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Sound Healing and Psychotherapy

by Ollie Plunkett(more info)

listed in sound and music, originally published in issue 230 - May 2016

 “The human body is like an orchestra. Every cell in the body has its own resonant frequency. Sound vibration helps to bring the cells into harmony, alignment and balance for optimal health and well being.” – Ollie Plunkett

Sound is one of the most powerful and primal healing modalities. Most ancient cultures have used the magical power of sound to aid in healing for centuries. Sound healing had almost disappeared in the west until the 1930s when acoustic researchers discovered ultrasound and its medical properties. With this discovery, research burgeoned and today the ancient art of sound healing is rapidly developing into a new science.

Sound Meditation-Body and Soul @ Electric Picnic 2015

‘Sound allows us to move into a space of infinite possibilities’ – Ollie Plunkett

What is Sound Healing and how does it Work?

Each organism and every object in the universe has its own unique resonant frequency. All of the 100 Trillion cells and organs in our body are vibrating at a frequency; through the use of Sound all of the cells in the body can be brought into alignment and balance for optimal health, homeostasis and harmony. In a typical sound healing session the practitioner may use singing bowls, tuning forks, gongs, solfeggio pipes, rattles, drums. Each singing bowl, gong and Sound Healing Instrument has its own vibration frequency and can create a range of sounds and overtones to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of diseased and out-of-harmony parts of the body, mind and soul.

Healing processes are initiated through entraining our cells to synchronize with the perfect resonance of the bowls. Sound from Tibetan Singing Bowls entrain the brain to move into the Theta brain wave frequencies that induce deep meditative and peaceful states, allowing the body to de-stress and our immune system to function effectively.

Sound and Psychotherapy

The quality of the therapeutic relationship is a key determinant of successful psychotherapy outcomes. Empathy, genuineness and unconditional positive regard are used by the therapist to establish trust and create a unique relationship where the client can work through issues or blockages to their personal growth. Establishing trust however can be quite difficult and it can take a number of sessions before some clients feel comfortable to begin the journey to transcend their layers of unhealthy attitudes/ views and look at situations with greater objectivity and acceptance. Sound vibration can play a key role in establishing trust quickly by alleviating stress and anxiety and awakening empathy and compassion. Sound vibration allows the client to connect to their inner self. The relationship between therapist and client can be likened to two musical instruments; attending to ourselves as instruments can be a way, to quote Cooper, to stay “attuned, not to any one set of assumptions, but to the unique, unpredictable, indefinable individuals that we meet in the therapeutic encounter” (Cooper 183. 2010.)[1]

In my practice as a Sound Healing Practitioner, I combine elements of my training in Psychotherapy, in particular the emphasis on the therapeutic relationship between practitioner and client; I am always fascinated by the infinite possibilities that sound can create. My aim as a Therapist and Trainer is always to empower clients to self heal and sound weaves the tapestry that enables this self-healing to take place.


1. Cooper M. The Challenge Of Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research: 10(3), pp.183-191. September 2010.


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About Ollie Plunkett

Ollie Plunkett has created a unique Sound Practitioner training programme drawing on his background in Psychotherapy and over 30 years experience as a Trainer, Musician and recording artist. Ollie has appeared at many music festivals in both his role as musician and Sound Healing practitioner including a recent appearances Electric Picnic where he delivered a Sound Healing workshop in the Body and Soul area and also played with his band, Ollie Plunkett and the Lost Messiahs. For further information on upcoming Irish, UK and American Sound Healing events/trainings with Ollie Plunkett see   or email  

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