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Short Features and Brief takes Issue 181

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 181 - April 2011

University of Westminster Launch New MSc Courses

New postgraduate courses courses have been developed at the University of Westminster. Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Nutritional Therapy and Complementary Medicine part time mode of the MSc courses commence September 2011; the full time programmes will be available from September 2012. The MSc in Complementary Medicine includes modules in Mindfulness Practice and Health & Wellbeing and is well suited to practitioners from a wide range of therapies.

NCS Frontage

The courses are provided as short learning bursts of normally two days every four to six weeks, which are complemented by tutor as well as peer support and appropriate use of virtual learning environments. In addition, the research methods module and a dissertation enable the practitioner to contribute to the research and evidence base of their profession. Modules of the MSc courses are also available for continuing professional development for a wide range of complementary therapists

On obtaining an MSc it is possible to further develop research skills by pursuing an MPhil/PhD. However, the new Professional Doctorate in Health and Social at the University of Westminster, with its combination of taught modules and an extensive dissertation is ideally suited to practitioners who want to develop clinical practice that is informed and enhanced by research.

Further Information
For further information regarding the MSc courses, other degrees or short courses contact: School of Life Sciences Admissions, University of Westminster, 115 New Cavendish Street, London W1W 6UW. Tel: +44 (0)20 7911 5883; Fax +44(0)20 7911 5079;


Happy Strap Medical Device for Children

Aneid Pharmaceutical Products has secured distribution rights for Happy Strap in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Ireland and the United Kingdom.

Registered as a Class 1 Medical device in Europe, Happy Strap is designed as an aid for infants and children with hypotonia (low muscle tone) to assist the control of ligament laxity and joint flexibility in the hips.


Happy Strap

  1. The major use of the product is to aid infants and children with hypotonia (low muscle tone) to assist the control of ligament laxity and joint flexibility in the hips (poor pelvic stability).
    Happy Strap limits excessive hip abduction and therefore limit reliance on solely sagittal plane movement when transferring from one position to another. This in turn encourages the development of musculature that enables movement in frontal and transverse planes;
  2. Hypotonia is commonly found in children with Down's syndrome and children with athetosis;
  3. Happy Strap, worn while sleeping, counteracts any tendency of the legs to splay.
  4. The product can be worn either over or under clothing day and night.

Further Information
Please contact Mycology Research Laboratories on Tel: 01583 485 209;


BCNH - UK College Of Nutrition and Health


Studying Nutrition at BCNH

  • Nutrition topics at BCNH are based on medical science, combined with a holistic approach, which makes learning interesting and fascinating;
  • Students are informed of the latest research and findings, in addition to being taught the mechanisms behind the theory;
  • Degree level Diploma course modules are skilfully structured and delivered by expert lecturers in the field. 

Nutritional Therapy Courses offered by BCNH
BCNH Diploma in Nutritional Therapy - with Clinical Practice. The BCNH diploma is a 4-year part-time course with Year 4 dedicated to intensive clinical training.

BCNH Diploma in Nutrition & Health (also upgradeable to BSc) - suitable for those who do not wish to practise Nutritional Therapy -;

Following successful completion of a BCNH Diploma, students may apply to join the BSc (Hons) Professional Practice in Health and Social Care (Nutritional Health) programme at University of Greenwich and transfer relevant credits gained from their studies as Associate Students, into the programme.

Accessing College Material Online
Students can download lecture and seminar notes, timetables, reading lists, module outcomes, course assignments, research papers, live audio recordings etc. from a secure, password protected BCNH website.

Further Information
Please contact BCNH on Tel: 0844 736 5836; 0207 433 2555;

Irene Royal Jelly Effective for Hair Loss
Irene combines the healing properties of fresh Royal Jelly, Ginseng, Damiana Aphrodisiaca, Capsicum Minimum and Saw Palmetto to bring balance and restore health.

Irene Products

Here are the individual ingredients:

  • Saw Palmetto Extract - a natural ingredient in the Irene formula, works in a very similar way for men and women suffering from Androgenetic (male / female pattern) baldness. Androgenetic baldness occurs due to the effect that high blood levels of the androgen dihydroxytestosterone (DHT) have on the hair follicle. DHT causes the anagen / growth phase of the hair growth cycle to shorten, and thus hairs grow progressively shorter; DHT also leads to miniaturization of the hair follicle itself. Saw Palmetto prevents the formation of DHT and therefore it protects length of the growth phase, the length of the hair, and maintains follicular size;
  • Zinc - Essential in the manufacture of new hair, and has also been found to inhibit the enzyme that leads to the formation of DHT. In addition, zinc enhances immune function;
  • Silica - Research from the former USSR has shown that Silica slows down the rate of hair loss;
  • Capsicum Minimum - Stimulates both the hair follicle, and the circulation to the dermal papilla;
  • Vitamin B6 - This vitamin acts to block the DHT receptor;
  • Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) - This vitamin is known to improve the hair's colour, shine and condition;
  • Echinacea - Boosts the body's immune system, making auto-immune conditions less likely, and reducing inflammation which sometimes goes hand in hand with alopecia;
  • Inositol - Is known to arrest hair loss;
  • Damiana Aphrodisiaca - Can aid in hormone balance, stimulates hair follicles.
  • Vitamin H (biotin) - Is known to prevent baldness.

