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Deuterium Depletion in Cancer Treatment and Prevention - Practical Application Advice

by Krisztina Krempels, Orsolya Abonyi, Krisztina Balog, Ildikó Somlyai(more info)

listed in cancer, originally published in issue 209 - October 2013

Deuterium depletion is a new complementary modality in oncotherapy and in prevention of the disease as it was reviewed in Positive Health PH Online earlier this year in Issue 203  February 2013.

The method can be safely applied in addition to conventional treatments and as an extension of those. Replacement of the daily fluid intake of patients with deuterium-depleted water (DDW) results in a shortage of deuterium (D) in the body, and might exert an anticancer effect. DDW treatment in combination with, or as an extension of conventional therapies noticeably prolonged the median survival time (MST) in different study populations of cancer patients.[1, 2] The method proved to be safe, and D-depletion may act as a highly effective modality both in prevention of the disease and as a supportive remedy in early and even in advanced stages of cancer. We conclude that D-depletion offers additional benefits to standard treatment regimens in cancer and can be integrated easily in standard procedures.[1, 2, 3]

After publication of the previous article, Molecular and Clinical Effects of Deuterium Depleted Water in Treatment and Prevention of Cancer  in Positive Health Online a demand emerged for the explanation of the use of DDW in daily practice addressing the correlation between the application of deuterium depletion, life skills and diet.

Retrospective evaluation of different subgroups of cancer patients allowed us to study which life skills, dietary factors, dietary supplements have the greatest impact on the efficacy of DDW treatment. The preclinical studies suggested that the main determining factor in the anticancer effect of D-depletion is the rate of decrease in D-concentration that is achieved in the patient’s body during the cure with DDW. Body weight, D-concentration of DDW and the daily volume also influences this rate. In order to gain comparable data, a new equation, the expression of ‘Deuterium depletion Unit’ (DdU) was introduced. It also allows the personalization of DDW treatment.[1]

equation for deuterium

Equation: Expression of Deuterium depletion Unit - (DdU)

Both the difference in D-concentration between ordinary drinking water and the applied DDW, and the daily volume of DDW are directly proportional to the dose, i.e. an increase in both parameters results in a higher dosage. In contrast, the body weight is inversely proportional to the dose.

The main principle of the cure is that the daily water intake of the patient should be replaced with DDW, so that the D-concentration will be decreasing in the patient’s body. Patients with an average (60-80 kgs) bodyweight are suggested to intake at least 1.5-2 litres of DDW a day. If the daily water demand exceeds this amount, patient needs to cover the total daily fluid intake with DDW. Other liquids with natural D-concentration (145-150 ppm D content), such as mineral waters, milk, fruit- and vegetable juices, beverages, wine, beer are not recommended in any quantities, because their natural D-concentration level will increase the D content in the body during the cure acting against D-depletion. The whole daily amount of DDW should be taken in 150-200 mL single portions evenly throughout the day. DDW cannot be mixed with other liquids, because this dilution of DDW will result in an increase in D content. Fluctuations in the daily amount of DDW should be avoided as much as possible, because significant differences in the daily quantity or an irregular consumption might weaken the effectiveness of the procedure. It is also advised to drink a glass of DDW after meals, thereby their natural D content can be compensated.

D-concentration of DDW remains stable for longer period of time, even for years in unopened bottles. DDW is carbonated in order to ensure microbial safety; besides, carbonation significantly extend the storage life of the preparation. Carbonation does not affect the D content of DDW or the mechanism of action of D-depletion, nor the acid/alkaline balance of the body. Nevertheless, since CO2 content of DDW can be stirred or boiled out, DDW can be used for either tea or coffee. It is not recommended to boil DDW longer than a couple of minutes, because sustained boiling might result in an increase in D-concentration. It is important to note that heating or boiling of DDW should be done under lid and it should be kept covered until cooling down. D-concentration of DDW might be influenced negatively, when it is exposed to open air or moisture having a large surface contact. The exchange process is slow; detectable difference can be monitored only after days or weeks, if the effect persists for longer period of time. In the daily practice it means that D-depleted water poured into a glass should be consumed within a few hours.

