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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 270

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 270 - May 2021

ACILIS by Spritzer® - Uniquely Eco-Sustainable Silicawater

Global award winning ACILIS by Spritzer®silica-rich water is sourced from an artesian well in a tropical haven listed as among the top eco-sustainable areas on earth.

Acrilis Logo + 4 Bottles

And it is now making its mark with rare properties of ‘functionality’. For it is scientifically proven, thanks to its high silica content, to safely remove neurotoxic aluminium from the body. It is nature’s gift to infuse your body with vitality.

The story of ACILIS by Spritzer®  and the UK scientist who discovered the unique power of silicon-rich water, is now told in his new book, Imagine You Are An Aluminium Atom – Discussions with Mr Aluminium by Professor Christopher Exley, Reviewed in Positive Health PH Online, available from Amazon.

Growing numbers now drink ACILIS by Spritzer® , made available exclusively by, a certified not-for-profit Social Enterprise for good. Many customers have left moving testimonials about the difference it has made. And free samples and discounts are available those impacted by neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, MS, epilepsy, autism and ADHD.

By removing immuno-suppressant aluminium, it also boosts natural immunity against infection. ACILIS by Spritzer®is further recognized for its silicon power to boost body collagen for youthful tissue-connectivity, promoting soft, wrinkle-free skin, supple joints, harder nails, while deterring hair loss.

Silky smooth to drink, its absolute purity is illustrated by the fact that ACILIS by Spritzer®only requires filtration treatment and ultraviolet ray exposure to make it refreshingly drinkable as a soft and mellow water naturally infused with silica.

ACILIS by Spritzer (the name is SILICA read backwards) is sourced from an artesian aquifer and naturally infused with silica as it filters through 420ft of rock strata beneath pristine and protected Malaysian rainforest. It takes more than 15 years to filter through the rock strata into the underground flowing water system.

Not only has this bottled water won the London based Global Brand Awards five years running, its source in the Maxwell Hills of Taiping – is listed as among the top three eco-sustainable places on Earth. It is bottled at source, untouched by human hand, in a state-of-the-art bottling plant surrounded by rainforest, where tropical flora and fauna abound.

The eco-sustainable accolade was awarded at Berlin travel and tourism show that recognized positive stewardship of the local environment. To celebrate its protected status, the water source and surrounding rainforest has been established an Eco-Park by Spritzer, where the public is given the opportunity to see for themselves where this rare silicawater infused with natural vitality is extracted and bottled.

Further Information

ACILIS by Spritzer®is distributed for home delivery online by priced at 62p for 400ml bottle and £1.49 for a 1.5L bottle still water or a litre bottle of lightly sparkling Acilis. Enter discount code Acilis21 for a 20% discount.



Turning Point Training – Courses in Craniosacral Therapy and Homotoxicology

Turning Point Training offers postgraduate courses in Craniosacral Therapy and Homotoxicology. Our students come from a variety of backgrounds both in conventional and holistic disciplines. This allows an exchange of information and experience that enriches the learning experience. Courses are mixture of leading-edge, scientifically based theory and clinical and practical tuition. Students are encouraged to explore and develop their gifts and talents in bringing their unique experience to the disciplines taught. Students are thus empowered.

Jonathan and Rosemary Lawrence + CranioSacral Course 2019

Top: Jonathan Lawrence BA DO Cert Ed and Rosemary Lawrence
Dip BFD Cert Clin Hom Cert Ed

Bottom: Craniosacral Course 2019

Small groups help to facilitate this experience. Turning Point teachers are enthusiastic and experienced practicing therapists who keep their knowledge up to date.

The philosophy of Turning Point encompasses the idea that medicine is an art informed by science. We believe that the conventional materialist paradigm is very much out of date and that scientific knowledge has now reached a point where much of holistic medicine can incorporated into a new paradigm.

Turning Point courses introduce the concepts of research and encourage students to critically evaluate current information.

Craniosacral therapy is based on the relation of the relationship between the structure and function of the body and health. Specific, gentle and skilled manipulation can restore the structure-function relationship supporting the patients’ own homeostatic mechanisms. This non-invasive and safe therapy can be used on patients of all ages from the new-born to the elderly.

The Practitioner Course consists of 11 modules over 5 weekends and 20 hours Zoom support days including practical tuition. In addition students have to complete a portfolio of case studies and complete an exam. Practical skills are assessed during the course. This course is recognized by the CMA.

The 2021 course will be held 22 and 23 May, 12 and 13 June, 17 and 18 July, 25 and 26 September and 23 and 24 October.

These courses are led by Jonathan Lawrence

Homotoxicology is based on the idea that disease results from toxic load. In modern life we are subject to toxins from a variety of sources. This has the effect of stressing the immune system leading to ill health. Accurate prescribing can help the body gently detoxify aiding the restoration of homeostasis.

The remedies used are be single potency homeopathic remedies or combinations of remedies to achieve a specific physiological response.

There is access to online training via the Society of Homotoxicology, UK.

