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The Nature of Diseases

by Dr Patrick Quanten(more info)

listed in energy medicine, originally published in issue 289 - September 2023

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In allopathic medicine, the western model of diseases, which is just over two hundred years old, the list of diseases is endless. Every day they ‘invent’ new diseases, creating new experts, because every disease requires a specialist treatment protocol. Ancient civilisations, and we can spread this across the entire world, described disease in a much simpler way.

A disease is an imbalance. An imbalance of what? Various cultures used different ways of expressing the various kinds of imbalances, but they all confirmed the importance of a balance in energies. They all pointed towards the major influence of the non-material parts of life. They all considered the human being as requiring a balance in physical, mental and mindful aspects of life, whereby the physical is the least powerful influence.

In modern times, science has shown us that all matter is a manifestation of energy. Hence, the physical reality we experience is one picture, one expression, of interactions that happens in the energetic field from which the physical reality emerges. Within humanity we see a lot of different expressions. We see a great variety of physical realities. All of this indicating a great number of ‘pockets’, of concentrations of energies within the human field. Not all lives are the same, which means that the human energy field is not a homogenous field.


The Biopsychosocial Model of Health


The Biopsychosocial Model of Health

Photo Credit: Wikipedia


Nature, of which all living organisms are a part, is an energetic field that produces the physical reality we see and experience. Here again, there are a great many variations, resulting in plant and animal life as we know it. All changes we observe in the physical are manifestations of that field, whether they are evolutionary or momentary. So, when the balance of forces within that field shifts, long term or short term, then the physical reality we observe changes too.

Science has shown that energy changes are the direct result of alterations in pressure and/or temperature. By increasing the pressure on an energy field and/or decreasing the temperature of that field the energy becomes more condensed, more compact, less mobile. This eventually results in the ‘fixation’ of some of that energy, within the field, into matter. Material manifestation, our physical world, occurs as a result of energy contraction. As the movement of energy within the field is determined by high and low pressure, high and low density, so is life within nature a manifestation of high and low pressure. Life itself is created by the moving energies, shifting pressures and densities. The two forces that underlie every movement and every change in the physical world, as in the energetic world, are pressure and temperature.

Every living organism is a condensation of part of the energy field it comes from. The energies are at a particular time fixed in a physical format. This format limits the energy shifts the form can absorb and manifest. The physical manifestation is a coming together of energies at a specific time under specific circumstances, which limits the scope of movement this manifestation can withstand. Beyond the specific characteristics of its form the physical structure will stop functioning and will disintegrate. So every human being is a very specific fixed energetic being with limitations as to what it can cope with during its physical manifestation. Any changes this manifestation expresses are changes in pressure that first manifest within its energetic field and later within its physical function and form.

Ancient cultures simply referred to health as a balance in energy within that individual and to disease as an imbalance in energy. They were well aware of the fact that an imbalance can only be caused by a shift in energy within the field of that person. Health, therefore, is an individual matter. So when the conditions in which an individual lives change, that individual needs ‘to respond’ to those outside conditions and the way his system functions will, as a consequence, be altered. Also, when the conditions remain the same but maintaining the balance of life, the way the system can respond to the circumstances, becomes an increasing burden, the system loses its balance. When the required adjustment can be made without injecting too much energy the person shifts his balance. This adjustment period, which will pass spontaneously, is known as an acute disease. He goes through a short period of imbalance, of uncertainty, of instability, to arrive at a new balance and life continues. However, when that person seriously struggles to make this shift his system will show signs of that ongoing struggle. It will show that it is out of balance. The person is ill, and this is known as a chronic disease. This requires a conscious intervention of the person if he wants to regain a balance in which his system can function at ease.

As there are only two opposing forces driving the energy field, expansion and contraction, all imbalances can be seen as an off-balance in one or the other direction. The disease is therefore either an expression of a lowered pressure or a heightened pressure on the field, or parts of it, and thus also on the physical manifestation within that field.

The imbalance in life, the manifesting disease, is either caused by too little pressure on life or by too much pressure on life. All diseases are a manifestation of either of these two conditions, which means that there are, in effect, only two types of illnesses, with multiple possible manifestations.

Two types of diseases also means that only two types of treatments are ever required. When the pressure is too low one can rectify the balance, heal the disease, by increasing the pressure in that life. When the pressure is too high one can heal the disease by reducing the pressure in that life.

