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Higher Consciousness Healing - Tara Springett and Personal Healing Symbols
by Kwami E. Nyamidie(more info)
listed in psychospiritual, originally published in issue 173 - August 2010
The biographical article tells the story of how German-born psychotherapist Tara Springett discovered Higher Consciousness Healing. Mrs Springett grew up as the unwanted child of two troubled middle-class German parents. As a teenager, Mrs Springett experienced social phobia, panic attacks, and depression. Realizing at seventeen that she needed to let go of the past and take responsibility for her life, she embarked on a spiritual journey that led her to become a psychotherapist and a Kagyu Buddhist. She got rid of much of her emotional problems except her sadness. While in the presence of a Buddhist teacher in England, she received the insight of using personal symbols for transformation. She followed her intuition and her lifelong sadness went away. Higher Consciousness Healing was born.
Tara Springett, Founder of Higher Consciousness Healing
Life's Challenges and the Higher Consciousness Healing Promise
Life is full of challenges. Finding a loving partner to share your life with, resolving conflicts with others at home and at work, making a living, staying fit and healthy, and wondering about the kind of planet you are leaving behind for posterity can be stressful and worrisome for many of us. Wouldn't it be wonderful if a way to handle these inevitable life problems with the least pain and bitterness existed?
Higher Consciousness Healing in Action
Tara Springett believes there is. The German-born psychotherapist dealt with her own challenges growing up as the unwanted child of troubled parents in the 60s and discovered a powerful method of solving emotional problems. Mrs Springett calls it Higher Consciousness Healing. In The Five-Minute Miracle: Discover the Personal Healing Symbols that Will Solve Your Problems[1] she tells how this therapeutic modality works. Higher Consciousness Healing seems simple but requires dedication to a daily practice of five minutes for two weeks. Springett says that her clients all have good results every time they use it. Sometimes the problem does not leave completely after the first two weeks. After longer practice, however, it goes away.
A client we'll call Mary, 37, had anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. When she came to see Springett, Mary had done the whole therapy circus. As far as she could remember, she had been waking up in panic. She thought her problem was incurable. Then Springett taught her the Higher Consciousness Healing method. After four weeks, Mary's depression was gone.
In The Five-Minute Miracle, Springett gives more than forty examples out of the hundreds of clients she has worked with since she discovered the method thirteen years ago.
Growing Up as an Unwanted Child
Tara Springett was the first guinea-pig of Higher Consciousness Healing. She used it to get rid of her own emotional wounds. Her parents had very difficult addiction problems. Being born a year later than her sister and because she wasn't the boy that her mother wanted, she felt rejected as a child. Since she was a wilful and difficult child, things weren't easy. "My mother didn't get along with me and she just stopped interacting with me. She ignored me. When I was in a room with her, she wouldn't communicate with me. It was as if I wasn't there," says Springett.
But her mother interacted differently with her three other siblings. In addition to the neglect, young Springett was physically abused. When she was seven, she had problems with reading which her mother tried to solve. Whenever Tara made a mistake, her mother would hit her. "I was very scared. I thought I would be beaten to death. It wasn't pleasant," Springett remembers.
Self-pity and the Discovery of Personal Responsibility
Social phobia, a compulsive eating disorder, panic attacks, and depression - Springett had it all as a young adult. She suffered from self-pity, spending her time recalling bitter memories. "Poor me, look what they've done to me," she often said to herself. Springett defined herself as a powerless victim, too damaged by her unhappy childhood. All her power was somewhere in the past and in the hands of others. When she turned twenty-seven, however, Springett made a discovery that she should never mind where the problem came from - she could still get rid of it. Although she had parents who were struggling with their own problems, Springett's childhood had a silver lining. "The greatest thing my parents gave me while I was growing up was to think for myself," Springett says. Her medical doctor mother and her physicist father didn't believe in any religion, so Springett grew up with the freedom to explore and build her own personal belief system. She learned to take responsibility for her attitude in order to rid herself of her negative feelings.
The Quest for Wholeness
Springett's young adult years took her on a self-improvement and spiritual quest. She tried out Psychotherapy, Aromatherapy, Past Life Regression, Emotion-free therapy, and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. She kept journals and practised self-observation to discover how her mind worked. Her quest took her one day to a Buddhist Temple in Heidelberg, Germany. "It was love at first sight," Springett remembers. "The very moment I entered the temple, we had a meditation and I said: 'That's it'". She has been a totally committed Buddhist since then.
That was 24 years ago. Springett meditates daily and spends her holidays and vacations on spiritual retreats. She has been the student of some of the most respected Buddhist teachers of our time. One of her teachers is Rigdzin Shikpo. Born Michael Hookham, he is one of the first Western Buddhists who studied with Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, the founder of Shambala Meditation Centers in America and Canada, as well as Naropa, the first accredited Buddhist University in North America. Michael Hookham went for a three-year retreat with Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche who changed Michael's name to Rigdzin Shikpo after his realization. He is the head of the Longchen Foundation in Great Britain.
