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The Good Mood Guide

by Donna Welsh(more info)

listed in mind matters, originally published in issue 72 - January 2002

In an ideal world, happiness would be the norm: all hearts would be filled with love and joy; all heads with peace and passion; all souls in a state of bliss. Unfortunately, living in the modern world can make this ideal state difficult to achieve. In fact, the use of antidepressant drugs in England is at an all-time high, with the number of prescriptions rising by 116% between 1990 and 1995 (Prescription Pricing Authority, 1998).

Everyone can feel depressed and anxious at various times. Instead of avoiding the cause for your depressed or stressed mood by turning to food, drugs, alcohol or tobacco, gain inspiration from this 'Good Mood Guide', which aims to offer you techniques to clear your mind and improve your outlook so that you have the strength to deal with your challenges.



Aroma-psychology refers to the use of essential oils to affect positively your mind, mood and emotions. Research into the psychological effects of aroma now attracts substantial funding, with thousands of studies published on the subject. One such study, conducted by Professor RA Baron at the Renselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York, USA, found that people working in pleasantly-scented rooms carry out their work with more confidence, more efficiency and with greater willingness to resolve conflict.

The following essential oil blends will give you relief from bad moods and enhance good ones. Essential oils can be added to the bath (maximum 8 drops), massage oil (1 drop to 2mls base oil), tissue or handkerchief (1 drop), diffusers (1-6 drops), pillows (1-3 drops; warning: some oils may stain) or lotions (10-15 drops per 50mls or 50g lotion). Always use oils as directed, as some oils should not be used on the skin.

Mix the following blends in a base oil (such as sweet almond, apricot kernel, grape seed, wheat germ or avocado) and use as directed above:

  • To cool flaring tempers: sandalwood, vertiver, jasmine;
  • To ease anxiety and panic attacks: neroli, lemon, sandalwood;
  • To boost assertiveness: patchouli, frankincense, bergamot;
  • To boost confidence: grapefruit, orange, bergamot;
  • To relieve depression: bergamot, lavender, basil;
  • To relieve insomnia: rose, lavender, chamomile;
  • To relieve fear: patchouli, cardamom, sandalwood;
  • To raise energy levels: orange, peppermint;
  • To improve concentration: frankincense, lemon, basil.

For further information refer to Valerie Ann Worwood's The Fragrant Mind.[1]


Books can inspire, educate and offer new perspectives. Recommended mood boosters include:
Bach Richard. Jonathan Livingstone Seagull. HarperCollins. Great Britain. ISBN 0-00-649034-4. 1970.
Coelho Paulo. By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept. Editora Rocca. Brazil. ISBN 0-7322-5752-2. 1996.
Greive Bradley Trevor. The Blue Day Book. Random House. Australia. ISBN 91842050. 2000.
Hayward Susan and Cohan Malcolm. Bag of Jewels. In Tune Books. Australia. ISBN 0-9590439-69. 1988.
Lama Dalai, His Holiness the. Ancient Wisdom, Modern World. Little, Brown & Co. Great Britain. ISBN 0-349-11254-1. 1999.


No special technique is required, just a few deep breaths when you need a break or can't find the solution to a problem. Take a deep breath, right into your stomach; hold it for a few moments, then let the air go, with a loud sigh. Deep breathing is one of the most effective mood boosters. In stressful situations, many people hold their breath, or their breathing is very shallow, restricting the flow of oxygen throughout the body and reducing mental function.

Colour Therapy

The universe is a magnetic field of positive and negative charges, continually vibrating and producing electromagnetic waves. Each of these waves has a different wavelength and speed of vibration. Together, the waves form the electromagnetic spectrum.

Approximately 40% of the electromagnetic spectrum is visible and is seen as various colours (white light). The other waves, such as radio and gamma, are invisible.

Colour enters your body through your eyes and also through your skin. Although feeling colour through your skin is mostly unconscious, it is possible to develop this sensitivity. Many blind people are able to differentiate colours by passing their fingers over an object and feeling the quality of the colour.

Each colour influences your mind and emotions differently because of its unique wavelength and frequency. For example, red has the longest wavelength and slowest frequency of vibration, and its magnetic energy is warming and stimulating. Table 1 is a guide to colours and their psychological effects.

