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Comparing Benefits of Vaccine Use to Vaccine Risks

by J.B. Handley(more info)

listed in vaccination, originally published in issue 250 - November 2018

Republished from J.B. Handley

When you discuss vaccines and their merits, some people absolutely lose their minds, and the discussion is no longer rational. That's unfortunate. I hope everyone can agree that using vaccines for public health is ultimately a mathematical exercise where you must compare the benefits of the vaccine's use (a reduction in certain acute illness) to the risks from the vaccine. It's the second part of the math that leaves so many of us unsatisfied, and I will try to explain what I mean:

1. We know that most vaccines are tested with very short periods of observation time. For example, the Hepatitis B vaccines on the US market both had post-vaccination observation periods of 1 week or less. Therefore, the only other way to gauge side-effects from the Hep B vaccine is through something called Passive Adverse Events Monitoring System - VAERS, which is a passive adverse events monitoring system (a doctor or parent has to file a report). We know with certainty that VAERS is wholly inadequate to capture the true scale of vaccine injury, because when a Harvard-based pilot study systematized capturing vaccine adverse events, the rate spiked to 2% of vaccination events (as in 2% of everyone who got vaccinated had an adverse reaction, that's a VERY high number, which is probably why the CDC shut down the study...):

But, it's actually worse than that. You see, even the Harvard-based study didn't consider adverse events with a ‘latency period’. What that means is you get a vaccine, and then you develop some autoimmune or neurological condition months or years later, and NO ONE is trained to spot the connection and NO SYSTEM is in place to capture it. And, it's only been recently, through mice studies, that we now have unequivocal proof that vaccines do have latency periods for neurological reactions, as this 2016 study from China clearly showed:

So, if your child gets a Hep B vaccine at 2 months old and that develops a learning disability at Age 4, guess what? There is simply no way in the world to connect the dots...which understandably leaves parents confused as hell.

2. But, there is some science out there, and it's troubling. Dr Peter Aaby's work on the DTP vaccine in Africa showed that the "non-specific effects" from DTP vaccine outweighed the protective effects. "NSEs" is a generic term that basically means "there are many ways vaccines can mess up your immune system that we barely understand" and NSEs are the gap between what should happen when you give a bunch of African kids DTP (way fewer die) and what actually happened (way more died). That's deeply troubling, because to me it shows that the public health officials have no honest grasp on the NSEs of vaccines....Read Dr Aaby study for yourself: Link:

"Among 3–5-month-old children, having received DTP (± OPV) was associated with a mortality hazard ratio (HR) of 5.00 (95% CI 1.53–16.3) compared with not-yet-DTP-vaccinated children. Differences in background factors did not explain the effect. The negative effect was particularly strong for children who had received DTP-only and no OPV (HR = 10.0 (2.61–38.6)). All-cause infant mortality after 3 months of age increased after the introduction of these vaccines (HR = 2.12 (1.07–4.19))."

Dr Aaby isn't the only one who has looked at the troubling nature of NSEs. Canadian scientists discovered that getting a flu shot every year might make it harder for you to fight the flu:

New evidence, however, is raising the spectre that the more influenza vaccinations you receive in your lifetime, the less protection you have from the virus in subsequent seasons. Skowronski published a study earlier this year showing that people who were vaccinated consecutively in 2012, 2013 and 2014 appeared to have a higher risk of being infected with new strains of the flu.
"If we're seeing some signals of declining vaccine protection, we want to respond to that - but we don't want to overreact," Skowronski cautiously says. Skowronski's study, however, is one of several that suggest a similar troubling pattern.

3. Physicians for Informed Consent, a Doctor group in California, also tried to apply this same risk/reward analysis to the MMR vaccine. Again, their analysis was limited because the latency period is a total unknown, but hospitalizations and deaths from the MMR vaccine do allow them to run some comparisons. What did their analysis show?

"There is no evidence that the measles vaccine causes less death or permanent disability than measles. The vaccine package insert raises questions about safety testing for cancer, genetic mutations, and impaired fertility. Although VAERS tracks some adverse events, it is too inaccurate to measure against the risk of measles. Clinical trials do not have the ability to detect less common adverse reactions, and epidemiological studies are limited by the effects of chance and possible confounders. Safety studies of the measles vaccine are particularly lacking in statistical power. A review of more than 60 measles vaccine studies conducted for the Cochrane Library states, “The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate.”10 Because permanent sequelae (after effects) from measles, especially in individuals with normal levels of vitamin A, are so rare, the level of accuracy of the research studies available is insufficient to prove that the vaccine causes less death or permanent injury than measles."

As you can see, they ran into many of the same frustrations I've already discussed about missing data of the RISKS from vaccines. Here's the link to their analysis:

vaccination rates

Vaccination Rates 1985 USA 700x529px.jpg]

P.S. - here's the data from the chart, I have had so many people doubt that my numbers are accurate,
it's from the CDC's website:


So, what's my point? The reason I included the image of vaccination rates from 1985 here is that I feel many have lost ANY historical perspective on the U.S. vaccination program. In 1985, I was a sophomore in High School, and I can assure you that this country was not in a ridiculous panic about vaccines the way we are today, and vaccination rates were dramatically lower, and there were far fewer vaccines. If you are a new parent, I hope that chart at least causes you to pause and question some of the hysteria out there, and to start to ask the questions that really need to be asked, like:

Has the risk/reward analysis for vaccines been done in a thorough and honest way? What if all these crazy parents are actually right, what if the neurological disorders that have skyrocketed really are being caused by vaccines?


Cover How to End the Autism Epidemic


I just wrote a book about all these topics. This post really isn't an Ad for my book, so I will just say that my book concludes with a plan to reduce the vaccine schedule. Yes, I said REDUCE, not ELIMINATE. That's the other problem, some people hear you criticize vaccines and they just presume you want to abolish the US vaccine program. What do I want to do? I want to end the autism epidemic, and I put forth a plan that I think will do that. It also involves a critical piece: SCREENING vulnerable kids BEFORE their first vaccine. My son, for example, should have never been vaccinated. His reaction to vaccines was GRAVE, but we didn't know that at the time. Parents will end the autism epidemic, and they will also restore some sanity to the vaccine debate that has gotten way too hysterical. No matter what your position, please try to appreciate that I, like many other parents of children with autism, spend my time publicly educating people to try to HELP kids, not hurt them. Thanks for listening!!

Acknowledgement Citation

Republished from J.B. Handley

Further Information

Available from, and Chelsea Green Publishing


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About J.B. Handley

J.B. Handley is the father of a beautiful child with Autism. He and his wife co-founded Generation Rescue, a national autism charity, in 2005. He spent his career in the private equity industry and received his undergraduate degree with honours from Stanford University in 1991. His first book, How to End the Autism Epidemic is published in September 2018 by Chelsea Green Publishing and is available for pre-order on,

J.B. has started a podcast called “How to End the Autism Epidemic” -  you might enjoy his first six interviews. JB Handley may be reached via his blog

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