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The Detoxification Answer - Toxicity as a Clinical Diagnosis

by David Larson(more info)

listed in detoxification, originally published in issue 227 - January 2016

The benefits of our modern way of life are many, but they come with a price; the damaging pollution of our planet with its severe impact on our health. The silent killers of the 21st century turn out to be the toxic heavy metals, chemicals and pathogens that accumulate in our bodies with devastating results. The legacy of the past century was the creation of more than 80,000 chemicals. Each year the US alone releases a staggering 4 billion pounds of these toxins into our environment contaminating the air, water, soil, plants, animals, and, of course, humans.

The Detoxification Answer

Photo Credit: Andres Gonzalez

Zeolite is a naturally occurring crystalline structure created from volcanic ash that spewed into the atmosphere during violent eruptions over 300 million years ago. For thousands of years, civilizations throughout the world have used zeolite as a traditional medicine.

Mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, pesticides, insecticides, dioxins, furans, phthalates, volatile organic compounds, and PCBs are just some of the foreign substances that build up in the body, causing diseases such as diabetes and cancer. Just how bad is it? Really bad. Most of us have between 400-800 potentially toxic, carcinogenic, endocrine-disrupting, and gene-damaging chemicals stored within our cells. Foetuses now grow in a womb contaminated with as many as 287 foreign chemicals; more than 630,000 of the 4 million babies born in the United States are at risk for brain damage and learning difficulties due to mercury exposure in the womb. In fact, the level of mercury in umbilical-cord blood is 1.7 times higher than the level in the mother's blood!

More alarming is the fact that the earlier in life your exposure to toxins occurs, the greater the risk of developing chronic health problems later in life. Is the cancer epidemic related to toxins? According to the Columbia University School of Public Health, 95 percent of cancer is caused by poor diet and environmental toxicity. And it’s not just cancer. The systems most affected by these toxic compounds include the immune, neurological, and endocrine systems. Toxicity in these systems can lead to many chronic health problems including immune dysfunction, autoimmunity, asthma, allergies, cognitive deficits, mood changes, neurological illnesses, and changes in libido, reproductive dysfunction, and glucose dysregulation.

Mercury is Everywhere

Of all the toxic exposures, mercury is without a doubt the most destructive. It is a deadly neurotoxin causing psychological, neurological, enzymatic, and immunological problems. Mercury contributes to or causes countless devastating illnesses including autism, autoimmune diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, cancers, heart disease, endocrine problems, and neurological and behavioral disorders.

Mercury is a naturally occurring element that can be found in the earth’s soil, air and water. Exposure to Mercury happens mainly through ingestion. Mercury in the air and land eventually makes its way into the water. Aquatic microorganisms then convert Mercury into Methylmercury, which is a more toxic form of Mercury that builds up in fish/shellfish and other animals that eat them. Eating certain types of fish and shellfish is the biggest source of exposure to humans.

Mercury is also found in foods including liver, poultry, swine and dairy cows. Mercury cell chlor-alkali products are used to make food ingredients including citric acid, sodium benzoate, and high fructose corn syrup. Samples of high fructose corn syrup have been found to contain up to .57 mg of mercury per gram. The problem with toxins such as mercury and lead is that once they enter the body, they can be difficult to remove. Toxic accumulation quickly overwhelms the body’s detoxification pathways and can ultimately result in severe symptoms of chronic, debilitating disease.

Air Pollution Dreamstime

Photo Credit: Air Pollution
ID 17386195 © Nicku |

The alarming fact is that there are simply no safe levels of exposure to any of these toxic contaminants. The biggest mistake anyone can make regarding their health is to assume that they are not exposed. We are literally surrounded by dangerous toxins. The water we drink is polluted. The air we breathe is filled with chemicals. The foods we eat can be contaminated with antibiotics, pesticides and toxic heavy metals. Imperceptibly, these poisons enter and accumulate in our bodies. This is why toxins are referred to as invisible killers.

