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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 229

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 229 - April 2016

Medica Health - Home of Crystal Light Therapy

Medica Health International Ltd is committed to discovering, sourcing and introducing leading edge healing equipment to medical professionals, therapists and health conscious consumers. Our front runner respected medical advisors, scientists and engineers combine research and innovation to provide therapists on a global scale, with the tools they need to provide positive, fast, non- invasive outcomes for their clients & patients.

The Viofor JPS System - revolutionary pain relief device

The Viofor JPS System - revolutionary pain relief device

The main product line range utilizes Theragem™ Technology which fuses light technology, pulsed electromagnetic field, white noise, Schumann resonance, colour, precious metals and a dynamic blend of over 30 carats of precious gemstones, which will positively influence your body and mind to enhance the working of your immune system and to maintain a well-balanced electro-magnetic field - Assemblage Point.

Theragem sessions prepare the biological terrain to get the most optimum positive results on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.  Many conditions have shown positive uplifting results varying from pain management, skin conditions, organ conditions, short term and long term degenerative diseases.

In addition to the standard set up for relaxation, detoxification and symptomatic approach the most important long-term key to balance and vitality is via the Assemblage Point Reconnection therapy technique. With Theragem™ the concept of balancing the Human Assemblage Point, our bodies very own North & South Pole, whilst cleansing the Human Energy-field is based on ancient shamanistic tradition from around the world. It’s potential to remove deep seated emotional trauma at a cellular level as well as at the energy field level whilst connecting a person to their Higher Self is breath-taking.

Theragem™ range of products includes the futuristic, cutting edge Theragem™ T1005 Clinique with front touch screen and back screen, adjustable time and intensity settings and optional software (Multi frequency generator, BBL and Eternity) are available in three different configurations. The Theragem™ T1002 Professional, the Theragem™ U1003 Eternity have been designed for wellbeing, beauty and spas, with the Theragem™ Encoder to further bringing the highest quality into aroma therapy oils, creams and liquids. For personal use we also have an innovative handheld LadyGem & TigerGem units and the SunRise SunSet therapy blanket with PEMF for deep restful nights and bright energetic mornings.

Medica Health is UK distributor of the pulsed electromagnetic frequency Viofor JPS systems (CE medical apparatus) used in health systems all over Europe, backed up by several thousands of clinical trials and studies. Main use is on pain, anti -cramping as in MS, arteriosclerosis and strengthening anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

A variety of trainings, seminars and Geminars online is there to inform all of our sparkling products and their use in practice. It is with help and thanks to many frontrunners in their field that we have been able to develop beautiful simple Theragem therapies, and we do like to keep in touch! 

Further Information

Please contact Medica Health International Ltd on Tel: 01254 245013;


ACMOS Practitioner Training 2016 with Carol Robertson 

Carol Robertson has been an Acmos Method teacher and practitioner for the past 10 years. With her background in the physiotherapy profession Carol has seen ill-health from both sides of the fence as both therapist and patient. 

Carol Robertson Energy ACMOS Banner

We all contain within our tissues and cells, the unique story of our past; our heredity entwined with our interaction with the ‘present’, our environment. Acmos provides the ‘framework’ to help us understand this dynamic exchange of information and how it affects our reactions; whilst providing the links or remedies to enable us to find our own solutions. The ACMOS VALISE or remedy kit contains essential oils, herbs, homeopathic remedies, minerals, trace elements and colours. It is a arranged in a hierarchy so that Acmos bio-energetics practitioners can translate the remedy chosen and link it to your story - the metaphor of your life. Often the energetic signal of the oil is transferred energetically using the Lecher antenna into an acupoint. This process gives you detailed information as the signals which respond to the antenna will tell you, via your practitioner, whether the area governed by the application point needs:

  • More radiating energy, externalising or cleaning out - more yang type energy;
  • More internalising or storing of energy and information - more yin type energy;
  • A fine tuning of the balance between yin and yang;
  • The oil selected and the application point also have relevance to the origin of the disharmony.

During an Acmos balance a picture emerges which helps you to understand your process and your inner wisdom. This process is achieved through resonance as the ACMOS Method is not a medical, psychological or physical treatment. It allows your hidden information to express and clear itself - to balance itself in a way which can be translated by a skilled bio-energetician.

More information about Acmos Method Training

ACMOS Energy Balancing for Health International Practitioner Training 2016

UK Training - INVERNESS               Tickets       Pricing information      Flyer

Bio 1 & 2       March 21st - 24th 2016 

Bio 3 & 4*     Late April or May OR Paris in November         

* ACMOS Energy Balancing for Health Part 3 & 4 includes the certification examination for those who have had sufficient time for practical application and absorption of their knowledge.                          

ACMOS Energy Balancing for Health International Practitioner Training 2016

PARIS FRANCE teaching language ENGLISH

ACMOS Energy Balancing for Health

Part 1 & 2     April 21-24th 2016 

Part 3 & 4*   November - dates to be announced

Further Information

Please contact Carol Robertson at ACMOS Method UK on Tel: +44 01463 794582;    Further Information and Application Form


NLP Conference 15-17 April 2016

The next NLP Conference is being held on 15th - 17th April 2016 at the Millennium Gloucester Hotel in Kensington - a collaboration between Anglo American Books and The Association of NLP.  The NLP conference is an annual event held in London. It brings together some of the foremost NLP trainers in the world to share recent innovations and developments in the field. It is an outstanding opportunity to meet and network with like-minded people who are using NLP to make a difference to people's lives in areas as diverse as education, health, business and coaching.

