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Rediscovering Your Own Unique Reality

by Regan Duggan(more info)

listed in mind matters, originally published in issue 69 - October 2001

Simultaneous Multi-dimensional Reality

We are all individually living in a world created by our own unique experience.

How often have you been in the pub, in a cafe or watched television and listened to people having a debate or arguing about a current topical issue? Chances are you'll agree with one side and start to formulate your own reasons for agreeing with them. This is quite a common human instinct in this day and age, where we are meant to have an opinion, make a judgement and take sides. The side that we take is based on what best fits into our own world-view jigsaw puzzle, which has been pieced together from the day we were born.

We're continually told by parents, teachers, politicians or partners what's right and what's wrong. The problem with this is that the lessons we're learning are based on their individual experiences and their interpretation of how events were when they experienced them.


How much of our time is spent during the day making decisions around other people? Sit back and think for a while, then take stock of every thought you have and relate it to why you decide to perform that action. Chances are if it's dinner it will be based on what everyone else likes to eat, or if it's clothes shopping it will be based on how good everyone else will think you look. The point I am making is that in this day and age we spend the vast majority of our time looking to make an impression for other people. We spend very little time, if any, making decisions for our own good. We are continually looking outside for approval, for people to say you look nice or this dinner's great, and herein is the problem. While all our focus and attention are subdivided into thousands of different categories, all our true power to heal and become happy is null and void.

You will never be able to have a sense of total completeness until you bring all your focus and attention to right here and right now. Even as you read this, you are probably thinking about work and tasks that need to be completed to give someone else satisfaction, which in turn will make you feel superficially good. I know it is in our nature to help others less fortunate than ourselves, but is it not a better way to help yourself first, and by doing so you may well take the burden from those that help you? We have become a nation of do-gooders who think it is better to cover up our own true feelings by diverting our attention to those who we think we can help. How often do we find ourselves giving out advice to people when our own situation is equal to if not worse than theirs.

This is my opinion at this moment in time. I may well have a different viewpoint next week and to me that's fine. I'm quite happy to change my mind if that truth strikes a chord with me. Every single moment of time is different and we should be in that moment as much as we can. I don't mind if you agree or disagree with me – that's your call. There is no such thing as right and wrong. Who gave us the power to judge? Anyone who commits a deed of so-called wrong is quite often doing so as their viewpoint is different to the people who judge them. This in effect begs the question of moral standings, which again is only a particular concept of which best fits in with our own jigsaw puzzle.

Where Do the Answers Come From?

I have spent many years studying the vast majority of natural medicines. I have been lucky to work in the presence of some of the great doctors and natural healers of our time, but the greatest lesson I have personally learnt came not from a fantastic scientific mind or a healer with a wall full of testimonies but from my very own grandfather. My partner died at 31 years old and we tried every conceivable protocol you could think of – Gerson, Schulz, Christopher, Kelly, Kellar, Laetrile, Oxygen, Sarnum, Rife, Beck, Nutritional; in fact the list would properly finish this article off. Now don't get me wrong, I have a tremendous respect for all of the above programmes and I personally feel they have an extremely important part to play in the healing process, but they are not worth a light if you undertake them with the wrong approach.

This is where I started to think how my grandfather who is still alive today at 94 years old has managed to live so long. He has a mouth full of amalgam fillings, has lead pipes in his house, regularly enjoys his meat pies, pork chops and roast dinners, and has three white sugars in his tea. Also, if you wanted a run for money on traumas in life I'm sure he would win hands down – so how come he can live so long whilst doing allegedly all the wrong things?

It's So Simple

It finally dawned on me what his secret was, and it was so simple it was almost unbelievable. Firstly, he just accepts who he is and, secondly, he accepts who everyone else is. I have never heard him judge or condemn a single person. He will quite openly talk about some very disturbing incidents he witnessed during the war, but I have never heard one ounce of bitterness or anger directed towards it. He plainly accepted it as the way it was and whatever may be thought or said about those times would never change a thing; it happened and that's a fact. It is this very ability that has allowed him to live a very happy and fulfilled life. He doesn't need gurus or complex programmes, he just lives in and accepts the moment.

