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Bio Resonance Therapy for Parasites

by Rheinhold Will(more info)

listed in energy medicine, originally published in issue 46 - November 1999

Parasites are normally overlooked in modern medicine when it comes to treating acute and chronic disorders. Therapists and patients alike believe they do not feature in our highly civilised, highly sanitised world. In fact, just the opposite is true – we are importing new stresses through foreign travel and foods from throughout the world against which our organisms often have little or no defence. Consequently, at the very least, parasites are involved in the development of many symptoms and disorders, frequently they are the determining factor in such conditions. This article aims to draw attention to a cause of illness which is largely ignored and to offer a way forward.

Unknown and Ignored

In the medical world parasites are an issue about which still relatively little is known and, above all, one which is ignored. Most patients (and therapists) are unaware how dangerous parasites are. If parasites do come to mind, then they usually deny the possibility or suppress all thought of them. Patients feel it is impossible that they could be infected with parasites and often flatly refuse treatment. Therapists frequently believe that parasites occur only in the Third World or in countries with poor sanitation. Not true on both counts.

In addition, parasites are very hard to diagnose and to treat with traditional methods. Consequently there is a tendency among many therapists to play down the problem and omit it from treatment.

Unfortunately this refusal to consider parasites means that a central factor in chronic disorders often goes uninvestigated and consequently remains untreated. With the result that chronic disorders cannot be treated properly in such cases and the patient remains chronically ill.

Widespread Infestation

In general usage the meaning of the term "parasite" is rather vague. A parasite is defined as an organism which has a relatively close relationship with its host and lives at its expense. Although this definition would actually make most micro-organisms parasites, in medicine only protozoa (monocellular organisms), helminths (worms) and arthropods are classed as parasites (from the animal world). Helminths (worms) include: cestodes (tapeworms), nematodes (roundworms) and trematodes (flukes).

Fortunately not all parasites are harmful to man. But as knowledge about parasites and their effects increases, more and more parasites previously considered harmless are now recognised as posing a threat to health.

This is all the worse as levels of infestation are so high. The textbook Parasitic Diseases (Springer Verlag, Berlin, New York) indicates the following high levels of infestation:

Organism  Number of people infected
Protozoa (monocellular organisms)
Nematodes (roundworms)
Cestodes (tapeworms)
Trematodes (flukes)   
1 billion

1 billion
300 million
300 million


A 1995 estimate by the WHO of the number of people infected world-wide gave the following degree of infestation for specific parasitic species:

Toxoplasma gondii 50% infestation
Ascaris spp. 1.2 billion
Enterobius vermic./Oxyuris 1.2 billion
Trichuris trichiura 600 million
Ancylostoma duod. 500 million
Entamoeba histol. 500 million
Pneumocystis carinii 400 million

Obviously nowhere near all parasitic conditions are recognised as such. If we assume also a certain number of unrecorded cases, which is bound to be high, we can assume that at least 50% of the world's population is infested with protozoa and helminths.

In general, all those with impaired immune systems are at risk, whether this condition is the result of stress factors or of immunosuppressive therapy, e.g. for primary chronic polyarthritis or multiple sclerosis. However, parasites may also contribute to hypoimmunity or even immune blocks in their host by fending off the human immune system. Infants as well as the elderly and infirm are most at risk.

Parasites in Chronic Disease

Chronic disorders are always caused by a number of stress factors, of which parasites represent just one. However, there is no doubt that they occupy a central pos-ition in the pathological process because of the way they interact within the organism.

* Parasites may cause deficiency symptoms by absorbing elements of food and thus depriving their host;
* Parasites may take energy away from the organism;
* Parasites may mechanically destroy body cells and thus tissue and organs (e.g. hookworms do this by damaging the intestinal mucosa);
* Parasites may harbour viruses and bacteria. They act as a reservoir for other microbially-conditioned infections;
* Parasites may cause inflammation and tumours;
* Parasites may cause tissue to form tumours;
* Parasites may poison the organism with their metabolites;
* Parasites may cause pain;
* Parasites may weaken or block the immune system.
* Parasites may cause allergic or pseudoallergic reactions.

Sometimes infestation is symptom-free. If symptoms do occur, however, they usually develop within a few days or weeks, although in some cases it can be months later. In most cases, it is only when chronic disorders occur that the possibility of parasites is investigated – if at all.