NLP Conference 2016

Over 50 top NLP trainers are lined up for the 2016 conference. They will be running 44 workshops covering diverse subjects ranging from the latest developments in modelling through Energetic NLP to using NLP to prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s. They include international trainers such as Michael Hall, Shelle Rose Charvet, Frank Pucelik, Ian McDermott, Art Giser, Sue Knight, Michael Carroll, John McWhirter, James Lawley, David Shephard and Penny Tompkins, to name but a few.

Feedback from the last conference was the best ever, with delegates rating the workshops an average 4.4 out of 5.  Typical comments included:

“Great conference as always. Great to reconnect with people passionate about NLP. Great to listen to and see speakers that I have read.”

“Practical magic! The seminars I attended gave me not only food for thought but techniques which extended my NLP and business activities.”

“Good mix of speakers and great to talk with other NLPers.”

“Variety, interest, networking - very well run.”

“Great to hear, experience and share information new to NLP rather than simply read it in a book.  Good opportunity to identify future trainers and courses.”

For anyone interested in NLP and/or related fields, the conference provides a fantastic refresher and is excellent value for money for a conference in Central London. Full details of all the speakers and sessions are on our website

Further Information

Please contact The Conference Team on Tel: 01267 211 880;


Alexander Technique at Bloomsbury Alexander Centre

Some people move with grace and ease and seem to have good posture, freedom of movement and general well-being. Some of us, on the other hand, use ourselves very badly - collapsing, tensing, distorting ourselves in almost every moment of our lives. We could call this ‘poor use’. Such poor use is a cause of much of our physical and mental unease. The Alexander Technique helps us to understand and change such bad habits and restore our natural good use.

Natacha Osorio, Director Bloomsbury Alexander

Natacha Osorio, Director Bloomsbury Alexander

The Alexander Technique improves the way we use ourselves in everyday activity. Unconsciously acquired habits in movements such as standing, walking or sitting distort the body and interfere with its natural functioning. We respond to stimuli by over-tensing and/or collapsing - literally winding ourselves up (or down!). This 'mis-use' results in aches, pains, tension, fatigue or simply in feeling ill-at-ease in one's body. The Technique helps us to prevent these unnecessary reaction/habit patterns and to restore our natural 'good use' of ourselves. The Alexander Technique is not a quick fix - it is a way of learning, and a way of changing. These things take time and application.

Who Can Benefit from the Alexander Technique

  • Anyone who has to sit at a desk or in front of a computer all day;
  • Anyone who suffers with back, muscular or joint problems;
  • Musicians and dancers;
  • Singers and actors, teachers and lawyers, and people who use their
  • voices for public speaking.

Introductory Workshops

Bloomsbury Alexander Centre offers one-off introductory workshops on Saturday mornings and afternoons, and on Sunday afternoons.

Saturday Introductory Workshops

There are workshops every Saturday morning, which last for 2 hours - the time of these may vary each week. These sessions are completely open - all are welcome:

Cost: £40, or £30 each if you bring a friend; Maximum 4 participants.

There are also workshops on some Saturdays which last for 3 hours and are open to all but are especially appropriate for musicians.

Cost: £55, or £40 each if you bring a friend; Maximum 4 participants.

Sunday Introductory Workshops

There is a two-hour workshop every Sunday - time may vary each week.

Cost: £40, or £30 each if you bring a friend; Maximum 4 participants.

All of the teachers working at the Centre are members of STAT (The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique). Most of the teachers at the Centre also teach elsewhere - at home, in Medical practices or Alternative Health Centres, at Drama Schools or Music Colleges. Director of Bloomsbury Alexander is Natacha Osorio who has been teaching the Alexander Technique since 1991 and has also worked extensively in private practice, teaching people from all walks of life.

Further Information

Please contact Bloombury Alexander Centre on Tel: 020 7404 5348;


The Naked Pharmacy - Premium Quality Nutraceuticals / Supplements

The Naked Pharmacy has been developed by Kevin Leivers, a Pharmacist with over 25 years’ experience in Natural Medicines. Kevin’s work in the field of Natural Medicine evolved from his experience in the pharmaceutical industry working with the team which discovered Ibuprofen, then applying his experience in the Natural arena as Weleda’s Chief Pharmacist for 11 years until 2004. He spent a number of years developing and researching innovative natural products for global clients until 2013 when he changed focus to fulfil his lifelong mission to help prevent and treat common disease states and health issues using evidence based natural products.

The Naked Pharmacy

"We developed The Naked Pharmacy to support people interested in natural products and searching for trustworthy advice. I’m excited about the potential of The Naked Pharmacy to provide new and effective natural options for health. I believe that just because a product is natural doesn't mean we suspend the need to have clinical and sci-entific evidence behind it."

Our first product Saffrosun® is formulated with premium quality Saffron for people who struggle with tiredness, fatigue and emotional imbalance. Saffrosun® is a nutraceutical product, formulated with vitamins B6 and B12 to support normal psychological function and contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. Saffrosun® also contains the sunshine vitamin D3.

The range also includes Bergatone® a food supplement made with premium grade Italian bergamot fruit extract, to support weight and belly-fat loss. MRI scans over 3 months have demonstrated significant loss of belly fat, particularly in and surrounding the liver.

The Naked Pharmacy, is a new UK/EU registered Pharmacy, which was officially launched at the London Health Show, Olympia.