We provide further courses in Electro Acupuncture According to Voll (EAV) for suitably qualified students. This involves electro-acupuncture assessment of meridans and clinical application of findings. Training is via small tutorial groups led by Rosemary Lawrence. The next course will be held in September 2021.

Further Information

For information about training in these disciplines visit



The Essence of Clinical Aromatherapy – Essential Oil Resource Consultants Online Seminar

Clinical Aromatherapy Education 2021

The International Journal of Clinical Aromatherapy together with Essential Oil Resource Consultants are following up the success of their recent virtual conference, botanica2020 with the launch of another major international seminar of clinical aromatherapy for 2021.

The third edition of ‘The Essence of Clinical Aromatherapy’ international seminar will be held 21-22 May 2021 via a professional virtual conference and trade show platform.

The focus of this seminar is on the application and integration of essential oils in clinical settings including hospital, hospice, aged care facilities, paediatrics and psychiatry.

Along with lectures from more than 20 experts from around the world, the event also provides live networking and the opportunity to connect directly with suppliers of essential oils and related products.

21-22 May 2020 Online Seminar and Trade Show

Rhiannon Lewis, host and organiser of this event says “Clinical Aromatherapy is evolving at a fast pace and our knowledge and skills need remain in step. The importance of staying current and learning more about our art and science can never be overemphasised. Hosting The Essence of Clinical Aromatherapy Seminar online in 2021 provides more opportunity for participants to attend from around the world. This important seminar thereby gives the global clinical aromatherapy community a dynamic platform and opportunity for sharing, exchange and learning.”

If you are interested in clinical aromatherapy or are already working in clinical settings with essential oils, this educational event is likely to be your main educational resource for 2021.

Further Information

For more details and to register your interest in the seminar please visit:

If you missed the botanica2020 conference and wish to purchase recordings of the presentations, please visit:



Insurance – Quick Thoughts and Reminders – Balens Ltd

What Information do you need to Retain for Insurance Purposes?

We are often asked what information is necessary for a practitioner to retain, in order to meet the record keeping requirement of their insurance contract.  The purpose of these records is to provide a defence in the event of a potential claim against you, and they therefore need to record as a minimum details of the Treatment provided – specifically related to processes and procedures.  

Balens Ltd

These should include a record of:

  • Dates, times, locations and for whom;
  • What treatments were performed / given;
  • Details of products used;
  • Confirmation of patch testing where necessary (check product and policy wording requirements);
  • Any advice given including for after care;
  • Detail of medical information, but only where this may result in a contra indication, for example it would be relevant for an Aromatherapist to know if a client is pregnant or has a nut allergy, as this would have an impact on the oils that are used.

It will generally not be necessary for you to retain additional sensitive personal information that a client may have divulged, although your Professional Association may have additional requirements regarding record keeping.  If required to be retained, Sensitive Information may be retained under ‘processing in the substantial public interest for Counselling etc.’ and ‘insurance’ as notified in the Data Protection Act 2018.  Details of this should be noted in your Privacy Notice, which needs to be provided to all clients at the point when their personal data is taken.

Do you have a Massage Couch or similar with a Weight Limit?

It may be a trope, but we understand that the odd waistline or two may have increased slightly over lockdown.  This can have consequences for therapists who use equipment with weight limits as part of their practice. At Balens we have noticed a number of incidents where massage couches have buckled when a therapist’s client has got on them, and it appears this is because the weight limit of the couch has been exceeded.  We understand this can be a sensitive subject, and difficult for therapists to breach with their clients.  However it’s important that therapists can find a way of discussing this with their clients, should they have concerns that the limits may be exceeded. 

Have you had any Complaints or Claims against you? 

Please remember, if any client makes a complaint or claim against you, it is important to contact your Insurance Broker for support and guidance as soon and as early in the process as possible.  Don’t wait for situations to escalate, your Broker is there for you, not to judge, but to provide the benefit that you purchase your insurance for.  A complaint handled well may lead to a happy client for years to come, if handled badly, it could lead to a potentially stressful and time consuming claim.   For a list of do’s and don’ts in some common complaint situations, please see Balens website Claims - Balens Ltd.

Further Information

Balens are a Specialist Insurance Broker for Health, Well-being, Fitness and Beauty Professionals.  Further articles and information regarding insurance and risk management may be found on Balens website at




Aspects of the Spiritual Life; An Introduction to the Order of Dionysis & Paul

by Allan Armstrong

Published by Imagier Publishing. 2010. Paperback. £36.02. ISBN-10 : 0955841526.

In this small volume the essentials of the spiritual life are set out clearly and concisely in a simple account of the Rule and Work of the Order of Dionysis & Paul. Herein the author discusses the contemplative ‘Way’ as a vital link in the golden chain of a living spiritual tradition.

