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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 200

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 200 - November 2012

Yoga Reduces Stress and Back Pain at Work

New UK research shows that yoga can reduce perceived stress and back pain at work.

yoga research

Stress and back pain are two key factors leading to sickness absence at work, costing the British economy an estimated £17 billion per year.  This study by researchers at Bangor University suggests to employers that wellbeing programs that include yoga can have a significant impact not only in reducing stress, but also in preventing back pain. 

More than 80 participants in the study were recruited from Conwy County Council and randomized into a yoga group who received one 50 minute Dru Yoga session each week for 8 weeks along with a 20 min DVD for home practice, while a control group who received no intervention.

Dru Yoga is one of the UK’s largest schools of yoga, and includes therapeutic stretches and postures to ease back pain, flowing movements designed to relieve stress, and breathing exercises which calm the mind.

When compared with the control group, the yoga group scores were significantly lower for perceived stress, back pain, sadness and hostility, and much higher for feeling self-assured, attentive and serene. 

Susan Williams, a Community Engagement Officer for Conwy County Council who participated in the yoga group, said:  “I found that the Dru Yoga programme had a positive influence on my level of confidence.  I felt more in control, ready, aware, dynamic, even recognizing my own power.  I was happier, and it was so much easier to manage my circumstances.”

The study authors concluded: "The results indicate that a workplace yoga intervention can reduce perceived stress and back pain and improve psychological wellbeing.

"Larger randomised controlled trials are needed to determine the broader efficacy of yoga for improving workplace productivity and reducing sickness absence."

The study was published on-line in September in the Journal of Occupational Medicine (Oxford University Press).

Further Information

More information about Dru Yoga is available at


Iron Mill Institute Accredited Training in Integrative Counselling & Psychotherapy


The Iron Mill is a long established educational organisation specialising in mental health and wellbeing training programmes and is a place of high professional standards. Our head office is based in Exeter in Devon and has been established for almost thirty years.

Iron Mill Logo

The Institute offers a range of nationally and internationally accredited trainings in Integrative Counselling, Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy, Gestalt Psychotherapy and Supervision. Iron Mill also offers specialist applications of clinical skills for those professionals working with Children and Adolescents, and a variety of CPD courses, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), support for written assignments workshops and introductory weekends. They are delighted to be a partnership organisation with the University of Worcester enabling them to deliver Post Graduate courses leading to a Masters Award in Integrative Counselling.

Iron Mill staff and students work within a culture of courtesy, care and creativity and there is a strong sense of a learning community as graduates return frequently to maintain contact or to participate in professional development programmes.

In order for students to complete their professional registration with the BACP, UKCP and other relevant awarding organisations,  Iron Mill training programmes cover a wide range of theoretical applications and are regularly updated in line with current theories, research and legislation.

Iron Mill’s professional training is delivered by qualified, experienced practitioners and tutors who all contribute their own specialist areas of expertise and creativity to the programme. Their outstanding reputation has been built over the last three decades; graduates continue to achieve success on entering the profession and secure employment across a wide variety of organizations.

Further Information

For more information on how to make the change to a more rewarding career path, please contact Iron Mill Institute on Tel: 01392-219200;


Scottish School of Hypnotherapy Short and Taster Courses

Quality training in Clinical Hypnotherapy since 1989

If you are considering training in clinical hypnotherapy you will wish to avoid confusing and misleading information.

Scottish School of Hypnotherapy

Attend one of the Scottish School of Hypnotherapy ‘taster’ courses where we can provide you with guidance and support in the selection appropriate training, ensuring that your choice of training provider is an informed one.

Introduction To Hypnotherapy

1-day courses are offered in various city venues:

  • 24th November 2012 - Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh;
  • 16th February 2013 – Brentwood Hotel, Aberdeen.

Introduction To Hypnotherapy

Two day residential courses are offered at the School in Argyll where you are able to sample training facilities and accommodation as well as enjoy Glorious Glendaruel.

Upcoming dates:

  • 18th (eve only), 19th & 20th Jan 2013;
  • 17th (eve only) 18th & 19th May 2013;
  • 13th (eve only) 14th  & 15th  Sept 2013.

Further Information

For further information please contact us on Tel: 01369-820172 or email on


Notes on Meditation

by Allan Armstrong

Published by Imagier Publishing. 2011. Softback. £9.50. ISBN-10: 0955841577.

Notes on Meditation is an introduction to some of the primary concepts, principles, techniques and exercises of the Order of Dionysis and Paul’s system and approach to Meditation.

Notes on Meditation

There are two themes running through this book. The first is concerned with the biological and psychodynamic factors that stand as obstacles in the way of being effective in meditation, and provides simple methods and techniques to enable the practitioner to recognise, understand and overcome such obstacles and harness the extraordinary potential of the mind and soul. The second is concerned with describing the simple methods of meditation used within the Order of Dionysis and Paul.

The material in this book is presented as a series of modules that may be undertaken either by an individual, or used by a group and requires no further knowledge than is provided in each module. The work is self-explanatory and easy to engage with.

