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The Healing Power of Colour

by Lauryn McGuiness(more info)

listed in light and colour, originally published in issue 141 - November 2007

Introduction to Chromotherapy

Chromotherapy, also commonly referred to as colour therapy, is an alternative therapy which uses colour and light to balance energy where it is lacking in our bodies to prevent or heal disease.

Based on scientific evidence which suggests that every living thing depends on light to exist, (supported by a critical analysis of chromotherapy undertaken by Samina T Yousuf Azeemi and S Mohsin Raza of the Department of Physics at the University of Balochistan Quetta in Pakistan, as published in 2005 by Oxford University Press), chromotherapy believes that our physical and energetic bodies receive and store solar light which maintains internal balance. However, because light is naturally released from every cell in our bodies, imbalance of these colours can occur, reflecting on the physical body as an illness or disease.

Chromotherapy works by corresponding the seven colours of the colour spectrum – or the seven colours of the sun, including violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red – with each of the seven main chakras of the body.

As defined by the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, chakras are the spiritual energy centres of the body, located along the spine, which store and distribute energy. They have the shape of a wheel or a vortex and, in the human body, they have an average diameter of five to six centimetres. Each chakra is associated with a particular organ of the body and has one dominant colour.

Chromotherapy sees a practitioner trace the cause of an illness or disease by determining which colour is lacking in the body, or which chakra is displaying a weakness in colour, and applying coloured light – to imitate sunlight – to the specific area through an acupoint, using tools such as gemstones, candles, prisms, and glasses or lenses, among others. The colour is administered in various ways, most often in combination with Hydrotherapy or Aromatherapy, in an attempt to heighten the therapeutic effect.

It is important, though, to administer accurate amounts of colour for specific periods of time, as the colours in chromotherapy can be associated with both positive and negative effects.

Excess exposure to colours, for example, and application of colour to an erroneous region of the body are two potentially harmful results of chromotherapy, so it is always recommended that a qualified doctor, psychologist, therapist or other health professional administer the procedure.

According to Yousuf Azeemi and Mohsin Raza of the Department of Physics at the University of Balochistan Quetta in Pakistan, chromotherapy is a centuries-old concept dating back to the beginning of recorded time. Practised in Greece, ancient Egypt, China and India, sunlight and colour have always been used for healing.

Light History

A simple yet powerful treatment, modern chromotherapy was discovered in Denmark by Niels Finsen ( Following the discovery in 1877 of the bactericidal action of solar ultra-violet energy, Finsen explored the possibility of using visible light to heal wounds. He, subsequently, used red light to inhibit the formation of smallpox scars and, in 1896, founded The Finsen Institute, which has now merged into Copenhagen University Hospital.

Niels Finsen
Niels Finsen

Today, in our technologically advanced world, some therapists use a system of flicking light into a patient’s eyes, and have reported success in speeding the recovery of stroke victims and people experiencing chronic depression.

Healing with colour uses the subtlest and finest vibrations in nature as opposed to the coarse and damaging vibrations of drugs and chemicals. Drugs release free electrons and deposit a useless compound into the body which damages the body, which is then damaged by whilst trying to eliminate them, thus solving one ailment only to replace it with another. However, sunlight is absorbed by the nervous system and distributed into the blood stream and to various parts of the body, naturally, resulting in the production of little or no harmful residue.

Using chromotherapy as a natural healing technique begins with a standard method of diagnosis – Luscher’s colour test (

Developed by Dr Max Luscher in the early 1900s, Luscher’s colour test can reveal the differing reactions and attitudes to colours from one person to another. It can reveal, by determining which colours we are most attracted to, where in the body we are imbalanced.

But chromotherapy is not bound  to medicine alone. Optometrists recommend the wearing of glasses with coloured lenses, Feng Shui practitioners recommend specific colours for our homes and workplaces and, in Germany, an acupuncturist has developed a way of applying colour and light to acupuncture points, all to achieve an optimum balance of energy.

