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Cancer Target - Cellular Respiration

by Mike Menkes(more info)

listed in cancer, originally published in issue 214 - May 2014

Mitochondria are one of many tiny organelles found inside all of our cells. While the nucleus is an organelle providing DNA blueprints for future cells, mitochondria are the organelles that are the powerhouses for present cells.

Mitochondria are necessary to break down sugars, proteins and fats to provide energy, to maintain all cells in your body.  When mitochondria are not working properly or when their numbers decrease, normal cellular energy is disrupted, leading to and/or aggravating every medical condition.



Mitochondria Altered Metabolism in Cancer Cells

Otto Warburg, in 1924, suggested that malignant and tumour cell growths are caused by the fact that tumour cells generate energy (adenosine triphosphate - ATP) by the oxygen-deprived breakdown of glucose (glycolysis), known as the Warburg Effect. Glycolysis is the first step in all cellular respiration.

Normal cells generate energy mainly from the oxygen-present breakdown of pyruvate within the mitochondria. Pyruvate is the end stage of glycolysis, in contrast to cancer cells.

Otto Warburg’s Closest Assistant

Paul Gerhardt Seeger MD spent six decades working in cancer clinics and research in Germany. Dr Seeger discovered that cancer results from the inactivation or destruction of the most important enzyme of the respiratory chain, cytochrome oxidase (cytochrome a/a3).

Cytochrome a/a3 is a critical mitochondrial enzyme responsible for processing over 90% of oxygen. Inhibition or destruction of cytochrome a/a3 leads to a lower number of mitochondria as well as lower ATP (energy) levels.

This led to Seeger’s conclusion, supported by many other researchers: proliferation of tumour cells result from destruction of the respiratory chain which drives ATP-energy production.

Activate Cellular Respiration and Reduce Tumours Naturally

Since Dr Seeger’s discovery, a number of experiments and practice with cancer patients by many doctors, have accumulated enough experience (endorsed by hundreds of scientific papers) to demonstrate that cancer treatment can be approached by intensifying cellular respiration in mitochondria. Increased mitochondrial use of oxygen increases ATP production and stimulates apoptosis - tumour destruction.

  • Iodine, as Paul Seeger demonstrated, activates the thyroid function;
  • Iodine enables the production of the hormone thyroxin;
  • Thyroxin is active in all cells as a catalyst of the oxidation process; 
  • Lack of thyroxin results in an incomplete utilization of oxygen needed by cells and tissues.

Yeast Cell Enzymes and Detoxification

  • Yeast cell enzymes have considerable effect on removing the  substances from the environment with carcinogenic effects (xenobiotics). Glutathione production is activated by a proven yeast cell enzyme preparation;
  • Yeast cell enzymes have the capability to restore damaged and mutated mitochondria;
  • Yeast cell enzyme preparations are almost identical replicas of the many biological substances that naturally occur in cells of the healthy human body and are able to improve and restore the whole biological system.

Zell Oxygen

Zell Oxygen is a 100% pure, naturally-fermented vegetarian whole food yeast without additives of any kind. Zell Oxygen is made by an exclusive cold fermentation process utilizing a special yeast strain of Sacchromyces cerevisiae along with juices of apple, lemon and grapefruit, plus essential fatty acids from wheat germ extract, and contains bio-available glutathione, iodine and other trace minerals.

Yeast Cell Enzymes Activate P53 Function 

  • P53 is a tumour suppressor gene, inducing apoptosis, the self-destruction of cancer cells.
  • P53 is the most frequently inactivated gene in human cancer and approximately half of all human tumours have a mutation or loss of P53.

Yeast Cell Enzymes - Very Powerful Preparation

Each 10 ml dose of the preparation contains 100 billion biochemically active, young yeast cells. Every yeast cell enzyme preparation contains a rich spectrum of active enzyme groups, amino acids, minerals, trace elements, antioxidants, biocatalysers, vitamins and nucleic acids that may be considered as an unique biochemical, natural laboratory for healing.

Daily Intake of Yeast Cell Enzyme Preparation

Daily dose - from 30 ml to 60 ml per day, divided into 3 doses

Mix the yeast cell enzyme preparation in a large glass of vegetable juice, including beet juice, a strong hydrogen acceptor, producing a large release of oxygen. Carrot and grape juice are also strong hydrogen acceptors.

Complementary Therapy by Enzyme Yeast Cells

  • Oxygen Production
  • Detoxification
  • Mitochondria Function/Energy Restoration
  • Prevention of Cancer
  • Support to Radiation and Chemotherapy

Conclusion: the ‘Garden of Eden’ is the biological terrain of our gastrointestinal tract.

Compatible Anti-Cancer Plants and Essential Oils

Maitake mushroom  

Black cumin seed  

American ginseng  


Turmeric root  

Green tea plus quercetin  

Essential oils  


Lopez, La zaro M. The Warburg effect: why and how do cancer cells activate glycolysis in the presence of oxygen: Anticancer Agents med. Chem. 8 (3) 305-12. 2008.

Shay J.W. and Werben H. Are mitochondria DNA mutations involved in the carcinogenesis process. Mutat Res. 186: 149-160. Publ.Med.  I.D. 87315/42.  1987.

Xu R.H., Pelicano H., Zon Y., Carew J.S., Feng L., Bhalla K.N., Keating M.J. and Huang P. Inhibition of glycolysis in cancer cells: a novel strategy to overcome drug resistance associated with mitochondrial respiratory defect and hypoxia. Cancer Res. 65, 613-621. 2005.

Shailaja, Kasibhatla and Ben Tseng. Why target apoptosis in cancer treatment? Molecular Cancer Therapeutics Vol. 2 – 573-578. June 2003.

Harris C.C., Hollstein M. Clinical implications of the P53 tumor suppressor gene. N. Engl. J. Med. 329 – 1318 – 1327 – 1993.

The Clinical Evidence of Cellular Respiration to target Cancer. Professor Serge Jurasunas, MD(H) ND PhD.


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About Mike Menkes

Mike Menkes, Natural products formulator, bodyworker and educator is a former advisor at Life Extension Foundation and is a past-president of Health Science Solutions. Creator of The Healthy Touch - a unique stress-relief hands-on technique Mike is available for on-site corporate/military stress management and personal anti-aging strategies drawing from natural and allopathic protocols - complementary medicine. He may be contacted via Tel: +1 954 534 1887;     


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