Cover The Aspects of The Spiritual Life

An Introduction to elements of the spiritual life as lived by the brothers and sisters of the Order of Dionysis & Paul. In this book the essentials of the spiritual life as it can be lived in the world today are set out clearly and concisely in a simple account of the RULE and WORK of this Order. Herein the author discusses the contemplative 'Way' as a vital link in the golden chain of a living spiritual tradition, a quiet way of abiding in the 'Presence' of the Holy and Divine Logos, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Further Information

Available from Crucible Books and



Fascial Fitness – How to be Energetic, Elastic and Dynamic in Everyday Life and Sport, Second Edition

by Robert Schleip

Published by Lotus Publishing. 2021. £14.49 / $24.95.  ISBN  978 1 913088 21 7.

Physiotherapists, sports scientists and doctors agree that if we want to stay flexible, energetic and pain-free in our day-to-day lives and sporting pursuits, we need to look after our connective tissue – our ‘fascia’. There has been a great deal of research into this over the last few years, all of which shows that the fascia around our muscles plays a huge role in keeping us fit, healthy, flexible and feeling good. This versatile tissue transfers energy to the muscles, communicates with the nervous system, acts as a sensory organ, helps to protect and regenerate our internal organs, and provides the foundations for a healthy physique. It responds to stress and other stimuli, and when it gets matted or sticks together, it can cause pain and mobility problems. That’s why it’s so important to train our fascia – and just 10 minutes, twice a week is all it takes!

Cover Fascial Fitness

In this revised edition of his best-selling guide to fascial fitness, Robert Schleip shows you a series of practical exercises that you can easily build into your day-to-day routine. He introduces the most recent scientific findings from the world of fascial research, and explains which methods and equipment are most effective for fascial health (as well as which ones do more harm than good!).

Dr Robert Schleip is one of the leading fascia researchers worldwide. He holds a doctorate in human biology and is a certified Rolfing practitioner and psychologist. As a scientist at the University of Ulm, he leads the fascia research group, and also works as a manual Rolfing therapist at his own private practice. In a teaching capacity, he gives lectures on physiotherapy, osteopathy and exercise science.

Further Information

Available from Lotus Publishing, and



Welcome to the Future of Migraine Treatments – Migra-Cap®

Developed by a Migraine sufferer for Migraine sufferers, this unique migraine solution also offering pain relief during pregnancy. The Migra Cap® is unique amongst migraine treatments as it combines cold therapy and complete darkness to provide relief from the pain associated with a migraine and most types of headaches. This 2-in-1 migraine solution is unique for any Migraine treatment product with the added benefit of being a one-off purchase. What’s more, this drug-free product is also ideal for pain relief during pregnancy. This migraine relief solution is one of the most innovative migraine treatments on the market – offering headache relief, soothing sports injuries and concussions, and providing pain relief during pregnancy.


What is a Migraine?

A migraine is a throbbing, intense headache in one half of the head. It can affect people of all ages. The cause of migraine is not known. During an attack, the blood vessels in the brain dilate and then draw together with stimulation of nerve endings near the affected blood vessels. These changes to the blood vessels are probably what cause the pain, but migraine headaches is a condition that is poorly understood.

What are the Typical Features of Migraine?

People often use the word migraine to refer to headaches of many different types. So-called classical migraine attacks have several features:

  • Headaches that occur in bouts of between roughly 4 to 72 hours;
  • Headaches usually affect one side of the head at a time, although both sides may be affected in separate attacks;
  • Headaches are usually throbbing and worsened by normal physical activity nausea and/or vomiting;
  • Preceding symptoms, called the 'aura' that most often are visual, such as zigzag lines or flashing lights across or at the edges of the fields of vision
  • Other symptoms can include sensitivity to light and sound, or non-visual aura such as a sensation of tingling in the body.

Drug Free Relief

Migra-Cap helps to relieve pain and suffering by limiting exposure to the key elements that can prolong or enhance a migraine attack, remedies that utilise drugs such as Aspirin, Paracetemol and Butalbital can have side effects, consumption issues or even produce allergic reactions. More powerful painkillers eg Paramax, Migramax, Domperamol can require strict dosage guidelines and are often expensive to purchase.

Sports Applications

Migra-Cap can help to relieve pain and swelling caused by nearly all types of sports injuries. The Migra-Cap® can aid with the treatment and relief of pain, blows to the head and concussions. The cooling effect can aid in the reduction of swelling and can help limit post-concussion swelling or brain injury.

Further Information

Please contact Migra-Cap on Tel: +44(0)1685 387788; 



Sheik Imam BestHealer; the Imam Jaiteh Charitable Foundation

Imam Jaiteh Charitable Foundation

The Imam Jaiteh Charitable Foundation Charity Registrations Number 58/2013 is registered in the Capital of The Gambia West Africa. The non-profit making charitable foundation, based in Jarumeh Koto Village, supports an integrated development programme in The Gambia.

During this month of Ramadan with the help of sister charities in the Gambia they have distributed food to the needy peoples in the villages, schools and orphans. It helps the village of  Jarumeh and satellite villages in their health care programme, sending doctors, nurses and eyes specialist every two months to provide free health care support. Additionally  the charity provides six class rooms to provide help and good care of poor students and helps to provide clean water  for the villages.