Curing Process

The sun’s natural light has the ability to lend assistance to the curing process of almost any affliction. For example:

The colour Red corresponds with the first chakra, which is located at the base of the spine and affects the legs and feet, therefore influencing walking, the anus, and waste elimination. This Earth element encourages positive qualities such as steadfastness, courage, loyalty and perseverance, and negative qualities such as stubbornness, anger, physical cruelty, and bigotry. A lack of red in the body can affect blood disorders, bone marrow, and energy depletion, can have an emotional impact on feelings of safety and survival, and can leave the pulse rate decreased. Applying more red to the first chakra could support the circulatory functions and can combat anaemia, asthma, some skin diseases, and chronic coughs.

The colour Orange corresponds with the second chakra, located in the pelvic area. According to chromotherapists, this energizing colour represents kindness and cheerfulness, and is symbolic of prosperity and pride. Useful for stimulating blood supply, treating kidney and gallstones, stimulating milk in the breasts after childbirth, and treating mental illness and depression, this colour of the rising sun affects both the body and the mind. Applied to treat loss of appetite, anorexia, flatulence, cramps, and cardiosclerosis, orange is related to the sexual organs and kidneys, and can cause confusion, tiredness, and pessimism in those who lack the colour.

The third chakra, located just above the belly button, corresponds with the colour Yellow, one of the most commonly used colours in chromotherapy. A joyful colour which can have a positive effect on many ailments, yellow is laxative, diuretic, and a stimulant to the brain, liver, and spleen, it can be used to treat diabetes, indigestion, kidney disorders, constipation, and eye and throat infections. Yellow is useful in purifying blood and cleansing the body, but used in excess it can trigger feelings of detachment, lack of concentration, malice, and deviousness. On the contrary, applying yellow helps deal with nervousness, agitation, and anxiety. It connects with the stomach, liver, and intestine.

Green is in the middle of the colour spectrum and corresponds with the fourth chakra. It is associated with a harmonizing effect and signifies relaxation, calmness, and concentration. Connected with the lungs and heart, the application of green can be used to treat bronchitis, whooping cough, cysts, depression, bulimia, and eye diseases. Green is also used to fight irritability, insomnia, hay fever, ulcers, the flu, malaria, and cancer. Too much of the colour green can cause someone to suffer from lethargy, lack of motivation, insecurity, and jealousy.

The colour of peace and infinity, Blue, corresponds with the fifth chakra, which is related to the throat and can affect speech. Claimed to profoundly convey our bodies and minds to a state of peace, applying blue light to the body can be beneficial in the treatment of asthma, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, rheumatism, throat infections, thyroid problems, headaches, muscle cramps and many similar or related ailments. Applying excessive amounts of blue light to the body, however, can bring about distrust, doubt, apathy, and melancholia in an individual.

The sixth chakra corresponds with the colour Purple – or Indigo – and combines the warmth of red and the coolness of blue to act as an excellent stimulant. Relating to the lower part of the forehead, purple light can assist in developing psychic perception and intuition. It can also be applied to treat addiction, control bleeding, and heal abscesses. Also helpful in curing eye inflammations, cataracts, glaucoma, stomach disorders, and skin disorders, the positive effects of purple light far outweigh the negative.

The colour Violet corresponds with the seventh chakra, which relates to the top of the head. Commonly known as the colour of emotion, violet is considered a meditative colour and is used in applying treatment to the lymphatic system, muscles, and the nervous system. It is also effective in healing urinary illnesses, infections, arthritis, and psychosis. Excessive application of this colour can lead to feelings of fanaticism and domination.


Please note that an altered version of this feature is scheduled to be published in the Australian magazine Good Health & Medicine.


  1. Viorel Bungau said..


    "Chlorophyll and hemoglobin pigments of life porphyrin structure differs only in that chlorophyll is green because of magnesium atoms in the structure, and hemoglobin in red because of iron atoms in the structure. This is evidence of the common origin of life." (Heilmeyer).

    Involuntarily, after many years of searching, I have concluded that in the final biological oxidation, in addition to the oxidation-reduction electron transfer occurs photo-chemical process, accordance to the principle of color complementary energy transfer. I imagine an experiment that might be relevant (sure it can be improved).