Irene also contains iron, folic acid, calcium, phosphorous and vitamin E, all essential for a healthy head of hair. Irene also contains all the essential amino acids that the body requires to form new hair that is strong in structure and condition. One essential amino acids found in Royal Jelly, methionine, has been shown to be responsible for building strong sulphur bonds in keratin, the protein that hair is made from.

Further Information
For more information please contact Irene Stein on Tel: 07831 641199;


College of Body Science Certificate in Body Science

Wed 14th - Fri 16th April Bristol
Mon 10th - Wed 12th May Bristol

Tues 8th - Thurs 10th June London

College of Body Science

Students gain a strong grounding in the useful detail of anatomy, physiology and pathology. This is run as an intensive course - 3 blocks of 3 days - with 75 hours of tuition and around 40 hours of home study expected. This includes some personal tutorial time between the different weeks. There is 'homework' and an exam at the end.

The first two blocks of 3 days will be taught in Bristol. The pathology section of the course, the third 3 days will be taught from the Gordon Museum of Pathology at King's College London, London Bridge.

The Course Comprises

  • 6 days of training on the main systems of the body, the anatomy, physiology, how they relate to and communicate with each other;
  • 3 days covering common pathologies which take place in an amazing pathology museum, allowing you the opportunity to view a variety of pathological specimens to assist your learning;
  • Over 70 hours teaching time and around 40 hours of home study, totalling over 100 hours;
  • Textbook and workbook included;
  • A personal tutorial during each week;
  • The chance to complete a variety of interesting pieces of work as well as be tested on you knowledge at appropriate times;
  • The opportunity to complete the exam to gain the Certificate of Body Science qualification, recognized by a variety of complementary therapy organisations and Balens insurance company.
  • Plus £50 off any of our other Courses, Valid for One Year!


Further Information
Please contact College of Body Science on Tel: 0845 108 1088;


Essential Training Solutions - FHT-Approved Level 3 Diploma in Pathology

Online CPD Course, UK and Int'l: 10 CPD Points

Essential Training Solutions

Essential Training Solutions are an approved VTCT centre and experienced online learning specialists. They run accredited courses and also appreciate that many therapists are keen to refresh their pathology as a part of their continued professional development (CPD).

They have therefore released the tutorial that is used as part of their VTCT accredited course, plus some of the assessments, to bring students a top quality CPD course at the lowest possible price.

Online learning is an excellent way to study because students do not have to travel to a training venue, they can fit studying around life's demands, fly through the course and pass quickly, or simply take their time and enjoy the journey without the pressure of imposed timetables.

Essential Training's easy-to-use online course, together with their unrivalled support, enables students to achieve their diploma in the way that best suits them.

Further Information
Please contact Chris Carter on Tel: 01604 879110;


Helios Homeopathy Ltd

Helios Homoeopathy Logo

Helios Homeopathy is one of the World's leading homeopathic pharmacies. In an ever changing world, Helios remain committed to producing homeopathic remedies to the traditional Hahnemann technique of hand trituration and potentization. Helios employs qualified Homeopaths to almost all staff positions. This ensures customers receive homeopathic remedies of quality and integrity backed by expert advice.

Over 3,000 homeopathic remedies are available in a variety of potencies and forms:

  • Tablets / Pillules;
  • Oral liquid remedies,
  • Tinctures;
  • Creams;
  • Practitioner products of medicating potencies and powders;
  • Skin care, vitamin and minera
  • l supplements;
  • Books.

Orders of 6 items or less placed before 1pm by email or web and 3pm by telephone/fax Monday to Friday will be despatched the same day by first class post. Royal Mail should deliver next day but this is not guaranteed. All orders placed with us with an email address will receive an automated confirmation on despatch.

The Head office in Tunbridge Wells includes the pharmacy, trade manufacturing unit, an OTC sales operation and holistic healthcare clinic; Helios also operates a branch in Covent Garden, London.

Further Information
Please contact Helios on Tel: 01892 536393 (24hr); Tel: 01892 537254 (9:45am-5:30pm); Fax 01892 546850;


Course in Alchemy and the Hermetic sciences - 23rd-30th July 2011

Unique course in alchemy and the Hermetic sciences stemming from Egypt which flourished in Al Andalus, Spain as a concept of health, wholeness and medicine under Arabic philosophical influence from 8-15th century.

The Lotus that Blossoms on the Camino cover


  • Alchemy and Spagyria;
  • Medical Astrology;
  • Planets, elements and humours;
  • Medicinal plants(preparation and use of tinctures and dilutions);
  • Minerals, salts and metals;
  • Natural lore/ the Arthurian myth;
  • Angels and djinns in Sufism;
  • Diagnosis and treatment.

Course includes 36 class hours both theory and practical including therapeutic treatments:

  • Aromatherapy, Acupressure, Colours, Sounds and taste as applied by the Hakim (doctor-sage) in Al Andalus;
  • Visits to Eden Project and sacred sites: including Bodmin Moor Helman Tor and the Saints Way;
  • Yoga, breathing and meditation techniques.