Ways to increase the pressure could entail cooling down, which will make the energy (and the matter) contract. It could be taking on more responsibility in life. Taking personal responsibility for your actions, thoughts and feelings will increase the engagement in one’s life. Getting directly more involved in one’s own survival – providing food, shelter and protection – increases one’s awareness and connection to the flow of fundamental energies. It is not about making life easier. It is about making life more realistic. Without a reason to get up in the morning, without a reason to live, the energy that provides life to an individual decreases because there isn’t enough pressure within the system to make it flow efficiently.

Ways to decrease the pressure could entail warming up, which will make the energy (and the matter) expand. Maybe one has allowed too much pressure to be put upon one’s life. Refusing to be responsible for matters that are not really one’s responsibility will help to reduce that pressure. Examining one’s life, especially in relation to the pressure it puts upon your shoulders, is essential. Once the pressure areas have been identified one can make decisions regarding what one is allowing and what not. Another factor to consider is how one responds to the world around us, both the natural world and the man-made world. Sometimes one cannot change immediately the way one lives but one can change how we live it. Consider your feelings and those that are ineffective, such as being angry about something you can’t change, one can learn to ignore, thereby reducing the wasting of energy and the pressure one puts upon oneself. Fight the battles you can win and walk away from the ones you can’t win. Become very aware as to where you are burning energy in life and what that delivers to your life. Efficiency in energy usage is the key to a healthy life, whatever format that may take.

Always remember that the non-material, the mental part of life, weighs much heavier on life than the material things such as our physical activity. It isn’t the extra work you put on your shoulder that makes it chronically hurt. It is the way you do the work that creates the imbalance. To achieve a particular result, one may need a lot more energy when one is ‘forcing’ it, working against for instance a mental obstacle such as a belief that you can’t do it or you shouldn’t do it.

Acute illnesses indicate an internal adjustment that can and will be completed. One can let these happen and even encourage them, stimulate them.

Recurrent acute illnesses indicate that the system has to adjust frequently, meaning that there does exist an underlying force, which, now and again, pushes the system out of balance. To stop the repetition one needs to examine which area of life is fuelling this.

Chronic illnesses indicate an unsuccessful effort to adjust. This is an urgent message from your system that you need to change how you live. The system is telling you it is no longer coping this way.

What the system is expressing, whether it is functioning easily or whether it is struggling to do what you are asking it to do, is the truth of your life, of your situation. There cannot be any doubt about this. So in your interest, you’d better take notice and respond to it. Responding to the message always means that you need to change some fundamental behaviour in your life, something you have always done, always believed. Your system has been living the way you have instructed it but now it has reached its limit and it is letting you know that. Covering up the message by treating the symptoms may make your life a little more comfortable but it is not going to fundamentally improve it as long as you keep doing what you are doing, keep thinking what you are thinking, keep feeling what you are feeling.

Health is maintaining an internal balance amidst forever changing circumstances. Obviously, in order to do that, you need to change from time to time. If you don’t, your system will let you know when it is running out of energy, when the boundaries of possibilities have been reached. No matter what you believe to be ‘right’ for you, your system will show you the truth. So abandon your belief and embrace your truth.

Living your truth means that you understand that what your system is showing you is your truth and that, in the interest of life itself, you better follow its guidelines. And these are, in principle, simple ones. Too much pressure needs to be reduced and too little pressure needs to be increased. Living in a high pressure society makes too much pressure the most likely culprit.

Whenever you think that making the necessary changes involves decisions that are difficult to make, consider the fact that life, as you are living it right now, is not easy either and will become even more difficult when you don’t make the changes. Be kind to your life and give it what it requires for its survival.

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About Dr Patrick Quanten

Dr Patrick Quanten MD has been on a long journey of discovery ever since he became aware of the ineffectiveness of the medical approach to diseases. He studied a great variety of alternative treatments and eventually realized that the answer is inherent in the structure of the creation. Finding answers to the fundamental questions in life became the main goal and seeing simple patterns return everywhere provided insight. (His book: "Why Me? - Science and Spirituality as inevitable bed partners" - ISBN 978-90-827854-1-8). Dr Quantem may be contacted on Tel: 07826 824232;

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