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How to Find Your ‘Mojo’ and Keep It!

by Sally Stubbs(more info)

listed in holistic psychotherapy, originally published in issue 224 - August 2015

When we have our ‘MoJo’ with us we can feel we have a connection with an innate kind of ‘magic’ within us.

Children have it!

As long as we, as children are fed, comfortable, safe and emotionally secure we are ‘magical’ and creative - we explore the immeasurable potential of our consciousness. We have a healthy flow between our conscious and unconscious ‘worlds’

A child who is comfortable, safe and emotionally secure will create a palace from stones in the garden, a space station from a cardboard box!

Sally - Castle arms out

Let us consider, first things first: Finding your MoJo?

What do we mean by ‘Your MoJo’? Your Identity - Your Uniqueness - Your Self.

Call it what you will - ‘Your MoJo’ or, as a Client recently excitedly said to me: “My Magic Wand”- and another Client beautifully said: “My Intended Being.”

Use whatever name/metaphor ‘sits’ and resonates with You. I will call it MoJo in this article.

As my Great Genius Teacher, David Grove says: “Metaphors Be with You”.

Here’s what having your ‘MoJo’ present and available to you will be like, so, please read these next sentences slowly - and the ‘key’ for you beginning to find your ‘MoJo’ will be how you respond to these sentences, in your thoughts and feelings:

Do what you want, anything good is achievable, achieve abundance and manifest happiness in your life. Celebrate life. Start being honest with yourself. Stop talking about other people! 

On first reading we’ll probably think: ‘Absolutely I will!’

On second or third - slow - deliberate reading - we’ll likely notice the objections coming up - as thoughts, such as: “I’m not good enough!” “I’ve tried and failed already” “Nothing works out for me!” “I can’t!

These negative internal voices are one of the most important ways that we ‘lose touch’ with our ‘MoJo’.

Our ‘MoJo’ gets buried under the ‘objecting’ inner chatter in our minds.

Most of us do it! Around 99% of us!

And some of this ‘objecting’ blocking our way to happiness and celebration of our life is unconscious - we often don’t even ‘hear’ the continuous chatter - although for sure we feel the result.

We feel it in our body the churning stomach, the heaviness and tightness in our chest, pounding in our heart, a lump in our throat - and suddenly we are ‘blocked’ we are ‘stuck’ in fear. We don’t speak up, we don’t go and talk to the lovely person at a party, we don’t apply for the great job. We don’t explore, we lose our curiosity we are ‘blocked’ by fear. Our ‘MoJo’ is half ‘buried’ under the negative inner mind chatter, which plays on and on and on, bullying us.

Let’s think for a moment how we feel when we are bullied? Bullied by ‘big people’ - parents, (mostly bullying parents have good intention for us) at school maybe, - peers - people on trains and planes, people in the street! When we are not in a position to ‘stand our ground’ and retaliate, we feel ‘crushed’ - hurt, in ‘pain’ - it’s awful.

Similarly our relentless inner bullying voices ‘crush’ our self!

Polishing Our Mojo!

Do what you want, anything good is achievable, achieve abundance and manifest happiness in your life. Celebrate life. Start being honest with yourself. Stop talking about other people! 

How do we begin to achieve this state of happiness within our selves - and with others?

We begin by permanently silencing the relentless inner negative mind chatter! This is one of the most empowering things we need to do for our self. Our ‘MoJo’ will begin to become fully present, we will not become obnoxious! and we will also be safe.

There is some Great research: young children who are emotionally safe and secure are not obnoxious! They share, they are kind and generous in a healthy way.

Further important research: Positive affirmations, positive thinking, positive suggestions, relaxations, deep breathing exercises do not authentically and lastingly resolve and stop the negative inner mind chatter.

If we think of the negative inner mind chatter as being like horrid damp patches on the inside walls of our home, all the above strategies are just painting over the damp. It will feel good, refreshed and comfortable - for a few hours! Then a friend comes along and says: “Hey let’s go and do this….” And up comes the ‘damp’ - the “I can’t” “I’m not good enough” “I’m too nervous, scared……”

Thoroughly fixing the ‘damp’ takes some time - time that will be oh so rewarding and self-empowering. It’s like we need to take a journey to trace the ‘damp’ - ladders out, get onto the roof, find the broken roof tiles and remove and replace them! The new replaced tiles will last a century!

To make this an easy, enjoyable journey for you I have made these short videos - with my ‘Top Tools’ for you to find and free your ‘MoJo’ empower your self and truly achieve and manifest happiness in your life.

Make a start - it’s the Greatest thing you can ever do for your self. And I will complete this short series for you when I next write to you in Positive Health  PH Online.










I am very, very happy that I’ve recently got together with an internationally acclaimed colleague, Angelena Boden – and in September, 2015, we will be co presenting: “Finding Your ‘MOJO’”.

Between us Angelena & I have over Sixty Years of rigorous study, research and experience!

Angelena and I are delighted, and very excited to invite you to this Rare Event.

We are limiting the numbers for this first two day workshop (19th & 20th September 2015, Manchester), so that you can be involved in the full impact of what we have for you. And, as always, in a new, first time Live Presentation we will also learn from you!

A Very Special Live Seminar, and you should be right in there with us!

We have been brainstorming the knowledge we want to share with you for over a year, honing our accumulated experience to produce this workshop.

This will be game changer for you!

Further Information

If you are interested we’d love to hear from you: or

And do please contact me with any questions or thoughts or ideas - on my private email I will be really happy to hear from you.


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About Sally Stubbs

Sally Stubbs MNCP (Snr Accred) FACH DACH is a licensed Psychotherapist and Hypnotherapist with advance training in cutting edge strategies with nearly 30 years solid therapeutic experience. Since 1990 she has been specifically writing and compiling her Therapeutic Courses, in the style of and based on the amazing and successful work of Dr Milton Erickson. Erickson is globally considered to be the 'Grand Father' of Hypnotherapeutic work, and she has been fortunate to study under his prodigy, Dr Ernest Rossi.

Her practice in the Lake District offers therapeutic courses on ailments such as stress, confidence, weight, smoking, phobias and Sally has treated well-known media figures including the columnist Liz Jones, and Brookside actor Steven Pinder as well as others. She has recently written a book called If Life Gives You Lemons - A Short Guide to Happiness and has launched a series of easy to follow CDs on these common ailments that enable you to achieve your goals by changing your mind patterns. Sally may be contacted on Tel: 017687 71377;

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