the patient may be taught the relevant techniques suitable for him. These techniques take a few minutes each day to execute and the patient is empowered now and in some control. He does not experience the impotence in not knowing what to do, once this System has been adopted. I should add that when the patient receives a clear and succinct explanation from the practitioner as to the pelvic problem involved, the patient is enthusiastic to practise the techniques to gain freedom from pain. This System does not take the place of Osteopathic or Chiropractic techniques; if anything the techniques employed by these practitioners, work more successfully when the patient looks after his own pelvis.

The Pelvic Corrector Ring Device
The Pelvic Corrector Ring Device

Testimonial Case Studies
*These equal lesions, subluxation, distortions and dysfunction of the pelvis. (All of similar meaning)
john Woodsmall said..
What happened to the "Back-Champ"?
I think I know someone who wants one.
Rachel said..
I really want to find out more about this. I live in the U.S. and have a rotated pelvis, upslip and posterior pelvic tilt on left side. All pain is on left side. Do you have a youtube video showing how to use this once purchased? Are you available to help if someone struggles to learn to properly use it?
Monica said..
I've had a short leg for many years and over the last 5 or so years, I've developed osteoarthritis on my lower left side of my back. It aches all the time but movement has not been limited up until the last few days. It aches more than usual and is going around to the front hip area. I can't bend all the way down to put on socks or shoes without pain. I've noticed over the last couple months that I feel tilted to the left more so than usual. My pelvis is definitely off balance and likely causing the short leg or maybe it's the other way around. Not sure. I'm interested in this ring corrector and anything else I can do myself. I can't afford to see a Chiropractor just yet but I need to do something in the mean time to regain normal motion.
Sharon said..
When and where is it possible to get one of your devices? and is it only suitable for a certain sized person? ie do you have to put your legs through the middle of the ring? Also, does it or can it do more harm than good to try and walk with a tilted/twisted pelvis? as I am finding it increasingly difficult to get about. When is your book going to be available to buy again please as I don't like reading books online/kindle? Thank you for your time.
Paula Murakami said..
where do get the pelvic corrector ring device? I have a twisted pelvic bone which is causing severe pain in the legs knees and shins. I have no luck finding a doctor to see for this. Only one DO here in Spokane that may help but refuses to call me for appointment after I spoke with the nurse which told me to get a referral to see him which I did and they won't call me for a appt.I have called them three times. It is a message only phone. I have given up getting any help or pain relief.