    In my opinion, if this hypothesis proves true, one can control the energy metabolism of the cell by chromotherapy, as the structures involved are photosensitive and colorful. Please retrieve your authority to research this topic because it exceeds my abilities,

    Sincerely, Dr. Viorel Bungau

    We imagine an experiment to prove that the final biological oxidation, in addition to its oxidation-reduction, with formation of H2O and CO2, there is a photochemical effect, by which energy is transferred from the H atom, or C, process is done selct, the colors, complementary colors on the basis of the structures involved are colored (red hemoglobin Fe, Mg chlorophyll green, blue ceruloplasmin Cu, Fe cytochrome oxidase red, green cytochrome oxidase with Cu etc.). The basic idea is that if life pigments (chlorophyll, hemoglobin, cytochromes), which provides energy metabolism of the cell, are colored, we can control their activities through chromotherapy, on the basis of complementary color and energy rebalance the body, with a figured X- body-colored-ray.

    In my opinion, at the basis of malign transformation is a disturbance of energetical metabolism, which reached a level that cell can not correct (after having succeeded before, many times), disturbance that affects the whole body in different degrees and requires corection from outside starting from the ideea that the final biological oxidizing takes place through photochemical process with releasing and receieving energy. "Duality of cytochrome oxidase. Proliferation (growth) and Differentiation (maturation) cell." Cytochrome oxidase is present in two forms, depending on the context of acid-base internal environment :

    1.- Form acidic (acidosis), which contains two Iron atoms, will be red, will absorb the additional green energy of the hydrogen atom, derived from carbohydrates, with formation of H2O, metabolic context that will promote cell proliferation.

    2.- Form alkaline (alkalosis), containing two copper atoms, will be green, will absorb the additional red energy of the carbon atom, derived from carbohydrates, with formation of CO2, metabolic context that will promote cell differentiation. Cytochrome-oxidase structure has two atoms of copper.

    It is known that in conditions of acidosis (oxidative potential), the principle electronegativity metals, copper is removed from combinations of the Iron. So cytochrome oxidase will contain two atoms of iron instead of copper atoms, which changes its oxidation-reduction potential, but (most important), and color. If the copper was green, the iron is red, which radically change its absorption spectrum, based on the principle of complementary colors. Normality consists of alternating the two forms of cytochrome oxidase by successive passage of acid in the alkaline form, in terms of acid-basic balance maintained within normal limits. "Inner Light- Light of Life. Endogenous monochromatic irradiation. Red ferment of Warburg - Green ferment of Warburg."

    In my opinion, at the basis of malign transformation is a disturbance of energetical metabolism, which reached a level that cell can not correct (after having succeeded before, many times), disturbance that affects the whole body in different degrees and requires corection from outside starting from the ideea that the final biological oxidizing takes place through photochemical process with releasing and receieving energy. If the structures involved in biological oxidation finals are colored, then their energy absorption is made based on the principle of complementary colors.

    If we can determine the absorption spectrum at different levels, we can control energy metabolism by chromotherapy - EXOGENOUS MONOCHROMATIC IRRADIATION . Energy absorption in biological oxidation process itself, based on complementary colors, the structures involved (cytochromes), is the nature of porphyrins, in combination with a metal becomes colored, will absorb the complementary color, corresponding to a specific absorption spectrum, it will be in - ENDOGENOUS MONOCHROMATIC IRRADIATION. This entitles us to believe that: In photosynthesis, light absorption and its storage form of carbohydrates, are selected, the colors, as in cellular energy metabolism, absorption of energy by the degradation of carbohydrates, is also done selectively, based on complementary colors.

    In the final biological oxidation, in addition to an oxidation-reduction process takes place and a photo-chemical process,based on complementary colors, the first in the electron transfer, the second in the energy transfer. So, in the mitochondria is a process of oxidation of atoms C and H, derived from carbohydrates, with energy release and absorption of its selection (the color), by the structures involved, which is the nature of porphyrins, are photosensitive and colorful, if we accept as coenzymes involved, containing a metal atom gives them a certain color, depending on the state of oxidation or reduction (red ferment of Warburg with iron, all copper cerloplasmin blue, green chlorophyll magnesium, red iron hemoglobin, green cytochrome oxidase with copper, etc.) According to the principle electronegativity metals, under certain conditions the acid-base imbalance (acidosis), iron will replace copper in combination , cytocromoxidase became inactive, leading to changing oxidation-reduction potential, BUT THE COLOR FROM GREEN, TO REED, to block the final biological oxidation and the appearance of aerobic glycolysis. In connection with my research proposal, to prove that the final biological oxidation, in addition to an oxidation-reduction process takes place and a photo-chemical process, the first in the electron transfer, the second in the energy transfer.