Author/s Allan Armstrong is the Prior of the Order of Dionysius & Paul, a position he has held since 1991. The ODP is a Religious Order dedicated to the contemplative life and the study of Comparative Religion, Mythology and Symbolism.

His life’s work is devoted to developing a greater understanding of the spiritual life and the path of spiritual perfection in the context of the Order curriculum. His research interests reflect this in his a life long study of Spiritual Disciplines; Prayer & Meditation; Ritual; Healing; Kabbalah and Mysticism

He has written introductions to the following books: A Handbook of Mystical Philosophy by G. B. Scaramelli; Dionysius the Areopagite on the Divine Names translated by C.E. Rolt; Prayer by Dudley Wright; The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage by Jan van Ruysbroeck, and Father Lazarus’ translation of On the Prayer of Jesus by Ignatius Brianchaninov.

Further Information

Meditation Groups using Notes on Meditation as a guide:

Meditation Room Bude:

Meditation Room Bristol:

Available from Amazon and from Imagier Publishing



Sweet Cures of York – Sugars that Heal for Bladder, Blood Sugar, Immune, Teeth and Bone Health

Sweet Cures®, based where the old sugar factory in York used to be, specializes in sugars that heal; these are essential sugars such as Waterfall D-Mannose, D Ribose, L-Arabinose, D-Xylose etc.


Does Waterfall D Mannose® work more effectively in the long term than Antibiotics?

The trouble with antibiotics for UTIs (urinary tract infections) is that they are seen as a panacea rather than being used appropriately as absolutely necessary. Doctors say that they are already under huge pressures at work, and just don’t have the time to argue with patients who start begging for antibiotics as soon as they feel ill.  Antibiotics save millions of lives every year, but there is another, worrying side to the over-use of antibiotics that is not always appreciated.

The bacteria that typically infect us are growing more and more resistant to antibiotics, with the result that there are now E.coli bugs, such as the potentially deadly strain, 0157:H7 that are gaining resistance to almost everything medically available, including broad-spectrum antibiotics. In addition, according to Drug Watch, adverse effects are reported by 35% of women using antibiotics. However, side effects are often delayed, with the result that both patients and doctors do not always associate new symptoms with the antibiotics that have caused those symptoms.

“Doctors are increasingly interested in a way to flush E. coli from the bladder completely,” Anna Sawkins says, “rather than just kill off some and leave resistant E.coli to begin to re-populate the bladder with resistant clones.”

There are other Sweet Cures superb products frequently bought alongside Waterfall D-Mannose. Customers use naturally produced Xylotene™ and High Carvacrol, Organic Oregano Oil for bacterial infections other than E coli. To rapidly restore the gut to a healthy balance, Sweet Cures Special Probiotic Blend has proved immensely popular; to monitor progress the dedicated Quickly Test™ Urine Test Strips 5V® quickly show the presence of infection along with other vital indicators.

Sweet Cures also have products that can help manage hunger cravings and act as an aid to weight loss (Diabetrose®). Taken half an hour before meals, glycogen uptake is controlled. HEDR® High Energy D Ribose, another pure-sourced product is widely used for a healthy heart and muscles.

Further Information

For more information please contact Sweet Cures on Tel: 01904-789559; or visit   or


Elena’s Nature Collection- Award Winning Skincare

Last year, in September, we were awaiting voters’ results from Imperfectly Natural, a company promoting all natural and eco friendly products run by Radio 2’s Janey Lee Grace. Much to our extreme happiness and pride our Illumination Cream won the Platinum Award for the best Problem Skin Moisturiser. This year we are very happy and proud to announce that we have won TWO Platinum Awards!

2012 award Elena's Nature Collection

1st AWARD: Best Eye Makeup Remover - Our testers loved this natural eye makeup remover and found it particularly good for removing mascara.

Elena’s latest product in the range, ‘Eye Makeup Remover’ is carefully designed to be chemical free, milky and creamy, full of goodies to enhance the fragile eye lids, and moisturise the eyelashes as well as obviously removing mascara safely and efficiently. Indeed everyone loves it and it does exactly that! It also lasts a long time, so the cost is more than reasonable. Ingredients included in this product are: Aloe Vera which is soothing and moisturising, Calendula flower extract which is calming and known to have anti-inflammatory properties, and Ricinus (Castor) Oil which helps breakdown the mascara.

2nd AWARD: Readers Award - Best intensive moisturiser, Elena’s Illumination Cream.

Originally, this product was formulated as an alternative to Elena’s Eureka Cream which is ideal for stubborn and sensitive areas suffered by people who may be prone to eczema or psoriasis.

Illumination Cream is full of beneficial oils such as Jojoba, Wheat germ and Olive Oils, is easily absorbed by the skin to quickly transform it to look healthy soft and moisturised. Again, also safe and suitable for people who may be prone to eczema or psoriasis.

