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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 282

by Mike Howell(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 282 - November 2022

What does it Take to be Ready for Winter? – The Value of Clean Slate by Clare G Harvey

We know that the balance of our biochemistry and biophysics establishes our internal environment, where the cells function at the maximum level which not only establishes but is the indicator of optimum health which in turn determines our overall health and well-being.

A balanced mineral count, one of the essential parameters for healthy biological terrain is determined by diet, digestion, emotional/mechanical stressors, and environmental pollution

In 1974 The World Health Organization had already attributed environmental pollution, to be responsible for at least 80% of all chronic degenerative disease conditions, especially heavy metals, which pose the biggest threat to health.

The body has to cope with these toxins (specifically heavy metal overload or intoxication) which are ever-present in our air, food, water, vaccines, household goods, and medical drugs, which now appear to penetrate directly into our cellular level, suffocating the cells and preventing them from carrying out their essential functions.

This clearly is having a detrimental effect on the immune system, thereby weakening it, unlike previous generations where man-made toxins and petrochemicals were less prelavant; this onslaught leaves the innate immune system ill-equipped to deal with the multitude of viruses which re-invent themselves regularly in order to survive.


Root Clean Slate Collage


Root Clean Slate: with 16 years of research under its belt, is a form of ortho-silicic acid, derived from a superior form of clinoptilolite (zeolite), a naturally occurring volcanic crystalline mineral.

Its unique honeycomb cage-like structure (which is cleansed before use to ensure bio-availability) has a negative charge which attracts and can bind and trap a multitude of heavy metal toxins, etc eliminating them passively through the body, is proving to be very effective in addressing this ubiquitous toxicity.

Clean Slate uses a unique delivery system QNET– a Quantum NanoEmulsion Technology,  QNET is an innovative way to amalgamate ingredients through a nano-emulsion technology.  This is a novel delivery system that has never been done before; it’s original. 

The multiple sizes of the cage-like structure are sufficient to grab onto not only heavy metals and toxins but multiple viruses as well, which is where Clean Slate becomes an invaluable Ally, as part of a protocol (especially in the upcoming winter month) for meeting the viral overload and challenge we are faced specifically in today’s environment and is where antiviral and immune boosting products come very much into their own  

I introduced Clean Slate into the UK, due to its at times rapid effect and all encompassing effectiveness in health management. Although a US created and sourced product,  Warehouses in UK, Europe etc are setup for ease of supply without extra duty applied.

Further Information

Available from Clare G Harvey Tel: +441963250750;  CGH,  &

A free referral system:  Please use: Ref Code: rootsource  



Scientific & Medical Network – Beyond the Brain Conference

4-6 November 2022

The Beyond the Brain Conference, which is dedicated to exploring whether and how consciousness extends beyond the physical brain, will take place over the weekend of the 5th-6th November, and will cover themes relating to indigenous knowledge systems, spiritual awakening, near-death experiences, kundalini experiences, extra-sensory perception, the consciousness-brain relationship – and much more!




Guest speakers include Dr Natasha Tassell-Matamua, Dr Steve Taylor, Judith Quin, Dr Jeffrey Mishlove, David Lorimer, Dr Yvonne Kason, MD, Prof Jeffrey Kripal, Dr Oliver Robinson, Dr Peter Fenwick, Dr Siegmar Gerken, Mitch Horowitz, Dr Eben Alexander, MD, Ben Gross and Dr Helané Wahbeh.

This year’s event will also offer the possibility to enjoy a pre-conference film and panel discussion of 'AWARE: Glimpses of Consciousness', directed by Frauke Sandig and Eric Black.

The sessions are guaranteed to be intellectually and contemplatively stimulating, as well as interactive, and there will be opportunities for you to extend your network and community by meeting likeminded individuals.