    -In addition- Malignant transformation occurs by energy metabolism imbalance in power generation purposes in the predominantly (exclusively) of the hydrogen atom of carbon oxidation is impossible. Thus at the cellular level will produce a multiplication (growth) exaggerated (exclusive), energy from hydrogen favoring growth, multiplication, at the expense of differentiation (maturation). Differentiation is achieved by energy obtained by oxidation of the carbon atom can not take, leading to carcinogenesis . The energy metabolism of the cell, an energy source is carbohydrate degradation, which is done by OXIDATIVE DEHYDROGENATION AND OXIDATIVE DECARBOXYLATION , to obtain energy and CO2 and H2O. In normal cells there is a balance between the two energy sources. If cancer cells, oxidation of the carbon atom is not possible, the cell being forced to summarize the only energy source available, of hydrogen. This disorder underlying malignant transformation of cells and affect the whole body, in various degrees, often managing to rebalance process, until at some point it becomes irreversible. The exclusive production of hydrogen energy will cause excessive multiplication, of immature cells, without functional differentiation. Exclusive carbon energy production will lead to hyperdifferentiation, hyperfunctional, multiplication is impossible. Normal cell is between two extremes, between some limits depending on the adjustment factors of homeostasis. Energy from energy metabolism is vital for cell (body). If the energy comes predominantly (or exclusively) by oxidation of the hydrogen atom, green energy, will occur at the structural level (biochemical), acidification of the cellular structures that will turn red, so WE HAVE MORPHOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL STRUCTURES "RED", WITH "GREEN" ENERGY. This background predisposes to accelerated growth, without differentiation, reaching up uncontrolled, anarchical. ENERGY STRUCTURE OF THE CELL BODY WOULD BE INN. If necessary energy cell derived mainly by oxidation of the carbon atom, red energy,cell structures will be colored green, will be alkaline(basic), so WE HAVE MORPHOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL STRUCTURES "GREEN", WITH "RED" ENERGY, on the same principle of complementarity. This context will lead hyperdifferentiation, hyperfunctional ,maturation, and grouth stops. ENERGY STRUCTURE OF THE CELL BODY WOULD BE YANG. A body with cancer disease will become chemically color "red"-Acid-(pH, rH, pCO2, alkaline reserve), and in terms of energy, green (X-body-colored-ray). A healthy body will be in terms of "green"-Alkaline - (as evidenced by laboratory), and in terms of energy, red (visible by X-body-colored-ray).

    Basically I want to experiment demonstrate that an energy metabolism disorder that could be corrected after several times by means of maintaining acdo-base balance within normal limits, has become irreversible by depleting these resources. Acid-base balance and its adjustment mechanisms underlying this disorder. Basically it involves two comparative cell culture, an acidic , which will grow excessively, and the other in basic medium, which will not grow at all. To be more eloquent in acidic cell culture should be irradiated with monochromatic red light, in this way the structures performed oxidative decarboxylation, green (base), by absorbing the complementary color (red), will become colorless (leucoderivat) and inactive. At the same time will become hyperactive those achieved oxidative dehydrogenation (red and acid), which is responsible for the accelerated growth of cell culture, immature undifferentiated forms, dysfunctional, anarchic. Cell culture in basic medium, exogenous irradiated with monochromatic green light, by neutralizing dehydrogenases (which is red, will become leucoderivat and unworkable, absorbing parts complementary color) while activating decarboxylases, green, base, so this basic culture medium and irradiated with green light, will not grow at all, will tend to differentiate sharp and will perish.

