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Procrastination: An NLP Strategy for ‘Doing it Now!’
listed in nlp, originally published in issue 261 - March 2020
Time Disappears like a Snowflake, whilst we are Deciding what to do with It.
When you find simple strategies for doing things that work well, do you collect and incorporate them into your everyday life or simply forget them? Learn how you can collect other people’s successful strategies to create your own almost magical results.
NLP modelling gives us deeper insight into the behaviour, beliefs, state of mind and sensory experiences that make up the whole experience when a person is performing a skill, being in a good state or getting the outcomes they want in life. There are thousands of easy skills permutations you can model.
Notice other Peoples’ Simple Success Techniques
See what they are doing when they are performing at their best. We seek out these people who already have the skills we want, and ask them ‘how do you do that?’ You can sequence a person’s strategy more clearly once you understand that person’s beliefs about why they’re so good at performing the task. Then run through their internal sequencing of the task with them so that you can acquire their strategy.
I have gathered a decade’s worth of ‘Do It Now!’ strategies from running courses and I do believe that 10 minutes in the company of a compulsive finisher can feel like striking gold dust to the naturally tardy person that lurks inside many of us.
‘Regret for the past can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable!’ so said Sydney Harris
Procrastination is the Art of Keeping up with Yesterday – so Why do It!
So Kate’s steps are:
- She visualizes the task as already completed and draws an outline;
- Kate imagines the first step and then goes and does it;
- Then ticks it off on her list;
- And repeats the cycle until she has gone through all the steps.
By learning the beliefs, procedures and behaviours of a ‘finisher’, the ‘procrastinator’ can then try out the ‘finisher’s’ strategy and notice whether it works for them. If you stick with the method, and install it by using it over several projects, it will eventually become a habit that is part of your behaviour.
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