Further Information

Please contact The Naked Pharmcacy on Tel: 0845 949 0144;


Neuroplasticity and Language Acquisition through Listening Therapy

Auditory processing Is at the heart of communication. It is responsible for the acquisition of speech, language and musical skills from the most basic to the highest levels of achievement and expression. The quality of auditory perception determines the intricacy of the level attained. All of this is underpinned by a more widely known function of the ear, which is balance and motor control. It is a little known fact that the ears provide 80 percent of cortical charge to our brain which led the French ear nose and throat specialist Dr. Alfred Tomatis to assert that "We are all ear." Neuro scientists talk about neuroplasticity and how the brain can learn to interpret new information through vibratory stimulation to the skin. This was demonstrated on the recent BBC programme "The Brain". Alfred Tomatis because of his deep understanding of the  three fold functioning of the ear and it's ability to perceive through both bone and air conduction, concluded that "the ear is not a piece of differentiated skin rather that the body is a piece of differentiated ear!'

Neuroplasticity and Language Acquisition through Listening Therapy

Learning a foreign language is a very good example of the mysteries of the ear and where the work of Dr. Tomatis provides answers like no other. He demonstrated that each language has preferential frequencies that are favoured over others. The sound conductivity  through differing air pressures, and the bodily sound response of each language differs in speed from the moment the sound hits the body. The message sent to the ear and  the speed in which the message is relayed from the ear to the larynx is specific for each language. This explains why children often can pick up languages with greater ease  than adults whose preferential frequencies  and response times of their mother tongue have 'ossified' and can no longer break free of their constraints. This is where the Tomatis method comes into play as a way of opening up the ears to awaken to other frequencies and response times. With this ability one is poised with the best perception to accurately decode, analyse and perceive the real information, not just what our ears allow us to hear, which is not necessarily accurate!

Further Information

The Listening Centre London offers the original analogue system brought to the UK by Dr Tomatis himself . For more information please contact Ella Williams on Tel: 020 73595268;    


Hello Barbie Radiation Exposure to Children

A popular toy manufacturer has now launched its latest edition ‘Hello Barbie’. It can’t be denied that it is an amazing product that aimed to fulfil the desires of millions of little children, by allowing them to have an actual conversation with their doll. But… the ‘Hello Barbie’ concept has certain dangers associated with it and due to the concerns of many, has been under fire from the very beginning.

Radiation Exposure Test with ‘Hello Barbie’-Use by a Child

Testing Hello Barbie for Radiation Concerns

Geovital conducted a test in a radiation shielded children’s bedroom to reduce EMF radiation exposure from outside sources adding significantly to the reading. Of course we did need an active WiFi signal to use, so a mobile phone with a portable WiFi signal activated was placed outside the room, but being in line with the open door, and through this could get to the ‘Hello Barbie’ doll as shown in the video. It seemed the WiFI signal was not very strong as the Hello Barbie doll lost WiFi connection several times during the 15min of filming.  When ‘Hello Barbie’ was speaking for a longer period of time, or when connection was lost, we can see the values go right down. The soaring values when ‘Hello Barbie’ was being spoken to or shortly after the talk-button was released, seem to therefore clearly indicate a dramatic increase in the child’s exposure to EMF radiation from playing with a ‘Hello Barbie’ doll, not unlike what we could expect if the child was using a cell phone or tablet that were not switched to flight-mode.

Assessment of  radiation exposure with use of ‘Hello Barbie’ in µW/m2 during a simple test:


Radiation exposure of ‘Hello Barbie’
we measured in µW/m2 when transmitting

40cm (16 inch)

200 – 360 µW/m2

30cm (12 inch)

600 – 1700 µW/m2

20cm (8 inch)

600 – 2000+ µW/m2

10cm (4 inch)

1500 – 2000+ µW/m2
(mostly at 2000+ µW/m2)

Further Information

Please  contact Geovital Academy UK via


The BackCare Clinic

Irene Phillips at the BackCare Clinic in Surrey was the first osteopath in the world to use the Theraflex spinal mobilizing system. In 1997 it was called PAMM (Power Assisted Micro-manipulation.

The BackCare Clinic

The system consists of a bionic hand which has four ‘fingers’ to massage, stimulate the spinal nerves and mobilize a pair of vertebrae. Our oldest patient is 81 so it is safe and does not involve any cracking of joints. It runs off of compressed air and is safe with pacemakers. The average number of treatments is 3, with six monthly MOTs. If you have had lots of treatments you should try something different. Irene has been featured in the national press, health magazines an national TV demonstrating the effectiveness of the treatment. Irene also may combine treatment with electrotherapy such as the PER 2000 (Pulsed Energy Replenisher), ultrasound or dry needling.

Theraflex treatment is suitable for chronic as well as acute low back pain, scoliosis, whiplash injuries, prolapsed and bulging discs and usually helps patients improve sports performance. Irene can almost guarantee that, for example, a golfer’s drive will be further following treatment.

Cost of treatment is £45 per session or a course of 3 sessions is £120. Under 16s are £25 per session. Payment may be made by credit/debit cards.

