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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 193

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 193 - April 2012

Cetuem Myo-Gel Ice Pack

Cetuem Myo-gel ice pack is ideal for the relief of muscle aches and joint discomfort associated typically with minor backache, tendonitis muscle over-use, strains/stress and sports injuries.

Cetuem Myo-Gel Ice Pack

Cetuem Myo-gel ice pack can also help to relieve pain caused by Arthritis and Neuropathy. Simply apply to the sore spot. After 2-3 applications, maximum benefit will be felt. Cetuem Myo-gel ice pack is the pain reliever that works, which explains why it is used and recommended by professional health practitioners and organisations. Cetuem Myo-gel ice pack was tested in a recent clinical trial at the University of Hertfordshire by Professor Tim Watson and Regd. Osteopath Martin Lester. It was shown to be an effective coupling agent for use with ultrasound, adding to its pain relieving qualities.

What makes Cetuem Myo-Gel so unique?

It retains its consistency and does not have to be wiped off following treatment thus enhancing the healing mechanism of the gel. Cetuem Myo-Gel Ice Pack, when dispensed from a tub/tube affords the practitioner the opportunity to create a more thorough experience by massaging the affected area following treatment. This hands-on application also reinforces touch which has been shown to be very important in the healing cycle. Cetuem Myo-Gel Ice Pack contains natural camphor, menthol, spearmint oil, allantoin and pure aloe vera. It has a pleasant spearmint aroma which naturally evaporates cooling tissue that is swollen and inflamed. By this process the pain eases allowing tissues to move more easily.

How Cetuem Myo-Gel works:

With any sprain, strain or bruise there is some bleeding into the underlying tissues. This may cause swelling, pain and delay healing. Cetuem Myo-Gel Ice Pack treatment may be used in both the immediate treatment of soft tissue injuries and in later rehabilitation. The aim is to limit the body’s response to tissue injury. Cetuem Myo-Gel Ice Pack will:

  • Reduce bleeding into tissues.
  • Prevent or reduce swelling.
  • Reduce muscle spasm & pain.
  • Reduces pain by numbing the area.
  • Limits the effects of swelling.
  • These effects all help to prevent the area from becoming stiff by reducing excess tissue fluid that gathers as a result of injury and inflammation.
  • Can be used as a coupling gel with all leading ultra sound machines. Cetuem Myo Massage Oil 150ml bottles

Cetuem Myo-products produces two types of oil.

  1. Cetuem Myo-Massage oil contains a blend of oils including for deep tissue work.
  2. Cetuem Myo-Detox Oil which is also a blend of oils  more suitable for reducing swollen limbs and lymphatic drainage

Further Information

For further information or to purchase Myo-Gel please contact David Lintonbon at Cetuem on Tel: 0203 390 1784;



Healthy Living Space Foundation Courses -  Life education in the build environment

1, 2 and 6 Day Courses: Monday April 16th to Wednesday April 25th 2012

 Lecturer: Wolfgang Sievers -Building Biologist

Health Leads logo

Our modern world and the build environment have presented us with increasing health and ecological hazards. The result is that Western diseases of civilization have multiplied over the past 100 years, ranging from cancers to debilitating sicknesses such as ME, MS, to a multiplicity of gut problems and allergies. Many of these can be traced to the modern build environment, our increasing exposure to electromagnetic radiation and the indiscriminate use of untested advanced technology including many hazardous chemicals.

Our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing depend to a large extent on our ability to bring about fundamental changes to combat these hazards. The aim of this course is to provide the knowledge and tools we need to take steps to ensure our homes and workplaces are safe and conducive to continued good health.

The 1, 2, and 6 day courses will analyze (to a greater or lesser extent) the damaging effects of electro-smog including alternating electric and magnetic fields, pulsed high frequency fields and geopathic stress. They will also address the issue of the build environment in a wider sense examining air quality and humidity along with the presence of moulds and toxins and construction materials.

