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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 220

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 220 - February 2015

Retox vs Detox Pop-Up at Old Street: A Test of New Year's Resolutions

From 15th January, London’s Old Street Tube Station will be home to the UK’s first Retox Vs Detox Pop-Up, catering for consumers with and without willpower, after a study revealed that 60% of Brits ‘fall off the wagon’ by day 30 of the New Year and a shocking 20% give up eating healthily in the first week.

Detox Vs Retox

A consumer behaviour study commissioned by Sourced Market, London’s champion of high quality, locally-sourced produce has revealed that nearly half (46 %) of Brits made a New Year’s resolution to eat more healthily in 2014, but only 16% successfully stuck to their detox plans for the whole year. Nearly half (48%) of Londoners vowed to eat more healthily last year, but only a tiny 7% of them managed to stick with their intentions for the whole year. To help and perhaps test the resolve of those planning to change their eating habits in 2015, Sourced Market’s Old Street Pop-Up has been designed to aid both the health conscious and those who decide January is not the month to start a new regime.

Detox Vs Retox

The UK’s first Retox Vs Detox Pop-Up will have colour-coded menus to assist the ‘retoxers’ and ‘detoxers’. For those kick-starting a new health regime in 2015, there will be a ‘green’ healthy menu, to include five-a-day salads, green juices and paleo egg muffins, all gluten and dairy free. For those that think New Year’s resolutions aren’t worth the effort, there will be a special blend of coffee from Mission Coffee Works, gourmet doughnuts from Crosstown and hearty meat pies.

Located in the Exit 3 of Old Street’s Underground Station, Sourced Market’s Pop-Up aims to raise the bar and improve the quality of food available at London’s tube stations with all natural, real food from small producers, but at the same time, giving commuters the option of a healthy or indulgent menu. Whether it’s for a take-away morning coffee or juice, a bacon roll, a hearty five-a-day salad or a great selection of craft beer, the Old Street Pop-Up is conveniently located right inside Old Street tube station.

Further Information

The Old Street Pop-Up officially launched 15th January 2015 and will run right through until 26th March 2015. The opening hours are 07:30- 22:00, Monday to Sunday.  Tel: 020 7833 9352;


Seagreens  - Feed the Foundation of Health

Soak Up these Ocean Minerals

You can now wallow in Seagreens Human Food Seaweed as well as include it in your daily diet! Simply drop 2 of these compostable bags filled with Seagreens Organic wild Wrack seaweed into your bath, climb in, relax and rejuvenate. Skin feels marvellous, there is no odour and no residue in your bath. The bags can go straight into compost or dig into soil. Nothing added, nothing extracted, and now nothing wasted! 

Seagreens  - Feed the Foundation of Health

Seagreens Food Capsules and Food Granules have long been used in families with autistic children and when the company decided to produce very large ’tea bags’ full of 100% Seagreens seaweed it was with autistic children in mind. This has proved so popular with other members of these families that ‘The Mineral Bath’ is now in a £21.50 pack providing 3 - 6 baths. It is still not yet in the shops but available anywhere in the world direct from a couple of specialist internet retailers: (tel. 01293-520460) and (tel. 01342-410303) and in the USA from (410) 335-2802). 

Seagreens® means certified nutritional quality, free from allergens, pollutants and contaminants - filling the nutrient gaps in other foods, balancing the daily diet and providing nutritional support in a range of health conditions. You can sprinkle Seagreens Food Granules on your boiled egg or add it to your smoothie. For 15 years Seagreens has produced a raw whole food with nothing added or extracted, which is why today, food producers from Manhatten to Malaysia use Seagreens ingredients in a wide range of foods and nutritional supplements. Make sure the Seagreens ingredient is identified on the pack.

Further Information

The Mineral Bath is a £21.50 pack, not yet in the shops but available direct from a couple of specialist internet retailers: (Tel. 01293-520460) and (Tel. 01342-410303); in the USA from (Tel: +1 410 335-2802).

For nutritional research and product information: 

Website:   USA:


Fire Devastates Buildings and Classrooms Helping Orphans in the Gambia - Please Support Imam Jaiteh Charitable Foundation 

Fire has devastated the buildings and classrooms of the Gambian charity providing healthcare, clean water and helping to educate poor orphans in the village of Jarumeh Koto and satellite villages. The Chairman and Founder of the charity is Sheik Imam, international spiritual healer and advisor, known to Positive Health PH Online in his work as BestHealer.

Imam Jaiteh Charitable Foundation

About Imam Jaiteh Charitable Foundation

The Imam Jaiteh Charitable Foundation Charity Registrations Number 58/2013 is registered in the Capital of The Gambia West Africa. The non-profit making charitable foundation, based in Jarumeh Koto Village, supports an integrated development programme in The Gambia. It helps the village of  Jarumeh and satellite villages in their health care programme, sending doctors, nurses and eyes specialist every two months to provide free health care support. Additionally  the charity provides six class rooms to provide help and good care of poor students. Additionally, the Charity helps to provide clean water  for the villages. The Chairman & Founder of the charity is Mr Imam B Jaiteh - an Imam, who is based in the UK

Further Information

To help or for further information please contact Mr Imam B Jaiteh on Tel: 07985691335;


Stephen Cooper Alexander Technique Oxford 

Stephen Cooper has been teaching the Alexander Technique for over 30 years and offer private lessons in Oxford and Headington, as well as evening classes, workshops and courses in Oxford.  He is also the Director of the Oxford Alexander Training School, which  trains future teachers of the Alexander Technique.

Stephen Cooper Alexander Technique Oxford

The Alexander Technique is a method of physical and mental re-education which helps us to look at and understand the way that we ‘use’ ourselves.  Some people use themselves well, but most people use themselves badly, creating huge unnecessary strains and tensions throughout their bodies. The Alexander Technique will teach you to use yourself better.