    If I have a device that makes Electrophotography a segment of the body or whole body, I could see it this way : 1.-color image Electrphotography will prevail in, say Red, hyperactivity structures will require a red, acid does not absorb red, leaving it to pass through body tissues examined. That means Irradiation Endogenous Hyperactivity Monochromatic Green. It will be corrected by Exogenous Chromotherapy Monochromatic Irradiation with Green, which will become leucoderivat (colorless) and inactive and in parallel by alkalinization internal environment with Electron donors and traps H +, thus neutralizing the acidic chemical structure of these structures . 2.-if the image will prevail Elektrophotography green, that means Hyperactivity Endogenous Monochromatic Irradiation with Red, resists these structures will absorb the red light beam so that the red color will not find in the image Elektrophotography. It will correct the Chromotherapy Exogenous Monochromatic Irradiation with red. Also, acid-base balance correction by acidifying the internal environment. Exogenous irradiation with green, induces endogenous irradiation with red, and vice versa. A body with cancer disease will become chemically color "red"-ACID-(pH, Rh, pCO2, alkaline reserve), and in terms of energy, green (X-body-colored-ray). A healthy body will be in terms of "green"-Alkaline - (as evidenced by laboratory), and in terms of energy, red (visible by X-body-colored-ray). Sincerely, Dr. Viorel Bungau My address is : Cab Med Fam Dr. Viorel Bungau Str. Libertatii 22 com. Cristian 507055 Brasov 0722329396 Romania

  2. Viorel Bungau said..

    Life balance : Darkness and Light-Water and Fire-Inn and Yang.