Venue: Health Leads UK Ltd


1 day Course £140.00

2 day Course £280.00

6 day Course £840.00

Further Information

For further information regarding these courses, please contact Health Leads UK Ltd, Horeb Business Park, Horeb, Llandysul, SA44 4JG. Tel: 0845 345 8880 or 01559 364 711; 



Inner Change Self-Hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is a very safe and effective personal development tool. It can help to reduce stress, boost self-confidence, improve sleep and change unwanted habits.

Innerchange Banner

Innerchange Personal Development Programmes offer a range of professional quality self-hypnosis audio CDs and self-hypnosis workshops.  The workshops are run by Kathy Stephenson, a senior lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University and the Course Leader of BA (Hons) in Education Studies with Psychology and Counselling. Kathy is an Advanced Cognitive Hypnotherapist and NLP Master Practitioner and has many years of experience running a private therapy practice. She has developed the Innerchange range of high quality professional CDs and self-hypnosis workshops by drawing on her combined experience as an educationalist and successful therapist

Innerchange self-hypnosis CDs range has been developed using a combination of hypnotherapeutic suggestions, NLP techniques, and creative visualisation and soothing music to help to guide you into a state of complete mental and physical relaxation. Each CD is professionally recorded and lasts approximately 40 minutes with an accompanying booklet. There are ten titles in the range including Effective Stress Management, Inner Calm Inner Confidence,  Deep Relaxing Sleep and Health and Wellbeing. Innerchange is offering Positive Health PH Online readers a special discount on all CDs in the range available from the online shop  at a special discount of £5 off each CD with promo code SH250.

Innerchange Self-Hypnosis workshops currently run in the heart of the beautiful Peak District and also Manchester. Kathy developed and ran Sheffield Hallam University’s Certificate of Higher Education in Hypnotherapy for four years and has now transferred her hypnotherapy training skills into this high quality self-hypnosis weekend. You will learn through a combination of explanation, practice and demonstration. The workshop offers you the opportunity to receive training of a high professional standard to enable you to develop an understanding and practical application of the benefits of hypnotherapy. The weekend will be the start of an exciting, stimulating and personally rewarding journey. Transformation happens on an unconscious level and opens the way for new possibilities. You will learn practical skills for life that will enable you to make beneficial changes from within. Innerchange is offering Positive Health PH Online readers a special discount on the self-hypnosis workshops. Details and booking are available from the workshop page  at a special discount of £5O off with promo code SH500.

Further Information

Details of the forthcoming workshops and the self-hypnosis CD range are available from 



Claudia Louch, CEO  & Practitioner, Phyto Klinikum Ltd

Claudia Louch BSc Hons MCPP MSc MPharm MNutr PGCert MBasl  is a health scientist with a background in Advanced Dermatology Practice, Pharmacology, Allergology, Clinical Nutrition and Medicinal Plant Science.


Claudia Louch

Claudia studied Phytomedicine (Botanical Medicine) at one of the leading recognised universities in the country offering this specialisation, where she attained a Bachelor of Science, Honours Degree. An indispensable core to her studies was a rigorous, three-year clinical training program, at the University’s walk-in Polyclinic and the successful achievement in her final viva-exam, chaired by a UK qualified GP, in clinical diagnosis and natural plant treatments. She further developed her scientific studies through the attainment of a Masters from the Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Kings College London. As a result she is one of a small group of medical professionals in the country enabled to diagnose, formulate and dispense botanical medicines to qualified patients.

At her clinic, her approach is disciplined and scientific, combining physical examination, investigation of life-style and eating habits, laboratory blood tests and other cutting edge diagnostic tools, all designed to ascertain, to the fullest possible extent, the underlying causes of illness & ailments, whilst following the fundamental principle, of treating the body, as a whole.