Imam Jaiteh Distributing Food to  Needy People, Schools and Orphans in the Gambia

Imam Jaiteh Distributing Food to  Needy People, Schools and Orphans in the Gambia

Sheik Imam – leading African healer and advisor with 25 years’ experience – has dedicated his life to solving problems and advising clients from around the world. Sheik Imam’s father Imam Basaikou was born into a family with a reputation for helping people, guiding and solving people's problems for relationship, love and guidance. His grandfather is Sheikh Ahmad Bamba, and his great grandfather Sheik Abdulqadir Jelani. Sheik Imam is fluent in English, Spanish, Arabic and French and is well known throughout Africa for his good work and advice for which he has been honoured.

The Imam Jaiteh Charitable Foundation have built 4 toilets for the community in the Gambia who appreciate how the toilets and hygienic system support their good health. The Foundation has also supported school fees, clothing and extra support to the children in need of and having difficulties in school and living.

The Foundation is in need of more support in cash or kind to donate to the charity. The Chairman & Founder of the charity is Mr Imam B Jaiteh - an Imam, who is based in the UK.

Further Information

To help or for further information please contact Mr Imam B Jaiteh on Tel: 07985691335;



Anthocyanin levels in Haskapa take Science-backed New ‘Superfood’ to the next Level

Haskapa, creators of a new all-natural superberry powder, take a lifelong healthy approach to

eating, supported by scientific research. Haskapa Powder is made exclusively from wonderfully tangy plump, juicy haskap berries that feature vibrant blue skins and deep crimson flesh. These unique qualities give them one of the highest recorded anthocyanin values of any berry.  Anthocyanins are naturally occurring plant pigments, which are responsible for giving certain fruits their deep purple, blue or red hues. Anthocyanins are associated with cardio-protective benefits, including reducing the risk of heart attacks and high blood pressure and improving aspects of cognitive decline.[1] 

Haskapa Product Pouch

Haskap berries have up to a staggering 4 times more anthocyanins than blueberries.

Anthocyanins also play a role in sports nutrition, with the potential to improve performance and mitigate the development of exercise-induced oxidative stress. Their anti-inflammatory effects may have a role to play in improving exercise recovery.[2]

In addition, haskap berries have triple the antioxidants found in blueberries. The effects of oxidative stress on our bodies is becoming more well-known. Antioxidants help fight chronic oxidative stress, which is associated with the development of many chronic diseases. 

Native to northern hemisphere countries, the indigenous Ainu people of northern Japan have been eating haskap berries for centuries, fondly referring to them as 'the elixir of life'. 

Now, for the first time, these pure, plant-based and naturally vegan berries have been simply freeze-dried into a convenient powder to preserve their goodness and delicious flavour, that is easily incorporated into your diet. Haskapa can be added to yogurt, oats and granola, making it a tasty and easy addition to breakfast. Haskapa also adds a delicious and natural flavour and purple colour to vegetable and fruit-based smoothies, as well as dairy and non-dairy milks, including kefir.

Getting your ultimate anthocyanin daily boost has never been easier or more delicious. Each resealable pouch of Haskapa offers 100g of pure, natural haskap berry powder. Free from lactose, gluten and dairy, there are no artificial ingredients, colours or sugars added to this all-natural, 100% vegan superfood.


  1. Paul F Jacques, Rhoda Au, Jeffrey B Blumberg, Gail T Rogers, Esra Shishtar. Long-term dietary flavonoid intake and risk of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias in the Framingham Offspring Cohort. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2020.
  2. Cook, M., & Willems, M.. Dietary Anthocyanins: A Review of the Exercise Performance Effects and Related Physiological Responses, International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 29(3), 322-330. 2019.

Further Information

For further information visit



Tessa Richter Launches Our Secret Potential – Now Is The Time To Create New Leaders

Our Secret Potential is a new approach to personal development, designed for seekers of meaning and purpose in a world of flux.  It teaches them new skillsets to lead the way towards a sustainable future. The brainchild of Tessa Richter, Our Secret Potential is the culmination of a life-long pursuit of purpose.  The programmes implement original processes and tools including meditation, mindset techniques and artistic creation.

Home Page 2 Covers Our Secret Potential

Showcased on , the approach consists of a flexible range of programmes, free resources and a newly published book ‘Our Secret Potential, A new approach to purpose, performance and well-being in the 21st century’.

“My aim is to is to inspire a new model of human being on a physical, mental and spiritual level,” explains Tessa Richter. “I teach people from all walks of life, including high-level executives, creatives and specialists.  Not only do they learn how to find their own way in today’s changing world, but also how to lead others from crisis into a more meaningful future”.

A Perfect Guide for a World in Flux

The book takes us seamlessly from logic to miracles, pragmatically bringing together ancient wisdom and modern scientific research. The reader discovers that there exists a higher form of intelligence accessible to all and based on inter-connectedness, a fresh mindset and the coherence of our three brains: head, heart and gut.