Further Information

For further information on all products within Elena’s Nature Collection Range, please phone the Helpline on Tel: 01435 882092 /884090; email Elena at  or visit


The Yoga of Pregnancy Week by Week -

Connect with Your Unborn Child Through the Mind, Body and Breath

by Mel Campbell

Published by Findhorn Press. 2012. Softback. £12.99. ISBN 978-1-84409-593-3

Distributed by Deep Books

“This book is aimed at mothers-to-be who wish to celebrate pregnancy and explore the joy of prenatal yoga.” - Mel Campbell

The Yoga of Pregnancy Week by Week

The Yoga of Pregnancy invites the reader to consciously connect with their unborn child through the mind, body and breath.

Follow the author as she take you on a forty-week journey with your growing baby including week-by-week practices of yoga, meditation and affirmations which reflect the developmental and physiological changes taking place for both of you.

Whether you are new to yoga or a regular practitioner, this book prepares you to simply be at one with your unborn baby, enhance your experience of the pregnancy and prepare yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually for pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood.

“An excellent book packed full of weekly exercises that perfectly complement each stage of the pregnancy and helps the mother to remain supple, relaxed and happy. The Yoga of Pregnancy also contains wonderful affirmations and intentions to create a strong, loving connection between mother and baby. Highly recommended.”

- Martin Gill, assistant editor Yoga Magazine

About the Author

Mel Campbell is an experienced yoga teacher, healer and mother to three children. Mel has travelled the world and pioneered prenatal yoga in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand. Based in the UK, Mel shares the wisdom of her studies, experiences and understanding with women, leading The Yoga of Pregnancy classes, workshops and hosting retreats. Inspired to write this book when she was pregnant with her third child, The Yoga of Pregnancy captures Mel’s two passions of yoga and motherhood.

Further Information

Available from bookstores and from Amazon


Sleepio Online Sleep Improvement Programme

Hooked on sleeping pills and unable to get a good night’s sleep? Then why not try Sleepio’s ground-breaking online sleep improvement programme which has recently launched in 100+ Boots stores nationwide.

Sleepio Online Sleep Improvement Programme

The 6-week Cognitive Behavioural Therapy course is the first drug free solution for people suffering with sleep problems and has already shown to have an impressive 75% success rate, costing individuals only £50. For the first time ever CBT has therefore, been made easily accessible and affordable to the general public, offering poor sleepers a viable alternative to sleeping pills, which cost the NHS £50million a year[2] yet are ineffective in helping persistent poor sleep.

The man behind the development of Sleepio is Professor Colin Espie, Founder of the Sleep Centre at the University of Glasgow who has commented: “I am delighted that Sleepio has been shown to work so well. People who took part in the clinical trial certainly improved their sleep and felt much better during the day. The level of support that the online programme offered them enabled them to overcome even longstanding sleep problems.”

With 37% of the population suffering from sleep problems, the issue is becoming increasingly common amongst many, with few solutions on the market to address it. We all know how important sleep is to our mental and physical state including cell regeneration, self-confidence, and energy levels. As reported in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Sleep (June 2012), in just 6 weeks Sleepio can help long-term poor sleepers:

  • Fall asleep faster (54% less time to fall asleep on average);
  • Stay asleep through the night (62% less time spent awake at night on average);
  • Achieve a more reliable sleep pattern;
  • Boost daytime energy, mood and concentration (58% self-rated increase on average);
  • Double sleep quality (115% average self-rated increase).

Further Information

Sleepio’s innovative sleep solution has the potential to dramatically change the  way the NHS approaches sleep deficiency, offering an alternative to sleeping pills. For further information visit Available at all Boots stores


TravelGuard® from Biocare

Don’t ruin your holiday, be prepared!

There is nothing that can ruin a holiday quicker than an upset stomach or illness. Yet, travel and sickness can go hand in hand for a number of reasons.  For one, you’re often very tired and your immune system is depleted from travelling. You’re also exposed to new bacteria, bacteria that may be completely harmless to locals but to those unfamiliar with it may experience an unbalance of their good and bad bacteria leading to an upset stomach, diarrhoea, nausea, cramps or bloating.


There are ways to help prevent these symptoms before you leave for that long awaited holiday, and ensure you get that well deserved rest. BioCare®, the professional supplement specialists, have developed TravelGuard®, a capsule that provides both probiotics, and plant oils in a daily supplement. According to Chris Newbold, Head Clinical Nutritionist at BioCare®; “It helps manage the balance of good and less desirable bacteria within the digestive system helping to re-balance gut flora and thereby supports the digestive system when travelling and when there is exposure to new bacteria in foods and water. “

The capsule includes ingredients: clove, cinnamon and oregano oils which have a long, safe history of use as food flavourings and help prevent spoilage of food by contaminants. Other ingredients included, such as probiotics and garlic may help maintain the balance of friendly bacteria in the intestinal tract. It also includes BioCare’s unique LAB4 complex, consisting of two specific proprietary strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus along with Bifidobacteria bidifum and Bifidobacterium lactis. LAB4 strains are native to the human digestion tract, acid-stable, and readily adhere to the intestinal walls.