It is frequently assumed that parasites only invade the digestive tract; however, this is not the case. They can infect any of the organism's tissues and organs. In this way they can cause a multitude of symptoms and disorders, many of which are so non-specific that, as with fungi and heavy metals, no direct causal connection can be proven:

* rheumatism including joints and muscle pain
* irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
* disorders of the gastro-intestinal tract (perforation of the intestinal wall, constipation, diarrhoea, gas and bloating)
* dysfunctions of the immune system
* allergies, particularly food allergies
* nausea
* insomnia
* ulcers
* anaemia
* cutaneous symptoms
* neurasthenia
* abnormal thyroid function
* bronchitis
* bronchial asthma
* defective concentration
* physical and mental weakness
* allergic and pseudoallergic reactions
* sleep disturbances
* chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
* chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome (CFIDS)

Obviously there are sometimes clear links between a patient's symptoms/disorders and his parasitic condition. Some of these links have since been discovered or made treatable by bioresonance therapists.


Micro-organisms such as bacteria, parasites and fungi are generally classified as pathogenic or non-pathogenic. The designation "non-pathogenic" means that they are indeed present in the body but do it no harm. Yet could it be that the presence of pathogenic parasites may be beneficial to the organism or even actively desired by the organism? In the same way that fungi are an ecological necessity to rot dead trees and convert them to humus?

Bioresonance therapists have discovered that this is actually true. For example, parasites absorb heavy metals (they act as "external" toxin stores) thus relieving the body and its regulatory systems. They absorb pesticides and other toxins. They harbour fungi and viruses and make them temporarily harmless. This can be confirmed with the special test ampoules. In such instances parasites are symbiotic helpers and friends of their host and they must be treated as such so that they can continue to support their host's regulatory systems. It sometimes makes sense to encourage this until the organism can cope with their destruction and the subsequent release of the toxins incorporated in them. It is possible to provide this temporary support using the special parasite test ampoules – a wonderful innovation in the medical field!

Bioresonance Diagnosis of Parasites

As organisms, parasites emit electromagnetic fields which are stored in the body fluids, tissue and organs of their host's body. As pathogenic oscillations, these disturb the body's own regulatory powers thus producing the symptoms and disorders described earlier, in addition to their biochemical effect.

Bioenergetic testing according to the bioresonance principle investigates whether parasite test ampoules, selected by the bioresonance therapist on the basis of the case history and his knowledge of the clinical picture, resonate with the patient. If this is so, then these parasite test ampoules, e.g. Giardia lamblia or Trichuris trichiura represent the patient's parasitic condition.

The parasite test ampoules contain the oscillations of selected parasites. They cover the major protozoa and helminths which are pathogenic to man.

If the correct test ampoules are selected, the parasite oscillations stored in the test ampoules and transferred to the patient with the bioresonance device, resonate with the patient in the bioenergetic test and temporarily reduce or eliminate the parasites' pathogenic oscillations stored in the body. This oscillation reduction/elimination is shown on the scale of a EAV test device as an improved reading (= relief of the body's own regulatory system).

In my practice I carry out testing using the EAV test device incorporated in the BICOM device as well as the parasite ampoules specially developed for BICOM resonance diagnosis and therapy.

However, testing can also be carried out kinesiologically or with a tensor. With the EAV test device, but also kinesiologically or using the tensor test, it is relatively easy to determine which parasites or parasite eggs or larvae are affecting the patient. These test results represent a direct indication of what therapy is required.

Bioresonance Therapy for Parasites

The tested parasites found to be affecting the patient must then be treated. They must be denatured and thus rendered unable to survive and reproduce and their pathogenic oscillations stored in the body must be eliminated or reduced. For this the inverted (i.e. rotated around 180°) oscil-lations of the tested parasites are transferred to the patient. This takes place through specific programs stored in the bioresonance device. Following successful therapy the parasites do no longer harm the patient; they can no longer be tested. The symptoms and the condition improve, in many cases symptoms disappear completely.

If the incorporated parasites are tested as symbiotic "friends", they are sometimes accepted psychosomatically by the host. In such instances this psychosomatic acceptance must first be treated. This means that at first the parasites' positive symbiotic dimension is supported. After being treated for a while the parasites' negative dimension becomes stronger and finally the parasites are treated as what they actually are: as pests. In the two last stages any toxins such as heavy metals which may be incorporated in the parasites are also treated.