    Cytochrome-oxidase structure has two atoms of copper. It is known that in conditions of acidosis (oxidative potential), the principle electronegativity metals, copper is removed from combinations of the Iron. So cytochrome oxidase will contain two atoms of iron instead of copper atoms, which changes its oxidation-reduction potential, but (most important), and color. If the copper was green, the iron is red, which radically change its absorption spectrum, based on the principle of complementary colors. If neoplastic cells, because acidosis is overactive acid form of cytochrome oxidase (red with iron atoms), which will absorb the additional green energy hydrogen atom (exclusively), the production of H20 , so water will prevail, in Schizophrenia , neuronal intracellular alkaline environment, will promote the basic form of cytochrome oxidase (green with copper atoms), which will oxidize only carbon atoms, the energy absorption of red (complementary) and production of CO2, so the fire will prevail. Drawn from this theory interdependent relationship between water and fire, of hydrogen(H2O) and carbon(CO2) ,in a controlled relationship with oxygen (O2). Indeed, water quenched the fire, as fire is to drain the water, so that antagonistic relationship between these elements, which seems at first sight is one of interdependence for proper development of cellular metabolic processes. The balance between these two elements is maintained by strict control mechanisms. The strain, these mechanisms are exhausted, and imbalances occur that can not be controlled, favoring carcinogenesis. Excess water will extinguish fire , even all, drowning cellular structures, reducing cell function in a primordial form. Normality consists of alternating the two forms of cytochrome oxidase by successive passage of acid in the alkaline form, in terms of acid-basic balance maintained within normal limits. If neoplastic cell is dark continuously, in schizophrenic neuron is continuous light. If photosynthesis is a process of reducing carbon oxide(CO2) and hydrogen oxide(H2O), by increasing electronegativity of C and H atoms, with the electrons back to oxygen, which will be released in the mitochondria is a process of oxidation of atoms C and H, derived from carbohydrates, with energy release and absorption of its selection (the color), by the structures involved, which is the nature of porphyrins, are photosensitive and colorful. It means that matter and energy in the universe are found in a relationship based on complementary colors, each color of energy, corresponding with a certain chemical structure. In my opinion, at the basis of malign transformation is a disturbance of energetical metabolism, which reached a level that cell can not correct (after having succeeded before, many times), disturbance that affects the whole body in different degrees and requires corection from outside starting from the ideea that the final biological oxidizing takes place through photochemical process with releasing and receieving energy. The final biological oxidation is achieved through a process of oxidation-reduction, while a photochemical process, based on the principle of complementary colors, if we accept as coenzymes involved, containing a metal atom gives them a certain color, depending on the state of oxidation or reduction (red ferment of Warburg with copper, all copper cerloplasmin blue, green chlorophyll magnesium, red iron hemoglobin,etc. If satisfied, the final biological oxidation is achieved by a photochemical mechanism (besides the oxidation-reduction), that energy is released based on complementary colors, means that we can control the final biological oxidation mechanism, irreversibly disrupted in cancer, by chromotherapy and correction of acid-base imbalance that underlies this disorder.We reached this conclusions studying the final biological oxidation, for understanding the biochemical mechanism of aerobic glycolysis in cancer. We found that cancer cell, energy metabolism is almost exclusively on hydrogen by oxidative dehydrogenation, due to excessive acidosis , coenzymes which makes carbon oxidation, as dormant (these coenzymes have become inactive). If we accept the nature of these coenzymes chloride (see Warburg ferment red), could be rectivate, by correcting acidosis (because that became leucoderivat), and by chromoterapie, on the basis of complementary colors. According to the principle electronegativity metals, under certain conditions the acid-base imbalance (acidosis), iron will replace copper in combination , cytocromoxidase became inactive (it contains two copper atoms) leading to changing oxidation-reduction potential, BUT THE COLOR FROM GREEN, TO REED, to block the final biological oxidation and the appearance of aerobic glycolysis.
    Malignant transformation occurs by energy metabolism imbalance in power generation purposes in the predominantly (exclusively) of the hydrogen atom of carbon oxidation is impossible. Thus at the cellular level will produce a multiplication (growth) exaggerated (exclusive), energy from hydrogen favoring growth, multiplication, at the expense of differentiation (maturation). Differentiation is achieved by energy obtained by oxidation of the carbon atom can not take, leading to carcinogenesis . The energy metabolism of the cell, an energy source is carbohydrate degradation, which is done by OXIDATIVE DEHYDROGENATION AND OXIDATIVE DECARBOXYLATION , to obtain energy and CO2 and H2O. In normal cells there is a balance between the two energy sources. If cancer cells, oxidation of the carbon atom is not possible, the cell being forced to summarize the only energy source available, of hydrogen. This disorder underlying malignant transformation of cells and affect the whole body, in various degrees, often managing to rebalance process, until at some point it becomes irreversible. The exclusive production of hydrogen energy will cause excessive multiplication, of immature cells, without functional differentiation. Exclusive carbon energy production will lead to hyperdifferentiation, hyperfunctional, multiplication is impossible. Normal cell is between two extremes, between some limits depending on the adjustment factors of homeostasis. Energy from energy metabolism is vital for cell (body). If the energy comes predominantly (or exclusively) by oxidation of the hydrogen atom, green energy, will occur at the structural level (biochemical), acidification of the cellular structures that will turn red, so WE HAVE MORPHOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL STRUCTURES “RED”, WITH “GREEN” ENERGY. This background predisposes to accelerated growth, without differentiation, reaching up uncontrolled, anarchical. ENERGY STRUCTURE OF THE CELL BODY WOULD BE INN. If necessary energy cell derived mainly by oxidation of the carbon atom, red energy,cell structures will be colored green, will be