This enables Claudia to formulate treatments, both internal and external, to remedy a wide range of conditions, extending from nutritional or hormonal focused ailments, the most common of which is weight loss, to a wide range of skin ailments, such as acne, seborrhoeaic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, scars and age related skin deterioration. Any resulting diets and nutritional support programmes are customized specifically for the patient, as are a range of bespoke treatments in natural dermatology for chronic skin conditions and personalised skin care regimes.

Importantly, her background and understanding of pharmacology enables Claudia to advise patients of potential interactions between plant based and allopathic medicines to the benefit of the individual. She therefore effectively bridges the boundaries of natural and conventional medication.

The results from her clinic provide significant evidence as to the efficacy of her approach, standing as a health scientist and success as a contemporary practitioner in natural, plant based treatments; all of which are being increasingly sought by an ever increasing, and more knowledgeable population, desiring greater control of their health quality and improvement in wider life prospects.  

Further Information

Please contact  Claudia Louch at Phyto Klinkum: 10 Harley Street, London W1G 9PF.

Tel: 020 7467 1539;



The Really Healthy Company

The Really Healthy Company is a London-based health company that specializes in introducing leading-edge and research-based natural nutritional supplements into the UK and Europe.

Really Healthy Company

The Company started organically in 1995 - more from the directors' personal obsessions with natural health than as a business enterprise - introducing algae and other green foods into the UK retail markets. Since that time they have slowly and consciously built up their product line, choosing only products that they believe can make a real difference to customers' lives, and products manufactured to the highest standards and which contain specialist natural and nutritional ingredients. (Selling products just for the sake of profit has never been their goal, and this business was not incubated from a dry business plan, but rather from the burning desire to promote natural health and nutritional solutions, and from the help and encouragement of kind people along the way.)

Today, their product range is still relatively small, and they now have a large and loyal customer base, which includes many high-profile practitioners (including medical doctors), clinics and shops; their speciality products are available in some of the leading trade catalogues.

The cornerstone of The Really Healthy Company's growth over the years has been their personal and professional service, and their commitment to natural health education - helping to sponsor speakers and conferences. If they do not have the information or product that you are looking for, they are happy to direct you to where you might find it.

Further Information

If you have questions about our products, or any health / food supplement related matter, please contact The Really Healthy Company on Tel: 020 8480 1000;



ASCT - Active School of Complementary Therapy

ASCT is a family run school which started up 8 years ago, initially working with the local college delivering VCTC courses, then developing into a privately run school offering a variety of courses and workshops.

Active School of Cmplementary Medicine

ACST aims to make all their courses and workshop enjoyable with a friendly and enthusiastic atmosphere. Their principal Course is the ISRM/BTEC Sports and Remedial Massage Diploma (Level 5) which has been running for the past four years.  Also running alongside this is a Bridging Programme for practitioners already qualified to Level 3 or 4, to progress to Level 5.

ACST also offers CPD Workshop and Courses, giving the prospective and qualified massage therapist a high level of tutoring in a training environment where the emphasis is on self-development. Training courses and workshops emphasize the development of an holistic perspective. For those just starting out their aim is to train you to work safely and effectively with clients from all walks of life. ASCT courses aim to create a complete practitioner with good career potential.

ASCT tutors and visiting presenters are successful practitioners from various fields of Complementary Health, Fitness, Exercise, and Sport. They will attempt to teach our students to the same professional standard they employ. All have well-established practices of their own, and have worked at the highest level of human performance. They all have a great depth of practical knowledge in all aspects of their work and can offer extensive hands-on experience.

Further Information

For more information or to speak with the Principal directly, ACST will be at the Holistic Health show at the NEC on 13/14th May on Stand E12, or contact ACST on Tel: 01509 551513;



Arabic Alchemy and Spagyrics

7-14th July 2012 - in Spain

This is a unique one week course on Arabic Alchemy and Spagyrics as practised in Al Andalus from the 9th until the 15th century by the so called ‘hakims’ or wisemen..... doctors, philosophers and spiritual advisors to both Sultans and ordinary folk. The course is based on knowledge recently uncovered and translated from manuscripts written or translated in Al Andalus and guarded after the Reconquest in Philip the Second`s palace of El Escorial, itself constructed according to alchemical principals.