When D-depletion is applied, a healthy, balanced, varied diet is advised.  It contains whole grain foods, and includes fruits and vegetables to provide the body with fibres and essential vitamins. Instead of frying it is suggested to bake, grill or broil the food. A varied diet should also include proteins found in meat (mainly chicken, turkey and fish), beans and dairy products. Dairy foods are a good source of calcium and protein, but instead of drinking milk, since it also represents a fluid with normal D-level, it is preferred to eat yoghurt, cottage cheese and cheese. It is worth noting that deuterium content of exotic fruits is higher than that of fruits cultivated in a temperate zone.[4] This is why we suggest to eat smaller amounts of these kinds of fruit, as they may reduce the effectiveness of deuterium depletion. We thus suggest the consumption of fruit and vegetables grown in a temperate zone.

Actions and interactions, advantages and disadvantages of supplementation with antioxidant agents in addition to conventional oncological therapies have been intensely investigated during the last decades, but the conclusion of large-scale clinical trials is still controversial.[5, 6] One issue in the debate is that taking antioxidants as a supplementation might interfere with the mechanism of action of chemo- or radiotherapy, but in contrary, numerous publications described increased effectiveness of the conventional treatments and suggested that patients had also benefits in reducing adverse effects. A major clinical study indicated that treatment with antioxidant agents (ß-carotine or vitamine E) was not able to reduce cancer incidence of lung, urinary bladder- and head and neck cancers in smokers, as well as mortality increased; therefore the authors advised to avoid large doses of these agents.[7] According to our experience, patients undergoing DDW treatment should not take high dose of antioxidant- and vitamin supplementation during the cure with DDW. If the patient follows a special dietary advice upon the recommendation of the physician because of other coexisting illness, such as diabetes mellitus, or endocrinological disorder, the patient should integrate DDW in the daily diet instead of normal water.

Prevention of relapses or development of metastases is crucial in the treatment of cancer patients. Long-term follow-up studies with DDW showed, that the way of application has a great impact on the extended survival of patients. In the study DDW as single treatment and DDW applied repeatedly for distinct treatment periods were compared. Single DDW treatment was able to extend survival compared to published MSTs in common tumour types; on the other hand, repeated DDW cures resulted in outstandingly long survival periods.[8]

Summarizing the research and clinical achievements of the last two decades we found, that the best protocol for DDW treatment is the following (Figure 1.).

Protocol for Integration of Deuterium depletion into Complex Oncotherapy 

Figure 1. Protocol for the integration of deuterium depletion into complex oncotherapy

After considering an individual case and if medical viewpoints do not contraindicate, after diagnosis of a malignant disease, DDW treatment 4-6-8 weeks prior to surgery might be suggested. Such pre-treatment may contribute the success of the operation and also has an adjuvant effect with other conventional treatments (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, biological treatments). DDW treatment may be also applied simultaneously with oncological therapies. DDW cure supplements is not a substitute for conventional treatments. The majority of patients applies DDW after completion of the standard treatment regimens; the first DDW cure generally takes an  average of 6 to 10 months. Within this period it is important to maintain a continuous decrease in D-concentration in the body. The recommended length of the cure also depends on the histological diagnosis and the staging of the disease. It is advised to continue DDW treatment even if the patient is already in remission as a result of the applied oncotherapies, so that relapses and development of metastases might be prevented or at least delayed. Following successful complex treatment DDW cure can be interrupted for 1- to 2-month periods, and then it can be repeated several times afterwards. Later, breaks can be longer and treatment periods with DDW can be shortened, but each cure suggested to last at least 3 months long.

The method is safe and innocuous, preclinical toxicology studies, prospective and retrospective clinical trials confirmed, that absolutely no adverse events occurred during the long-term application of DDW at a wide concentration range of 25 to 125 ppm D. The eventual failure of deuterium depletion could be attributed to low dose of DDW and/or irregular consumption of DDW. We conclude that D-depletion, the application of DDW offers additional benefits and can be integrated in the standard treatment regimens.