alkaline(basic), so WE HAVE MORPHOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL STRUCTURES “GREEN”, WITH “RED” ENERGY, on the same principle of complementarity. This context will lead hyperdifferentiation, hyperfunctional ,maturation, and grouth stops. ENERGY STRUCTURE OF THE CELL BODY WOULD BE YANG. If in photosynthesis, porphyrins chemicals group, whic be photosensitivity (their first feature), shows and a great affinity for metals with chelate forming and becoming colored (pigments of life), can absorb monochromatic light complementary, so if these pigments, which constitutes the group of chromoprotheine, in photosynthesis will achieve CO2 and H2O reduction the recovery of C, H respectively, and the issuance of and release of O, atoms as H and C that reduced the energy load, representing carbohydrates, is in the form of solar energy storage, in cellular energy metabolism, processes necessary life, energy will come from the degradation of substances produced in photosynthesis, the carbohydrates, by oxidative dehydrogenation and oxidative decarboxylation, through like substances, which form chelates with the metals, are colored, metals contained in the form of oxides of various colors(green Mg, red Fe, blue Cu,etc.),suffering from complementary color absorption process of reduction with H in case,if the oxidative dehydrogenation, when chelated metal pigment is red, becoming leucoderivat (colorless) by absorbing complementary color (green) of hydrogen, formation of H2O, or C, if the oxidative decarboxylation when chelated metallic pigment is green, energy absorbing additional, red energy of atom C, CO2 production, the process is identical. The process that lies at base cellular energy metabolism, takes place in the final biological oxidation, reducing the O atom in the form of metal oxide, in combination with photosensitive substance, porohyrin, colorful,absorbing complementary color, will reduce the O atom, with H and C, with the production of H2O and CO2. Green energy release of H atom in the oxidative dehydrogenation process, it is a process of”IRRADIATION MONOCHROMATIC ENDOGENOUS WITH GREEN”, and red energy release of C atom in the oxidative decarboxylation process, consists in an “IRRADIATION MONOCHROMATIC ENDOGENOUS WITH RED”. Porphyrin-metal combination in photosynthesis, the chelated form, by absorbing light in the visible spectrum, will be able to reduce to low and turn, C and H respectively, the state of oxide (CO2 and H2O),release of O. The final biological oxidation, the combination of metal-porphyrins in aerobically in the absence of light, will find in the oxidized state, so in the form of porphyrins and metal-oxide, will oxidize to C and H atom of hydrocarbonates, with formation of CO2 and H2O, or rather, will be reduced by C and H atom of hydrocarbonates,formation of CO2 and H2O, by absorbing energy produced by photosynthesis. If we can control the final biological oxidation, we can control cellular growth, thus multiplying, and on the other hand, maturation, so differentiation. The names as green energy (tourquoise) and somatic red (corail) and vice versa, are generic for relevance, there is the additional energy in different proportions. Green energy will prevail if the cell (body) which multiplies (during growth), will in case of adult cell (functional) will prevail red energy . I put on a scientific basis (biochemical and biophysics) chromotherapy, and light therapy generally through tie the two types of energy, that obtained by oxidative dehydrogenation , which will cause cell multiplication without differentiation , and that obtained by oxidative decarboxylation , which will be to stop proliferation, and will determine the differentiation (maturity, functionality). This process is carried out based on complementary colors, which are coenzymes oxidative dehydrogenation and oxidative decarboxylation is colored . It reveals the importance of acid-base balance, the predominance of the acidic or basic, as an acid structure (red), not only can gain energy from the carbon atom red (the principle of complementarity), but can not assimilate ( under the same principle). It must therefore acid-base balance of internal environment, and alkalinization his intake of organic substances by the electron donor. By alkalinization (addition of electrons) will occur neutralize acid structures, the red, they become leucoderivat, colorless, and inactive, while the basic, which because of acidosis became neutral, colorless and inactive, will be alkaline in electron contribution, will be in green, and will absorb red energy from the carbon atom. So, on two kinds of vital energy, it is clear correlation between the chemical structure of the cell(body),and type of energy that can produce and use. Thus a cell with acidic chemical structure, can produce only energy by oxidative dehydrogenation (green energy), because the acid can only be active coenzymes with acid chemical structure, red, will absorb the complementarity only green energy of hydrogen. Basic structures which should absorb red energy from carbon , are inactive due to acid environment, which in turn chemically in leucoderivat, so colorless structures, inactive. Conversion of these structures to normal, operation by alkalinization could be a long lasting process, therefore, we use parallel chromotherapy, based on the fact that these COENZYMES INVOLVED IN BIOLOGICAL OXIDATION FINALS ARE COLORED AND PHOTOSENSITIVE. Thus, exogenous irradiation with monochromatic green will neutralize, by complementarity, coenzymes red, acidic. In will reactivate alkaline coenzymes, which have become due acidosis leucoderivat, so colorless and inactive. Without producing CO2, carbonic anhydrase can not form H2CO3, severable and thus transferred through mitochondrial membrane. Will accumulate in the respiratory Flavin, OH groups, leading to excessive hydroxylation, followed by consecutive inclusion of amino (NH2). It is thus an imbalance between the hydrogenation-carboxylation and hydroxylation-amination, in favor of the latter.This will predominate AMINATION and HYDROXYLATION at the expense CARBOXYLATION and HYDROGENATION, leading to CONVERSION OF STRUCTURAL PROTEINS IN NUCLEIC ACIDS. Meanwhile, after chemical criteria not genetic, it synthesizes the remaining unoxidized carbon atoms, nucleic bases “de novo” by the same process of hydroxylation-amination, leading to THE SYNTHESIS OF NUCLEIC ACIDS “DE NOVO”. Sincerely, Dr. Viorel Bungau

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About Lauryn McGuiness

Lauryn McGuiness is a freelance journalist specializing in writing for the health and natural therapies market. Published in five countries including the UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, Lauryn also writes corporate material for businesses across the globe. She may be contacted via

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