Guiding Programmes

All the programmes explore the processes and tools Tessa has developed and used herself during her life:

  • Workbook & Guidance
    The “Our Secret Potential” workbook offers daily exercises and experiments to develop your secret potential according to each chapter of the book. Included in the programme are two personal email exchanges for advice on a topic of your choice.
  • Bespoke Coaching Programmes
    Are you ready to develop a sustainable approach to leadership? Are you facing a crisis you do not know how to cope with? Is there a change you wish to make in your life? Tessa personally guides you and teaches new skills during face-to-face coaching sessions.
  • Online Courses
    These courses will provide 24/7 access to exclusive content on some of the key areas of Our Secret Potential.

About Tessa Richter

Of Anglo-German origin, Tessa lives in Switzerland where nature is an integral part of her life.  She has been a professional classical musician, a composer, a painter and sculptor, a music and language teacher and a career and personal coach.  What is even more extraordinary, is that she has been a top performer in each of these areas.  She is currently a career coach for high-level business people, including CEOs, who are seeking help at a pivotal time in their careers. Tessa is a regular speaker on performance and well-being at corporate events and health symposia

Further Information

For further information and to register your interest, please visit Our Secret Potential



Instant Relief Eye Spray from Peep Club – Relieve Dry Eyes in Seconds

Place one in your desk drawer, handbag, on your bathroom shelf or next to your bed for an instant peeper-pick-me-up. Modern living means that we’re spending more and more time on our phones and computers, and as you blink 6-8x less when you look at a screen, it’s no wonder that many of us are ending the day with tired and heavy eyes.

You haven’t imagined that feeling of strain in your eyes after a long day of screen time, these symptoms have a name – Dry Eye Syndrome – a condition that is affecting up to 80% of consumers. A concerning thought, especially when screen use has increased by 187% over these past three lockdowns.

Peep Club Instant Relief Eye Spray

To combat the condition, this month marks the launch of the latest product from modern eye care brand, created by expert optometrists, Peep Club – the new Instant Relief Eye Spray designed to strengthen and fight the dry eye effect. Hydrating eyes from the inside out with a clever combo of ingredients

Peep Club Instant Relief Dry Eye Spray has been formulated with Wild Harvested Colourless Sea Buckthorn Oil and Sodium Hyaluronate, both of which have been clinically proven to relieve symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome. These dual-active ingredients work in tandem to hydrate eyes on both the inside and the outside. Sea Buckthorn Oil slowly spreads across the tear film to help lock in the moisture of tears, which helps to naturally protest eyes from drying. Sodium Hyaluronate works by both strengthening tears and protecting them at a cellular level, fortifying tear fluid for better hydration throughout the day and also working on the surrounding eyelid and under eye area, to help hydrate, plump and protect the barrier of the delicate eye skin.

Peep Club Instant Relief Dry Eye Spray is alcohol-free, preservative-free, vegan and made using organic and wild-harvested ingredients. It is suitable for even the most sensitive eyes, as well as being suitable for contact lens wearers and can be used over makeup.

How to Use

Hold the spray 15-20 cm from the face and spritz across closed eyes. Apply 1-2 times per eye. Instant Relief Eye Spray can be used up to 4 times per day, or as often as needed. Peep Club also recommend using the spray morning and night before applying eye cream / serum.

Further Information

Peep Club Instant Relief Eye Spray is £15 / 17ml (approx. 300 doses) and is available from 



New Vegan Health Supplement Yellow Root – Boost Your Immune System Naturally

Feel better, naturally, with the 100% natural, vegan supplement range which could help aches, pains and inflammation. Cortiba Health, the brand-new joint venture by highly respected pharmaceutical service companies IPS Pharma and Lyrus Life Sciences, releases its brand-new range of Turmeric Curcumin drops to address the current curcumin absorption barrier faced in the UK sector. Turmeric has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicines thanks to its antioxidant, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory properties. However, most Turmeric Curcumin supplements on the market - available as tablets, capsules, topical products or liquids - can struggle to reach the part of the body where they are needed most, which places burden on the liver.

Organic Liquid Turmeric Curcumin Supplements

Cortiba Health’s patented C3 Cura™ Advanced Absorption Technology produces Turmeric Curcumin drops that are instantly water soluble in their brand-new Yellow Root range, meaning only 1/100th of the conventional dose is required to achieve the desired therapeutic effects.  Yellow Root is available to purchase in three different forms: Yellow Root A, Yellow Root B12, and Yellow Root D3. Yellow Root A delivers high performance liquid curcumin with essential Vitamin A, which has a central role in enhancing immune function, and has been called an ‘anti-inflammation vitamin’   with its well-known anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects .

Dr Malini Sharma, Program Leader, said:

“As the temperature drops, it is very common for individuals to catch a common cold or flu. Yellow Root A helps support a strong immune system in two ways. Firstly, its active ingredient, Curcumin, is plant-derived and contains healing, anti-inflammatory properties which help to relieve individuals by helping the body naturally cleanse the respiratory tract. Secondly, we have enhanced our Yellow Root product with Vitamin A, often dubbed the ‘anti-inflammation vitamin’ for its central role in enhancing immune function.”