Table 1. Colours and their psychological effects


Positive Effects

Negative Effects

Red Energizing
Can raise blood pressure
Helps overcome negative thoughts
Too much red can make you angry, irritable and impatient
Orange Sexual and digestive stimulant
Strengthens immune system
Symbolizes joy
Releases emotions
Boosts self-esteem

Yellow Increases alertness
Brain stimulant
Improves organization
Boosts self-esteem
Encourages optimistic attitude
Dull yellow can be the colour of fear
Green Emotionally soothing
Reduces stress
Recommended in times of emotional trauma
Dull green and olive can indicate decay and negativity
Lime green can indicate envy and resentment
Blue Calming
Can lower blood pressure
Deep blue can relieve insomnia
Too much dark blue can be depressing
Turquoise Immunity booster
Recommended for loneliness

Indigo Relaxing
Stimulates imagination and creativity
Psychic protection

Violet Suppresses hunger
Too much violet can cause a 'spaced out' feeling
Magenta Encourages feelings of compassion Avoid if chronically depressed or introverted
Pink Muscle relaxant
White Peaceful
Can induce a feeling of freedom and space
Emotionally cleansing
Too much white can be isolating
Black Comforting
Can prevent change
Can absorb negative energy from your environment
Grey Independence
Brown Grounding
Low self-worth


"My call for a spiritual revolution…is a call for a radical reorientation away from our habitual preoccupation with self. It is a call to turn toward the wider community of beings with whom we are connected, and for conduct which recognises others' interests alongside our own."
- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Loneliness and blind self-interest are ever-growing problems of the modern world. As the bulk of the Western world's population strives to be independent, as more family units break down and as technology is developed that requires less human contact (such as the Internet and ATMs), we are running the risk of losing our place in the world at large.

Reconnecting with your family, friends and local and world communities is not only a profound mood booster but can also make a huge, healing impact on the world and its population. From playing a weekly game of tennis with an estranged family member, to joining a local dance group, to doing volunteer work in a developing nation, the choice is unlimited; the effect unique.


You don't need to have a mental illness or serious problem to visit a professional counsellor or psychologist. Sometimes it's just simpler and more effective to have someone not involved in your life to offer a new perspective on how to handle a challenging situation.

Dare To Do It

"Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads."
- Erica Jong

What have you always wanted to do but have always managed to find an excuse not to do it…yet? Write a list of ten simple things you never get around to; for example, re-potting a plant, putting photographs in an album or writing to a friend. Next, write down ten (or 20!) things you would love to do but have been too afraid to, such as asking someone on a date, joining a club or going sky-diving. Finally, write down one thing that you have always wanted to do but didn't have the time/money/energy to do, such as learning a language, buying a new car, travelling to Butan. Take some time to think about what you have really wanted to do but never dared.

Now, set a date for when you are going to do them. Be specific. Set one simple task for the next ten weeks. Set a specific date within the next ten months for the most challenging goal. Finally, set one date within the next two years for the long-term goal, with a realistic plan on how you are going to achieve it.

Working out what you want from life and working towards your goals act as very effective mood boosters by enhancing your self-esteem and life experience. Fear, in whatever form (fear of rejection, failure, etc.), should never be a reason not to try something, for "if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten".


You are exhausted, stressed and feel like the only thing you are capable of doing is flopping on the couch, turning on the television, pouring a glass of wine and ordering some take-away. Maybe you will have some chocolate to fill the hunger gap before your dinner arrives. You know you should go for a walk, or sweat out some of that stress at the gym, but the thought of doing anything physical exhausts you even more.

There is no magic motivating force to get you off the couch. There is no 'new' pill that makes going to the gym more enticing. There is a guarantee, however: if you do 30-60 minutes of exercise at least three times a week, your fitness will improve. You will feel more energized. Your mood will be elevated. Your quality of life will improve. You will feel more confident.

Flower Essences

The modern use of flower essences was pioneered by Dr Edward Bach in England in the 1930s. Dr Bach was a highly respected physician and was one of the founding fathers of the practice of immunology in medicine. In the course of his medical practice, Dr Bach observed that patients with the same illness, of the same severity, recovered differently. He deduced that their recovery was influenced by their mental and emotional states. Bach set about finding a means of healing the offending states and found it in flowers.

He developed 38 Bach Flower Remedies for differing states of mental and emotional imbalance, and one combination of five of these essences, called Rescue Remedy, for use in 'emergencies or accidents'.