Spanglish Logo


The course will provide 20 hours of ‘classroom’ theory and practice and numerous activities and excursions. Yoga classes and treatments are also offered.

Accommodation is available as an option in self catering apartments (or equivalent) in the town of Alhaurin de la Torre, situated 10-15 minutes by car from the airport, Malaga city and the beaches of the Costa del Sol. Course tuition will take place in a typical Spanish villa where participants can enjoy the garden and swimming pool whilst attending classes.

Course Tutor

Lawrence Body is a qualified holistic therapist and naturopath, specializing in aromatic and medicinal plants with over 20 years of practical experience working in natural health and healing centres and spas, both in England and Spain. Lawrence leads regular courses on Alchemy (Spagyrics), Ayurveda, Bach Flowers, Massage, Aromatherapy, Business Awareness and is a master instructor of Integrated Energy Therapy.( ) His experience of pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela led him to write a book entitled The Lotus that blossoms on the Camino - which studies the relationship between the chakras and the pilgrimage route. He is also an English teacher at Malaga University, co-ordinating study courses to  his home town, Plymouth and leading students to pass the Cambridge examinations. ( ).

Further Information

Please contact Lawrence Body of Spanglish tours on Tel: 0034696369040;



Sports Injuries: A Self-Help Guide

by Vivian Grisogono

Published by Lotus Publishing. 2012. Softback. £11.69. ISBN: 1905367287.

Sport Injuries: A Self-Help Guide second edition by Vivian Grisogono was published in February 2012 by Lotus Publishing. The first edition sold successfully globally for over 25 years, having been translated into several languages.


Sports Injuries book cover

The second edition is updated with a wealth of completely new material, including rewritten text for the modern sportsperson, anatomical colour illustrations and rehabilitation exercises. It gives a top-to-toe description of the most common injuries which can affect the body, alongside more unusual ones, with simple, safe advice on how to cope with each ailment.

Sports Injuries: A Self Help Guide includes clear and accurate diagrams of the body’s anatomy as well as 300 rehabilitation exercises covering every part of the body. The opening chapters explore injuries, fitness and health, diagnosis, rehabilitation and self-help. Separate chapters then cover injuries and rehabilitation for each part of the body, starting at the foot. The concluding chapter covers the final recovery phase, leading to full fitness, as well as an all important section on injury prevention.

Sports Injuries: A Self-Help Guide is uniquely comprehensive; perfect for anyone suffering from a physical injury, and for everyone involved in injury prevention, sport and health promotion. The book is an invaluable resource for keep-fit enthusiasts, sports participants, competitors, coaches, personal trainers, PE teachers, sports scientists, sports therapists, sports students, sporting organizations, and parents of sporting children. It is also an excellent reference tool for medical professionals and physical therapists dealing with sports and trauma.           

About the Author

Vivian Grisogono specializes in the treatment and prevention of sports injuries, and the promotion of fitness and good health. In practice for over 35 years, she has published nine books, written extensively on health and injuries in journals, magazines and newspapers, and done live and recorded broadcasts on radio and television. She set up the full-time sports injuries clinic at the Crystal Palace National Sports Centre in London, has been British Olympic team physiotherapist, and was the first physiotherapist to be awarded an honorary lectureship to the London Hospital Sports Medicine Diploma Course for doctors. For further information, visit

Further Information

Available from Amazon and Lotus Publishing



Aromatherapy vs MRSA: Antimicrobial Essential Oils to Combat the Superbug

by  Maggie Tisserand

Published by The Clarity Press. 2011. Softback. £9.95. ISBN: 0956894100.