Further Information

For more information or to book your Theraflex session today, please contact The BackCare Clinic today on Tel: 0208 335 3787;


CHP Complementary Health Professionals - Professional Association with a Difference

Complementary Health Professionals are proud to be different! We have two options for full membership; our premier package has all the bells and whistles and offers you masses of free support from experienced therapists, discounted insurance and tax schemes, discounts off our CPD courses worth up to £30 and it gives you 3 free CPD points, free entry to our annual conference and annual awards ceremony worth £30, a quarterly newsletter as part of Holistic Therapist Magazine worth £18, free review of your website to check you are staying within the law, free lapel badge worth £4 and a discounted Health Scheme is being developed;   our basic full membership at just £60.00 is much more than just the no frills option. It gives you your discounted insurance, free lapel badge and your newsletter as part of Holistic Therapist Magazine. Both membership options come with use of MCHP after your name and free use of our logo on your website and marketing materials. Saying you are a Complementary Health Professional gives you credibility. Our members also have exemption from London licensing requirements and free access to CNHC registration.

CHP Complementary Health Professionals - Professional Association with a Difference

Another excellent feature is that we offer a range of top quality professional courses both at practitioner level and for CPD with online e-learning options fully supported by our state of the art virtual learning environment and personal tutors. Our diploma courses comply with national and professional standards and our personal tutors always provide detailed feedback to help you progress with confidence. We also have e-learning courses as CPD with new courses coming for 2016 to help those of you who find it difficult to find relevant professional development opportunities in your locality. These courses are structured to assist you in helping your clients even more and to grow your therapy business successfully.

Our CPD days and workshops in London are delivered by experts in their fields with years of teaching experience to make your day both informative and fun. These are all structured to develop your skills in a new direction and give you 6 CPD points. We require 15 CPD points a year to be a member so that the public can have complete confidence that our members are top practitioners who take their ongoing learning and updating of skills very seriously in order to provide the best possible complementary health services.

Being part of Complementary Health Professionals gives you credibility as well as outstanding support so please make the switch to us when your annual membership is up for renewal this year. We promise that you won't regret it.

Further Information

Please contact CHP on Tel: 0333 577 3340;


The Concise Book of Muscles Third Edition

by Chris Jarmey and John Sharkey

Published by Lotus Publishing. 2015. Softback. £16.58 / $16.88  ISBN: 1905367627.


This fully updated and revised third edition of the best-selling book The Concise Book of Muscles by Chris Jarmey and John Sharkey is designed in quick-reference format to offer useful information about the main skeletal muscles that are central to anatomy, physical therapy, massage, chiropractic, physiotherapy, osteopathy, or any other health-related field.

The Concise Book of Muscles Third Edition

Each muscle section is color-coded for ease of reference. Enough detail is included regarding each muscle’s origin, insertion, action, and nerve innervation (including the nerve’s common course or path) to meet the requirements of the student and practitioner. The Concise Book of Muscles also highlights those muscles that are heavily used and therefore subject to injury in a variety of sports and activities, as well as offering a range of exercises that can be used to stretch or strengthen a specific muscle or muscle group.

Containing over four hundred full-colour illustrations, the book aims to present the information accurately and in a particularly clear and user-friendly format, especially as anatomy can seem heavily laden with technical terminology. Technical terms are therefore explained in parenthesis throughout the text.

The text is perfect for therapists, students, practitioners, medical staff, physiotherapists, manual therapists, osteopaths, sports professionals and anatomy enthusiasts alike.

About the Authors

The late Chris Jarmey MCSP DS MRSS qualified as a Chartered Physiotherapist in 1979, and taught anatomy, shiatsu, qigong, and bodywork therapy throughout Europe.

John Sharkey MSc is Founder and Director of the National Training Centre in Ireland, and brings many years of international presentation experience and a unique and exciting teaching style to anatomy, physiology and neuromuscular therapy. Sharkey is also a founding member of the Sports Massage Association (UK).

Further Information

Available from Amazon


Hericium  - MRL Powder Best 2015 “Alternative Product” by I-MAG Nutrition magazine          

Mycology Research Laboratories has been awarded a prize for best 2015 “Alternative Product by I-MAG Nutrition magazine.

Hericium-MRL Powder Best Alternative Product

Announcement in I-MAG Nutrition Magazine

The UK based magazine awarded the prize for Hericium-MRL based on the enzyme content and applications in neurodegenerative conditions. For more information on Hericium-MRL, please see the following links:

I-MAG Nutrition magazine pg 16 Product Awards

Clinical Journal of Mycology July 2009 Volume 3, Edition 1

Are you an healthcare practitioner? Have access to special practitioner prices.        

Register as a practitioner

Further Information

If you have any questions contact Mycology Resarch customer service on Tel: +44 1582 485 209;


39th Annual Mystics and Scientists Conference - 15-17 April, Horsley Park, Surrey

Non-locality and the Oneness of Mind

The Mystics and Scientists conferences have been held every year since 1978, and are dedicated to forging a creative understanding of the complementary roles of scientific and mystical approaches to reality. Our theme brings together physics, philosophy, psychology, spirituality and healing, which speakers will address from their various angles of expertise to show how the oneness of mind has crucial implications for the way we live our lives and relate to each other. Building upon the success of this format for the “Beyond the Brain 2015” conference, Mystics and Scientists 2016 will be a participatory experience. Speakers will provide practical reflections and exercises along with a sharing of their expertise.

39th Annual Mystics and Scientists Conference - 15-17 April, Horsley Park, Surrey

In the Chair

Dr Peter Fenwick is a neuropsychiatrist and neurophysiologist who is known for his studies of epilepsy and end-of-life phenomena. Dr Fenwick is the current President of the SMN. He is a senior lecturer at King's College, London, where he works as a consultant at the Institute of Psychiatry

David Lorimer MA PGCE FRSA is a writer, lecturer and editor who is Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network. He is also President of Wrekin Trust and a Founder of Character Education Scotland.