Today, there are a variety of flower essences available, including North American Flower Essences (103 essences), Australian Bush Flower Essences (62 plus combination essences) and Findhorn Flower Essences (36 essences). Flower essences may be used directly from the stock bottles, under the tongue or in a glass of water. Use as directed. See Tables 2-5 for the most common states and recommended essences.

Table 2. Australian Bush Flower Essences
State Essence
Despair Waratah
Unknown fear Dog Rose
Nervous tension Black Eyed Susan, Jacaranda
Sadness Sturt's Desert Pea, Boronia
Low self-esteem Turkey Bush, Five Corners
Combination essences:
Emergency (panic, distress, fear) Dog Rose of the Wild Forces, Fringed Violet,Grey Spider Flower, Sundew, Waratah, Crowea
Calm and clear (mind chatter, no time for self, feeling uptight) Black Eyed Susan, Boronia, Crowea, Bush Fuchsia, Jacaranda, Little Flannel Flower, Paw Paw
Sexuality (renew passion, touch and intimacy and promote self-acceptance) Billy Goat Plum, Bush Gardenia, Flannel Flower, Wisteria, Fringed Violet
Heartsong (enhance creative expression, clarity of voice, public speaking)
Bush Fuchsia, Turkey Bush, Red Grevillea, Crowea, Flannel Flower,
Confidence (self-esteem, self-confidence taking responsibility) Dog Rose Five Corners, Southern Cross, Sturt's Desert Pea

Table 3. Bach Flower Remedies 
State Essence
Disorientation Clematis
Scattered Scleranthus, Wild Oat
Overactive mind White Chestnut
Anger Impatiens, Willow, Holly
Fatigue Hornbeam, Olive

Table 4. North American Flower Essences
State Essence
Impatience Mullein
Apathy Scotch Broom, California Wild Rose, Tansy
Insomnia Morning Glory, Lavender, Chamomile, Dill
Rejection Bleeding Heart, Mariposa, Lily Sweet Pea, Buttercup
Mood swings Chamomile, Pink Yarrow

Table 5. Findhorn Flower Essences
State Essence
Anxiety Sycamore, Monkey Flower
Alienation Balsam, Stonecrop
Perfectionism Spotted Orchid
Over-sensitivity Daisy, Holy Thorn
Grounding Daisy


The first step towards a clear mind and a positive mood is to clean out the toxins stored in your body. Fasting for one to two days on purified water and fruit and vegetable juices is one of the most effective ways of detoxifying your body.

Step two is to nourish your mind and body with wholesome food and lots of water, limiting (or avoiding) alcohol and caffeine.

Finally, step three is to maintain good nutrition. Brown rice, oats and miso are particularly good for the nervous system, as are root vegetables like carrots, sweet potato and parsnips. Never miss a meal, and try to eat small meals every three to four hours. There is a place for occasional 'comfort food' but try not to use it as an escape or crutch for whatever is going on in your life.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as your body's sugar level is at its lowest. If you don't 'break your fast' you will not have sufficient energy for your body and brain to perform at their optimum level throughout the day. Beware of packaged breakfast cereals that contain high levels of sugar as these will eventually reduce your energy levels.

If you are not hungry on waking (or just want to clean out your liver), drink a glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon, then go for a half-hour walk. You should be ready for breakfast when you return.


Oats have an antidepressant effect and make a simple, delicious breakfast.

1 tbsp organic rolled oats
1/2 dessertspoon oat germ
1/2 glass soy, rice or dairy milk
1 dessertspoon live natural yoghurt
1/2 tbsp honey
1/2 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tbsp ground linseed, soy, almond (LSA)
1 grated apple
Soak the rolled oats and oat germ in milk (or water) overnight. Stir in the yoghurt, honey and lemon juice. Sprinkle with LSA mixture and grated apple.


Quick and power-packed, a great way to start the day.

1 cup water or soy, rice or nut milk
A few dessertspoons natural yoghurt
Handful pre-soaked almonds
2 pieces fruit
Splash LSA
Combine water/milk with yoghurt, almonds, fruit (frozen banana and rockmelon is a delicious mix) and LSA. Blend in a food processor.

The colour of your food can also affect your mood. Orange foods, such as mango, pumpkin, egg yolk and paprika, act as antidepressants.