Aromatherapy is a household word and everyone knows that lavender oil is soothing and relaxing, however, not so well appreciated are the antimicrobial properties of essential oils.  Aromatherapy vs MRSA - by best-selling international writer Maggie Tisserand - details several anti-bacterial oils, all of which have been scientifically proven to kill or inhibit the growth of MRSA.  Included is recent research from the University of Brighton, demonstrating that in a laboratory setting, MRSA bacteria can be killed within two hours.


Aromatherapy vs MRSA Book Cover


The book has been researched over several years; Maggie’s ability to present complex material in a very accessible style will ensure that this book is understood and appreciated by a wide general audience.

  • Browse Part One to learn the history of MRSA;
  • Read Part Two to find out which essential oils can be used against the superbug;
  • Dip into Part Three for practical and simple to use information that could help you or your loved ones (including family pets) stay healthy. The section “Before Going Into Hospital” contains a wealth of advice that could minimize the chances of picking up an infection.

When it is now incumbent upon members of the public to be MRSA-free before being admitted to hospital for elective surgery or face having their surgery cancelled, Aromatherapy vs MRSA is essential reading.

Further Information

Available from  and Amazon:




  1. Andrew J. Cutler D.B.Th; MIRCH; MCMA said..

    The article naming Claudia Louch states that she is among a small group of medical professionals in the country enabled to diagnose, formulate and dispense botanical medicines to qualified patients.
    It may be worthy of note that ALL fully trained and qualified Registered Medical Herbalists are also among this group of medical professionals!
    I would advise those people interested in talking to one of our member practitioners to contact the International Register of Consultant Herbalists and Homeopaths (IRCH). We specialise in the training of traditional herbalists who are particularly qualified in both botanical science and pharmacology.
    Andrew J. Cutler, Registered Medical herbalist and member of the Complimentary Medical Association

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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes

    Dr Stossier Orthomolecular Medicine UK Seminar

    Dr Haral Stossier from the Viva Mayr Clinic in Austria and Tracy S Gates are presenting a seminar on 21-22 April on Orthomolecular Medicine. The Seminar will be held at the Phoenix Health & Body Centre, Weald House in Southwater, West Sussex. Topics to be covered over the weekend include: Principles and introductory information; the history of Orthomolecular medicine; diet and nutrition; acid and alkaline balancing diet; important laboratory tests – interpretation and analysis; effects and interactions of different orthomolecular substances; heavy metals; Orthomolecular disturbances and possible therapy blockades; therapy management for stress related diseases; burnout, glandular system and how to use Pure Bio test kits.


    Further information Tel: 01273 945118; or


    FAST Fascial Release Seminar

    Marjorie Brook, international Educator/Therapist based in the USA, is returning to the UK to offer her FAST Release Method courses in Scar Tissue Release and Integrated Therapeutic Stretching in London, Southampton and Glastonbury. The FAST Release method is a unique and effective modality for freeing facial restriction, alleviating pain from scars and adhesions, it is an intricate form of stretching/strengthening that works with the body, not against it, providing immediate increased range of motion and restored balance. Seminars will take place on 19-22 April at the London School of Osteopathy, London; on 27-30 June at The Mo’Club, Southampton and 2-5 July at The Goddess Hall, Glastonbury.


    Further information Tel: 00-1-516-409-1240


    Show Up and Shine – Avril Carson and Ola Adumosu

    Success Intelligence and The Happiness Project present Show Up and Shine with Avril Carson and Ola Adumosu on 25 April at the Columbia Hotel, London. Main themes include: First Impressions; Non-verbal Communication; The Power of Language; Stress Management and Influence and Inspirational Speaking. The day long seminar will be fun and invaluable to anyone who wants to think about the effect they are having, is willing to be even more authentic, wants to feel more free and truly raise their game in showing up fully in their lives.