Further Information

It is recommended that you take one capsule daily, with food. Travelguard® is available from all good health food stores. (£17.10 for 15 capsules).


Pure Gold – Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oil - The New Superfood

The golden fields of Cotswold rape have been harvested and revealed their greatest health secret. Once pressed, rapeseed produces an oil which apart from being a cook’s best friend, is high in Omegas3, 6 and 9, is high in Vitamin E, has half the saturated fat of olive oil and is low in Cholesterol (0.1%).

Pure Gold Virgin Rapeseed

Charlie Beldam owner of Cotswold Gold  has been producing this super food on his family far for the last three years and says ‘The aim was to produce a  healthy alternative oil that can meet all culinary needs. Cotswold Gold is a natural Extra Virgin Rapeseed Oil, extracted by traditional cold pressing. This preserves the unique natural health benefits and gives the oil its vibrant golden colour.’

Cotswold Gold is suitable for all types of cooking from high temperature repeat cooking to salad dressing and has a unique and delicious flavour. The oil is a favourite with professional cooks, has been selected by Raymond Blanc for use in his kitchens and cookery school and is used in demonstrations for perfect mayonnaise by James Martin.

Cotswold Gold Ltd are very proud to have won, a gold star with the Great Taste Awards 2010 for the natural oil, a Gold Star Great Taste Award for the Dill infused Rapeseed Oil 2011, The Universities South West Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2010 and The Business Award 2010 for Entrepreneur of 2010. Cotswold Gold has also been voted for the top 50 companies to watch in the UK from the Real Business awards and was picked as the judges to 10 in 2011. Most recently Cotswold Gold was awarded Cotswold Life Food Product of The Year.

Cotswold Gold offers many health benefits to the user, these include:

  • High in Omegas 3,6 & 9;  High in Vitamin E;
  • Less than half the saturated fat of Olive Oil; Low in cholesterol (0.1%);
  • The oil is 100% British and produced with very low food miles, the rapeseed is grown and processed all on farm;
  • Cotswold Gold is good for you and the environment;
  • GM free
  • Suitable for high temperature repeat cooking to salad dressing and everything in-between!
  • Has a unique and delicious flavour/colour

Further Information

Available from farm shops throughout the UK and from


Something in the Water and Other Tales of Homeopathy

by Sue Lanzon

Published by Winter Press. 2012. Softback. £8.99. ISBN 1874581800.

Something In The Water offers an unusual insight into the practice of homeopathy through a collection of stories taken from the real life and work of a contemporary homeopath.
Ranging from the streets of South London to the shores of a Greek island, Sue Lanzon negotiates the minefield of current therapeutic expectations with wit, candour and a shrewd awareness of the complexity of human communication.

Something in the Water - book cover

Remedies spring to life through a diverse array of characters, encountered both in and out of the consulting room. and the wider issues they provoke challenge our attitudes to illness, healing and the role of the practitioner in the modern world.

Extract from the Foreword by Martin Walker

Something in the Water is a book about homeopathy, its practice and its remedies. It is, however, not an ordinary book but a rare one, which echoes the story of its subject in both form and content. The broken narrative of incidental tales, recounted in the first person by a practicing homeopath someone who thinks homeopathically - offers us an everyday understanding of the homeopath and of homeopathy.  The education we are offered, however, is not from a factual, pragmatic or linear viewpoint, but immerses the reader in the very idea of its process. Imagine, if you can, being an English speaker opening a book about the Turkish language and finding part of the narrative itself written in understandable Turkish.

The book describes, in entertaining terms, the holism of homeopathy. This holism, not the mechanics of the practice or the effect of the remedies, is what sets homeopathy apart from ‘scientific’ or allopathic medicine. Homeopathy, as this book tells us, stretches like a live wire between the practitioner and her environment, the patient and her environment, the relationship between practitioner and patient and the onward journey in the life of both these parties…

With homeopathy presently under concerted attack from lobby groups and corporate scientists, it needs defenders, proselytizers and prophets. Like other professionals who have become embattled in the war for science and new technology, some leading homeopaths think that their salvation lies in an exacting scientific explanation of their craft. I personally don’t believe that this is a path to be taken with any urgency or at the exclusion of other more popular routes. In time the science of homeopathy will be discovered. In fact this process has already begun… Sue Lanzon’s book is one of the first to embark upon this promotion and the first to do this using a common, popular language of the people.

Martin J Walker.

Further Information

Available from Amazon and other retailers and distributors:


Ergonomic Schoolbag from BackCare Protects your Child’s Back

Concerned parents wondering what they can do to look after the health of their children’s backs will be pleased to know that BackCare have developed a new ergonomic schoolbag, in response to new research that shows young people are putting their backs at risk and suffering the repercussions.

Ergonomic Schoolbag

Back pain is often thought of as an older person’s problem, but BackCare’s head of research, Dr Adam Al-Kashi, is keen to emphasise that this is not the case. “More than 120,000 of the 4 million children currently at secondary school in the UK will see a doctor about back pain before the age of 16. BackCare recommend that 11-16 year olds carry no more than 10% of their bodyweight, yet at least half of them will be asked to carry more.”[1]

A recent study in Spain assessed the back health of over 1,400 children aged between 12 and 17, and found that those carrying the heaviest bags had a 50% greater risk of back pain.[2] The burden placed on children’s’ backs is compounded by choosing unsuitable bags, and carrying bags over one shoulder due to social pressure.