This encounter with Buddhism and the therapies helped Springett become more self aware. In addition to her maturing process, she was able to overcome her phobias and eating disorder. Over the years, Springett remained determined to take responsibility for her life. She didn't fall back to self pity.
Springett's attitude of responsibility helped her solve many of her problems. She discovered that feeling she was in charge of her life and she must control it by herself opened the door for her to achieve anything she wants. The more responsibility she took for her life, the less self-pity she felt, and the more she freed herself from her panic, social phobia, and eating disorder.
The Breakthrough
But there was something she had not been able to overcome. "Everything else was wonderful. I had found my husband. The only things that I couldn't shake off were my depression and my feeling of self-deficiency," Springett says.The sadness always came back. Then she prayed one day: "Please help me find a way to solve this problem of sadness and depression so that I can help my clients to solve their problems."
Thirteen years ago, while listening to Rigdzin Shikpo's talk in a Buddhist temple, Springett couldn't follow what the Meditation Master was saying. She couldn't concentrate. The painful feeling of sadness had returned.
"I was trying to manipulate it inwardly. I made a few prayers again. Suddenly, I remembered this message of the symbols. I thought that I was remembering a practice I had read about. I was even certain in which book I had read it. I looked for the practice in the book and I couldn't find it. Then I thought maybe this is a new idea. Let's try it. I practised it on myself over the weekend while I was away from home and I noticed some relief. Back home, I taught my husband; he had some results. And everything expanded from there."
Inspired by the author's practice of Kagyu Buddhism, The Five-Minute Miracle describes in detail the answer that she received. To make her message attractive and practical for everybody, Springett stripped off the Tibetan language barrier.
Higher Consciousness Healing is Universal
Higher Consciousness Healing is the distilled wisdom of Buddhism but you don't have to be a Buddhist to benefit from it. "All religions say one important thing - love is the answer to our problems. We have to overcome resentments and practise forgiveness and love our enemies as Jesus said. There are different ways for people to achieve this aim. Tibetan Buddhism is one. Christianity is another."Many people who understand how higher consciousness works support Tara Springett's work. The most powerful of them is her teacher of the last ten years who lives in Chino Valley, Arizona, USA. His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche, the Tibetan-born Buddhist Master and Founder of the Garchen Institute has given his blessing to, and stamped his seal of approval on, Tara Springett's The Five-Minute Miracle, as well as supporting the practice of Higher Consciousness Healing she teaches.
Love in Action
"The essence of The Five-Minute Miracle and Higher Consciousness Healing is love," Springett says. "I made it really practical, not telling people to love, but actually giving them the steps and how to love. How to overcome the inner hurdles that might be in the way of loving your enemies or of sending love to people who have given you trouble or sending it to the part of your body that you feel pain. And so that's what I'm trying to do - giving people steps that anybody can follow no matter what kind of religious background they may have. If they are atheists, it doesn't matter. Anybody can do it; even children have solved many of their problems with this method. "
12 Steps to Higher Consciousness Healing
- Identify the uncomfortable emotion you feel (anger, sadness, or fear) and define your problem clearly;
- Measure the intensity of your emotional pain on a scale of 0 to 10. Note the number;
- Sit or lie down and relax a little;
- See or sense your higher consciousness in a way that suits you, feeling the beams of unconditional love that its presence surrounds you with;
- Ask your higher consciousness to please give you a healing symbol to overcome your suffering. The best symbols have bright colours and beautiful shapes;
- Thank your higher consciousness for the symbol;
- See your personal symbol in your heart region. When you breathe out, radiate the positive vibrations of love, comfort and happiness of your symbol throughout your body. Let these qualities form a bubble of light around your body, the diameter of your outstretched arms. See the colour and brightness of the symbol that you received;
- Wish yourself to be happy and see your higher consciousness sending you love;
- Direct healing light to the part of your body where you feel pain;
- If others are involved in your problem, while you breathe out, see them enveloped in another bubble of love, comfort and happiness. Wish them happiness. If someone has hurt you, imagine that they would regret what they have done if they were deeply happy;
- Practise this for two minutes twice a day for two weeks;
- At the end of two weeks, measure the intensity of your emotional pain on a scale of 0 to 10. Compare this with your beginning emotional state. (See # 2 above)
1. Springett, Tara. The Five-Minute Miracle: Discover the personal healing symbols that will solve your problems. Weiser Books. San Francisco. ISBN-10: 157863458X. 2009.Acknowledgment
Abridged and adapted with permission from The Five-Minute Miracle: Discover the personal healing symbol that will solve your problems.Comments:
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