One More Piece of the Toxicity Puzzle

A respected pioneer in the field of heavy metal detoxification, Dr Dietrich Klinghardt MD PhD has determined that there is a direct correlation between stored toxins and infectious pathogens. He states that "for each equivalent of stored toxins there is an equal amount of pathogenic microorganisms in the body." The presence of stored toxins causes immune system deficiency that supports the growth of pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.

Most people think of infection as an acute or chronic manifestation, with immediately recognizable symptoms. The truth is that once the body becomes toxic, the immune system is weakened and microbes begin to survive and thrive. Far more stealthy and difficult to diagnose, pathogen burden of deadly microbes called ‘low grade infection’ can cause slow, insidious damage to your individual cells and body over time.

Cytotoxicity is at the very heart of pathogenesis. Intracellular toxicity leads to immunodeficiency and increased pathogen burden. Toxic Body Burden of toxins and pathogens further leads to nutritional malabsorption and ultimately to systemic inflammation; the precursor to almost every degenerative disease known. Toxic Body Burden (TBB) now defines the toxic heavy metals, synthetic chemicals, and pathogens that enter and accumulate in the body.

Epigenetics: The New Science of Health

In spite of volumes of scientific evidence to the contrary, some geneticists would have you believe that degenerative disease is a result of hereditary, genetic predisposition, and that somehow unlocking genetic code will make us immune to all disease or even aging. The truth is that daily exposure to mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, drugs, alcohol and other causative agents can and will make you chronically ill. Toxicity as a clinical diagnosis manifests as a myriad of symptoms physically, psychologically and genetically. In 18th and 19th century England, Mad Hatter Syndrome referred to dementia caused by Mercury exposure.

According to the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, “…less than 1.5 percent of the genome is directly associated with protein encoding genes, and the majority of genetic polymorphisms and DNA variants conferring risk for neurological and psychiatric disease are positioned outside the portions of DNA encoding amino acids. Much of the remaining 98.5 percent of the genome is believed to play an important role in coordinating the regulation of gene expression networks…”

“Epigenetics is the study of these external or environmental factors that turn genes 'on' and 'off' and affect how cells 'read' genes.”

The Detoxification Answer

Ultimate Body Detox: Intracellular Detoxification of Toxins and Pathogens 

The pervasive and harmful combination of toxins and pathogens in our environment represent a very serious threat to our health. The good news is that the diseases and symptoms stemming from environmental toxins are now relatively simple to correct. If the problem is toxicity, then by definition the solution is detoxification.

To effectively eliminate harmful toxins and pathogens, Biopharmaceutical Results RNA has created Ultimate Body Detox; comprising three revolutionary Intra-oral spray formulas called ACZ nano Extra Strength, ACG Glutathione Extra Strength and ACS 200 Extra Strength. With impressive research, these products deserve specific mention.

Results RNA Clinical Research Patient Samples

ACZ nano Extra Strength - Selective Detoxification

Zeolite is a naturally occurring crystalline structure created from volcanic ash that spewed into the atmosphere during violent eruptions over 300 million years ago. For thousands of years, civilizations throughout the world have used zeolite as a traditional medicine. More recently, zeolite was given to victims of the Chernobyl fallout to reduce radiation levels in their bodies. Zeolite is so effective in binding toxins that it is used as a molecular sieve to create purified, medical grade oxygen from air.

Advanced Cellular Zeolite (ACZ) nano Extra Strength is the leading prescribed zeolite formula available.  ACZ nano Extra Strength has many significant qualities which make it a superior choice over other detoxification or chelation methods, including other zeolite-based products. In urine challenge studies, ACZ nano Extra Strength has been independently proven to increase urinary output of mercury, lead and other toxic metals by thousands of percent in just 12 hours of product use.

It is interesting to note that extremely toxic mercury levels were recorded in the urine of patients while taking ACZ nano who had undetectable mercury levels in their urine prior. These significant research results show just how difficult it is for the body to remove mercury and other toxins without an effective detoxification agent present.