Further Information

For more details and to book your ticket, visit: 

To join the Facebook community, click ‘attending’ here:



The Rachel Carson Centre Emerson College

1-Year Nature Cure Diploma Course

October 2022 - June 2023 – 8 units

taught by Kirsten Hartvig ND and Dr Nic Rowley


8 units, following the seasons, comparing the human ecosystem with the processes in plants, and finding ways of relating the two to create health and wellness


diploma course poster


Venue: The Healing Garden, Rachel Carson Centre, Emerson College, Hartfield Road; Forest Row; East Sussex RH18 5JX

Further Information

Please contact Kirsten Hartvig on Tel:   07477-220707;



Clinical Education Hormone Advanced Practice Module International 18-20 Nov 2022

Clinical Education and The Institute for Functional Medicine™ are delighted to expand upon their Education Partnership and announce a special price for Clinical Education Members based in the following regions:

  • United Kingdom (UK)
  • Ireland
  • European Union (EU)
  • Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)


Functional Medicine Hormone International


Clinical Education Members based in these regions can access the Hormone Advanced Practice Module International a special price of $1250* USD (Full tuition price $1975). IFM and Clinical Education are committed to removing barriers to entry for training in this region and this special pricing reflects that commitment. To access this special price, Clinical Education need to verify your eligibility by location and profession. 

*GBP approx. £950 at the current exchange rate. This estimate is provided for informational purposes only. It is meant only as an approximate conversion amount based on the exchange rate at the time of publication and should not be relied upon for any other purposes.

IFM’S Hormone Advanced Practice Module

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is an extremely common intervention, but it has its own health risks and may not address underlying causes of hormonal imbalance. For some clinicians, HRT in women and men is still considered the fountain of youth; for others, it has become a dangerous area fraught with considerable risk that is avoided completely. Controversies and disagreements abound regarding how to diagnose and measure hormonal dysfunction; how to address safety concerns in prescribing HRT; the form, application, and dosage to use; and when and how to insert lifestyle, diet, nutraceutical, and botanical treatments.The functional medicine approach is uniquely capable of responding to the controversy surrounding HRT by looking upstream to the wide variety of ways that the hypothalamic, pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, and gonadal (HPATG) axis modulates health. By applying dietary modifications, nutraceutical supplementation, and other lifestyle changes as a frontline treatment, the need for HRT can often be minimized or avoided.

This Functional Medicine Advanced Practice Module will clarify exactly how to approach hormonal dysregulation, with discussions on the most important evaluations to make and integrative treatment approaches to apply. We will help you analyze the controversies and provide you with tools that you can use immediately in your practice.

Our expert faculty team will supply you with the foundational background, insight, and in-depth clinical thinking to confidently assess and treat patients who present with hormonal dysfunction. This program will provide a unique, experiential, case-based, clinically practical experience from which you will acquire the tools you need to apply a comprehensive functional medicine approach to hormone dysfunction in your patients.

Further Information

Find out more and to apply for regional pricing:



The Orientation Of Temples In The Ancient World

by W. Simpson (1823-99). Edited by Allan Armstrong ODP

Published by Imagier Publishing. Bristol 2022. Hardback. A New Edition.


The Orientation or Direction of Temples in the Ancient World


The author states in his original publication of The Orientation of Temples in the Ancient World, that “the orientation of temples, has been often alluded to in architectural and other works, but generally by little more than short notices, or as a passing reference.

So far as I know the subject seems never to have had much thought directed towards it, and consequently the literature of it is far from being extensive.” It is truly a remarkable work!

Further Information

£25.00 including postage in the UK. Available from Crucible Books



The Potential Role of Mushroom Nutrition in Homotoxicology / Micro-immunotherapy

Webinar Lecture by Dr Antonio Corralero MD

Oct 27, 2022 07:00 PM London

According to homotoxicology, illness is defined as an overload of the environment in which tissues and cells live and communicate (connective tissue matrix) with toxic substances (homotoxins). Each illness process runs through six specific phases and is the expression of the body’s attempt to cope with these toxins. In this 45-minute webinar for Healthcare Practitioners only, Dr Antonio Corralero MD will outline how mushroom nutrition is an adjunct therapy for homotoxicologists in their everyday practice. There will be an additional 15 minutes for questions.