The course is led by Lawrence Body who is a qualified holistic therapist and Naturopath, specializing in aromatic and medicinal plants. He has over 20 years of practical experience working in natural health and healing centres and spas, both in England and Spain. Accommodation is at Torview Centre Luxulyan, Bodmin Cornwall.

Further Information
For full programme and to reserve contact Lawrence Body ITEC on Tel :0034 696369040;


ICNM's Highly Commended Certificate for Outstanding Contribution to Complementary Medicine - Lynn Booth

The Institute for Complementary and Natural Medicine (ICNM) has given a Highly Commended certificate to Lynne Booth, Founder and Originator of Vertical Reflex Therapy (VRT) in its Outstanding Contribution to Complementary Medicine category. The Award, sponsored by Balen's Insurance, is now in its second year, and is part of the ICNM's Complementary Medicine Awards.

Booth VRT

Lynne's work, also known as Vertical Reflexology was developed when she was working in a Bristol nursing and residential home in the mid 90s. This method allows the therapy to be briefly carried out on the dorsal (top part) foot/hand rather than traditional reflexology which works on the palm and base of the foot. VRT may be applied as an effective short treatment in its own right and can also be easily integrated into classical reflexology sessions.
The ICNM Complementary Medicine Awards comprise four categories. The winners in these categories are:


  • Best Complementary Medicine Student - Kim Holmes;
  • Best Complementary Medicine Practitioner - Lynne O'Sullivan;
  • Outstanding Contribution to Complementary Medicine - Dounne Alexander, Gramma's
  • Highly Commended - Lynne Booth, Vertical Reflex Therapy (VRT)
  • Best Complementary Medicine Company - Helen Rollason Cancer Charity

Further Information
The ICNM administers the British Registrar of Complementary Practitioners (BRCP) which is one of the longest-running registers of its kind in the country.

For more information about Vertical Reflexology, please contact Lynn Booth of Booth VRT on Tel/Fax::0117 962 6746;


Rich Hippie - Organic Perfumes

Rich Hippie

Rich Hippie works with only the best organic farms worldwide to first ensure that our base ingredient - the actual plant or flower - is of the very finest quality. From each crop they select the raw ingredients and then blend them together, continually adjusting the mix until the scent is just right. They add plant-based alcohol and then allow the perfume to rest for many months so it can develop and form its scent - the various plant and flower ingredients all react to each other to form a unique perfume.

The final result is a perfume that is infinitely more beautiful than science could ever create - the finest flowers and plants in the world are being picked and distilled and eventually coming together to create a very special scent. Of course, this all-natural route does have its ups and downs - because each crop we use is dependent on the weather, the quality of the soil and many other variants the raw ingredients our growers can offer us does change year to year.

Rich Hippie also takes their natural perfume-making one step further and guarantees that the entire process is completely organic. This means they can ensure the perfume is as clean as possible and has no residues from conventional farming practices. This organic approach does mean their perfumes are more expensive to produce but Rich Hippie believe you just can't put a price on your health.

Further Information
Please contact Rich Hippie via;



Sophrology for Burnout


Sophology Academy

Seventeen years ago, Florence Parot, was finishing her degree. She describes herself as a typical overachiever, working all the time, burning the candle at both ends. Driven to succeed and abusing her body, she didn't rest properly and eventually she paid the price. Despite being constantly exhausted and very stressed she pushed and pushed herself. Then at age 23 years old she collapsed with burnout. She was rushed to hospital but they could not diagnose what was wrong with her, she couldn't even stand up, she was like an old lady; it felt like her body and brain stopped functioning. Florence was suffering from burnout, and despite a stay in hospital and numerous trips to her doctor, no one could diagnose what was wrong or find a cure. Rest was not enough, she wasn't depressed and this wasn't a nervous breakdown, she was simply burnt out.

Eventually her family doctor understood that conventional treatment was not working and her symptoms, which included IBS weren't improving. Her GP recommended Sophrology and it changed her life.

Sophrology is a gentle, safe yet highly effective holistic non-invasive technique which combines eastern and western traditions to successfully reduce and bring about healing and well being for a wide range of common stress induced health problems. It is particularly effective for stress management, feeling overwhelmed, prevention of burnout and for overcoming sleep problems and feeling tired all the time. As a therapy it stands at the crossroads between meditation and life coaching, Zen and classical relaxation techniques.

Florence saw a Sophrologist weekly and after a year was fully recovered; none of the symptoms has returned and she has never looked back. Florence completely turned her life around and she has since retrained as a Sophrologist and has opened the UK's first Sophrology Academy.

Further Information
Sophrology workshops The next workshop takes place for three days from April 12th to 14th at the beautiful Witherdeans Hall. Places are limited and the workshop, which includes Sophrology, relaxation, stress management and burn-out prevention techniques, a sleep programme, Life Coaching, nutrition, massages, reflexology and time for yourself in beautiful surroundings. For further information please go to


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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


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