Urine challenge (pre and post-provocation) studies are the gold standard in measuring the efficacy of any detoxification agent.

One of the most significant benefits of ACZ nano zeolite over other detoxification agents is its affinity schedule for toxic heavy metals. ACZ nano Extra Strength binds with mercury first and lead second, moving on to bind and remove additional toxic heavy metals and chemical toxins which may include pesticides, herbicides, plastics, and even radioactive particles without removing precious nutrients such as calcium and magnesium.

Affinity Schedule for Zeolite
Affinity Schedule for Zeolite

The above-shown affinity schedule of ACZ nano zeolite for various heavy metal ions is backed by atomic absorption spectroscopy studies. As you can see, toxic heavy metals are highest in preference of attraction.

ACZ nano Extra Strength safely removes Mercury, Lead, Tin, Cadmium, Arsenic, Aluminum, Antimony, Nickel and all other toxic heavy metals.

The strength of the ACZ nano bond is based upon:

  • The toxin’s charge density
  • The toxin’s average molecular size
  • A phenomenon known as “molecular adaptive-fit”.

Zeolite Negatively Charged Cage Structure

As you can see above, mercury molecules fit tightly while potassium and calcium do not.

Another quality which makes ACZ nano Extra Strength such an effective detoxification agent is a proprietary technology which provides a significantly greater number of sub-micronized zeolite crystals per dose. This results in an exponentially greater zeolite surface area providing far more attraction and elimination of toxins from the body than other detoxification products.

ACZ nano Extra Strength is demonstrated to be so safe that it can even be used by pregnant mothers, children, and the elderly. Provided in both 60 mL and 120 mL Intra-oral spray formulas ACZ nano Extra Strength is truly a powerful answer to our most pressing health problems.

In addition, ACZ nano Extra Strength goes far beyond the critical job of removing damaging toxins. Research has shown that it has many other vital actions in the body.

  • Removes free radicals. Unlike classic antioxidants, ACZ nano Extra Strength does not neutralize free radicals by donating an electron to stabilize them. Instead, the unique zeolite structure of ACZ nano Extra Strength captures free radicals. Once trapped inside the zeolite, the inactivated free radical is then safely eliminated from the body.
  • Supports proper pH by promoting optimum pH levels of the blood; sustaining an active immune system and healthy brain function.
  • Eliminates carcinogenic toxins from the body, especially a category of carcinogens called nitrosamines. The most common sources for these nitrates include processed meats, cigarettes, and beer which are linked to pancreatic, stomach, and colon cancers.
  • Treats diarrhea, promotes healthy digestion and encourages nutrient absorption. ACZ nano’s ability to capture ammonium ions during digestion promotes a healthier and less toxic digestive system.

ACG Glutathione Extra Strength – the Body’s Leading Antioxidant

What is the most important antioxidant for your health? It’s called Glutathione, also known as GSH. We've all heard how important antioxidants are for staying healthy. And yet the antioxidant most people have never heard of happens to be the most powerful of them all.  The good news is that your body produces its own Glutathione. The bad news is that poor diet, pollution; toxins, medications, stress, trauma, aging, infections and radiation all deplete your Glutathione; leaving you susceptible to unrestrained cell disintegration from oxidative stress, free radicals, infections and even cancer. With high levels of toxicity and depleted Glutathione, the liver and kidneys can become overloaded and damaged, causing serious health issues. As the most important intracellular antioxidant, Glutathione regulates all other antioxidants while preventing damage to important cellular components caused by reactive oxygen species, such as free radicals and peroxides.

Low Glutathione levels are proven to make us susceptible to chronic illness. The latest research shows that nearly all chronically ill patients suffer from Glutathione deficiency. This includes chronic fatigue syndrome, heart disease, cancer, infections, autoimmune disease, diabetes, autism, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, arthritis, asthma, kidney problems, liver disease and more. Glutathione levels begin to decline at the age of 20 and do so at a rate of 8%-12% per decade; making effective supplementation of Glutathione highly beneficial for improving and maintaining optimal health.