MRL Webinar 27 Oct

Webinar 27 Oct 222 – Register for Free


Homotoxicologists use preparations that can be broadly divided into three main categories:

  1. Those that have detoxifying functions of the lymphatic system and the connective tissues (tissue regulation);
  2. Other preparations act on the modification of the immune system, a process termed immune-modulation;
  3. Then certain preparations are specifically designed to act on specific conditions or tissues, such as the thyroid or joints for example;

Over the past twenty years, researchers have determined that mushroom nutrition offers homotoxicologists adjunct preparations that:

  1. Detoxify;
  2. Initiate Immunomodulation;
  3. Reverse cellular and oxidative stress.

This 45-minute lecture provides healthcare practitioners an overview of the synergies between homotoxicology and mushroom nutrition.

Certificates of Presence:

Attendees [for Healthcare Practitioners only] who participate in the entire webinar will receive certificates of presence.

Further Information

To Register for the Webinar:

For additional information please contact



The Anatomy of Yoga Colouring Book – Learn the Form and Biomechanics of More Than 50 Asanas

by  Jo Ann Staugaard-Jones

Published by Lotus Publishing. 2022. Paperback. £11.75 / $19.95. ISBN: 978 1 913088 27 9.

Written for yogis of all levels, The Anatomy of Yoga Colouring Book perfectly bridges the gap between anatomy textbook, yoga compendium, and interactive revision tool.

The human body is a complex and fascinating machine. Author Jo Ann Staugaard-Jones illustrates just how clever it is by first breaking it down in to its component parts, and then putting it back together in its full glory within the context of yoga movement.

Starting with a comprehensive examination of the nervous system, anatomical movement, and all the body systems, the book then truly comes to life as Staugaard-Jones presents over 50 popular asanas describing with colour and artistry which muscles are being strengthened (contracting), which are being stretched (lengthened), and which muscles are working as stabilizers to support the pose.


Cover from Jon The Anatomy of Yoga Colouring Book


Test Your Knowledge as You Colour Intricate Black and White Drawings of Each Asana

The seven categories of asanas are presented with prompts to colour relevant structures and functions, insightful technique tips, and anatomical nuggets that will enhance your understanding of the science behind your practice. You will learn not only the benefits of each pose but also the contraindications, relevant terminology, and how to vary poses where necessary.

The Healing Heart of Yoga

What sets this book apart from others is its inclusion of the subtler realm of yoga – that which is referred to as ‘energetic anatomy’. Understanding the unseen energies of the body in terms of fascia, bandhas, nadis, and chakras will take you beyond just muscle and joint mechanics, alignment and technique, and connect you more profoundly to the yogic way of life.

About the Author 

Jo Ann Staugaard-Jones is an international movement educator and author, an Advanced Pilates and E-RYT500 Yoga Teacher Trainer, as well as a movement specialist, Kinesiology, Dance & Exercise Science Professor. She resides in beautiful Northwest New Jersey, USA.

Jo Ann has taught throughout the US, in the UK, Sweden, the Netherlands, Prague, Costa Rica, and France.  She is a member of the International Association of Dance Medicine & Science (IADMS) and PAMA, the Performing Arts Medicine Association, IDEA Fitness, the International Association of Yoga Therapists, and a senior trainer & Continuing Education provider through Yoga Alliance.

Staugaard-Jones is the other of several books on movement and anatomy, including The Vital Psoas Muscle (North Atlantic Books), which has sold over 100,000 copies as well as being translated into more than 20 languages.

Further Information

Available from Lotus Publishing  and


London Medical Laboratory founder Flavia Araujo-Rankin named a The Times-LDC ‘One to Watch’

Flavia Araujo-Rankin, founder and joint CEO of London Medical Laboratory, has been named as one of this year’s ‘Ones to Watch’ as part of the LDC Top 50 Most Ambitious Business Leaders programme for 2022. The programme, which is supported by The Times and now in its fifth year, celebrates the leaders behind tomorrow’s mid-sized firms – growing businesses that are making a big impact. The nominations shine a spotlight on Britain’s most exceptional entrepreneurs, who continue to lead and grow their businesses, despite the uncertainty of the last few years.