Conference Speakers

Dr Larry Dossey is the author of twelve books on the role of consciousness and spirituality in health, which have been translated into languages around the world. His most recent book is ONE MIND: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters. -

Dr Helen Ford is a holistic physician who initially worked with conventional medicine. For the last thirty years she has focused on ways of accessing the energy patterns that underlie unhappiness and disease and nourishing the aspects of soul’s truth that need to be brought forward to bring about healing.

Vera Helleman is an inspiring and well-established speaker, with great popularity in The Netherlands and Belgium. After being a psychotherapist for a while, Vera awoke into oneness and was gifted with the full understanding of the functioning of the human mind, the essence of who we are, and the role which we play in creation.

Tom Mcleish FRS is Professor of Physics at Durham University. His scientific research over the last 25 years has contributed to the formation of the new field of ‘soft matter physics’ - interdisciplinary work with chemists, chemical engineers and biologists has sought to connect molecular structure and behaviour with emergent material or biological properties. He has been especially interested in the potential for theological narratives to inform debates in science and technology.

Further Information and to Register


The Placebo Diet: Use Your Mind to Transform Your Body

by Janet Thomson MSc

Published by Hay House. 2016. Softback. £12.08 / $10.11. ISBN 978-1-78180-66504.

In The Placebo Diet, life coach and nutritionist Janet Thomson explains that the key to losing weight is not calorie-counting and deprivation, but identifying and re-shaping your thoughts by utilizing the power of the placebo effect. This extraordinary mind response occurs when we have an absolute belief that something will work, which generates a feeling so powerful that it changes our physiology, often spontaneously. The Placebo Diet incorporates a range of psychological techniques that will help you to change the structure of your thoughts towards food, generating brand new beliefs and habits.

The Placebo Diet: Use Your Mind to Transform Your Body

Drawing on Janet’s wealth of experience from over two decades working at the top of her game as a successful and in-demand life coach and nutritionist, The Placebo Diet fuses together practical mind exercises with a simple-to-follow colour coded nutrition plan, which when combined will change not only how you think and feel about food but also how you think and feel about yourself, and can transform your body. Habits and emotions drive many of your food choices - and that means it’s all happening inside the brain. Learning to control your brain - and more importantly change it - is a really valuable life skill that will not only help you to lose weight, but help in all areas of your life. Janet will guide you through the process of using your thoughts to change your mind by explaining exactly how the Placebo effect can change your physiology and reprogram your brain to help you lose weight, for good. With The Placebo Diet you will be naturally driven to make the food choices that bring you more energy, give you more vitality and reduce your waistline.

About Janet Thomson

Janet is one of the UK’s leading experts in Mind-Body Health & Fitness and creator of The Placebo Diet, the life-changing new weight-loss program launching in January 2016. Janet combines her high-level academic knowledge (MSc. Nutrition and Exercise Science) and advanced certifications in a range of psychological therapies with her extensive experience working in the field of personal development and change for 30 years, both privately and within the media. She began training in a range of psychological therapies including Clinical Hypnotherapy, Thought Field Therapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Havening, CBT and Life Coaching, and now combines elements of all of these dynamic techniques with her nutrition background to bring about rapid and permanent physical and emotional change. For further information about The Placebo Diet program please visit

Further Information

Available to purchase from Amazon

Reflexology for Fertility - A Practitioner’s Guide to Natural and Assisted Conception

by Barbara Scott

Published by Watkins Publishing. 2016. Hardback. £32.50 / $35.71  ISBN-10: 1780289014.

This ground-breaking work is the first book to be published on the treatment of the male and female reproductive conditions using reflexology. Acclaimed reflexologist Barbara Scott offers a comprehensive guide for practitioners, as there are no other treatment protocols that have been written which allow practitioners to work with clients in this way.

Reflexology for Fertility - A Practitioner’s Guide to Natural and Assisted Conception

Reproductive reflexology is a minefield for practitioners with much conflicting advice being given in terms of what we can and cannot do.  With one in six couples experiencing problems in conceiving, and the 50% decline in male fertility in the last 25 years, more and more are turning to alternative methods to conceive. There are 30,000 qualified Reflexologists in the UK and 195,000 in North America, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, yet many practitioners choose not to work with clients who are having difficulties conceiving or who are undertaking IVF or other fertility treatments, as they feel too inexperienced or that it is too complex for them to treat.

The book provides a step-by-step guide, providing practitioners with a structured format on how to gain the information they will need from their clients, how to interpret that information, how to plan treatment, and what techniques they will need to use. This allows practitioners to work, not only with clients who are trying to conceive, but with a wide range of reproductive conditions.

Most practitioners like to have a reference manual to refer to when they are working to provide them both with further information on the conditions they are treating, as well as a guide to what protocols they can use. With this book, Barbara Scott provides practitioners with this much-sought after guidance, so that they can in turn offer their patients the best possible treatment. 

About the Author

Barbara Scott trained with Nicola Hall of the Bayly School of Reflexology and she is a member of The British Reflexology Association, The Association of Reflexologists, The Federation of Holistic Therapists, and is now Chair of The Association of Reproductive Reflexologists. She has been in practice for over 20 years. She lives in Wales. 