So, how can you increase your Glutathione levels?

ACG Glutathione Extra Strength is the only proven Glutathione supplement available in a convenient, Intra-oral spray providing instant absorption and immediate bioavailability. Competing Glutathione capsules and pills have little to no effect as they are damaged during the digestion process. Topical creams have bad sulfur like smell. Intravenous shots must be administered by a doctor and can be quite expensive. ACG Glutathione Extra Strength is a significant breakthrough in Glutathione supplementation that tastes great and has been proven by an independent clinical research firm to effectively increase intracellular levels of Glutathione by over 10% in only 7 hours.

As the 'king' of antioxidants, Glutathione (GSH) is one of the most important molecules you need to stay healthy and is considered a key antioxidant in the functioning of cells. Increasing Glutathione levels will naturally increase your energy; strengthen your immune system and provides tremendous anti-aging benefits.

The health advantages of increasing your levels of Glutathione are almost immeasurable. ACG Glutathione Extra Strength is recommended by leading health practitioners worldwide, is easy to use and has a fresh, mint taste; just spray, swish and swallow.

ACS 200 Extra Strength – The Leading Silver-Based Antimicrobial

The third Intra-oral spray of this dynamic trio is a unique silver-based antimicrobial called ACS 200 Extra Strength. Extremely effective, ACS 200 Extra Strength demonstrates a much broader pathogen kill spectrum than traditional prescription antibiotics, antifungal, or antiviral preparations. Far more advanced in both safety and efficacy than traditional colloidal silver, ACS 200 Extra Strength is a 200 PPM (parts per million) medicinal silver proven capable of rapidly killing an enormous array of disease causing microorganisms; literally oxidizing the cell wall of gram positive and gram negative bacteria as well as naked virus and fungus without damaging human tissue.

In a landmark antimicrobial kill-time study performed in the 1980s, Dr. Larry C. Ford of UCLA Medical School documented that over 650 different disease-causing pathogens were killed when exposed to ACS 200 Extra Strength.

ACS 200 Kill Time Studies

Independent university laboratory studies prove ACS 200 Extra Strength is significantly effective against a number of difficult to kill microorganisms, achieving 99.9999% (complete) kill against Borrelia burgdorferi (The Lyme disease associated organism), Powassan virus, Rhinovirus, Legionella pneumophila, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella bongori, Candida albicans & Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

For centuries dating back to Hippocrates, silver’s healing properties for both external and internal use for a variety of medical conditions was widely known. With antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria increasing at an alarming rate, ACS 200 Extra Strength offers an effective alternative. The unparalleled safety and efficacy of ACS 200 Extra Strength makes this silver-based antimicrobial the first choice of Health Care Professionals around the world. For additional historical information and medical uses of colloidal, see Colloidal Silver – Antimicrobial, Antifungal and Antiviral Mechanisms with Clinical Actions published in Positive Health PH Online August, 2015.

Detoxify and Live Vibrantly

It is possible to live with severe Toxic Body Burden and not feel sick. This is the equivalent to driving down the freeway at 75 mph with bald tires. Everything seems fine until one of the tires blows. Countless victims of cancer and other life threatening diseases felt fine the day they were diagnosed.

The need to cleanse your body from the inside is no different than the need to clean the outside. Just because you showered today doesn’t mean you won’t likely need another shower tomorrow. The formula for enjoying exceptional health is simple. Remove toxins daily, preventing bioaccumulation of toxins and pathogens and the severe consequences that follow. Daily detoxification is crucial to restoring and maintaining vibrant health.

The Ultimate Body Detox system makes daily detoxification simple. Spray each formula individually by mouth, swish and then swallow. The formulas can be taken in any combination without waiting in between dosing and can be taken with food or without, at any time of the day.