The BackCare backpack is the best way to ensure that your child’s back stays healthy for the future. It features a patented curved underside to help spread the load of heavy textbooks, ergonomic carrying straps and a lightweight profiled back panel for improved ventilation. Half the battle of caring for children’s backs is education, so the bag also has maximum weight information and carrying advice printed internally.

Purchasing the BackCare bag is not only the best way to ensure your child follows this advice and preserves the health of their young back: the price of the bag includes a donation to BackCare. This enables them to carry out groundbreaking scientific research into the causes, prevention and management of back pain, and influence public policy, reducing the burden of back pain.


1. BackCare commissioned research from 2002.


Further Information

More information about BackCare’s research into back health in school children can be found at  The backpack is priced at £25.99 and can be purchased from the BackCare website


Britain Is Waking Up In Pain!

New research  carried out by bed expert, Adjustamatic, highlights just how poorly the nation is sleeping. The nationwide survey found 4 in 5 Brits wake up feeling less than refreshed, and a staggering 1 in 3 wake up experiencing pain.  No surprise then that a fifth of the nation sleeps with painkillers and sleeping tablets on their bedside table. [1]

Waking up to Pain

The top culprits for keeping Brits awake at night are revealed to be:

  1. Stress and tension;
  2. Unable to get comfortable;
  3. Restless and achy legs;
  4. Back pain;
  5. Coughing or breathing difficulties .

Our Sleep Environment

When it comes to our bedroom environment, aside from snoring partners, an uncomfortable mattress and too small a bed make for a poor quality sleeping environment. “Creating the correct sleeping environment can significantly improve the quality of sleep and our overall wellbeing,” explains sleep expert and physiotherapist Sammy Margo. “Waking up in pain is a common experience, yet people persist with the same old bed and same old painkillers. A good bed and a good mattress can significantly improve how well we sleep and reduce pain.”  

Sleep and Ageing

The older age group were also shown to be suffering in silence when it came to how well they sleep, with a third putting up with restless legs and back pain, and a quarter waking up feeling more tired than they did before going to bed. “Many people struggle for years with poor sleep when they needn’t have to” says sleep expert Sammy Margo. Women suffer more than men when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, with women blaming stress and tension as a reason behind a disturbed nights sleep. However, although the quality of sleep is poorer for women, the research found men are much more likely to wake up with physical pain and experience night cramps, back ache, pins and needles and restless legs.


1. Research carried out by OnePoll for Adjustamatic in September 2012 on 1,000 respondents across the UK aged 18-55+.

Further Information

Cyclo-Therapy is a form of massage therapy medically shown to help relax the body and relieve pain and discomfort associated with back pain, restless legs, arthritic pain, poor circulation and breathing problems. For more sleep advice from Sammy Margo and Adjustamatic, visit 

Adjustamatic are the makers of quality adjustable orthopaedic beds clinically proven to offer pain relief for a variety of aches, pains and medical conditions. Adjustamatic are part of Niagara Healthcare Ltd and the only manufactures of Cyclo-Therapy beds in the UK. Adjustamatic’s Cyclo-Therapy beds are certified by the MHRA as a class 2a medical device. For more details visit, 



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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes


    Newbold’s 33rd Birthday

    Newbold House Community invites you to a weekend of birthday activities that will run from Friday 9-Sunday 11 November. An interactive fireside storytelling of Newbold’s history, a day of work and play in house and garden and the unveiling of their emerging vision are just some of the activities taking place over the weekend including Saturday night at the Findhorn Foundation’s Grand NFA sharing for their 50th Birthday and culminating in a party on Sunday night.

    Further information: 01309 672 659;


    Why Eat Whole Plant-Based Foods?

    Meg Wolff has recorded a free teleseminar called Why Eat Whole Plant-Based Foods? which will help you to make some changes towards a more plant-based way of eating to strengthen your immune system, lose weight and feel great. It can be very do-able if you break it down into steps and this is what Meg does in her 8-week program. Sign up now for her 8 week class in which she will hold your hand through the process.

    Further information:


    Health Leads New Supplements

    Health Leads have produced two new supplements - New Multi-Vitamin Complex and Multi-Mineral Complex which are now available. All Health Leads products are additive free. Most companies manufacture supplements with additives. These are not included to provide nutritional value, they are used to speed up the manufacture process and increase profits.

    Further information: 0845 345 8880 or 01559 364 711;


    The Functional Nutrition Cookbook

    Lorraine Nicolle and Christine Bailey have written The Functional Nutrition Cookbook: Addressing Biochemical Imbalances through Diet. Available from Singing Dragon in paperback. The book integrates nutrition science with functional medicine through an evidence-based approach and is an excellent resource for any nutrition-orientated healthcare Practitioner, helping individuals make dietary changes to support their health. Combining simple advice with delicious, nutritious recipes suitable for all.