Flavia Araujo-Rankin

Caption: Flavia Araujo-Rankin, founder and joint CEO of London Medical Laboratory, is delighted to have been chosen as one of The Times-LDC ‘Ones to Watch’.

Flavia Araujo-Rankin, founder and joint CEO of London Medical Laboratory, says:

“I’m thrilled to be chosen as one of this year’s “Ones to Watch”. It’s an honour to be included in such a list of inspirational business pioneers.

“London Medical Laboratory is the first omni-channel blood testing, diagnostic and phlebotomy business in the UK. We’re an industry disruptor offering health check and blood testing services in franchised High Street health stores and licensed pharmacies, and finger-prick home blood tests direct to customers ordered online and sent through the mail.

“Our convenient direct-to-customer self-testing kits give people easy access to blood, Covid and STI tests that they can do in the comfort of their homes and post the samples back to us. Our tests cover a wide range of conditions, from cholesterol and thyroid profiles, through to fertility, menopause and heart health, with next day results.

“Our High Street services are also growing rapidly. We now offer blood tests in close to 100 pharmacies and health stores across the UK, including a partnership with Holland & Barrett.

‘We are currently expanding rapidly and I, and my talented team, have plenty of ideas for the future. We’re regularly releasing new tests for a wide variety of conditions, from allergies to overall wellness profiles, and we’re increasingly involved with many organisations’ staff healthcare programmes. LML is actively looking for new pharmacy partners across the UK who want to access these new services and join our rapidly growing team.

“My ultimate vision is for blood testing to be available in every pharmacy and healthcare shop throughout the country, enabling people to take charge of their health.”

John Garner, Managing Partner, LDC adds: 'The volume and quality of submissions this year surpassed all of our expectations. We’ve been struck by the way business leaders have overcome challenges and adversity to run fast-growing and successful companies, proving that difficult circumstances can become the biggest driver of ambition.'

Further Information

To find out more about London Medical Laboratory’s ever-evolving range of blood tests and health checks, see:

To contact Flavia, or for more information, please email London Medical Laboratory’s Head of Public Relations, David Jinks MILT., at



Drop Acid: The Surprising New Science of Uric Acid - The Key to Losing Weight, Controlling Blood Sugar and Achieving Extraordinary Health

By Dr David Perlmutter

Published by ‎Yellow Kite. 2022. Paperback. £8.99/ $15.89.  ISBN-10:‎ 1529388430.

What do obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, fatty liver disease, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, stroke, neurological disorders and premature death have in common? All can be stoked by high uric acid levels.


Cover Drop Acid


Our most respected scientific literature is bursting with evidence that elevated uric acid levels lie at the root of many pervasive health conditions, but mainstream medicine for the most part remains unaware of this connection. This is especially alarming because many people don't know they are suffering from sky-high levels, putting them at risk for developing or exacerbating potentially life-threatening illnesses.

Offering an engaging blend of science and practical advice, Drop Acid exposes the deadly truth about uric acid and teaches invaluable strategies to manage its levels, including:

  • Simple dietary edits focused on reducing fructose and foods high in 'purines' that can raise uric acid.
  • Natural hacks that lower levels such as consuming tart cherries, vitamin C, quercetin, and coffee.
  • Identifying common pharmaceuticals that threaten to increase uric acid.
  • Lifestyle interventions, like restorative sleep and exercise.
  • How to easily test your uric acid levels at home - a test routinely performed in your doctor's office during regular check-ups but typically ignored.

Featuring the ground-breaking 'LUV' (Lower Uric Values) diet, 35 delicious recipes, self-assessment quizzes and a 21 day program for dropping levels, Drop Acid empowers readers with the information they need to address this hidden danger and live longer, leaner and healthier lives.