    Further information Tel: 0845 4309236


    Plant Flavonoid Luteolin Blocks Cell Signalling Pathways in Colon Cancer Cells

    Luteolin is a flavonoid commonly found in fruit and vegetables. This compound has been shown in laboratory conditions to have anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-cancer properties, but results from epidemiological studies have been less certain. New research published in BioMed Central’s open access journal BMC Gastroenterology shows that luteolin is able to inhibit the activity of cell signalling pathways (IGF and PI3K), important for the growth of cancer in colon cancer cells. Colon cancer is the second most frequent cause of cancer-related death in the Western World.


    Further information Tel: 020-3192 2370;


    Kiwiherb’s Handy Hints – Manuka Paint

    Kiwiherb’s Phil Rasmussen, the respected New Zealand Medical Herbalist and creator of the Kiwiherb Herbal Remedies range, provides a guide of when and where to use the natural healing properties of his unique first aid solution, Manuka Paint. This natural, high potency formulation combines the herbal extracts of Manuka, horopito and thyme with therapeutic Manuka oil, to deliver a powerful yet gentle first aid solution that is beneficial for any condition where the skin is broken, infected or inflamed, as well as fungal infections of the skin or nails. It can be used on cuts and grazes, bacterial infections, athlete’s foot, vaginal thrush, ringworm and warts.


    Further information: Available from health stores nationwide, from Lifeplan Products Ltd on Tel: 01455 556281;  and Amazon


    European College of K-Practic ECKP

    ECKP can teach you, as a Practitioner of any branch of natural treatment, effective and safe techniques to alleviate back, neck and limb pain. You can buy training DVDs of the techniques or can enrol in a two year course after which, ECKD will license you to practice as a fully trained K-Practic Therapist anywhere in the world. You can gain 30 points towards the 200 points required for you K-Practic licence by attending Dr Tedd Koren’s KST seminar in London, Gatwick on 9-10 June.


    Further information: Please contact Dr Ronnie Turner on Tel: 00353 1 2893147; 


    Prescription Medication may be Underlying Hypertension Cause

    Stress, kidney failure and endocrine tumours are the usual suspects for high blood pressure, but could the common pain killers in your medicine cabinet be to blame? Many common over-the-counter and prescription medications can be the underlying cause of hypertension says Prof Ehud Grossman of Tel Aviv University’s Sackler Faculty of Medicine. In his recent research published in the American Journal of Medicine, he warns that while many of the chemicals in these drugs can raise blood pressure, both patients and Doctors remain dangerously uninformed.


    Further information 


    Reflexology  Technique and Osteopathic Palpation Seminar

    Margaret Finch and David Lintonbon will be holding a Seminar on Reflexology Techniques and Osteopathic Palpation of the Feet and Lower Extremity on 27 April at the London School of Osteopathy, London SE1. CPD Certificate for 6 hours at the end of the day.  Lunch and tea and coffee will be provided plus a goodie bag to the value of £30.00.


    Further information Tel: 07958 488784


    International Conference on Integrative Medicine

    The International Conference on Integrative Medicine is taking place in Jerusalem on 13-15 May 2012 and will focus on integrating conventional and alternative medicine in all fields.


    Further information:


    The Rise of Food Intolerance

    The BBC has reported that the number of people who believe they have food allergy or intolerance has risen dramatically over the last few years. Experts have noted that there is a trend towards self-diagnosis as well as great confusion on the difference between allergy and intolerance, resulting in people following unnecessarily restricted diets. Commenting on the article, Dr Gill Hart, Scientific Director at YorkTest Laboratories said that Allergy UK estimates that 45% of the population suffer from food intolerance. Food intolerances are different from allergies; reactions are much more delayed and in some cases take up three days to manifest themselves. The symptoms of food intolerance are also bewilderingly varied and can include stomach problems, migraines, eczema, fatigue and joint pain.