Just Let It All Go

When you wake up in the morning you have the choice that could sway your choice. Depending on how you interpret these factors will determine how your day will pan out. How your day pans out will probably depict how the week will be, and so on. It's not complicated to readjust your viewpoint into one of accepting that any given moment of time has passed before we realize it has arrived. Stop thinking of reasons why you can't do things and just do them. Stop diverting your attention to other people's problems and start eliminating all thoughts of negativity. Think good thoughts about yourself and everyone else, accept that you truly are a wonderful person, and stop worrying about what people may think of you, for it is only their opinion based on their viewpoint; it really is nothing personal.

The Icing on the Cake

When all of your focus and attention become 'now', an amazing thing happens. I mentioned earlier that you must be self-centred in order to regain your power. When this starts happening you will find that you have the ability to achieve many things you thought were out of your reach. Work will become a joy and money will accumulate as positive things start drawing to you. Quite simply, you will be resonating at a different level of harmony and balance. Then will be the time, if you wish and genuinely get a lot of satisfaction from helping others, to do so. You will transmit a positive energy to all around you and in turn people will accept you for being the person you really are. The key to being accepted by others is firstly to accept yourself.

It's Up to You

The choice is yours and yours alone. No doctor, healer or therapist will ever be able to give you what you already have. Take responsibility and take back your power; learn truly to love, forgive, accept and be in the moment. After all, if there is such a thing as reincarnation, I certainly don't want to come back and experience things like going to school all over again. I just want to accept that experience as something that was good for me at the time and appreciate it as an opportunity to discover and be my true self.


Our Aura – electric surrounds like a bed–
But no – not oblong – it’s shaped like an egg
You may think it’s ‘hazy’ when taking a toddy –
but total emotions are called Astral Body.

Our Aura is prone to block in this flow
If disease not cleaved – we will never grow
Our moods and well-being give fine auric colours
Densest round body – peripheral dullest.

Chakras seven wheels absorbing the prana
Red, orange, green, blue, yellow – as a banana
Indigo, violet, magenta – that’s all
Luminous when having developed a soul.

Four petalled red lotus described as the
Base Is present in all – disregarding their race
The seven trunked elephant midst this plum jam
and the Mantra required is LAM-LAM-LAM.

Six orange petals ‘twixt pubis and navel,
Alligator basks ‘neath crescent gable
The element of water – perhaps in a dam
Rakini and Vishnu call NAM-NAM-NAM.

Aura and Chakra image

Apana and Prana meet at next hold
Male sheep is the animal placed in the fold
Where bladder and gall digest fat and ham
And the mantra sung out is RAM-RAM-RAM.

Venus the planet rules chakra four
Relationships loving – and giving l’amour
Ann and Ian – Harry and Pam
The mantra vibrating – YAM-YAM-YAM.

Blue Chakra five – found on the throat –
There’s one more elephant – not a goat!!
Purification, nectar and speaking
HAM-HAM-HAM– the mantra they’re shrieking

Up the spiritual path we reach violet brow
Uranus and Sakti have taken a vow
To centre on this, know as the third eye
OM-OM-OM is what they cry

No mantra required for chakra crown,
Violet petals 1,000 resound
To supreme existence of Shiva Transcended
Eternal, Infinite in dignity respected.

Val Burton Aromatherapist and Reflexologist N. Yorks


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About Regan Duggan

Regan Duggan MH, CT, works in the natural medicine field. The adopted tools of his trade are herbs, colonics, bio-energetics and common sense. He has spent the last ten years working as a professional sound engineer, which led him to studying and working with the Rife Resonant Ray Beam machine. This then opened the door to the many healing methods currently available around the world today. He has spent the last five years working with and studying degenerative disease. He runs a small practice on the Welsh borders and has first-hand experience on many natural healing protocols. He will quite willingly share this information with anyone interested. He can be contacted at A1-Health, Tel: 01981 240852;E: or W:

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