In so doing,  the Technique can have a positive effect on a wide range of stresses and ailments, including back, neck or shoulder pain and other muscular/skeletal problems, headaches, RSI, breathing difficulties, sports and performance strain, stress related conditions, anxiety and depression; as well as enhancing performance, improving vitality and general wellbeing.  

The Alexander Technique can help you, and anyone who is willing to learn.  How it can help and how much will be different for every individual. My website will give you some information about the Technique and its benefits, how you can learn and how to find out more information if you need to.  But the Technique is essentially about learning a new experience. It therefore has to be experienced to really understand it; and the only real way of doing that is with one-to-one lessons.  That is why I encourage you to come along for a lesson; or for a more general introduction or recap, join in one of my evening classes or courses.

Further Information

Please contact Stephen Cooper MSTAT, Alexander Technique Oxford on Tel : 01865 765511;


Bioresonance According to Paul Schmidt - 4th edition

by Professor Dietmar Heimes

Published by Spurbuchverlag. 2014. £43.70 (incl. VAT, excl. shipping) ISBN: 3-88778-217-8.

After 10 years the book Bioresonance According to Paul Schmidt has been updated and the English edition is now available to order.

Bioresonance According to Paul Schmidt

Click this link to get your copy

Much has occurred and knowledge has increased since the book was first published in 2004. For example the Rayocomp PS10 was released, the system Rayonex Analysis & Harmonisation (RAH) developed and as an open system it continues to evolve, currently offering 1766 analysis and harmonizing programs. RAH makes it possible to achieve much more in the field of analysis in a much shorter space of time by presenting ‘Test protocols’ for a large number of conditions where the typically causative factors are presented for analysis. This is especially helpful, as it makes the research findings of the most experienced practitioners available to all, allowing us to ‘look over their shoulder’ as it were. Other features include helpful appendices in the manual, e.g. a list showing organs with the corresponding acupuncture meridians and typically associated pathogens for each organ.

In recent years health assaults from the negative effects of electro-smog have multiplied with high frequency energies from communication systems surrounding us virtually wherever we go; devices have been developed by Rayonex Biomedical GmBH to assist against these effects. Much discussion on this is found in the new book.

Last year the new Rayoscan module was launched making analysis without the tensor (ariel) possible. This is a huge advance, in fact, the greatest development that we have witnessed in 12 years of working alongside the Rayonex company. The new book has a chapter devoted to the Rayoscan (derived from the orthodox ECG protocol).

We are sure you will be eager to read Professor Dietmar Heimes’ new book. At 544 pages it is a substantial work. It contains over 200 pages of practical working assistance in the form of frequency lists, program lists, etc. There are 197 illustrations and photos. In addition to the new material the existing chapters have been extensively revised and expanded. The new book is an excellent translation having been worked on by native English speakers and proof read in the same way. Some have commented that the 2004 edition made for difficult reading; the new book is a vast improvement and reads really well, it’s clear and understandable throughout. This will move Bioresonance According to Paul Schmidt ahead and assist all to gain a deeper knowledge in the field of energy medicine and the possibilities this presents, and to become more proficient in the application of Bioresonance.

Further Information

Please contact Rayonex on Tel: 01559 364711;  Fax 01559 364043;

Purchase your copy of the new Bioresonance According to Paul Schmidt at


New Vistas - Your Personalised Health Plan

The New Vistas range of Homoeopathic products has been described by many Practitioners over the years as the greatest innovation in Homoeopathy in the past 100 years. New Vistas Healthcare was founded by Martin Murray in 1990; it has grown successfully and from its base in Ireland it now supplies products to several countries. Martin Murray attributes their success over the past twenty five years to two factors - the quality of the product, teaching and support provided by the team. The Practitioners added another contributing factor - the philosophy and to the design of the range. The company identified the role that diet, lifestyle, environmental pollution and a degrading food chain growth in medications use all contributed to ill health. The product range was designed to counter those factors.

Logo and Fatty Acid Liquescence 

Detoxification was identified as a critical part of illness prevention and health recovery. The detox remedies presented as Xenobiotics address the problems of the modern environment, chemical and heavy metal toxicity, food additives, medications, household cleaning materials, detergents, formaldehyde and others. Detoxing at cellular level as opposed to organ or tissue level is a key objective; this is one of the benefits of homoeopathic detoxification. 

Organ therapy was identified as the other key element in the health and recovery programme and the organ remedies are presented as Liquescences. This combination of supporting the organs of detoxification during the detox process was found by Practitioners to be of huge significance. Using resonance testing - particularly Kinesiology - practitioners were able to identify organs which were stressed, under nourished and nutritionally depleted as a result of the toxic load, and which recovered more quickly when the liquescences were used in conjunction with the detox remedy. 

The Liquescences are low potency combination remedies derived from multiple sources, specifically organic healthy bovine tissue combined with minerals, vitamins and/or herbs as needed. Many practitioners refer to them as micro-nutrients and are essential in homoeopathic potency as people who are already toxic  are unable to absorb or assimilate essential herbs and minerals in whole form. In addition to their role as organ supports for detox, there are remedies within that range for health enhancement such as for heart and cardiovascular health, immune system, digestive system  nervous system and so on.

New Vistas combines homoeopathy and nutrition with diagnostic procedures particularly Kinesiology and Bio-resonance testing, hence the term Homoeotherapy. The practitioner identifies the needs of the client and draws up a Personalized Health Plan. This will invariably include the elimination of unsuitable foods from the diet, changes in lifestyle, review of working hours, meditation, living conditions and/or relationships. The journey to good health - it’s a journey, not an event - will then be supported by homoeopathy, Flower Essences, nutrition and maybe other complementary therapies. 