Further Information

Available to purchase on Amazon


Propolis -  Natural Superdrug Helping Rural Ugandans to Avoid Poverty

Propolis is a natural medicine that bees make to disinfect the beehive. Bees collect plant resins and mix it with their own enzymes to create this natural superdrug. Because of its high amount active compounds, it has a broad spectrum usage with antibiotic, antiseptic, antiviral and antifungal properties. Social enterprise Malaika is using it as a means of providing a livelihood for impoverished rural Ugandans.

Propolis -  Natural Superdrug Helping Rural Ugandans to Avoid Poverty

For thousands of farmers in rural Uganda, bee products are a vital source of income that can ensure that the local people have a proper home to live in and can send their kids to school. Typically, the beekeepers there have used traditional methods, but these are often ill-efficient and wasteful. Even more of a problem is the fact that the farmers live far away from their main markets, and are at the mercy of middlemen who buy their products for cheap and keep prices down.

Fortunately, Malaika Honey is on hand to help the farmers to get a fairer price for both their honey and their propolis, and train them in modern beekeeping techniques. Malaika has a direct link with the beekeepers, cutting out the middleman. The company also runs workshops across the country to train up farmers, and supply them with beehives and equipment so that they can work more effectively.

Malaika’s propolis comes from a pristine natural environment in Uganda. The bees collect nectars from a rich natural environment that is free from toxins, and so they are harvesting a clean lead free propolis. Bees not only use propolis as a building material and structural defence mechanism but their health is maintained as a result of its immune system enhancing properties. Propolis forms the bees’ external immune defence system, making the beehive one of the most sterile environments known to nature.

Malaika Honey is currently attempting to use the crowd funding Indiegogo to finance the creation of a resource centre as a permanent place where its staff can train up and help equip farmers. It will also be used for research and the development of beekeeping equipment and techniques through transitional beekeeping applicable for poor farmers. This will enable farmers to go from just scraping by to providing their families with a regular income. Perhaps it marks the beginning of a new era in which Ugandan beekeepers will finally be able to earn a decent living from their toil and hard work.

Further Information

Please assist the Crowd funding for this project at Indiegogo


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About Cherry Coad Aldridge



    Brief Takes


    The Oratio Project Meditation

    The Oratio Project has posted a new announcement. Therapeutic Meditation sessions will take place on Thursday evenings 7-9pm or Sunday afternoons during March-May 2016. All proceeds will go  to the Oratio Project Fund.


    Further information:  Visit the campaign page:


    BC Massage Conference

    Registered Massage Therapists Association of BC (RMTBC) are pleased to announce their biennial conference will take place on April 16-18 2016, at The new Anvil Centre in New Westminster, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Conference is titled Manual Therapy: an Interdisciplinary Approach to the science and Practice and promises to explore and address the science of manual therapy using safe and effective manipulative and/or movement therapies with sound science underpinning theoretical constructs.


    Further information:


    Laws Energy Medicine Practitioners

    Linnie Thomas, author of The Encyclopedia of Energy Medicine has now written a new book, Laws Governing Energy Medicine Practitioners. Laws concerning touch have always been a sticky issue for Energy Medicine Practitioners. Some states are now cracking down on counselling rules as well. Her new book provides a complete overview of the touch and counselling laws and statutes affecting Energy Medicine Practitioners.


    Further information:


    Natural Remedies for Anxiety

    In a series of interactive guides created by NutriCentre, the various non-drug remedies available and the benefits over conventional prescription drugs for dealing with anxiety are highlighted. Clicking the images within the guide reveals the references and links to various scientific studies on their efficacy.


    Further information:


    Coconoil Picked/Pressed Source

    Coconoil, are advising people to ensure that oils are picked, pressed and packed at source. Coconoil has commissioned an independent laboratory to carry out peroxide tests on three oils, their own brand, picked, pressed and packed at source,  compared with two leading brands packed in the UK. Peroxide levels indicate oxidation levels of oil and are used as a measure of rancidity. The higher the oxidation levels, the more oils has broken down, which negatively impacts taste and in the case of coconut oil, may affect potential health benefits.


    Further information:


    Aviva  Cancer Insurance

    Aviva has launched top-up health insurance to support people with cancer. Cancer Essentials is the first in a range of low-cost insurances designed to provide medical, financial and emotional support on diagnosis of specific conditions and to complement treatment customers receive through NHS Health Services. The Essentials range will sit alongside Aviva’s Private Medical Insurance and is a new direction in Aviva’s approach to health insurance, aiming to provide cover for all budgets and across all stages.


    Further information:


    Holland & Barrett Pitching Sessions

    Holland & Barrett, the largest health and wellness retailer in Europe, is to host an exclusive live pitching session at this year’s Natural & Organic Products Europe trade show. Taking place on Monday 18 April, the second day of the show in the Natural Products Live Theatre at London ExCel, the Buyers’ Pitch session will give selected exhibiting companies an opportunity to demonstrate new product innovation with the winner gaining a chance to secure a potential listing with Holland & Barrett International.


    Further information: 02373 645 125;


    Perfect Vision to Your Success

    Rico Griffiths-Taitte had always been short-sighted, but in 1998, when he suffered a detached retina in his left eye - which up until that point, had been the stronger of the two, he was devastated to discover that he would never regain total vision. While recuperating, Rico completed a course in cartoon and illustration, receiving a distinction for his drawings; the award was the ultimate game-changer. Rico made it his mission to research and refresh ancient philosophies.