Further Information

Available from Yellow Kite  Hatchette Books  and



Reclaiming Our Story – The Pursuit Of Jewish Pride

by Ben M. Freeman

Published by No Pasaran Media. October 2022. Paperback. £12.99.  ISBN-10 ‏1915036321


Founder of the Modern Jewish Pride Movement, Ben M. Freeman is the author of Jewish Pride: Rebuilding a People (released in February 2021). He is an internationally renowned gay Jewish author, and educator focusing on Jewish identity, combatting Jew-hatred and raising awareness of the Holocaust. Ben came to prominence during the Corbyn Labour Jew-hate crisis and quickly became one of his generation's leading Jewish thinkers and voices against anti-Jewish racism.


Reclaiming Our Story The Pursuit of Jewish Pride


As a gay man living in London, Ben M. Freeman understands first-hand how discrimination can impact how we feel about ourselves and our mental health. Inspired by his experiences of LGBTQ+ pride and the journey to self-acceptance he was forced to take as a young gay teenager, Ben wants to make a difference, and spread pride in the Jewish community. Reflecting on his own battle with internalized homophobia – a result of growing up in 1990s Britain – Ben wants to raise awareness of this issue in the Jewish world, helping Jewish people reject the shame imposed on Jews by Jew-hate.

His new book, Reclaiming Our Story: The Pursuit of Jewish Pride, tells us how we can all act now for a fairer, more equal and more tolerant society. He focuses not just on the hate that targets Jews from external sources, but instead - in a radical and fresh perspective - on how that hate impacts Jews themselves. Educating his readers about the history and theory behind this phenomenon, Ben also offers tangible solutions and sets his reader on a path of healing. 

Although, to many, a deeply historical issue, it is still as pressing today as it has ever been. Today British Jews face rising antisemitism with 2021 reported as the worst in a decade for global Jew-hate that saw a 24% increase from the previous peak of 2019. From the surge in Jew-hate in the British Labour party, to the brutal murder of retired French doctor and school teacher Sarah Halimi and the subsequent miscarriage of justice, to the various terrorist attacks at American synagogues, there is an evident tsunami of Jew-hate that continues to threaten the Jewish community. An immensely complex and emotional subject, Ben M. Freeman explains why we cannot ignore, nor attempt to understand these issues without the relevant history and contextualization.

Both hopeful and inspiring, Reclaiming Our Story aims to educate and empower, while giving people the tools to start personal conversations about their Jewish self-esteem with empathy and without shame. Through five authentic interviews that offer a range of different voices, including a woman whose relationship with Jewishness was reframed due to the trauma of her family’s loss during the Holocaust, Ben M. Freeman demonstrates that it is possible to overcome internalized Jew-hate.

Further Information

Available on and and No Pasaran Media



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About Mike Howell

Co-founder of Positive Health magazine.

  • Brief Takes Issue 282


    Altrient C Best Vitamin C

    Altrient C has won Best Vitamin C Supplement in the Woman and Home Beauty awards 2022. This award was judged by 11 leading experts in the beauty industry, from medical doctors and aestheticians, to beauty directors, journalists, editors and more. After decades of experience testing thousands of beauty products, the industry experts appointed Altrient C as the leader for vitamin C supplements in the beauty awards.


    Further Information: Full award details on the Blog.    Shop Products


    Solgar® MenoPrime –  Calm

    Forty-seven million women enter menopause every year; by 2030 the world population of menopausal and post-menopausal women is expected to reach 1.2 billion. Up to 85% of menopausal women experiencing some menopausal symptoms, many are looking to support this natural transition with non-hormonal therapies.  MenoPrime  contains clinically studied ingredients Saffron®, Siberian Rhubarb ERr-731® also Ashwagandha KSM-66®, celebrated for its adaptogen properties contributing to a calm demeanour and relaxed mood.