The writer DH Lawrence (1885-1930) wrote how he would make orange marmalade when he was depressed. Orange foods can also remove inhibitions and any fears of change. Red foods, such as chilli, beetroot and raspberries, can stimulate and uplift your mood and boost self-confidence.

Gems and Crystals

Crystals are believed to enhance healing energy and have specific healing properties themselves. Before using crystals, clean them under running cold water or soak them overnight in a bowl of salt or sea water, then leave to dry in the sunlight. You can place crystals around your home or work environment, have them set as jewellery or just have them on hand to hold when you need them. Crystals will absorb negative energy, so remember to cleanse them at regular intervals. The following crystals are suggested for their particular effects:

  • Reduce anxiety: pearl, moonstone, amethyst, obsidian;
  • Increase energy: topaz, citrine, amber;
  • Protect against negative energy: blue sapphire, amethyst, lapis lazuli, turquoise, aquamarine;
  • Grounding: agate, haematite, nephrite, sodalite, tiger's-eye;
  • Open your heart: carnelian, moonstone;
  • Uplifting: citrine, yellow sapphire, sunstone.


Simple herbal remedies can be used to promote certain reactions or inhibit certain cell processes. Herbs can be taken as teas, infusions, tablets, capsules and tinctures. For the following remedies, mix equal parts of each herb. Then take one teaspoon of the mixture, cover with boiling water, leave for five minutes, then drink.

  • To increase vitality: Take half a teaspoon of Siberian ginseng[2] tincture two to three times daily;
  • For mood swings and mild depression: St John's wort[3] enhances the function of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine and is commonly used to treat mild depression. St John's wort can be purchased as tablets or the dried herb (two to four teaspoons) can be infused in a cup of water.


Mood can also be affected by changes in hormonal levels that occur during menstrual cycles, pregnancy and menopause.

It is estimated that about 75% of women of child-bearing age have some mood changes before menstruation and as many as 50% have a condition commonly known as PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Unlike the hormone changes that occur in pregnancy (that is, hormone levels increase for 40 weeks and then plummet), menstrual cycle hormone changes surrounding ovulation occur about every 28 days. The hormonal triggers for ovulation are the pituitary hormones luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). However, the more psychoactive hormones seem to be oestrogen and progesterone. Oestrogen peaks before a woman ovulates, and there's a smaller peak afterwards. Progesterone peaks after ovulation, but before menses.

It is no longer believed that women have a higher incidence of depression at, or after, menopause; however the perimenopausal period just before menopause is associated with an increase in a variety of somatic and behavioural symptoms including hot flushes, sleep difficulties and depression. The hormonal events occurring during the menopausal period are complex. In general, the ovaries produce less oestrogen and progesterone; in turn, the pituitary gonadotropins FSH and LH increase.

Recommended treatments for regulating hormonal levels include exercising regularly and eating small, frequent meals. The following have also been found beneficial:

  • Phytoestrogens are weak oestrogens of plant origin that are widely used by perimenopausal women. Phytoestrogens have been isolated in more than 300 plants, including apples, carrots, coffee, potatoes, yams, soy products, bean sprouts, red clover sprouts, sunflower seeds, rye, wheat, sesame seeds and linseed. They are also found in bourbon;
  • Evening primrose oil[4] (EPO) is high in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is readily converted in the body to prostaglandin E1 (PgE 1). PgE 1 has been found to inhibit the effects of prolactin, which is responsible for some of the symptoms of PMS including breast discomfort, irritability, depression, swollen fingers and ankles, and anxiety. A dosage of four 500mg capsules is recommended morning and night for two weeks leading up to menstruation;
  • Panax ginseng (ginseng) is widely used by perimenopausal women for improving energy and relieving hot flushes. It contains an active ingredient that is chemically similar to oestrogen;
  • Vitex agnus-castus (also known as chaste tree berry or monk's pepper, and so-named because it was once used by monasteries to maintain chastity among the monks) stimulates two of the dopamine receptors, has anti-androgenic effects and inhibits prolactin secretion in vitro. It has shown effectiveness for the treatment of premenstrual symptoms;
  • Valeriana officinalis (valerian root) has been used for hundreds of years as a sedative and sleep-promoting aid. In Germany, valerian root is often used in combination with black cohosh by perimenopausal women;
  • Vitamin E has the ability to reduce hot flushes, however it is contraindicated in women using digitalis or anticoagulants;
  • Vitamin B6[5] and St John's wort[6] have been recommended to improve mood in women with premenstrual dysphoria;
  • Black cohosh[7] is another popular treatment for menopause. In one double-blind study, black cohosh was actually more effective than oestrogen in relieving menopausal symptoms.