  • Yellow Root A can help users build their immunity against cold and flu, with its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.
  • Yellow Root B12 combines maximally absorbed liquid curcumin with essential Vitamin B12, which is crucial for cell regulation and nerve function, and plays an important role in protein and fat metabolism. Yellow Root B12 could be advantageous in management of metabolic syndrome.
  • Yellow Root D3 is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and antioxidant. Its curcuminoid content may help control the symptoms and flare-ups associated with rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and osteoarthritis. If you require a way to reduce swelling and stiffness, improve joint mobility, and enhance your quality of life, Yellow Root D3 may be a good complementary treatment.

Further Information 

The Yellow Root range is available to purchase in 5ml, 15ml, and 30ml bottles on the Cortiba Health website.


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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes Issue 270


    3rd Rayonex World Congress

    The 3rd Rayonex World Congress took place on 25 April. The company is offering 20% discount on the purchase of 2 Rayocomp packages in celebration of this event. Rayonex has conducted various studies on Bioresonance, probably the most significant one is the new clinically prospective, double-blind randomised study on pain reduction in patients with cervical spine syndrome.


    Further information Tel: 020-3866 1192;


    The Wee Yoga Room

    The Wee Yoga Room will be running Yoga classes back in their studio in the very near future. In the meantime, they are still running online courses.


    Further information:  


    The School of Homeopathy Anniversary May Event

    A celebration of homeopathy to celebrate The School of Homeopathy's 40th birthday takes place on 8-9 May 2021. There will be online lectures from the School's patrons, Rajan Sankaran, Miranda Castro, Jeremy Sherr, Massimo Mangialavori, Jan Scholten, the School's founder Misha Norland and special guest Michal Yakir and the Joshis. The event will be available online via Zoom; to book


    Further information Tel: 01453 765 956; 0800 0439 349;  


    CNM Wins Best College of 2021

    The College of Naturopathic Medicine UK (CNM) was recently shortlisted for Best College by the prestigious Integrative Healthcare and Applied Nutrition (IHCAN) Education Awards. Following public vote, CNM has won Best College 2021. The accolade recognises CNM for its achievements in the industry and ongoing work to develop the field of natural medicine education.


    Further information Tel: 01342 410 505;;


    Feldenkrais® Awareness

    The Feldenkrais® Awareness Summit is a free online event taking place on 1-10 May 2021. Feldenkrais is a way of exploring movement and function through awareness and movement experiments. Like the Buteyko Clinic, the Feldenkrais Awareness Summit will have movement lessons throughout to improve overall movement and some specifically address breathing.


    Further information:


    Pro-Ven Probiotics

    Four Pillars of Nutrition is a revolutionary combination of four of the most important nutrient groups in one pack. It contains high strength multivitamin and mineral tablet, concentrated omega-3 fish oil capsule, broad-spectrum antioxidant table and high potency prebiotic and probiotic capsule, which cover all your supplement needs for the day.


    Further information:


    School of Bodywork Workshops

    The School of Bodywork is running new webinars including: Pelvic Floor Health and Dysfunction, The Vagus Nerve, arguably the most important and certainly the most complex nerve in the human body, The Mindful Therapist, essential part of trauma series and Stress, Anxiety, Overwhelm, a great introduction for the Trauma Seminars.


    Further information:


    Endometriosis Diagnosis

    Endometriosis (a condition that causes tissue similar to the uterine lining to grow outside of the womb) currently affects up to 1 in 10 women in the UK, causing everything from chronic pain to heavy periods and even infertility, yet it remains notoriously difficult to diagnose. New Victoria Hospital is a private, charity owned hospital based in Kingston-upon-Thames who have a leading team of Gynaecology Consultants and an endometriosis diagnostic service.


    Further information:


    Bioenergetic Analysis (FSBA)

    The FSBA has upcoming events to look forward to. Bioenergetics Certification Training 2021-2022, online workshop From Longing to Loving, A Bioenergetic Path Toward Intimancy 22-23 May 2021 and Family Constellation Immersion Program (5-Modules) online weekend program begins 15-16 May 2021.


    Further information Tel: +1 386-462-5155; ,


    Enjoy in Joy

    Enjoy in Joy is an uplifting book of daily meditations to empower readers to escape humanity's epidemic of fear. Written by a group of writers all embracing long-term sobriety. The book shares succinct daily inspirations spanning Galileo to Bob Dylan to help readers find peace and solitude during these most uncertain times.


    Further information:


    COVID-19 Side-Effects Research

    Pioneering research by Teesside University into how persistent pain can be managed through virtual reality technology, is being extended to find solutions for people trying to overcome long COVID symptoms. The project has been extended for a further 3 years with £1.6 million funding from the EU North West Europe interreg program to extend research into how long term effects of COVID-19 can be managed.