Further Information

For more information please contact New Vistas on Tel: +353 61 33 44 55 or 01244 560345;


June Sayer D Hom(Med) MARH RHom DNTh FNTP D Iridol - Homeopath, Nutritionist, Iridologist and Reiki Master/Teacher

Sayer Complementary Health based in Rayleigh, Essex is run by June Sayer. June is a Homeopath, Nutritionist, Iridologist and Reiki Master/Teacher who has been practising complementary health for 22 years.

June is now a Certified CEASE therapist. CEASE (Complete Elimination of Autism Spectrum Expression) is a protocol that combines homeopathy with nutrition to help alleviate the symptoms that are often associated with autistic spectrum.

Homeopathy is an extremely popular system of medicine that is used by millions of people worldwide and 15% of the British population rely on its health benefits.   It is gentle, safe, effective, non-toxic and non-addictive and suitable for all ages.

Vantage web

June uses the Bio-Meridian Vantage System an electronic meridian testing device for health screening and food sensitivity testing.  The Bio-Meridian system is based on Dr. Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg’s 6-phase table of homotoxicology (the study of human toxicity).  

Courses in Homeopathy and Reiki are available at Sayer Complementary Health.  The Introduction to Homeopathy Course is an ideal course for you to learn how to use homeopathy for a range of acute conditions.   Once you have whetted your appetite with the short course and decide to study homeopathy in greater depth, the Practitioner course is the one for you. Successful completion leads to a Practitioner Diploma qualification and the opportunity to enrol with one of the major registering bodies in homeopathy.

Reiki is a healing modality that is used for the reduction of stress, helps relaxation and promotes healing. Should you be interested in the learning Reiki it is a simple technique that is easy to learn.  Reiki level 1 (Shoden) is suitable for self-healing and promotes your sense of wellbeing.   Reiki level 2 (Okuden) is the practitioner level where you can work with clients and Reiki Master/Teacher (Shinpenden) enables you to teach others.

Further Information

Please contact June Sayer on 01268 928 223 or email for more details on her practice or courses.


Munro-Hall Clinic - Holistic, Mercury Free Dentists

The Munro-Hall Clinic is a holistic dental clinic which uses no metals in repairing and restoring teeth. Graeme Munro-Hall set it up with his Danish Dentist wife Lilian when he came back to the UK after 10 years working in Germany in 1999.

What they do is remove all metals from the teeth, remove all infections such as root filled or dead teeth, clean out Cavitation infections in the bone and regulate the patient’s pH. The concept is simple but not easy. Graeme and Lilian have been in the forefront of the fight against the use of mercury in dentistry for 28 years now and at the time of writing Graeme is about to go on a 12 day talking tour of the Philippines trying to persuade them to abandon this archaic and dangerous filling material.

Cost of Using Dental Amalgam

Graeme has sat at UNEP meetings over the new Minimata treaty designed to reduce mercury exposure and clashed with WHO and the FDI (World Dental Federation) and told the head of the EU committee about to report on dental mercury that if this report is fudged like previous ones he will “hold her feet to the fire”. Have such a treatment philosophy and high profile against what the dental establishment holds dear comes at a price.

Dentistry in the UK is regulated by the General Dental Council; they have just kindly informed me of the dates of the latest “Fitness to Practice” hearing which is 14th to 18th September this year. This is his third hearing of this type. It is a quasi-court with prosecutors and defence lawyers with a GDC panel of lay persons and the dentally qualified. It has the power to suspend or remove his registration so that he can no longer work as a dentist, at least here in the UK. It is a feeding frenzy for lawyers.

At the age of 67 with 44 years as a working general dentist this prospect does not fill Graeme with much alarm but it is an indicator of the times we are in. This time around he is accused of misleading people on the website, the same website that was scrutinised at the last hearing 2 years ago and has not been altered since 2011. In the Philippines he was due to address a dental school but the Dean has cancelled his talk, on the grounds purportedly that he does not want his students confused. It seems his reputation travels but he always thought that Universities were to seek all knowledge and make their own minds up. How naïve is that!

Graeme has put my powerpoint slides up on the website for the talk he is going to deliver the Philippine Dental Association. Look for Public Presentations on the left side of the home page. On one of the slides he quotes Prof Vimy, “The scientific case against amalgam is clear, those who support the use of amalgam are either liars or incompetent” which is his position too. He guesses he’ll make more friends in the Dental Establishment there as well!

Graeme says that what is important is the truth; he has seen the dramatic effect their treatment has had improving the health of patients so he knows he is on the side of the Angels and can sleep at night. As the story unfolds, he’ll keep us all posted.

Further Information

Please contact Munro-Hall Clinic on Tel: 01234 840099; and view the powerpoint presentation at


The Vital Glutes: Connecting the Gait Cycle to Pain and Dysfunction

by John Gibbons

Published by Lotus Publishing. 2014. Softback.£16.99. $19.05 ISBN: 978-1-905367-49-8.

The Vital Glutes is written by author and respected bodywork specialist John Gibbons, and looks at one of the most neglected areas of the body: the gluteal muscles. The book takes you on a fascinating journey of enlightenment, teaching the reader to recognize pain and dysfunctional patterns that arise from the gluteal muscles.

The Vital Glutes

Questions answered in the book include: Why are the glutes potentially causing pain and dysfunction to distant sites of the body?  How does the gait pattern contribute to pain and dysfunction? And, how can the application of gluteal specific Muscle Energy Techniques aid full body wellbeing?  In addition to tackling such questions this book also offers the reader step-by-step tasks to identify and correct a number of dysfunctional patterns, and functional gluteal exercises in order to aid recovery.

Author John Gibbons says, “In almost each and every one of the physical therapy courses I teach (even in the case of the “Shoulder Joint Master Class”), I am constantly being asked about the glutes and how they cause pain in a specific area. I always discuss verbally how this phenomenon can happen and then go on to demonstrate practically the causes and effects; however, I have never been able to say, “Read such-and-such a book and you will find the answer.” My aim in writing now is to meet the need for a book which does give such answers. I wanted to produce a text that over time will help many thousands of physical therapists, whether they are students in this area or have been practising physical therapists for many years. I believe that this book can serve as a core text for anyone in the field of physical therapy who wants a better understanding of how maximizing the glutes to achieve optimum functionality will help reduce a patient’s pain and dysfunction in almost every part of the body!”