    Further information Tel: 020-779 934 438;  


    Core Awareness - Recoiling

    Recoiling is what humans do when overwhelmed. Sign up now for Help Bring My Psoas to Australia – 1 April - 5 hour Class Psoas/Pelvic Connection (Pilates Institute of Australia will handle registrations), Sydney. 2-3 April - 12 hour Psoas Workshop (Functional Movement), Melbourne, 4-6 April, Stalking The Wild Psoas Workshop, Melbourne, 8-10 April 18 hour In-Depth Psoas Workshop, Brisbane. Psoas Tele-class begins March 1 with free coaching.


    Further information:


    Cancer Survivors Dietary Choices

    Cancer Survivors are highly motivated to seek information about food choices and dietary changes to improve their health, however a recent study comparing cancer survivors’ dietary patterns to federal guidelines indicates that they often fall short. The research team at the Friedman School of nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University is conduction a survey to understand cancer survivors’ nutritional needs and the challenges they face in making healthy food choices. They need your help. Please promote the CARE Survey (10 minutes) through your social media accounts of cancer patients, survivors and families.


    Further information:     


    Himalayan Crystal Salt

    The  mixture of water and crystal salt, called Sole (so-lay) is the most flexible physical representation of pure solar and light energy. When water and this salt come together, they become a different product – Sole. Drinking Sole supplies the body with the natural energy stored in the crystals, which the body can hold for up to 24 hours. It can neutralize the alkaline/acidity balance in the body and normalize blood pressure.


    Further information Tel: 01342 410 303


    ActiPatch® No Knee Pain

    Osteoarthritis of the knees can cause very real day-to-day problems for sufferers. ActiPatch® is drug-free, it is entirely safe to use with over-the-counter or prescription medicines. The electronic pulse cannot be felt, so it does not interfere with daily activities and the ActiPatch® is perfectly safe to wear continuously. An independently-conducted clinical trial found that patients who used ActiPatch® reported significant reduction in pain as well as an improvement in their condition and overall quality of life.


    Further information:


    Two new Books by Kirsten Hartvig

    Healing Berries and Healing Spices by Kirsten Hartvig, renowned Nutritionist and Naturopath are two authoritative guides. Healing Berries contains 50 wonderful berries and how to use them in health-giving, immunity-boosting foods and drinks. How to store and use them out of season. Healing Spices contains information about 50 spices and how to use them in health-giving foods and drinks.


    Further information:   


    Brindal Berry Benefits

    New research supports the use of the unusual fruit for weight loss. Brindal Berry, or Garcinia Cambogia, is an unusual fruit from South East Asia, which grows on trees and looks like a small pumpkin. Traditionally used as an ingredient in curries, more recently the fruit has become associated with potential weight loss benefits.  Natur Boutique’s Garcinia Cambogia tea, offers a practical and tasty way to include it in your diet. Garcinia Cambogia tea is free from additives, preservatives or fillers and has a lemony taste and a wonderful citrus aroma.


    Further information:   and from Holland & Barrett.


    Fat Cells Outlive Skinny Cells

    A new study from Michigan State University has shown that cells with higher fat content outlive lean cells. This concept shows that overweight people have the lowest all-cause mortality rates, while fit people, oddly enough, have mortality rates comparable to those categorized as slightly obese.


    Further information:


    School of Bodywork

    Myofascial release techniques (MFR) are growing in popularity at an incredible rate; School of Bodywork  offers a variety of CPD courses for postgrads which really focus in other MFR treatments for specific problem areas. Workshops through the School of Bodywork’s Advanced MFR Diploma include: Cranial & Intraoral – 8 March, Spine & Sacrum – 12 April, Pelvic Diaphragm Release – 3 May, Rebounding – 7 June, Abdominal Scarring – 21 June and Unwinding – 26-27 September.


    Further information Tel: 07711 656011;


    Cancer Cells Turned ‘Off’

    Tel Aviv University researchers offer proof of concept for a new nanomedicine to inhibit tumour growth by keeping cancer dormant. Osteosarcoma is a cancer which develops in the bones of children and adolescents. It is an aggressive cancer, with only 15%, five-year survival rate when diagnosed in an advanced metastatic stage. There are approximately 800 new cases diagnosed each year in the US, with no viable treatments. The new Tel Aviv University study offers hope of a therapeutic pathway to keep osteosarcoma lesions dormant.


    Further information Tel: 415.497.6188  


    A Happy Gut Leads to a Restful Sleep

    Pro-Ven Adult Probiotic - 25 Billion contains Lab4, the most comprehensively studied group of friendly bacteria of any product in the UK, providing real benefits in supporting digestive and immune health. Adrienne Benjamin, leading Nutritionist at Pro-Ven tells us that around 90% of the body’s serotonin is produced in the gut; serotonin is known as the body’s ‘happy hormone’. Serotonin not only helps to keep our mood balanced, but it is also needed to make the ‘relaxation hormone’ melatonin, which is also found in the gut.


    Further information: Pro-Ven Adult Probiotic - 25 Billion is available from Boots and good health retailers nationwide;


    Trill Farm Spring Seasons Box

    Trill Farm makes the organic lifestyle, box fresh from the Devon countryside. Each Trill Seasons Box is full of beautiful and natural products, made from organically-grown or wild-harvested ingredients from landscape, organic farm and herb gardens at Trill Farm, founded by Romy Fraser, founder of Neal’s Yard Remedies. The Spring box will contain: Trill speciality herbal spring tea, Easter biscuits, wild garlic crackers, apple cider vinegar and apple juice, woodland spring soap, silver birch foaming bath, seas salt body wash, self-heal salve, seed sprouting set, wooden seed tray tags, ceramic egg cups from the Trill Farm Pottery and a selection of edible flower seeds.