    Further information:


    Lifestyle Factors Evidence

    A World Cancer Research Fund International (WCRF) funded study of the UK populations found that 2 of the most common forms of cancer, colorectal and breast cancer, are more preventable than previous research studies have shown. The research found that 67% of UK colorectal cancer cases in men and 60% in women are preventable due to lifestyle factors. It also found that lifestyle factors are responsible for 27% of breast cancer cases in women.


    Further information Tel: 020-7343 4200;


    Smart Foods for ADHD and Brain Health

    Smart Foods for ADHD and Brain Health by Dr Rachel V Gow shows how nutrition influences cognitive function, behaviour and mental health. Changing one's diet not only improves physical health, but benefits mood, behaviour and cognitive function.


    Further information:


    Losing Weight – Exercise

    Scientists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the University of Nebraska (USA) have investigated why physical activity entices you to eat more. Based on this study, they were able to show for the first time that certain characteristics, such as the amount and urgency with which a person wants to eat, change over the course of physical exertion. These findings help us develop new interventions to optimize weight loss through exercise.


    Further information:


    NICE Physiotherapy – Acupuncture

    A revision to the National Institute for \Health and Care Excellence's guideline's now allows Acupuncture to be used as a viable treatment for chronic pain. The changes also mean that NHS registered Physiotherapists may be approved to administer the treatment on a community level further down the line, replacing the need for certain pain management medications including opioids.


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    Alex Montagu

    Alex Montagu is a certified Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher, accredited by the International Mindfulness and Meditation Alliance (IMMA).  His personal experience of unbearable stress led him to study meditation and mindfulness and set him on a life-changing course. He developed as a platform to guide fellow lawyers and other professionals in high-stress fields toward more fulfilling lives through meditation and mindfulness practices.


    Further information


    A Radical Awakening

    A Radical Awakening – Turn Pain into Power, Embrace Your Truth, Live Free by Dr Shefali, will be published in May by Yellow Kite in May. The book teaches women how to transcend their fears, break free from societal expectations and rediscover the person they were always meant to be.


    Further information:


    Natures Plus Hempceutix Oils

    A new full spectrum CBD oils from Natures Plus could help your inner zen. Hempceutix Pure Oils contains a mix of Phyto cannabinoids with terpenes, its certified organic status and uniquely clean taste and odour make this full spectrum product line a stand-out.


    Further information:


    Tridoshã™ Living Ayurveda

    Tridoshã have made it a goal to integrate more mindful and sustainable practices into our daily rituals, to be brave and to simply live the greatest you. 5-Day Ayurvedic Massage Therapy, home study or in-person takes place on 3-7 May. 1-Day Ayurvedic Holistic Facial, home study or in-person takes place on 10 May 2021. Save 15% on Tri-Dosha products through to 7 May 2021 using the code: SPRING2021.


    Further information Tel: 0115 752 245; ,


    De-Stress and Re-Energize

    Kalms Day is a traditional remedy used to relieve irritability, anxiety and stresses of everyday life. Containing Valerian Root extract. Pro Plus ® Ultra is the UK's first energy supplement to contain a unique blend of performance ingredients that have been shown to reduce stress, support focus and enhance energy levels.


    Further information: Both products available from Superdrug.


    Coventry University (CU) Scarborough Courses

    CU Scarborough offers flexible routes into Nursing with blended learning degrees. The new BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing Blended Learning degree (3 years) and Adult Nursing (pre-registration) Blended Learning MSc (2 years) combine flexible, fully interactive digital learning with practical clinical placements. These are both designed to break down barriers for people wanting to get into Nursing and help address the national shortage of Nurses in the NHS.


    Further information:   Coventry University


    Xylitol Allergy Help

    Cleaning the nose with Xylitol nasal spray offers natural relief and clears the nasal passage in 10 minutes with no side-effects. Dr Karina Patel, from The London Sleep Centre, an expert in nasal breathing, recommends Xlear Sinus Care Saline Nasal spray to ensure your airway is healthy and free of allergens.


    Further information: Xlear Sinus Care saline Nasal Spray is available from independent health food stores,  and


    Core Awareness Courses 2021

    Courses run by Core Awareness this year include private Zoom sessions (for students only) or phone/skype private consultations (open to everyone). Courses include:  BASIC (12 hr) Psoas Workshop NCBTMB accredited (3-day Zoom) 21-23 May, 5-Week AUDIO Psoas Course, NCBTMB accredited (recorded) 2-30 June, Coming to Our Senses – For All Women (6 classes/2.5 hr Zoom).


    Further information: Core Awareness



    British Assoc. Anger Mgt.

    The British Association of Anger Management BAAM is offering Training Anger Management Coaches Courses, starting in September 2021 and May 2022. Anger Academy is the training arm of BAAM, providing world-class coaching in their market-leading Anger Management programme.