    Further information Tel: 020-7833 2307;



    Thunk by Sandy Newbrigging is a new book which helps you to deal with the stresses of everyday life. If you cannot get to sleep at night because your mind is racing, this is the book for you. In his fun and enlightening book, Sandy shares advice and exercising for changing your relationship with your mind so that you can enjoy the serenity and success that comes from freeing yourself from thinking too much. When we find it impossible to switch off your mind, Sandy believes that you are no longer thinking, you are being Thunk!

    Further information Tel: 01309 641576;


    Tisserand Aromatherapy New Branding

    Tisserand Aromatherapy, a specialist in Aromatherapy, essential oils and personal care products has announced that it is rebranding its personal care range into three new categories of Signature Blend, Lavender Blend and Rose Blend. The Signature Blend range is based on the original blends by founder and Aromatherapy pioneer, Robert Tisserand, and reflects Tisserand’s expertise as master blenders.

    Further information Tel: 01273 325 666;


    Nutri Centre Aphrodite Range

    A new beauty range, exclusively available from the Nutri Centre is the Aphrodite range of skincare products. Made on the island of Crete, The Aphrodite range harnesses the timeless beauty secrets of the ancient Greeks, passed down through generations to create a range of products that are suitable for all skin types. Products contain: chamomile, lavender, rosemary and aloe vera. The products in the range are 100% natural and parabens free and include the following: soaps, facial moisturiser, face scrubs, cleansing milk, massage oils, hand cream, shampoo and liquid soap.

    Further information Tel: 020 8752 8450;


    Nutritional Effect on IQ

    Research published by Dr Sophie von Stumm from the Department of Psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London shows that children who are given fast food meals will grow up to have a lower IQ than those regularly given freshly cooked meals. The study examined whether the type of children’s daily main meal, comparing fast food with ‘slow’ freshly cooked food, impacted on children’s cognitive ability and growth based on a sample of 4,000 Scottish children aged 3-5 years old.

    Further information:


    Back App UK Limited

    Murielle Carrascco has run the Garage Studio in Barnes since 2003 and strives to make it a friendly environment teaching Pilates, Yoga and Gyrotonic. The Gyrotonic Expansion System® is a body-mind exercise therapy aimed at balancing the body physically and energetically. It uses circular, spiralling movements and special breathing patterns and rhythm to open energetic pathways in the body and create cardiovascular stimulation.

    Further information Tel: 07811 132 313;  


    Moa The Green Balm

    In ancient Europe, bunches of yarrow were placed over the eyes to help you see into fairyland, and now yarrows magical powers have been transferred into a powerful healing balm called Moa the Green Balm with a host of magical benefits. Whether it’s cracked, chapped lips, dry or irritated skin, insect bites, blisters, cuts, bruises and grazes - Moa’s wholesome, all natural ingredients can help calm, heal and protect.

    Further information: Available at health stores and via


    Children’s Healing Practice

    Tania Rodriguez is a pre-school Teacher and Naturopath specializing in children. In her Children’s Healing Practice, she integrates the knowledge of Flower Therapy (Herbal Medicine and Flower Essences) with her intuitive skills. She is passionate about both nature and children. She has just released The Blue and Green Book, which is an inspirational book for children with parents who would like to explain more about spirituality to their children in a way they can understand, relate to and enjoy. It encourages children to trust the light within their soul, expands their spiritual awareness and validates their deep connection with the natural world.

    Further information:  and the book is sold by  and 


    Muscular Stiffness

    Clinically effective products by Deep Heat and Deep Freeze can help with muscular aches, pains, stiffness or injuries. In new research, a poll of 1,000 women aged 45-65 from across the UK, 9 out of 10 (92%) said they suffered from stiffness at some time. Nearly 1 in 3 (32%) said they suffered stiffness either every day or most days and a quarter said they get stiff in the morning. Deep Heat Rub is a topical rub that provides penetrating warmth to help stimulate circulation, oxygenate muscles, relax stiffness and help relieve pain. Deep Freeze uses cold analgesia to take advantage of the gateway pain relief principle in which cold signals can block out or reduce competing pain signals along the nervous system.

    Further information: Deep Freeze products and Deep Heat products are available from supermarkets and pharmacies.


    Yoga Team – Gift of Relaxation

    Yoga Team specializes in private classes, delivering tailored classes to homes, offices and hotels across London. They combine the ancient wisdom of Yoga with a modern twist of convenience. The effortless convenience of a personal Yoga Instructor coming to your home is pure luxury. Yoga Team are now offering a gift card which offers your loved one a selection of packages. Total Relaxation package is designed to leave you feeling blissfully relaxed. True Beauty is designed to create a healthy glow, strengthen your body and boost your metabolism.