    Further information: Freephone 0800 074 6185 (UK only) or +44 (0)1904 410 410;


    The Allergy and Free From Show

    The Allergy and Free From Show is Europe’s number one event for anyone with allergies or intolerances. The event aims to improve your quality of life if you live with an allergy and discover solutions to your problems so that you can take control. The show returns to Olympia, London from 18-20 May in the New West Hall. Premier exhibitors, top health professionals, private freely available consultations, interactive workshops and inspiring free from cooking lessons are available at the show.


    Further information Tel: +44 (0)1442 289 920


    Revitalise With Rosehip

    Recent research has shown that rosehip could be the secret weapon in the fight against ageing skin. The new Phytacol Skincare range harnesses the benefits of the fruit to help keep your skin in tip top condition and has already been winning applaud amongst women up and down the country. Rosehips are full of nutrients which are important for healthy skins such as vitamin B3 and C; recent research has shown the fruit can really help with skincare. The new Phytacol skincare range which consists of PhytaOil, PhytaLotion and PhytaOil Sport combines rosehip oil with vitamins A and E and the natural oils of apricot kernel, jojoba seed, lavender, lime and geranium to create a powerful skincare range which helps the skin’s regenerative and toning process.


    Further information:


    Mind Body Spirit London Festival 2012

    The Mind Body Spirit London Festival is changing location this year to Earls Court from 30 May to 4 June. The new, bigger venue promises an enhanced visitor experience with its increased number of marketplace stalls and specialized areas that foster an open, friendly environment. Additional free activities for 2012 include the new chill out Mantra Lounge for sound healings and guided meditations, as well as the Yoga Shala offering classes, taster sessions and tips from some of London’s finest teachers.


    Further information Tel: 020-7371 9191;


    Association for Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) Support Inc Global Ladies Ride

    One of the Association for Pelvic Organ Prolapse Support Inc’s fundraising events for 2012 is the Global Ladies Ride, for those who are motorcycle enthusiasts. Men are invited too, but they would like ladies to lead the rides if possible. June is POP Awareness Month and the organisation would like WOW charters, women’s bike organizations, bike dealerships and HOG groups to organise individual rides on 16 June 2012. Your organisation’s ride will be listed on APOPS website with a link to your website. Lady riders will lead the pack plus singles and couples are needed.


    Further information:


    Inspiration following Brain Tumour

    Lorraine Kemble was diagnosed with a serious brain tumour in her early twenties. Three operations left her unable to function and fighting considerable brain damage. She had to start from scratch and still continues to face many challenges in her daily life. As a result, she wanted to transform her negative experiences into the positive and so she created a website. As a great believer in natural, holistic remedies for the treatment of chronic illness, she has produced many articles on the role and effectiveness of a wide variety of alternative therapies as well as news of current medical research.


    Visit Lorraine’s website Further information:


    The Greener Way To Relax

    A new study has shown that a natural chemical found in green tea could be the secret to staying calm this spring. The researches looked at the effects of a green tea extract called Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) on human brain activity and how it affects people’s moods. Tea experts Natur Boutique have recently launched a specific ‘Relax’ blend of Lotus Green Tea. The tea is a unique blend of green tea that has been infused with the floral scent of the lotus flower, which itself is associated with relaxation and a feeling of calm.


    Further information: 020-8978 3740;


    Brain and Behaviour: A Nutritional Perspective: 8-9 June

    Organized by Colin Nicholls of Phytotherapy Resources, this seminar presented by Kate Neil MSc MBANT NTCC aims to provide Practitioners with a range of personalised nutrition interventions based on identified biochemical imbalances  supported by laboratory assessments. Practitioners should have an understanding of nutritional imbalances common in mental health problems where nutrition may play a role, including: cognitive decline, depression, learning and behavioural problems and psychotic illness. The seminar is open to MDs, Medical Herbalists, Nutritionists, Osteopaths, TCM and Ayurvedic Practitioners, Acupuncturists and other appropriately qualified Practitioners, students of these disciplines (year 2+ only) also welcome.


    Further information: Tel:  01892 547628 / 07802 494310;   

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