Enjoy the most effective, safe and affordable solution for greatest threats to optimal health today. Detoxify and live vibrantly!

ACZ nano Safety & Efficacy

Zeolites are a class of minerals mined from volcanic ash deposits. The issue of manufacturing clean and safe zeolite is and always been one of the critical points of differentiation between Advanced Cellular Zeolite (ACZ) nano and competing zeolite products. Results RNA Advanced Cellular Zeolite is sterilized and does not contain any toxic minerals that can be released into the body.

To accomplish this, Results RNA utilizes an extensive, proprietary cleaning process proven to remove naturally-occurring toxic minerals from the zeolite. Removing these toxic minerals from the zeolite, both enhances safety and provides greater surface area of the zeolite cages to attract and bind toxins once inside the body. Advanced Cellular Zeolite (ACZ) exceeds even the most stringent California Prop. 65 safety guidelines of food supplements.

ACZ nano irreversibly binds toxic metals and excretes via the urine.  ACZ nano does not bind nutrient minerals and therefore, there are no side-effects as commonly seen with other chelators such as EDTA, DMPS, DMSA.

In a 10 year history, tens of millions of doses of ACZ nano have provided excellent results to patients, with zero side effects.

ACZ nano Clinical Trial

Results RNA is the only zeolite manufacturer with a clinical trial proving the efficacy of ACZ nano specifically, not relying on research done on zeolites in general. Complete test results are available on the Results RNA website: Clinical Trial.

Urine challenge studies are the gold standard for detoxification. A detoxification agent must be effectively absorbed, bind to toxins and then be eliminated in the urine to show efficacy.

For this trial, a sample of each patient’s urine was taken first thing in the morning. Then, each patient took ACZ nano and ACS 200 for 12 hours, collecting all urine during that period. The pre-provocation and post-provocation urine samples were sent to Genova Diagnostics Laboratory for analysis of twenty toxic heavy metals.

These impressive results demonstrate the amount of toxic heavy metals excreted over baseline (morning urine) and were achieved in just 12 hours of using ACZ nano and ACS 200.

  • Patient 1: Results of 12 Hour Post-Provocation Testing: Results demonstrate an increased excretion of Mercury 5400%, Nickel 600%, Tin 600%, Lead 500%, Antimony 400%, Gadolinium 400%, Barium 350%, Aluminum 187%, Arsenic 157%, Other Metals Excreted Above Baseline: Cadmium, Cesium, Rubidium, Thallium over Pre-Provocation levels.
  • Patient 2: Results of 12 Hour Post-Provocation Testing: Results demonstrate an increased excretion  of Mercury 103,500%, Tungsten 11,100%, Cadmium 157%, and Arsenic 155% over Pre-Provocation levels.
  • Patient 3: Results of 12 Hour Post-Provocation Testing: Results demonstrate an increased excretion rate of Platinum 8,400%, Lead 500%, Mercury 362%, Rubidium 333%, Barium 285%, Tungsten 283%, Aluminum 210%, Thallium 175%, Cesium 170%, Nickel 137%, Arsenic 127% over Pre-Provocation levels.

For further information about ACZ nano, please visit



Photo Credit: Andres Gonzalez


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About David Larson

David Larson is the President of Results RNA. David Larson and his father Brian Larson BESEE MBA have made it a personal mission to create superior health formulations that significantly improve and support people’s health at any age; boosting immunity, providing more energy and endurance, improving sleep, and promoting a more active, fulfilling lifestyle. Fueled by their desire, the two research scientists invested countless time and hours to reach the culmination of this dream. Together, they founded Results RNA in 2006, a biomedical research firm headquartered in Utah. With decades and multi millions invested in research and development, Results RNA has achieved monumental scientific breakthroughs with the advent of intra-oral spray technology. Forward thinking teams of research scientists, medical professionals, educators and marketing experts have been on a mission for the last 20 years to save and improve lives through groundbreaking biologics. This is the new science of health. David may be contacted via

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