    Further information Tel: 0800 033 7865;


    The Psychology of Change

    The Psychology of Change will take you on a journey through the last 200 years of our understanding of the psyche from Freud to the very latest theories of Quantum Change and explains what Gerry Pyves of No Hands Massage believes are the actual mechanics of making changes to our lives. Gerry is running a weekend course on 17-19 May 2013 in Morecambe (Lancashire) and will be of interest to you if you have an interest in change, or if you are interest in the process of change in relation to your professional work. If you have already completed Gerry’s Fairy Tale Process™ you may attend this workshop at half price.

    Further information Tel: 01524 415 345;


    A Rosehip a Day Keeps Nasties at Bay

    During the 2nd World War, health experts recommended that women made rosehip syrup by picking the hedgerow fruit to help boost their health. Recent research has dramatically added to the supported health benefits of rosehips with studies. The Belle product range by Phytacol contains 3 rosehip syrups especially formulated for women with either added iron, omega-3 or vitamin D. Phytacol also produce a rosehip syrup for children called Belrosa.

    Further information:


    American Friends Tel Aviv University Update

    Mantle Cell Lymphoma is a form of blood cancer which affects 3,000 people every year. Prof Dan Peer of TAU’s Department of Cell Research and Immunology is developing a new class of drug that interfere with the aggressive over-production of Cyclin D1, a symptom of the blood cancer. The drugs have the ability to kill off the mutated protein and stop the over-proliferation of cells. Prof Peer plans to combine these drugs with his own nano-sized ‘submarine’ drug delivery system which can specifically target specific cells in the body and offload these drugs as needed.

    Further information Tel: 212.742.9070 ext 117;


    Echinacea for Colds

    The largest ever clinical study on Echinacea has revealed that it can ward off a cold. It is crucial to note that you need high quality Echinacea angustifolia. Researchers found that taking 3 daily doses of Echinacea for 4 months reduced the number of colds. The duration of the illness suffered by patients went down by an average of 26%. Potter’s Elixir of Echinacea Plus contains a unique formula of the highest quality Echinacea angustifolia, wild indigo and fumitory.

    Further information: Echinacea angustifolia is available from Boots nationwide.


    Gateway2Wellbeing Exhibition

    The Gateway2Wellbeing exhibition is an event for your mind, body and soul. With exhibitors, mini treatments, talks and workshops and taster exercise classes, the Gateway2Wellbing exhibition is a much anticipated event in the Complementary and Alternative Therapy industry. Local Health and Wellbeing professions from across the North London and Hertfordshire will be coming together to showcase their products and services on Sunday 18 November 2012 at the Holiday Inn in Eltree, Borehamwood.

    Further information Tel: 020-8905 2908;


    Living Nature Kelp

    Living Nature®, the certified natural skin care and cosmetics brand from New Zealand is introducing you to another of the company’s hero ingredients, one of nature’s super-ingredients - Kelp. Living Nature® selects a special species of kelp, bladder kelp, which is the fasted growing plant in the world and found in the nutrient-rich, unpolluted waters of the South Pacific off the East Coast of New Zealand. Products which include kelp as a key ingredient are: Purifying Hand Wash, Nourishing Body Wash and Balancing Shampoo to balance normal and oil prone hair.

    Further information Tel: 0845 250 8455;


    Calming Coughs Naturally

    Kiwiherb Herbal Remedies has produced Kiwiherb Marshmallow and Mullein Syrup which brings gentle, rapid relief to dry, tickly or rasping cough or one that is wet and phlegmy. A unique and high potency mixture of the herbs Marshmallow, Mullein, White Horehound and Elecampane, this 100% natural cough soothing combination also tackles stubborn chest congestion and catarrh.

    Further information Tel: 01455 556281;


    Help Prevent Strokes with Tomatoes and Ateronon

    Following the recent study by the University of Finland stating a diet rich in tomatoes may reduce the risk of having a stroke, Ateronon, known as ‘the tomato-pill’ can make it easy for people to get their daily dose of the antioxidant lycopene in a single capsule. Research has shown that the risk of stroke was cut by 55% if people have a diet rich in lycopene. Ateronon contains the equivalent of 3kg of Mediterranean tomatoes cooked in olive oil. In capsule form, Ateronon is the most bioavailable lycopene on the market and is more easily absorbed into the body than in its food form.

    Further information:  or available to buy at Boots and independent pharmacies across the UK.


    Strategies of Genius

    Strategies of Genius is a seminar by International Training Seminars with Robert Dilts on 1-2 December in London, Kensington. In challenging times, those who succeed do so in part because they are able to be more creative, come up with new strategies and offer people new possibilities. Knowing how to do this is one of the most valuable skills you can develop. Robert Dilt’s pioneering work in looking at some to the most innovative geniuses in recent human history, gives you the chance not just to be inspired but to gain some of the practical how tos.

    Further information Tel: 01268 777125;


    Awards to Celebrate Innovation in Autism

    The National Autistic Society (NAS) is launching the Autism Professional Awards next year, which are to recognise and reward cross-discipline professionals who are leading the way in innovative autism practice. There are 6 awards in total - two celebrating individual professional achievement and 4 recognising good organisations. The awards will be presented at the charity’s annual Professionals Conference on 5 March 2013.