    Further Information: Order; Order via  or


    Pukka Herbs Launch Menopause Serenity

    Menopause Serenity is a nourishing, organic blend of botanicals with Iodine from Arctic fresh seaweed to support thyroid hormone production, the nervous system, mental clarity, and energy. It contains ethically sourced and 100% organically grown ingredients, including: Shatavari, Sage, Turmeric, Ashwagandha. Aloe vera and Shatavari have moistening and nourishing properties, effective for treating hot and dry symptoms of menopause. Iodine contributes to thyroid function. 


    Further Information: Available from  Amazon and independent health food stores.


    Nutri Advanced Resilience

    Nutri’s new and unique Resilience formula is a synergistic powerhouse of nutrients, herbs, and mushrooms all known for their stress and fatigue supporting properties. Key Nutrients: 

    Vitamin C,  Vitamin B5, Magnesium, Fast-acting L-theanine, High-potency ashwagandha, Siberian ginseng, Reishi and Cordyceps mushroom extracts and Lemon balm.


    Further Information: Available from Nutri Advanced


    Penny Brohn UK Cancer

    Penny Brohn UK provides people with cancer the strength to enjoy the precious time they have together as a family. In 2021, Jenny was diagnosed with bowel cancer and a few months later with thyroid cancer. Penny Brohn UK  gave her the tools she needed and ideas that helped her cope day to day. Rose was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer in April 2021, a few weeks after her 40th birthday. Penny Brohn UK were nurturing and gentle and they cared about looking after the person. Please consider making a donation to Penny Brohn UK today.


    Further Information: Make a Donation


    The Wee Yoga Room

    New Winter Wee Yoga Room Term, 9 weeks, starts 24th Oct; you can book here. There are lots of new classes and workshops over the winter period including a Full led Primary series class on a Thursday at 19:30. This will be pitched to those that have completed the Level one course and are ready to see what comes next in the primary series. Rowena is also running a beginners Ashtanga yoga workshop for anyone looking for a taster session in advance of signing up for the 9 - week winter term. Jennifer Elizabetta will continue with her Sound bath workshops. The dates for these are the 29th of October and the 26th Of November @ 11.30am. You can book here:


    Further Information:


    Cytoplan Gut Health Webinar

    Live Webinar with Stephanie Moore will explore the importance of a healthy gut to support a healthy brain. The webinar will include: The mechanisms of the gut-brain axis; Simple dietary and lifestyle adjustments to improve the gut microbiome for neurological optimisation and reduction of neuro-inflammation; Clinical application including mood regulation, cognition and concentration, brain fog, anxiety and depression and neurodegenerative disease.  2nd November 2022, 9:30am - 12:30pm 3 CPD points.


    Further Information: Contact  Book Now  Tickets


    Human Givens College London

    Dr Andrew Morrice has developed two new in-person Mind-Body CPD days. The two courses: The Mind-Body Connection Movement, Emotion and Calm and The Mind-Body Connection – Food, Mood and Sleep can be either stand-alone learning experiences or form part of a 2-day, deep-dive exploration. Between them the two days cover all the key areas for maintaining overall health... Day 1 – Movement, Emotion and Calm - Mon 5th December – London; Day 2 – Food, Mood and Sleep – Tuesday 6 Dec – London.


    Further Information: Tel: 01323 811690; info@humangivens.comTo Book Day One  To Book Day Two


    Lamberts Women's Health

    Thursday 9 March 2023 – 8.30am – 4pm Live in London. Presented by leading experts in the nutrition arena: Shoela Currey, Dr Sally Moorcroft, Sue Camp and Justine Bold. Further details for the conference will be announced soon. Register your interest today. You'll need to be registered for a Lamberts trade account in order to attend our events.  CLICK HERE, or visit our website:


    Further Information. Tel: 01892 554314;  Find Out More   Register for Trade Account


    Free Homeopathy Books have the biggest online library of homeopathy books and journals. It is another project by , the world's No.1 homeopathy portal. Visit now. It's free!