When treating parasites Bioresonance therapy is frequently supplemented by Dr. Hulda Clark's zapper and/or a frequency generator. In addition phytotherapeutic and/or homoeopathic medications are used for the most part as well as other methods of treatment depending upon the area affected.

When treating parasites it is very important to concentrate not just on treating the adult forms but also the early stages such as the eggs and larvae. If these are overlooked, they may develop further following treatment centred on the adult forms and the whole treatment would be in vain. Medicine's problem is generally that it does not have access to the early manifestations which often live in tissue and organs inaccessible in a conventional examination. The appropriate test ampoules of bioresonance therapy offer a solution by which these early stages can be tracked down in various meridians by bioenergetic, bioinformational means and can be treated.

It is crucial in parasite therapy that the parasitic invasion is not regarded as an isolated phenomenon and therefore treated in isolation. As stated earlier, the parasitic condition is almost always associated with other conditions and must be treated jointly with these in an overall programme to achieve a lasting curative effect.

It makes little sense to treat just the parasites and to ignore their many and diverse interactions with other factors in the organism. Parasite treatment must therefore be incorporated into an integrated programme, so that not only the parasites are treated but the host with all his or her various stresses.

I have developed a 7-point plan for this which represents an example of just such an integrated treatment:

1. Ensure a healthy lifestyle including healthy diet (low in protein and allergens; high in fibre, alkaline and enzymes) as a precondition for all treatment of chronic disorders;
2. Treat factors blocking diagnosis and therapy;
3. Stabilise and strengthen the immune system (and relieve the allergic situation) as well as the detoxifying and excretory organs, especially the kidneys, liver, lymph, and spleen;
4. Treat the causes of the parasitic invasion (e.g. heavy metals stress, pharmaceutical toxins) and improve the environment ncluding the orthomolecular supply;
5. Treat the intestinal tract, including disturbed intestinal flora;
6. Treat parasites;
7. Treat allergens.

Interestingly a well constructed sequence of therapy is important not only for parasite therapy but for therapy in general. Thus in chronic fatigue syndrome, for example, mycosis therapy or virus therapy is only successful if the parasites have already been successfully treated, e.g. cestodes or trematodes.

A Case Study

Shortage of space means there is only room for a straightforward case here: A student had been suffering from chronic bronchitis for many years. Bioenergetic testing revealed cow's milk allergy and parasitic invasion of the lungs by ascaris larvae. The chronic bronchitis disappeared permanently after removing cow's milk from the diet and 8 sessions of therapy for cow's milk allergy and ascaris larvae.

With many disorders treating parasites provides the breakthrough. In most cases, treating parasitic conditions is rather complicated because of parallel stresses. Parasite treatment usually varies between 8 and 16 sessions.


Parasites represent a previously overlooked central source of stress for the human organism and one which is generally denied. At the very least, they are partly responsible for many symptoms and particu- larly for chronic disorders. Treating these disorders without parasite therapy therefore often produces only short-term success.

Parasites and their early manifestations can live in any of the organism's tissues and organs. In many regions they cannot be tracked down with conventional diagnostic methods. Bioenergetic resonance testing e.g. with the BICOM device opens up new possibilities for diagnosis.

For the most part parasites represent just one of several disturbing factors. They interact with these other factors in many different ways. Consequently they should not be treated in isolation but as part of an overall therapeutic programme. This can be drawn up as part of bioresonance therapy. Through this the disturbing factors' pathogenic oscillations are eliminated or reduced to such an extent that the body's own self-healing powers can be brought into action again and can cure the organism.


  1. Rosanne said..

    Need a recommendation for practioner for the above.

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About Rheinhold Will

Reinhold D. Will is a German Heilpraktiker FDH (naturopath). For many years he has specialised in BICOM resonance therapy. He is the author of 2 books on bioresonance therapy, of which one is available in English translation (Bioresonance Therapy, available from the book shop of the Nutri Centre in the Hale Clinic, London, Tel. 0171-323 2382). He has lectured in bioresonance therapy at several German colleges of naturopathy and also at the College of Naturopathic and Comple- mentary Medicine in London. Reinhold Will works at the Hale Clinic in London and can be contacted on Tel: 0171-637 3377.

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