Inner Space

There are many types of meditation, but they all share a similar goal: awareness. When you practise meditation, you simply exist in the present. Daily practice of meditation can help you to open your mind to new possibilities and also help you to 'centre' your thoughts. One of the most basic types of meditation is where you sit comfortably, close your eyes and focus on your breath for approximately 20 minutes. If you find it difficult to discipline yourself to meditate every day, it is recommended that you join a weekly group to get yourself into the habit.


Massage is not only relaxing, it can also open up blocked emotions. When you experience a stressful situation, it is a common response to tighten your muscles, locking in the memory of that situation. When effective touch is applied by a professional therapist or your partner to certain areas, those areas of tension can be relieved.

Champi (Indian Head Massage)

An Indian head massage is a simple and effective therapy for combating stress and boosting mood. Massage is commonplace in India, and the techniques have been passed down through families for centuries. There is no need to undress and no oil is used, so the following Champi can be given or received any time, anywhere (warning: do not apply too much pressure, as this might strain the neck):

  1. Pinching: Using both hands, pinch the scalp in short, quick movements with the tips of your fingers and thumbs;
  2. Pulling: Lightly tug the hair, close to the scalp, all over the head;
  3. Combing: Place your right hand on top of the recipient's head so that your fingertips are level with the hairline. Support the base of the head with your left hand. Using your right hand, 'comb' the scalp with the tips of your fingers from the top of the head to the base;
  4. Sliding: Support the base of the recipient's head with your right hand. Using the outside edge of your left hand, slide it around the whole back of the head.

Face Massage

Giving yourself a daily face massage will not only relieve anxiety, eyestrain and headaches, it will also improve the facial appearance through increased circulation. You can use a few drops of essential oils in a base oil or just incorporate the techniques into your beauty routine when applying moisturizer.

  1. Under eyebrows: Hook the pads of your thumbs under your eyebrows and apply pressure for about ten seconds. Repeat as you move your thumbs along the brow. (Good for relieving sinus congestion);
  2. Cheek: Place the pads of your index and middle fingers on your cheekbones. Gently rotate your fingers in small circular movements;
  3. Temple: Using the pads of your index and middle fingers, lightly massage this area using small circular movements. (Good for relieving headaches);
  4. Jaw: Starting from the base of your ears, massage the jaw line in slow circular movements to the chin, then slowly back up to your ears.

Outer Space

Feng Shui aims to achieve a harmonious flow of chi (life force energy) in and around your living and working environment. 'Corrections' can be applied to any place to modify the flow of chi. If your home is out of balance, you can use any of the following objects to modify the flow of chi energy: crystals, mirrors, moving objects (wind chime, fountain), living objects (fish tank, plants) and heavy objects (statues, stones) can be placed in or around the 'missing' section to draw energy into the 'negative' space.


Self-esteem is intrinsically linked to how you feel in general. If you don't feel good about yourself, generally it is difficult to feel positive about anything in your life. Self-esteem is only an attitude, a belief in oneself. You are not born with low self-esteem, nor does someone else control how you feel about yourself. While it is easy to be influenced by others (their judgements, criticisms and actions), especially those you love and respect, it is only you who decides who you are and what you are capable of achieving.

One way of boosting your self-esteem is by using 'internal dialogue'. Internal dialogue relates to the 'inner voices' you have in your head, commenting on what you do, want and say. Sometimes these inner voices may be your own voice; sometimes they may be the voices of other people. If you observe that these inner voices are often negative, make an effort to change what you say to yourself, even if you have to 'fake it before you make it'. Inner dialogue goes beyond positive thinking, as it is important actually to imagine hearing the positive words in your head as if they are really happening. In this way it is possible to have a new, more positive self-concept.

Essential oils to boost self-esteem include hyacinth, ylang-ylang, jasmine, bergamot and cedarwood. The flower remedy, larch, can also be used to boost confidence. If you feel deeply insecure, try the homeopathic remedy Arsenicum album.