    Further information Tel: 020-7903 3523;


    VegfestUK Brighton

    One of Europe’s biggest veggie events VegfestUK Brighton returns to the South Coast for the 5th year running for a 2-day fiesta of all things veggie. A number of new attractions are to be included for 2013 including a comedy hour, a cinema, a performing area for live acts, a bodybuilder’s strength contest, a speed dating session and even a wedding. This is a free event that attracted over 5,000 visitors in 2012. The show runs for 2 days in March 2013 on 16-17 at The Hove Centre. There is another big veggie event in Bristol each year (May 24-26 2013)

    Further information Tel: 0117 307 9872;


    Living Nature® Totara Extract

    Living Nature®, the certified natural skin care and cosmetics brand from New Zealand has released Totarol™, one of the company’s more unusual hero botanical ingredients, the super antioxidant Totara. Totara comes from the wood and bark of the ancient Totara tree, one of the giants of the New Zealand forest and is extracted from high quality, recycled Totara. Three times more potent than vitamin E, Totarol™ possesses remarkable antioxidant and antimicrobial activity and is used by Living Nature to help protect our skin from the radical damage that causes aging. Products include: Vitalising Cleanser, Balancing Day Lotion, Nourishing Day Cream, Rich Day Cream and Nourishing Night Cream.

    Further information Tel: 0845 250 8455;


    Turning Point

    Turning Point by Dr Rohan Weerasinghe is a new book now on sale at Amazon. For almost 2 decades, Dr Rohan Weerasinghe has been speaking to audiences in the fields of education, inspiration, personal growth, business and wealth creation. He now travels the world delivering an inspiring message that empowers people to live a more purposeful, exciting and fulfilling life. As a young boy, Rohan watched his father suffer multiple strokes, become paralysed on one side and blind, while his mother worked 2 jobs to feed him and his two brothers. When his father died when Rohan was 13 years old, it was a major turning point in his life and the book describes the process and tools to help to provide rapid and lasting change in your life.

    Further information Tel: 01928 583 497;    Amazon


    Modern Living Leads to an Increase in Asthma Sufferers

    Asthma is one of the most common respiratory diseases worldwide. Faced with increasing numbers of sufferers, more and more studies are focussing on the connection between vitamin D and asthma. The causes of asthma have still not been adequately research, however it has been shown that modern lifestyles, with factors including too little sunlight, too little exercise, obesity and insufficient intake of calcium can increase the likelihood of developing respiratory disorders. The Sunlight Research Forum (SRF) is a non-profit organisation based in the Netherlands. The SRF works to communicate new medical and scientific research into the effects of moderate UV exposure on humans.

    Further information Tel: 0651 358 180;


    Pancreatic Cancer Action

    Pancreatic Cancer Action is the first pancreatic cancer charity to be certified as a provider of safe, reliable, high quality health information. It is the first pancreatic cancer charity to be certified as a provider of high quality health and social care information by The Information Standard Scheme and has consequently been awarded The Information Standard quality mark, which it can display on its literature and website illustrating to the public that its information can be trusted.

    Further information Tel: 0303 040 1770;  0774 701 7232;


    Tranquil Sitting

    Tranquil Sitting is Taoist Master Yin Shi Zi’s practical guide and inspirational testament to the healing power and spiritual benefits of meditation and Chinese medical Qigong. The book explores the theory and physiological aspects of meditation and offers practical instruction in traditional meditation techniques. Faithfully translated from the Chinese, this is an influential text that belongs on the bookshelves of everyone with an interest in Taoist practice and medication.

    Further information Tel: 020-7833 2307;


    Nutritional Therapy EBook

    Many people know very little about their bodies and yet still expect them to function in an energetic and efficient manner. We eat all sorts of rubbish, but wouldn’t dream of putting the wrong fuel in their car and still expect it to run smoothly. Nutritional Therapy is a brand new ebook which will give you a great overview of the human nutrition industry in all its facets.

    Further information Tel: 01384 442752;


    Metastasis Research

    Metastasis - the way cancer cells proliferate through the body from an original tumour is a serious threat to cancer patients. Now Tel Aviv University researcher Prof Isaac Witz of the Department of Cell Research and Immunology, has discovered that cancer cells produce receptor molecules which may act as a ‘homing device’ to specific cells the brain. His breakthrough is giving scientists new hope for better therapies.

    Further information Tel: 212.742.9070 ext 117;


    Bodywave Pro

    Bodywave Pro is your personal on-call back-rescue and recovery service, ideal to use every day, either on its own or in between Osteopathy or Physiotherapy appointments. Perfect for home use, the Bodywave Pro produces a ‘wave-like’ motion that relaxes the body’s muscles, especially those in the back. With 20 varying speeds available, the gentle rocking motion causes movements in the body, similar to those produced manually by Health Professionals. One 15 minute session will gently loosen muscles reducing pain and discomfort to improve muscle function and posture.

    Further information Tel: 0160-635 2277;

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