Chapters cover such topics as muscle imbalance and the myofascial slings, the glutes and the gait cycle, functional anatomy of the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and differential diagnosis of weakness inhibition of the glutes; among others.

About John Gibbons

John Gibbons is a qualified and registered Osteopath with the British General Osteopathic Council, specializing in the assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of sport-related injuries. Having lectured in the fields of sports medicine and physical therapy for over twelve years, John delivers advanced therapy training to qualified professionals within a variety of sports via his company, the John Gibbons Bodymaster Method . His articles on various aspects of physical therapy have appeared in many international publications. He is the author of Muscle Energy Techniques: A Practical Guide for Therapists and A Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping, published by Lotus Publishing and North Atlantic Books

Further Information

Available from Amazon


Don’t Let Allergies Prevent a Peaceful Night’s Sleep

The hectic nature of everyday life makes a good night’s rest imperative for our wellbeing. However, if you’re an allergy sufferer, uncomfortable symptoms such as wheezing, sneezing and itching may disturb your sleep or keep you awake through the night. Read these tips on minimizing your body’s reaction to the allergens and enjoy a more peaceful night’s sleep.

Go Back to Basics

If you suffer from skin allergies or chemical sensitivity (MCS), consider making the switch to organic bedding. Pesticides, chemical-based dyes and flame retardants are often used in the manufacture of non-organic bedding and mattresses. Some even contain formaldehyde resin, which may result in headaches and rashes on continued exposure - Going ‘organic’ gives you peace of mind, knowing that none of these chemicals are affecting you while you sleep.

Don’t Let Allergies Prevent a Peaceful Night’s Sleep

Beat the Mites

House dust mite allergy is more common than you may think, with symptoms including rhinitis, conjunctivitis and wheezing. Dust mites are too small to see with the naked eye, thriving in warm, damp conditions where dust containing skin cells is present (think mattresses, pillows and carpets). Their droppings are allergenic. A dehumidifier will help reduce dust mite numbers, and air sterilizers such as those from Airfree or Radic8 will help to remove the droppings from the air. Encasing your bedding in dust mite proof barrier cases with a tight weave will help prevent the droppings from coming into contact with your skin.

Breathe Easy

If you suffer from respiratory allergies such as asthma, remove as many irritants as possible. A quiet, efficient air purifier will help to remove airborne particles while you sleep. If excess humidity is a problem, a dehumidifier will help to reduce levels of mould and dust mites. Synthetic fragrances can also be a trigger, so it may help to wash your bedding with a gentle, fragrance-free detergent. Keeping pets away from sleeping areas may also help, as pet dander can trigger respiratory symptoms, hives and skin irritation in the very allergic - none of which are conducive to a good night’s sleep.

Stop the Itch

If you have a skin condition such as eczema, the itching can be incredibly frustrating, making it hard to drift off to sleep. Overheating tends to worsen itching, so a well-ventilated, cool room is a must. Unbleached organic bedclothes are great for minimizing irritation, as is the specially-produced nightwear from DermaSilk. Look for breathable cotton over synthetic bedding.  Airborne particles such as dust mites can sometimes be eczema triggers, so an air purifier may help too.

Further Information

Please contact The Healthy House online store with over 20 years’ experience of relieving allergies on Tel: 0845 450 5950;


Ilkley Complementary Medicine Festival

Held At The Kings Hall/Winter Gardens, Ilkley, it is the UK’s premier festival promoting natural remedies & related products.  Established in 1988, the twice yearly Complementary Medicine Festival attracts visitors, exhibitors and practitioners from all over the country.


Held twice yearly in March and October.

The next event is the Spring Complementary Medicine Festival

Ilkley Spring 2015 Festival

Spring 2015:  Saturday 28th March and Sunday 29th March 2015

Autumn 2015: Saturday 24th October and Sunday 25th October 2015

Times -  Open from 10am till 5pm both days


There will be a  wide range of Therapies,  Services and Natural Products. For Full Details of the Events In 2015 and to Make a Booking Please Visit   Stand Availability . You can find more details about making a booking, including a floor plan and other useful standholder information on the page marked Stand Holder Information.

Talks and Demonstrations

Please click to the link page workshops


£4.00 Adults,  £3.50 Concessions

£6.50 – 2 Day Pass 

Children Free under 16 years of age


There is disabled access to the venue ( LIMITED ACCESS TO THE WORKSHOPS).

A range of home cooked food is available throughout the weekend including vegetarian and gluten free.


The King’s Hall, Winter Gardens is located in the heart of Ilkley, near Leeds and Bradford. The King’s Hall is directly opposite the railway and bus station. If you have sat. navigation in your car, the address is Station Road, Ilkley LS29 8HB.

There is plenty of on street car parking nearby. See the page labelled Directions.

Where to stay in Ilkley

We have compiled a list of places to stay in and around Ilkley. Please click here to see the list and phone numbers of hotels and B&B accommodation in and near Ilkley.

Further Information

To enquire about the Festival or book a stand at the next event, please contact Michael Weaver on Mob: 07939468822;


Living Wisdom: The Foundations Of Ayurveda Online Course

with Anne Mcintyre & Gina Mastroluca

I am really excited to announce the launch of our new online course 'Living Wisdom: The Foundations of Ayurveda'!

Living Wisdom Ayurveda

Explore the amazing world of Ayurveda and be inspired by the philosophy, principles and practical applications of its timeless wisdom from anywhere in the world at your own pace. The Foundations of Ayurveda course is suitable for many - yoga practitioners and teachers, health professionals and anyone else aspiring to health and wholeness.

