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6 Podcasts For Parents Of Autistic Children You Should Listen To

by Jenny Han(more info)

listed in learning difficulties, originally published in issue 286 - May 2023

Parenting is often a challenge, no matter what. If your child also has autism, that creates new challenges that make your role harder. You have a lot of unique issues and challenges that other parents don't, and so it's easy to feel alone in it. Luckily though, there's lots of podcasts out there for parents like you. Here's some that you'll want to check out.


A Boy Wearing Wireless Headphones

A Boy Wearing Wireless Headphones

Photo Credit: Oleksandr Pidvalnyi on Pexels


  1. Josh Has Autism

This podcast offers a very personal look at the life of a parent of an autistic child. The hosts are Josh King, and his mother Sonya King. They've been on the air since 2017, and talk about their experiences of being a family that experiences autism.

As well as talking about their own experiences, they also bring on guests to talk about the experiences that they've had. “It's a personal look into the lives of parents of children with autism” says Jenny Powell, a parenting writer at Essay Services and Oxessays. “It very much helps parents who may feel alone in their situation.”

  1. ABA Inside Track

This show is hosted by two board certified behaviour analysts with doctorates, and every episode they tackle applied behaviour analysis (ABA) topics that have been approved by the Behaviour Analyst Certification Board. They'll talk about behaviours that parents may be seeing in their children, and the strategies they can use to decrease challenging behaviour.

There's lots of very practical advice here, so you can use this in your own home. Having these strategies under your belt can help you feel more prepared when you need it most.


Photo of a Boy Listening in Headphones

Photo of a Boy Listening in Headphones

Photo Credit: jonas mohamadi  on Pexels


  1. Adventures In Autism

The host of this show is a parent of a child with autism, and she interviews other parents like her in this podcast. They talk about their experiences, and what their day to day life is like. Many already tune in, as they can get a sense of community with these parents and see that they're not alone.

You'll also get a lot of insights and tips about parenting your child here, too. It's a good listen as hearing from others in your situation helps you get more ideas and support in your parenting journey.

  1. Turn Autism Around

This podcast works in a similar vein to Adventures in Autism, helping parents with practical advice. It's been around for a year already, giving parents help with their own strategies to 'turn things around' for their children.

“You'll hear from both parents and professionals on this show” says Liam Nielson, a blogger at Paperfellows and State Of Writing. “That gives you lots of different views and ideas around autism.” You can tune in every week to see what's new with this podcast.


Photo of Girl Listening To Music

Photo of Girl Listening To Music

Photo Credit: Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels


  1. Female Life On The Spectrum

Host Jennifer Cook O'Toole was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome at age 35, and now is parenting three children who are all on the spectrum. She focuses on the experience of being female and living with autism, as this is often overlooked in the medical field. If you have a daughter with autism, this is a must listen.

If you want to know more from Jennifer Cook O'Toole, she's also written a book about her experience. This can really help you get an insight into the condition, and that will help you as you parent your child.


Father and Son Sitting on Sofa with Game Controller

Father and Son Sitting on Sofa with Game Controller

Photo Credit: Tima Miroshnichenko  on Pexels


  1. What To Expect From ABA Service Providers

As a parent of a child with autism, you can be worried about what will happen when you start seeing ABA service providers. That's what this podcast is designed to help with. Host Hanna Rue, a chief clinical officer at LEARN Behavioral, will walk you through exactly what you should expect when it comes to these providers.

She'll answer a lot of questions, such as how do their techniques work in real life situations, and how are they applied to increase learning? Listen to this show and you'll be able to put your mind at ease.

These podcasts will all help to give you information, tools, and community as the parent of a child with autism. You'll see that you're not alone, and that there's lots of different things you can do to make family life a lot easier.

Further Information

Jenny Han is a parenting writer at Academic Writing Service and UK Writings, who aims to bring community and knowledge to the parents who read her work. Also, she is a tutor at Professional Essay Writing Service.



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About Jenny Han

Jenny Han is a parenting writer at Academic Writing Service and UK Writings, who aims to bring community and knowledge to the parents who read her work. Also, she is a tutor at Professional Essay Writing Service. Jenny blogs about parenting, education and lifestyle. She may be contacted via 

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