    Further information:


    Amchara Health

    Amchara Health is offering advice on vitamins and detox. Read online about the Top 10 Benefits of Vitamin C, The Link Between Vitamin D & Type 2 Diabetes and  Start Your Detox Journey With Amchara Juicery, created by Amchara's expert in-house health team. Enjoy a range of fresh, organic juice cleanses and super soups at home.


    Further information:



    Leadership Post-Pandemic

    18 May live and online presents a one-day workshop bringing the latest thinking and tools from the field of Applied Neuroscience with Professors Patricia Riddell and Ian McDermott. This interactive workshop is designed for leaders, managers, coaches and trainers who are seeking tools to improve leadership post-Pandemic crisis. Upcoming live and online workshops include: New Tools for a World in Transformation 7-9 Nay and Neuroscience Business Masterclass: Effective Leadership in a Post-Pandemic World, 1-day workshop, 18 May 2021.


    Further information: ITS NLP


    Tattoo in My Brain

    Tattoo in My Brain by Dr Daniel Gibbs, uses his acclaim, smarts and expertise along with his own moving story with this disease to illuminate both social and scientific factors that have limited approaches to Alzheimer's prevention and treatment and outlines actionable steps to address these issues.


    Further information:


    Biolab Mitochondrial Day

    Biolab is presenting an exclusive workshop exploring the role of mitochondrial health in chronic diseases and assessing treatment options and outcomes for patients on 17 September 2021 in London. The panel of speakers includes Doctors in clinical practice and academic researchers. The lectures will cover the theory of mitochondrial function, useful laboratory tests, the involvement of mitochondria in chronic disease and a discussion of treatments and case studies. 6 hours CPD awarded.


    Further information:



    Miami Life Centre

    The one month Ashtanga Practitioner's Intensive directed by Tim Feldmann and Kino MacGregor at the Miami Life Center is now open for applications. The new Yoga Home, The Miami Yoga Garage, in Miami's groovy neighbourhood, Wynwood. They are confident that they can keep everyone safe and socially distanced as there is plenty of space in their mega spacious Yoga Shalas.


    Further information Tel: +1 (305) 534-8988; ,


    Oral Health Day

    The Silk'n Toothwave is the first and only toothbrush with clinically proven patented DenalRF™ technology. It reduces tartar and plaque, reduces gum bleeding and gum inflammation and achieves greater stain reduction and whitening results.


    Further information: Available from Boots and


    The Wisdom of a Broken Heart

    The Wisdom of a Broken Heart from the renowned Spiritual Teacher Lars Muhl is a beautiful, pocket-sized, hardback book that will help the reader to improve their self-care, learning how to find the positives in the emotional pain we all experience, using it as a unique chance to boost spiritual growth. Arranged in biblical-style verses, making the content accessible and easy to dip in and out of, Lars shares the essence of the secret teachings taught by Yeshua (Jesus) the Nazarene and Mariam (Mary) Magdalene 2,000 years ago.


    Further information


    Changing Life with Cancer

    Penny Brohn, UK is inviting you to Challenge 150 miles. The government recommends we do 10,000 steps, the equivalent of around 5 miles every day. Simply complete your 10,000 steps every day for a month and you will have conquered 150 miles. You can walk, jog or run and can do this wherever and with whomever you feel safe and complies with government guidelines.


    Further information:



    Natur Boutique's Diet Tea

    Natur Boutique's Organic Diet Tea blend has been put together using natural ingredients, which both taste great and may complement dieting. Green tea is well known for its purported weight loss qualities. Pineapple contains bromelain, which has been linked to potential weight loss and adds sweetness to the drink without the need for sugar.


    Further information:



    Omega-3 for Mood Balancing

    OG Ømega-3 Plus has a recommended daily dose of EPA and DHA which provide sufficient quantities of essential fatty acids to help support better brain health and mental development. More evidence has emerged regarding the impact of COVID-19 on mental health, therefore it is a great idea to supplement with a high-quality Omega-3 to help balance mood.


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    Menopause and Period Tea

    HotTea Mamas 'Tea Nerd', Bethan Thomas has created 2 new blends, Take a Pause specially blended to support the body through the menopause transition and Over the Moon blended for those women for whom premenstrual stress and tension, irregular periods and conditions linked to fertility, such as endometriosis and PCOS, can be a monthly challenge.


    Further information:



    The Essential Spa Collection

    Ian Cameron Smith has released his new album The Essential Spa Collection, which has calming and restorative effect tracks carefully chosen to go deeper and deeper throughout the hour of music. Aimed at Beauty Spas, Health and Wellbeing Practitioners to play during treatments, the album has a selection of his most soothing instrumentals form within his music catalogue.


    Further information:


    Blinded by Corona

    Blinded by Corona How the Pandemic is Ruining our Health and Wealth by Professor John Ashton is clearly written and accessible to a wide lay readership. Professor Ashton teaches in Liverpool and London, is involved with Public Health Wales' corona response and as a Doctor administering corona vaccination in the North of England. He called the pandemic on Channel 4 News in February 2020 and urged the UK Government to close borders and stop major events in March 2020.


    Further information: Waterstones

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