With over 700 pages of knowledge, beautiful imagery, charts and audio meditations, the course guides you through the foundations of Ayurveda with a unique emphasis on the incredible world of healing plants, the transformational practice of meditation and living a conscious and balanced life.

The online Living Wisdom community makes it easy to stay connected and supported while you're taking the course. The course is offered now at an introductory price for a limited time.

Further Information

Please contact Anne McIntyre via 

Enroll Now Introductory price for one month only £350 approx $550 US


LifeSpan Nutrition: A One Day Seminar with Barbara Wren, Naturopath

Mar 06, 2015 - 10:00

Conference Room, Indian YMCA

41 Fitzroy Street, London, W1T 6AQ

Price: £60 early booking; free teas/coffees

Barbara Wren

Nutrition creates the Background for all Healing Disciplines

In this one day seminar Barbara will take us through the particular nutritional needs of the different ages, starting with pre-conception all the way to old age. 

Areas Looked at in the Workshop

  1. Healing via any discipline is looking to create freedom and movement;
  2. Human beings need to be connected into the vast universe in which we live;
  3. Light production and storage in the body is the messenger from above to below;
  4. How through nutrition we can magnify the light we store and transmit;
  5. We are mainly composed of water, especially the brain;
  6. The water is the material which holds the vibrational information from the microcosm and transmits it to our microcosm ( the cells in our body).

As healing needs to create freedom and movement the event will also look at the process of healing and cleansing. The workshop will teach old fashioned techniques which protect organs from becoming over stressed during a healing experience. Movement of lymph and decongestion of the blood will also be covered. The routes of elimination will be given a great deal of attention to create clarity within a person so that they can contact their own inner wisdom to guide them through their healing journey. 

About Barbara Wren

Barbara Wren is the founder of the College of Natural Nutrition and has been teaching and lecturing for the past 27 years, showing people a different approach to healing through nutrition and healing techniques. She is the author of two books: Cellular Awakening and Our Return to the Light.  CPD certificates will be issued. Barbara may be contacted on 01884 821761;

Further Information and to Book

Please contact Steve Flood on Tel: 020 8350 4607 / 07984 592626;


Be Pretty In Pink With Living Nature’s New Bloom Lipstick

In time for the arrival of spring, there’s a fresh and fashionable new star in Living Nature’s certified natural mineral make-up range - Bloom Lipstick (rrp £19.50). If you love a pretty pout that’s glam, bold, bright and, above all, pink, then Living Nature’s new lipstick shade is perfect for you. Especially if you want your natural beauty to bloom, so you look and feel beautiful, but you also want to feel you’ve done something good with your purchase too.

Bloom Lipstick

Suitable for most skin tones, Bloom is a stylish, vintage ‘hot’ pink shade that’s also kind and gentle to lips. A daring dash of colour that you can wear day or night, anywhere and everywhere, casual or dressed up; the perfect pink to enhance and finish a natural mineral make-up look, especially if you want to create a little extra ‘oomph’. The beauty of Bloom Lipstick is it also nourishes and protects lips. With a special moisture-rich formula of vegetable waxes, including candellia and carnauba, beeswax, squalane and Vitamin E, Living Nature ensures optimum nourishment, a soft texture, smooth application and lasting coverage. What’s more, Bloom Lipstick also feels remarkably light, soft and smooth on the lips.

Living Nature’s Bloom is all you would expect from a quality lipstick but what makes Bloom extra special is the fact it’s formulated using the most pure, certified natural ingredients it is possible to source, whilst bringing luscious, healthy colour to lips in the safest, most natural way. So much so, all Living Nature Lipsticks have a low rating of ‘2’ on the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep database, which rates products on their purity and naturalness. Wearing Living Nature Lipsticks therefore provides you with the reassurance it will enhance your natural beauty, whilst being good for your health too.

Additionally, Living Nature believes every woman has the right to live her life in full bloom and, as such, is donating NZ$1 from each sale to the Breast Cancer Network New Zealand (BCN).  Living Nature has been an inaugural supporter member since 2011 and is proud to be assisting the work of this worthwhile charity. BCN focuses on risk reduction and preventative education to help stop cancer where it starts; assisting women to reduce their toxic overload and address their breast cancer risk. The charity also endorses the Living Nature range so by wearing Bloom, you’ll not only look good but feel great too.

Living Nature is certified natural by BDIH Germany and a name you can trust to produce safe, ethical skin care and cosmetics creations that are crafted with dedication and care. So much so, each Living Nature Lipstick is hand-crafted and individually flamed to a perfect finish. Living Nature also has a mission to share safe, healthy natural beauty with the world whilst treating the planet with respect. It adopts eco-friendly practices, never tests on animals and all packaging is recyclable and contains no dioxin or elemental chlorine. Go on, be pretty in pink this spring with Living Nature’s newest shade of lipstick and let your natural beauty bloom!

Further Information

Available from a nationwide network of salons, pharmacies and health stores and online from and other online retailers including My Pure, Naturisimo, Lovelula and Feel Unique. To Learn More contact Botanical Brands, sole UK distributor for the Living Nature range, on Tel: 0845 250 8455;


Tasty Detox Super Foods  - Warrior Greens  from Bodybuilding Warehouse

One of the UK’s largest sports nutrition suppliers, Bodybuilding Warehouse, has launched a new and tasty super greens blend - the delicious way to detox, improve health and boost vitality. Set to be a top health product for 2015 it’s designed to boost overall vitality and health and is a great source of  additional nutrients and phytonutrients.

Warrior Greens, from Bodybuilding Warehouse is a food supplement containing super foods such as wheatgrass, kale, broccoli and avocado and is naturally sweetened with stevia. It’s the perfect supplement for people who lead busy lifestyles and who perhaps don’t have enough time to eat their five portions of freshly prepared fruit and veg every day. It also has an orange flavour as many of the superfood powders do not taste great.