    Further Information:


    No Hands Massage Course

    If you're interested in learning how to use therapeutic Touch to improve your health and wellbeing - and that of your loved ones...; If you're interested in sharing this knowledge with your local community...;  If you're thinking about a career change...; If you're looking for an extra income stream...; If you're feeling stuck and want to shift into a new phase

    NeuroTouch Training Courses Morecambe, Lancashire November 22nd - 24th;
    Exeter, Devon December 9th - 11th; Wigtown, Dumfries & Galloway January 13th - 15th 2023; Vancouver, Canada May 19th - 21st 2023.


    Further Information: Tel: 01524 415345;  To Book Next Course in January


    Physiology 2022 Nobel Prize

    The Physiological Society congratulates Professor Svante Pääbo ForMemRS, who has been awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discoveries concerning the genomes of extinct hominins and human evolution. Professor David Paterson said: “On behalf of The Physiological Society I am delighted to congratulate Svante Pääbo for being awarded the Nobel Prize. This is an important science discovery in evolutionary biology. Ascribing physiological function to highly conserved mitochondrial genes has been important in our understanding in high altitude acclimatisation as populations move and adapt to new environments, and how genetic variants affect us on a day-to-day basis in health and disease.”


    Further Information:


    Ian Cameron Smith Podcast

    Ian Cameron shares his new Podcast. He invited you to join him as we take a look inside the secret world of an amazing array of artists. Piers Adams, the world’s finest recorder player –  Creative Conversation with Piers Adams;  Kevin Kendle, immensely talented ambient and instrumental music composer –  Creative Conversation with Kevin Kendle; Andy Bull, singer, songwriter and producer – Creative Conversation with Andy Bull; Ian will be adding new videos to his  Creative Conversations YouTube Channel.


    Further Information:


    GOPO Menopause Joint Pain

    Joint pain affects as many as 40% of all menopausal women; joint stiffness is the most common contributor to impairment of quality of life and work in women of a menopausal age. Consultant rheumatologist Dr Rod Hughes states “The most consistent and robust research has been undertaken on extracts from a specific species of rose-hip called Rosa canina, which contains a powerful anti-inflammatory ingredient called GOPO.” GOPO® Joint Health Plus Ginger is the first UK supplement to contain the unique combination of ginger extracts with the powerful anti-inflammatory GOPO® – a galactolipid extracted from the seeds and husks of the Rosa-canina plant. 


    Further information:  or


    Pro Plus® Caffeine

    Pro Plus® Caffeine can provide a convenient and effective energy boost. Providing 100mg of caffeine, Pro Plus® Caffeine relieves tiredness and fatigue so you can focus on the task at hand. educe tiredness and fatigue and maintain mental alertness, helping you feel more awake.


    Further Information: Pro Plus tablets are available to purchase online at or Amazon and supermarkets and pharmacies nationwide.


    Smartphones and Wearables

    Wearables like smart watches or Fitbits do far more than count steps. In fact, AI-enabled devices can prevent a heart attack, diagnose melanoma, lessen the frequency of asthma attacks and treat insomnia without drugs, explains biotech expert Harry Glorikian. In his new book, The Future You: How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Can Help You Get Healthier, Stress Less, and Live Longer, Glorikian helps readers understand how to use technology to create personalized healthcare experiences.


    Further Information:


    Why Sports Conference

    Join us for the 2023 Improving Health and Increasing Activity Conference. Be part of the conference that accelerates change across our towns and communities. Debate, share, learn, network and develop lasting business relationships with leading thinkers, proactive organisations and strategic partners. The Royal Society of Medicine, London 1st June 2023.


    Further Information:  Book Your Place


    Dr Rajan Sankaran Classes

    Four live case-taking teaching sessions (one per week) with Dr Rajan Sankaran plus pre-recorded introductory lectures by Zoom on 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd November 2022. Fee £360 afterward 1 Oct. Credits: 20 Hours; 14 clinic observation hours. For Homeopathy students, Graduates and Homeopaths and Naturopaths with good understanding of homeopathy.