    Further information Tel: 01297 631 113;


    You Can Self-Heal

    You Can Self-Heal is a book by Anthony Wright. His story is incredible and inspiring with 9 operations, two radiotherapies, a week in a coma, death on the operating table and a month in a wheelchair. His book is about getting your life back and was written to inspire people all over the UK who may be going through an illness or know of a loved one who is.


    Further information Tel: 07749 246133;


    World Conference on Movement

    The World Conference on Movement sponsored in part, by the Harvard University School of Medicine’s Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, the MIND Institute at MIT, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Wingate Institute for Sports and Exercise Science, the National Institute for Brain and Rehabilitation Sciences, Nazareth, Israel, the Institute for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Havana, the University of the Medical Sciences Facultad ‘Manuel Fajardo’ Havana, the School of Public Health of the University of Havana and Bielefeld University in Germany. The Conference will share knowledge about the nature of human movement and will address issues related to gait, motion, kinesiology, disorders of movement, movement rehabilitation, motion and balance, movement and cognition, human factors and ergonomics. The Conference takes place at Oxford University in July 2017.


    Further information:


    Sulforaphane Slows Breast Cancer

    One of the first clinical studies to look at the effect of sulforaphane on breast tissues of women diagnosed with breast cancer shows that this compound was well tolerated and slowed the growth of cancer cells, especially at early stages. Sulforaphane is found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables and has shown evidence of value in cancer prevention according to research carried out with 54 women with abnormal mammograms. The findings were published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research by Scientists from Oregon State University and the Oregon Health & Science University.


    Further information Tel: 541-737-0787


    Real Yoga Pure and Simple

    Real Yoga; A Pure and Simple Journey by Vimla Lalvani, published by Clink Street Publishing explores and explains Yoga’s ancient roots, promoting its application to modern living and how it can be enjoyed by everyone regardless of age or ability. Vimla is keen to emphasize that the purpose is not to build muscle, but to build muscle tone. Combined with correct breathing, regular practitioners will start to notice improvements in circulation, the release of toxin build-up, reduction in cellulite and regulation of metabolism.


    Further information: Real Yoga is available from online retailers including Amazon  


    Anne McIntyre Ayurveda Retreats

    Anne McIntyre’s Sanctuary in the Tramunta Mountains, Majorca - An Introduction to Ayurveda takes place on 24-28 March, 3-8 June and 11-16 November. Herbfest 2016; For a Sustainable Future - Tavira, Portugal, 29 April-2 May. The 9th HerbFest Conference is being held in Portugal at Monte Mariposa for Herbalists and herbal enthusiasts. Seasonal Herbal Medicine and Foraging at Trill Farm, Devon takes place on 21-22 May, 16-17 July, 10-11 September and 22-23 October. Ayurveda Study Retreat at Clover Mill, Malvern: Diet & Lifestyle 30 June-3 July, Heart & Mind: 11-14 August, Ayurveda for Women: 22-25 September. Living Wisdom: The Foundations of Ayurveda.


    Further information Tel: 01451 810096;


    Upledger Institute

    The Upledger Institute is opening up parts of the Foundation Course for other students and practitioners. Pathologies is a three day course 4-6 May, How to be a Therapist a one and a half day course 10-11 June and the Rhythm & Resonance Symposium in September. Upcoming conferences are Treating the Trunk’s Transverse Fascial Diaphragms using a gentle CST touch and John Page will be joining Specialists from around the world at the International Conference of Osteopathy and Fascia 12-13 April in Poland to present The Origins of CranioSacral Therapy: The Investigation and Development at Michigan State University of Dr Upledger’s discoveries.


    Further information Tel: 01934 863 600;


    Work Related Stress

    iRelax is an affordable stress management tool which can help to successfully manage and prevent stress. It is light, portable and unobtrusive and can be used anywhere, anytime to minimise stress and anxiety. It is simple to use and has been developed by a company which produces clinical equipment for hospitals and Doctors.


    Further information Tel: 020-8371 0436;


    Private Pregnancy UK Show 

    The launch of the first ever Private Pregnancy UK Show will be hosted at the Royal Institution, London on 21-22 May 2016, which brings together top Obstetricians, Gynaecologists, Fertility Consultants and Midwives. They will be showcasing talked-about industry topics such as: Harmony Testing, health checks for babies, post-natal depression, demystifying pregnancy scans, pain relief in labour, acupuncture and infertility treatments, caesareans and reproductive immunology help with infertility.


    Further information:


    Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

    Cognitive Behaviour: Your Route Out Of Perfectionism, Self-Sabotage and Other Everyday Habits with CBT by Avy Joseph is published by Capstone. If you have ever tried to change something about yourself - your mood, your weight, your behaviour - you will have noticed that change is often difficult. Avy Joseph is one of the UK’s leading practitioners in CBT. In this book, he helps readers to reach their goals, challenge negative thoughts and maintain a positive outlook using CBT.


    Further information Tel: 01243 770 671  


    New Meditation App

    TakeTime offers you a modern way of meditating. With a library of seven meditation themes focusing on different aspects of mental health, the app allows you to reboot your mind - at work, at home or on the go. TakeTime is available for iPhone and iPad and can be downloaded for free in App Store.


    Further information Tel: 020-7437 0227  

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