Warrior Greens

‘Warrior Greens’, available from Bodybuilding Warehouse, is packed with health charged ingredients that are dense in nutrients and phytonutrients including avocado, spinach, kale, wheat grass and broccoli, all of which are a great source of fibre, provide digestive enzymes and help to heal tissues in the body.

The super greens blend is sweetened with stevia, a naturally-sourced sugar substitute that contains no calories and no carbohydrates and enhanced with an orange flavour for a pleasant tasting mix.

Ingredients such as wheatgrass contains chlorophyll, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E, iron, calcium and magnesium. Kale is claimed to be full of antioxidants, and has very high levels of iron, vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium and dietary fibre. It also been linked to lowering cholesterol, boosting the immune system and aiding liver function.

Kieran Fisher, managing director at, said: “There are many nutrients and phytonutrients in the Warrior Greens blend including avocado juice powder, kale and broccoli all within the same formula. It is naturally sweetened with stevia, as it is a 100% natural sweetener that is regarded to be better for you than ace-K, aspartame, and sucralose. This is in order to produce a healthy and holistic product designed to help people train and remain healthy for life.”

Further Information

Warrior Greens is priced at £19.98 for 30 servings and can be purchased at:

For wholesale or distribution enquiries, please contact or call Tel: 0161 236 1588.


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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes


    International Ayurveda Congress

    The forthcoming International Ayurveda Congress will be held on 10-14 April in Roermond, Holland. This will be the largest congress on Ayurveda ever to be held in Europe and leading Ayurveda experts from the US, Europe and India will present the full range of comprehensive system of natural health. The comprehensive brochure gives details of all the speakers and events occurring in the congress.

    Further information:  


    Ancienne Ambiance

    Winner of the Best Home Fragrance in the Beauty Shortlist Awards 2014, the rose scented diffuser has a gentle aroma which will transport you from ancient Damascan rose valleys to English country gardens. A symbol of love in both the ancient and modern world, the sublime scent will bring 3-4 months of fragrance to your home. A great summer alternative to candles, Ancienne Ambiance Reed Diffusers are the perfect way to add luxurious, continuous fragrance to your surroundings. You can also try Ancienne Ambiance Rosa Jasminum Goddess Salts during your next bath. A calming combination of Epson Salts, Mediterranean Sea Salts and Organic essential oils.

    Further information:


    January Detox Top Tips

    Ilona Wesle Nutritionist and co-founder of suggests detox tips for the New Year. Swap alcohol, black tea and coffee for herbal tea. Nettle is great for supporting kidneys, or MyDetoxDiet’s 7x7 tea to cleanse the liver. Water is important; you should drink at least a litre a day. Ditch fizzy drinks and opt for fresh juices; carrot, beetroot, apple and cucumber are all good. Steam, lightly boil or poach food to keep goodness in your food and retain the flavour. Choose organic food when possible and ensure you have at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Consume fewer animal products, get plenty of sleep and support the detox process by trying Yoga or Pilates or treat yourself to a massage or infrared dome session.

    Further information:


    Children’s Screen Time Guidelines

    The time children spend using screens such as televisions and computers on a daily basis exceeds recommended guidelines, according to research published in the open access journal BMC Public Health. These guidelines for less than 2 hours per day may no longer be tenable, as they were drawn up when tablets, cell phones and other mobile devices were not as prevalent in everyday life, and suggest they need to be redrafted.

    Further information:  


    CNM Detox & Weight Loss Course

    This short course Saturday and Sunday 21-22 Feb sponsored by Xynergy Health Products, examines the best methods to help you to alkalize, to cleanse safely and naturally and to sustain a healthy weight. The College of Naturopathic Medicine will cut through diet and detox myths and common misconceptions and you will come away with your own personalized detox and diet plan as well as a healthy weight loss program tailored to you.

    Further information Tel: 01342 306 264;


    bioDOT Rebalance Energy

    The bioDOT is designed to be worn, or at least be near you all of the time, and can be attached to the back of a watch, favourite item of jewellery or even kept in your wallet. It is also a good idea to place it under your pillow at night. The bioDOT is programmed with powerful resonant Phi Technology®. The natural programming frequencies harmonize your own biofield to its optional functioning state, providing protection against all the electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) around us generated by mobile phones, Wi-Fi, computers and cordless phones.

    Further information Tel: 01803 782 008;


    Walking Saves Lives

    Research by Cambridge University, published recently, found that taking a brisk 20 minute walk daily can reduce mortality. Living Streets’ Chief Executive, Joe Irvin said that the study adds to the overwhelming body of evidence that walking can save and prolong our lives. It also helps us to maintain a healthy weight and reduce our risk of chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease.

    Further information Tel: 020-7737 4914/ 07545 209 865,


    The New Health Rules

    The New Health Rules by Dr Frank Lipman and Danielle Claro is a beautifully illustrated small hardback book, published in February by Artisan. Book sections include Eating, Moving, Boosting, Healing and Living; there are 175 actionable tips to improve many aspects of health, the body, mind and soul. Each double page spread has a striking image on one side facing a motivational message on the other with topics such as “Simple secrets for a good night’s sleep.”

    Further information Available on Amazon


    Turmeric Reduces Inflammation

    New research has shown that a natural substance found in the common spice turmeric, may be as effective as some pharmaceutical drugs at reducing inflammation associated with arthritis. Fito Organic Turmeric Capsules are some of the most potent, purest and best value turmeric capsules available. From the lowlands of Vietnam, the turmeric in the capsules has been grown without pesticides with no additives, flavourings or preservatives; organic and suitable for vegetarians.

    Further information: or ask at your local health store.


    Global Food Sustainability Conference

    VegfestUK, organizers of some of Europe’s biggest vegan lifestyle events, will address the underlying issues at their Brighton event. A Well-Fed World, a leading advocacy organization drawing attention to the harm of animal-centric food and farming, has leapt to their support and will now lead this conference in the worldwide quest for effective solutions to global food sustainability.