    Further Information: Contact Tel:  0800 0439 349;   Enrol and Pay


    School of Bodywork Courses

    For these increasingly popular IN PERSON courses, we  advise early booking as we have been inundated with requests for dates. Women's Health Scar Tissue: 20th - 23rd February 2023; Tinnitus & Migraine: 17th & 18th April 2023 Early Bird if booked before 17 Feb; Ayurvedic Massage: 8th - 12th May 2023.


    Further Information:  Contact on Tel: 07711 656011;   Course Calendar


    4-Day Buteyko Trainings

    Registration is now open to attend an in-person Buteyko Instructor training event delivered by Patrick McKeown in Ireland next year. If you prefer to learn in a live environment rather than online, this 4-day immersive training at Buteyko Clinic International’s office in Ireland is ideal for you. Trainings take place in January and June 2023 and are delivered face to face by Patrick McKeown in a small group of maximum 25 persons. Thurs 12th - Sun 15th January 2023; Thurs 15th - Sun 18th June 2023.


    Further Information:  


    Ashtanga Intensive

    1 Month Ashtanga Practitioners Intensive 2023 - In person at Miami Yoga Garage & Online One Month Intensive: 6 Feb – 18 Nov. Directed by Tim Feldmann & Kino MacGregor with Special Friends. The subject of yoga is vast and worthy of a lifetime of learning. An established personal practice is the most important foundation for the yogi’s journey. You will join a comprehensive program aimed at preparing you for a journey into the dimension of Ashtanga Yoga  as a life style, a world view and potentially a profession.


    Further Information:  Reserve Your Place


    Hyperbaric Oxygen for Arthritis

    In the United States alone, 23% of all adults have been diagnosed with arthritis which can result from injury to joints, undue stress to joints (as from obesity), overuse, smoking, normal wear and tear, or our immune system attacking and injuring joint tissue. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy(HbOT) is the use of increased pressure and increased oxygen to treat diseases. HbOT acts primarily by affecting your genes. A single hyperbaric treatment of human cells has been shown to turn on or off over 8,101 of our 19,000 genes. The largest groups of turned-on genes are the anti-inflammatory and growth/repair genes, and the largest groups of turned-off genes are those that cause inflammation and cell death.


    Further Information: Oxify has centres in Leeds, Manchester and Redtord.


    Amchara Health

    Juice cleansing can give you a powerful transformation from the inside out. You’ll feel your health improve as your body rests and repairs, healing itself from within. How To Balance Your Hormones Through Seed Cycling. The theory behind seed cycling, the benefits of cycling your seeds and how to incorporate the practice into your daily life. 7 Natural Ways To Reduce Inflammation. A closer look at inflammation and what you can do to detox and naturally reduce inflammation in the body.


    Further Information:  01823 213111;  Shop Cleanses


    David Lauterstein Intensive

    In 2023 The Lauterstein-Conway Massage School will be offering a special Intensive Zero Balancing Certification Program!  Students in this program will complete all the necessary courses and requirements for certification in under a year! Upcoming Classes: upcoming classes: Deep Massage Intensives - August 19-23 (Bristol, UK),  Deep Massage for the Realm of the Heart - Sept. 30-October 2 (Waldoboro, Maine), Introduction to Zero Balancing - November 13 (Austin, Tx.), Core Zero Balancing 1 & 2 - Nov. 27-Dec. 8 (Sámara, Costa Rica). 


    Further Information: Zero Balancing Registration Info


    Ivermectin False Narratives

    According to Mikki Willis, “of all the harmful misinformation spread over the past couple of years, one of the most disturbing false narratives was targeted at the Nobel Prize winning HUMAN medicine, Ivermectin”. He has produced this short film to correct the narrative and to reveal the motive behind the smear campaign against one of the safest and most effective medicines of this era. A medicine that, according to the numerous top scientists I’ve interviewed, would have ended the pandemic before it began. A medicine that could have saved countless lives. Every medical professional I’ve spoken with, stress the importance of early treatment and the critical use of Ivermectin for long Covid.


    Further Information: Watch this Video

  • Ultimate Body Detox

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