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Prana and Wellbeing

by Debbie Sellwood(more info)

listed in meditation, originally published in issue 296 - August 2024

The concept that everything in nature is permeated by energy, was fundamental to the philosophies of ancient civilisations such as China, Japan and India, and remains so today. They have always instinctively understood that everything in nature is infused with life-giving energy and without it nothing would exist. This concept of a vibrant life energy is a vital principle, fundamental in several systems of complementary medicine, such as acupuncture, kinesiology, crystal healing, and vibrational essence therapy, where energy in the body is rebalanced or enhanced. The principle of moving energy is also employed in the practice of Yoga, Tai Ch’i, and Qigong and is passed to recipients in healing modalities such as Reiki or Spiritual Healing.


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Yoga Meditation


This life energy is fundamental to our survival.  We cannot exist without breathing oxygen, eating, drinking, exercising to some degree and being exposed to light. Yet these activities alone are not sufficient to sustain the physical body which also relies on this life force energy to nourish, support and maintain it. We know the Sun radiates light and heat, but its other emission is that of etheric energy, known by different cultures as Qi (or Ch’i), Ka, Mana or Prana. I will use the word Prana in the text from now on, as my reference. These waves of universal life energy are all around us, permeating all of space; they stream through all living things, giving life to them. It appears some sort of mystical process takes place where the body is filled with this light which is subsequently transformed into life force energy. Often known as etheric energy, Prana is not to be confused with oxygen, which is a gas, but it is thought that this subtle energy is carried in oxygen molecules.

Everything is energy and although most people are unaware, we humans comprise of subtle energy too. In addition to the physical, we possess other bodies whose high rate of frequency means that we cannot see them, unlike the slow density vibration of the physical body. One such energy body is known as the etheric body which receives and serves as a channel for this vital energy flowing from the Sun. Prana is absorbed by all living organisms. It provides fuel (the body’s heat and maintenance), a sufficient supply of which is essential in vitalizing the etheric and subsequently the physical body. The etheric body, acts as a receiver and assimilator, storing up rays of light from the Sun and maintaining a reservoir of life energy. This energy, received by the etheric body (after being modified into a form that is acceptable for it to receive) exerts a specific vibratory rate onto the physical form, keeping it preserved, repaired and in a vitalised condition. When sunlight is plentiful, Prana is more abundant, but at night its deficiency means we feel the need for sleep and while we do so we recharge from the supply within the etheric body and the etheric charged atmosphere around us. When the sky is cloudy, etheric energy is reduced, which could explain why some people become low or depressed on grey days.

It is the role of the etheric body to ensure the physical body resides in an orderly and healthy state and because both bodies are energetically connected, any imbalance in the etheric body, ultimately affects the physical form. Since the performance of the physical body is totally dependent on the condition of the etheric body, an uninhibited flow of Prana is essential to keeping all aspects of the physical body working well and preserving good health. When there is a free flow of force through the etheric body into the physical body, the chance of disease or sickness is reduced. How the physical body registers and reacts to these energies is important, the quality of the impressions received can vary in vibration and quality according to the status of the receiving etheric body. Hence, if its condition is strong, these energies are not restricted, the etheric is able to function with resilience. If it absorbs sufficient high-quality Prana which keeps the physical body orderly and the organs working correctly, the etheric is able to do its job correctly and protect us from illness. If, however, the reverse is true (the etheric body is deficient) it therefore cannot transmit Prana effectively or sufficiently; it is not functioning optimally. In this case, the frequency of the energy received is lowered and devitalised which, over a period of time, can reduce the efficiency of the immune system, ultimately impairing physical health.


Cover You Are a Frequency


The purer and more refined the status of the receiving etheric body, the more proficient the receiver of Prana it is, hence the healthier the body will be. So how can we ensure we receive unimpeded Prana, and have a healthy etheric body? A healthy lifestyle and a good diet are key as our bodies absorb Prana from elements that contain it such as food and water. So, eating unadulterated organic foods and drinking pure spring water is important. As the atoms in our bodies are constantly replenished by food, water and air, the etheric body is also changed (or charged) by these elements and by Prana. Air is filled with etheric energy, and this is especially so when the sun is shining, so being outside and breathing good quality air is essential. Living in an area where the air is clean, fresh, and unpolluted, is to our benefit. We can also enable the best possible condition of the etheric body if our intentions and motives are of the highest integrity, and we avoid worrying, stress and hanging on to detrimental emotions, the vibrations of which can disturb the equilibrium of this body and the other subtle bodies. Memories, traumas and emotions can become trapped in parts of our bodies, which when left unresolved commits one to a situation where Prana and messages from the subtle anatomy are not properly received as the body is not functioning optimally.

In addition, awareness and control of one’s breath is said not only to create more energy and enhance the immune system but create beneficial brain wave patterns. This probably explains why Yogis’ place so much emphasis on breathing, they know a thing or two!


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About Debbie Sellwood

Debbie Sellwood, after a career in IT, has worked with energy for over 20 years. She is an advanced practitioner with the British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association (Home - BFVEA).  This modality recognizes that humans comprise of a complex spectrum of electromagnetic energy frequencies which are related to our emotions and thinking. When vibrational essences are taken, out of balance emotions or negative thoughts are transmuted resulting in bringing equilibrium to the human condition. For most of her adult life she has been interested in natural ways of healing and using the force of consciousness as a tool for empowerment, emotionally, mentally and in a health sense. For over 25 years she has been a professional Astrologer (APAI – Association of Professional Astrologers International). She is passionate about helping people understand who they really are so they can become their true authentic selves and make decisions that are in their best interests. She is the author of ‘You are a Frequency’ - How personal vibration influences health, wellbeing and development and ‘Centaury for Virgo, Rock Rose for Pisces’ - A guide to selecting flower essences by astrological sign. Both books are available on Amazon - : debbie sellwood  Facebook

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