    Further information:


    Gentle Way of the Heart

    The Gentle Way: Discover the Light Within by Dr Anders Nilsson, new author in the world of spirituality, brings a scientist’s approach to the path to transforming one’s self and becoming more awakened in the present moment. A renowned physics and chemistry researcher at Stanford University and a spiritual teacher, the author lays out a practice of study, meditation and exercises which address our world’s desperate need for harmony and human connection.

    Further information Available from Amazon


    Boost Your Brain Power

    BodyMe are a leading organic super foods company who provide a range of high quality organic Spirulina products, which might be able to help protect your brain’s cells (neurons) and create and preserve important connections between them. Cultivated in natural fresh water ponds in a clean and fresh open-air environment, after purity filtering their algae is dried to produce the finest quality organic Spirulina powder.

    Further information:


    Wellness and Detox

    Australian Naturopath Sally Mathrick is giving Free Talks: Lighten Yoga and Nutrition course in February for healthy weight management, Nourishing Yoga in Bendigo, Sparkle Detox Process & Retreats in Hepburn springs in February, September and October. Sparkle Detox Retreat in Byron Bay in May and Bendigo Ladies - 8 week healthy weight management and vitality enhancing yoga and nutrition course starting Feb.

    Further information:


    New Antibiotic Identified

    Antibiotic resistance is spreading faster than the introduction of new compounds into clinical practice, causing a public health risk. Most antibiotics were produced by screening soil micro-organisms, but this limited resource of cultivable bacteria was overmined by the 1960s. Several methods were developed to grow uncultured organisms by cultivation in situ or by using specific growth factors. New antibiotic teixobactin identified without bacterial species developing resistance.

    Further information Tel: 02920 875596 / 07950 960 968;


    Be Happier - Avoid Setting Goals

    Approximately 75% of us do not succeed in achieving our New Year Goals; this leads to feelings of disappointment and failure. Sarah Alexander, author of Spiritual Intelligence in Leadership: From Manager to Leader in Your Own Life says the answer comes in the form of our intuitive wisdom and guidance. That inner knowledge, flash of insight and gut feeling that seems almost other worldly in the information it imparts.

    Further information and to download Sarah’s Eight Top Tips on How To Be Magnificent go to


    Birch Sap Beauty

    Birch sap is known to help cleanse and remove toxins from the body and it helps nourish the body’s cells with organic acids. For centuries, birch sap has been enjoying for its purifying, diuretic and strengthening properties. MADARA’s Cosmetics has replaced water in the formulations with birch sap to give  your skin a boost only nature can. The full Time Miracle range comprising of a Serum, Day Cream, Night Cream and Eye Cream has undergone in vivo and in vitro tests, confirming the effectiveness of birch sap in beauty products.

    Further information:   Nordic Koiva Birch Sap Drink is sold at  The MADARA Time Miracle range is available from Wholefood Market, health stores and online at


    Neal’s Yard Remedies Beauty Book

    Revolutionize your beauty regime with this guide to home-made natural products, make-up looks and at-home therapies, guided by the experts at Neal’s Yard Remedies. Following on from Neal’s Yard Remedies Healing Foods, Neil’s Yard Remedies Beauty Book is the essential guide to natural beauty, covering everything from how to prepare natural products that actually work, to complete make-up looks and at-home techniques to pamper yourself from head to toe.

    Further information:


    Sulforaphane Cancer Therapy

    New research has identified a key cancer-fighting mechanisms for sulforaphane, suggesting that this phytochemical may be able to move beyond cancer prevention and toward therapeutic use for advanced prostate cancer. Scientists say that pharmacologic doses in the form of supplements would be needed for actual therapies beyond the amount of sulforaphane which would ordinarily be obtained from  dietary sources such as broccoli.

    Further information:


    Uncovering Happiness

    Uncovering Happiness by Dr Elisha Goldstein PhD field leader in mindfulness psychology is a breakthrough book, providing an insightful introduction to mindfulness. Depression is very common affecting 121 million people world-wide; Uncovering Happiness shows that the key to overcoming depression is through mindfulness and self-compassion. Using the latest innovations in science, Dr Goldstein, an expert in his field, provides us with cutting-edge techniques, broken down into seven steps, for creating a more resilient, naturally anti-depressant brain.

    Further information:


    Cocoa Improves Cognitive Function

    A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN) adds to the growing body of evidence demonstrating that cognitive function is improved with a high in cocoa flavanols - a group of naturally occurring bioactive found in fresh cocoa beans. It is not yet fully understood how cocoa flavanols bring about improvements in cognitive function, but the study authors suggest that improvements in insulin resistance and blood pressure could be revealing.

    Further information:  


    VegfestUK Brighton 2015

    VegfestUK on 28-29 March at the Brighton Centre is at the helm for the New Year cleanse, reminding us that healthy eating can be fun, accessible and very delicious. Kicking off March, VegfestUK will be one of Europe’s leading food and cultural events in 2015, with an eclectic selection of 160 stalls and varied array of caterers providing sumptuous delights. Guilt-free eating is on tap for the entire weekend.

    Further information:


    The Stress Cure

    The Stress Cure by Patrick Holford and Susannah Lawson, published by Piatkus in March explains why we become stressed, how the stress response is unique to each of us and why stress can create a vicious cycle, which has serious implications for our long-term health. They suggest a unique blend of practical measures to help, including: uncovering your stress triggers and response, learning how to reframe negative beliefs, effective time management, becoming resilient by tuning up stress hormones, utilizing the power of sleep and exercise, beating the sugar and stimulant trap and discovering key nutrients for energy and resilience.