1.         Kovács A, Guller I, Krempels K et al. Deuterium depletion may delay the progression of prostate cancer. J Cancer Ther 2: 548-556. 2011.

2.         Gyöngyi Z, Budán F, Szabó I et al. Deuterium Depleted Water Effects on Survival of Lung Cancer Patients and Expression of Kras and Bcl2 Genes in Mouse Lung. Nutrition and Cancer 65(2): 240-246. 2013.

3.         Somlyai G, Jancsó G, Jákli Gy et al. Naturally occurring deuterium is essential for the normal growth rate of cells. FEBS Lett 317: 1–4. 1993.

4.         Fórizs I. Deuterium content of natural materials focusing on water: an overview. Abstract in: 2nd International Congress on Deuterium Depletion. European Chemical Bulletin 1(1-2): 39. 2012.

5.         Antioxidants and cancer prevention National Cancer Institute Facts Sheets  National Cancer Institute, USA, Bethesda MD.

6.         Lamson DW and Brignal MS. Antioxidants in cancer therapy; their actions and interactions with oncologic therapies, Altern Med Rev 4(5): 304-29. 1999.

7.         Bardia A, Tleyjeh IM, Cerhan JR et al. Efficacy of antioxidant supplementation in reducing primary cancer incidence and mortality: Systematic review and meta-analysis Mayo Clin Proc 83(1): 23-24. 2008.

8.         Krempels K, Somlyai I, Balog K et al. A retrospective study of survival in breast cancer patients undergoing deuterium-depletion in addition to the conventional therapies. Abstract in: 2nd International Congress on Deuterium Depletion. European Chemical Bulletin 1(1-2): 46-47. 2012.


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About Krisztina Krempels, Orsolya Abonyi, Krisztina Balog, Ildikó Somlyai

Krisztina Krempels MD is Research Fellow and Medical Consultant at HYD LLC for Cancer Research and Drug Development, Budapest, Hungary. She graduated as a medical doctor in 1991 from Semmelweis University Medical School Budapest, Hungary and worked in the neuroendocrine research team in the Department of Human Morphology and Developmental Biology at Semmelweis University in 1987. Dr Krempels was a postdoctoral fellow at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke in Bethesda, Maryland USA and in 1994 - 1996 worked in the fields of molecular biology, immunohistochemistry and mapping of receptor mRNAs. Since 2004 she has worked for HYD LLC for Cancer Research and Drug Development in the proprietary procedure of deuterium depletion for the treatment and prevention of cancer. Her research area is the evaluation of the clinical benefits of deuterium depletion. She may be contacted via

Orsolya Abonyi BSc is a Dietitian at HYD LLC for Cancer Research and Drug Development, Budapest, Hungary. She graduated in 2010 from Semmelweis University Faculty of Health Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, and she has been working for the HYD LLC for Cancer Research and Drug Development since 2011. She provides personal and online dietary consultation to the clients of the company. She may be contacted via

Krisztina Balog BSc is a Dietitian at HYD LLC for Cancer Research and Drug Development, Budapest, Hungary. She graduated in 2010 from Semmelweis University Faculty of Health Sciences, Budapest, Hungary. Before she joined the company, she worked as a laboratory assistant at Corden International. She has been working for the HYD LLC for Cancer Research and Drug Development since 2011. She provides personal and online dietary consultation to the clients of the company. She may be contacted via

Ildikó Somlyai MSc is Senior Research Fellow at HYD LLC for Cancer Research and Drug Development, Budapest, Hungary. Her speciality is Cancer Research at the submolecular level. She graduated in biology in 1982 from the University of Szeged, Hungary and worked in recombinant DNA technology at the Biological Research Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences at Szeged, Hungary. From 1982 she worked for Gedeon Richter Plc. for 13 years until 1995. During her study and work in the pharmaceutical industry she gained experience in molecular biology, recombinant DNA techniques and transposon mutagenesis. Since 1995 she works in cancer research, investigating the biological importance of naturally occurring deuterium and the various biological and therapeutic effects of deuterium depletion. She may be contacted via

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