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Two Realities, One Healing Practice: Politics as a Spiritual Advancement Tool

by Dave Markowitz(more info)

listed in mind matters, originally published in issue 300 - February 2025

In the weeks following the November 2024 US election, I found myself working with two clients who, despite their differing political views, shared a commonality in their emotional experiences. “Patricia,” a long-time client who leans more liberal, was understandably upset by the election results. “Harry,” a relatively new client with conservative leanings, was elated by the outcome.


Two Realities, One Healing Practice


Exploring Patricia's Emotions

I began my session with Patricia by asking her to express her feelings about Donald Trump. She listed various actions and characteristics that upset her, voicing her concerns about his behaviour. After allowing her to vent for a while, I gently prompted her, “Who else in your life, past or present, acted in a similar manner?”

While part of her wanted to continue expressing her frustrations – what I refer to as “content”– I encouraged her to delve deeper into the emotional layers beneath those thoughts. Our bodies often hold onto emotional residue – unprocessed feelings that can manifest as blockages, pain, or illness. Current events or figures can trigger these buried memories, and uncovering them with compassion begins the healing process.

As Patricia continued to share her thoughts, she gradually moved closer to the authentic emotions that lead to clarity and healing. “He doesn’t respect women,” she said. “He’s arrogant, never admits to mistakes, and lies all the time.”

I could sense that her emotional body was being activated within our safe space. After validating her concerns, I asked again, “Who else in your life, past or present, displayed some or all of these traits?”

Patricia’s response was revealing: “My father!”

I followed up with, “And when your father exhibited those characteristics, how did that make you feel?”

Patricia slowed her breath and reflected. “Helpless. I had no choice. I had to listen to him or else. My mother always took his side and never once asked me how I felt or what I thought.”

“So you felt helpless,” I acknowledged. “What else did you feel?”

“I felt unloved. They wouldn’t see or hear me.”

“Great work, Patricia,” I encouraged. “Let’s explore this further. ‘Helplessness’ and ‘unloved’ are important concepts but labels aren’t how we heal. It’s about connecting with the emotional body. How did it truly make you feel?”

“Sad – really, really sad,” she replied.

Harry's Perspective

In contrast, Harry was overjoyed by the election results. When I asked him what he appreciated about Donald Trump, he responded enthusiastically: “He’s strong. He understands me. He speaks my language.”

“That’s wonderful,” I said. “So you feel…?”

“Protected! Safe,” he exclaimed.

As someone who enjoys exploring topics deeply, I know that even positive emotions can hide deeper layers waiting to be uncovered. So I asked if he would be willing to explore those feelings further. Harry expressed some confusion: “Why would I want to explore feeling wonderful? Well, okay, I’ll play along.”

I prompted him again: “So Mr. Trump makes you feel safe and protected – that’s fantastic! Who in your past didn’t make you feel safe or protected?”

After a moment of contemplation, Harry blurted out: “My father!”

“I’m sorry to hear that –” I began.

“He was never there for me,” he interjected.

Harry shared more about his experiences until he reached an emotionally heightened state. After allowing him some space to process those feelings, I asked gently, “What emotion are you experiencing right now?”

“Sad – really, really sad,” he admitted.

The Common Thread

Despite their differing political beliefs, both Patricia and Harry felt a similar reaction to unhealed trauma in their responses to current events and figures in politics. One was repulsed by, the other drawn towards, the same individual.

The seer’s wounding affects what is being seen, and thus, our emotional reactions to similar events. Amazingly, the mind justifies its own righteousness and denigrates those who see things differently. This phenomenon often leads to what some have termed "othering," a mental defense mechanism where individuals distance themselves from others without considering the broader implications of their actions.

How many friends or even relatives have you “canceled” because of differing opinions – about politics or, really, anything? How many of you have felt others distancing themselves from you for similar reasons?

The truth is that we are all the walking wounded in some way; this is a universal experience. Whether individuals choose to acknowledge their wounds is entirely up to them. Denying or fighting this reality leads to suffering, and energetic blockages.

As we delved deeper into their emotional bodies during our sessions, both clients experienced significant energetic shifts. They became more alive and vibrant as they confronted their pasts and the emotions tied to them.

Patricia began seeing both Mr Trump and her father as wounded individuals – little boys who never received love from their fathers. Harry also started viewing his father through a new lens of understanding and compassion, freeing up his energetic field for a more heart-based view of the world. 


Politics can serve as a powerful tool for personal growth and spiritual advancement when viewed through a lens of introspection. It offers opportunities for individuals to confront unresolved emotions and traumas that may have been buried within them for years.

While it is perfectly normal to disagree with political figures or ideologies – and while such disagreements can trigger old wounds – the deeper healing comes from within each person. No external figure can truly save us; rather, healing is an inward journey.

Both Patricia and Harry demonstrated a willingness to go deeper into their emotional experiences beyond mere thoughts and opinions. They discovered that opportunities for healing can arise even in the most unexpected places – such as political discourse.


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About Dave Markowitz

Dave Markowitz is a two-time best-selling author, intuitive healing facilitator and guide for Empaths and Highly Sensitive Persons. His work has been endorsed by Shirley MacLaine, Lynn Andrews, Lee Harris, Dannion and Kathryn Brinkley, Karen McPhee, Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey and more. He’s shared the lecture bill with Deepak Chopra and Gary Null and has worked with thousands of empaths and highly sensitive persons (HSPs) since his “empathic awakening” in 2012. To find out more about Dave, check out


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