"Indulging our senses and drinking salt water are alike: the more we partake, the more our desire and thirst grow."
- Ancient Indian writer

Sleep Easy

If you haven't had enough sleep, nothing is going to improve your mood. One of the best things you can do for your health is to have a regular sleeping pattern that involves going to sleep at the same time each day (preferably before 10pm) for approximately seven to eight hours. If you have trouble falling asleep or wake up throughout the night, the following techniques may be of help:

A glass of warm milk before bed is still one of the best remedies for insomniacs, as it contains the amino acid tryptophan which induces sleep. Milk also contains a good dose of calcium, which is a muscle relaxant;

Aerobic exercise (done at least three hours before bedtime) and yoga will help you have a restful night's sleep;

Try the herbal remedies passionflower, valerian and hops.

The Inner Child

Visit a toy store. Spend as long as you want wandering the aisles testing out old favourites and new gadgets. Purchase something, even if it is a rubber duck for the bathtub or a yo-yo for the bus stop, and let the proverbial 'inner child' out each week. When you get bored of your toy (as all children do) think of something else for your inner child to do: go to the park and play on the swings, make fairy-bread for the office for morning tea, dance with abandon…

Minerals and Amino Acids

A good multi-vitamin taken daily is recommended to ensure you get all the essential vitamins and minerals your mind and body need.

However, if you require further assistance, the following supplements may be of benefit:

  • The B vitamins are known as the stress vitamins, and for good reason. They are necessary for optimal functioning of the nervous system; a deficiency could bring on depression. If you are experiencing a particularly stressful period, take a B-complex vitamin supplement (50-100mgs) daily;
  • Vitamin C is also essential in times of stress, as it may improve your ability to handle challenging situations by optimizing your 'flight or fight' response and also boost your immune system;
  • The amino acid tryptophan[8] can also be a helpful mood booster. Tryptophan is one of the essential amino acids that must be supplied by the diet. It is converted in the brain to serotonin, the chemical that helps control sleep, libido, mood and appetite. Tryptophan decreases depression, anxiety and panic attacks. It also helps to increase feelings of well-being. Tryptophan can be found in bananas, figs, dates, turkey, eggs and certain types of seaweed.


The recommendations and techniques expressed in 'The Good Mood Guide' are for general guidance only and are not specific to any one individual. Professional guidance is recommended in cases of acute illness or distress.


1. Worwood Valerie Ann. The Fragrant Mind. New World Library. ISBN 1-880032-91-0. 1996.
2. Farnsworth NR, Kinghorn AD, Soejarto DD and Waller DP. Siberian ginseng (Eleutheroecoccus senticosus): current status as an adaptogen. in Wagner H, Hikino HZ and Farnsworth NR eds. Economic and Medicinal Plant Research. Vol. 1. Academic Press. London. 1985.
3. Harrer G and Sommer H. Treatment of mild/moderate depressions with hypericum. Phytomedicine. 1: 3-8. 1994.
4. Brush MG and Taylor RW. Gammalinolenic acid (efamol) in the treatment of the premenstrual syndrome. in Horrobin DF ed. Clinical Uses of Essential Fatty Acids. Eden Press. Montreal. 1982.
5. Wyatt KM et al. Efficacy of vitamin B-6 in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome: systematic review. Br Med J. 318: 1375-81. 22 May 1999.
6. Steiner M et al. Fluoxetine in the treatment of premenstrual dysphoria. Canadien Fluoxetine/ Premenstrual Dysphoria Collaborative Study Group. N Engl J Med. 332(23): 1529-34. 1995.
7. Stoll W. Phytotherapeutic agent affects atrophic vaginal epithelium. Double-blind study: Cimicifuga vs. an estrogen preparation [translated from German]. Therapeutikon. 1: 23-31. 1987.
8. Young SN. The use of diet and dietary components in the study of factors controlling affect in humans: a review. J Psychiatry Neurosci. Nov 18(5): 235-44. Canada. 1993.


Beckham Nancy. Menopause: A Positive Approach. Penguin Books. Australia. 1995.
Haas Elson. Staying Healthy with Nutrition: The Complete Guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine. Celestial Arts. Berkeley, CA. 1992.
Shandler Nina. Estrogen the Natural Way. Villard Books. ISBN 067945585X. 1997.


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About Donna Welsh

Based in Sydney, Australia, Donna Welsh is a freelance health writer, editor of WellBeing Magazine and a lifelong student of healing remedies. This is an expanded version of an article previously published in Wellbeing.

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