    Further information: Available on Amazon


    Seven Steps to Achieve Your Goals

    Seven Steps to  Achieve Your Goals is a new 26-minute, goal-setting meditation, informed by NLP and inspired by the chakras. Currently available as a download, it is suitable for anyone, but particularly good for those who have repeatedly tried, yet failed to achieve their goals. This dynamic mediation has been created by Antonia Boyle, Founder and Director of Alpha Waves PDS. In her role as a NLP Master Practitioner, Health, Yoga and Relaxation Specialist, Andrea works with the chakras as well as using powerful NLP techniques to bring about positive change.

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    Molluscs Natural Treatment

    Molluscum contagiosum, small wart-like lumps, are spread through skin-to-skin contact. Taking antiviral nutrients such as bee propolis, elderberry extract and olive leaf extract, may help support your immune system in fighting mollusc outbreaks. Bee Prepared provides natural supplements containing elderberry, zinc and olive leaf extracts all have proven anti-viral actions; capsule may aid immune function and reduce and eliminate the appearance of molluscs. Zinc is an important nutrient in supporting the immune system.

    Further information:


    Buckwheat Breakfast Benefits

    The Living Food Kitchen, wholesome natural foods providers, have recently launched an exciting range of delicious Raw Buckwheat Granolas - apple and cinnamon, blueberry and banana, traditional (with a mix of seeds, currants and cacao)  and cacao and vanilla. Packed full of taste and goodness, the granolas are perfect for a snack, sprinkled on yoghurt or soaked in almond milk.

    Further information:


    Are Breaks in Daily Self-Weighing Associated with Weight Gain?

    A new study by Cornell University Food and Brand Lab showed that the more frequently dieters weighed themselves the more weight they lost; if participants went more than a week without weighing themselves, they gained weight. Co-Author Brian Wansink, Director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab and author of Slim by Design: Mind Eating Solutions for Everyday Life advises that if you want to lose weight, it is best to weigh yourself every day.

    Further information and to download the paper visit:


    Yoga for Weight Loss

    Researchers from Harvard University found that Yoga is just as effective for weight loss, overall fitness and reducing heart problems as cycling or brisk walking. When it comes to physical exercise, people see Yoga as much less intimidating than other exercises such as Zumba or Pilates and now these results show that it is just as effective.

    Further information:


    ‘Trojan Horse’ Proteins in Cancer and Dementia Research

    Scientists at Brunel University London have found a way of targeting hard-to-reach cancers and degenerative diseases using nanoparticles without causing the damaging side-effects the treatment normally brings. In a huge step forward in the use of nanomedicine, the research helped discover proteins in the blood that disguises nanoparticles so that they are absorbed into cells without causing inflammation and destroying healthy cells.

    Further information Tel: 01895 266 362;


    Rosehips Fight Joint Pain

    Rosehips have earned a reputation as a nutritional superstar. Packed full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, rosehips pack a real nutritional punch when it comes to health and wellbeing. Rosehips contain a high solution of Vitamin C, polyphenols and anthocyanins, which help to relieve inflammation and reduce joint disease. They also contain varieties of antioxidants and vitamin A, beneficial for the skin. Litozin+ provides all the health giving active ingredients and associated benefits of rosehips by taking just three capsules a day.

    Further information: Litozin+ is available from Holland & Barrett and Amazon.



    A designer of innovative accessories for iPhone, iPod, iPad, smartphones and tablets, introduces a new line of OptiGuard™ Glass, made from ultra-thin and shatterproof toughened glass. Glass Protect offers all-round protection to the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus whilst Glass Blue features a blue light shield to help reduce eyestrain and improve sleep. Glass Privacy, has a unique privacy filter which protects whatever is on the screen from prying eyes.

    Further information: The QDOS OptiGuard Glass screen protectors are available from  


    Breastfeeding Longer Benefits

    The NHS could save more than £40 million a year by increasing the length of time that mothers breastfeed, according to research carried out at Brunel University in London. In the first study of its kind in the UK, researchers have shown that the savings would come from a reduction in both common childhood diseases and the risk of maternal breast cancer, linked to low rates of breastfeeding.

    Further information Tel: 01895 266 599;  Tel: 01895 268 745;


    Learn Anatomy and Physiology

    Great Ways to Learn Anatomy and Physiology by Charmaine McKissock is highly visual and the perfect companion for anyone studying anatomy and physiology. It is written in a user-friendly manner and offers innovative and accessible storylines, which aid understanding, reinforce memory and also support students with dyslexia or mathematical difficulties.

    Further information Available from Amazon and Palgrave


    10 Million People Vitamin D Deficient

    The NHS urges more people to take vitamin D. Newly released research from the The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), states that 10 million people across England are vitamin D deficiency. A deficiency in vitamin D can lead to many health problems, including rickets and brittle bones. Quest’s vitamin D supplement is an easy chewable tablet which contains 400iu of vitamin D3, protecting you against this new health worry in the UK.

    Further information: Available from Amazon and all good independent health stores.


    More Time to Think

    More Time to Think- The Power of Independent Thinking by Nancy Cline, published by Cassell in paperback has simple and immediate techniques which will immediately bring calm into your life. You will learn to think for yourself and you will begin to think, feel and live better. More Time to Think offers powerful tools to release us from our worries, to let go of the fear we feel we need to cling to in order to be a successful human being.

    Further information Available from Amazon and the author

  • June Sayer Homeopathy

    Training Academy Homeopathy Nutrition Reiki, Distant Learning. Diet, Health Screening, Detox, Stress

  • Seaweed as Superfood

    Comprehensive nutrient balance found in no other natural food but seaweed: colon health, weight loss

  • nutrition and cancer

    by Sandra Goodman PhD The latest scientific research regarding Nutrition and Cancer. Full details at

  • Water for Health

    Specialist online health store focused on hydration, body pH balance and quality nutrition.

  • Liposomal Nutrients

    Optimum system for nutrient delivery to cells - fully bioavailable vitamins absorbed and metabolised

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