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As a Caretaker of a Child: What Does Self-Care Even Look Like to You?

by Amrita Ma Devi(more info)

listed in ayurveda, originally published in issue 298 - November 2024

Let’s get real for a moment. As a caretaker, especially if you're raising a child, the term "self-care" can feel like some distant dream or a luxury you don’t have time for. Maybe you've squeezed in the occasional yoga class, spa day, or workshop, but here’s the truth: those one-off events won’t sustain you. They teach us skills, but real, life-changing self-care needs to be something we practise every single day. Today, let's dive into why self-care often falls short and how to finally make it stick, even when life feels like a non-stop juggling act.





Why Does Self-Care Fail?

It’s not because you aren’t trying hard enough. It mostly boils down to a few root causes that can trip you up, such as lack of consistency.  You start off strong but get thrown off track by life’s chaos.  Maybe you have set yourself up for unrealistic expectations where you think self-care has to be perfect or take hours out of your day. And another trip rope is when you misalign with your values or needs. You're following trends rather than focusing on what you need to feel whole and happy.

Sound familiar? Let’s break it down further:

The Real Culprits Behind Why Self-Care Feels Impossible

  1. Brain Resistance to Change: Your brain loves routine, even if that routine is running on empty. Changing it feels like too much effort;
  2. Comfort Zones: It’s easier to keep going as you are, even if you’re not thriving. Change can feel scary or uncomfortable;
  3. Lack of Immediate Rewards or Feedback: Self-care is a long game. Sometimes it feels like you're putting in effort but not seeing results fast enough;
  4. Emotional Triggers: Stress or exhaustion can send you running back to old habits that sabotage your self-care intentions;
  5. Environmental Cues: Your surroundings, like having a chaotic home environment or a lack of quiet time, can make it harder to practise self-care;
  6. Social Influences: If your circle doesn’t prioritize self-care, going against the grain is tough. Peer pressure is real, even for adults;
  7. Overwhelm and Lack of Clarity: Where do you even start? You’re already managing a thousand things, and the idea of adding self-care to the list feels overwhelming;
  8. Inconsistent Motivation: Life’s curveballs can drain your energy, making it hard to stay committed to new habits;
  9. Lack of Accountability: Without someone cheering you on or holding you accountable, it’s easy to fall off the wagon;
  10. Biological Factors: Things like hormonal changes or exhaustion from lack of sleep can make sticking to self-care harder than it should be;
  11. Past Failures: Ever tried to start a new self-care routine, only to give up and feel like you failed? That can create a mental block when trying again.

In Ayurveda, breaking bad habits is essential for achieving optimal health and preventing the recurrence of diseases. Ayurveda teaches that to heal and maintain well-being, it’s important to let go of habits that no longer serve you. Whether you're recovering from illness or aiming to prevent future imbalances, eliminating unhealthy patterns plays a key role in restoring balance to the mind and body.


Sacred Vitality Club

Sacred Vitality Club


The Sacred Vitality Club: Your Self-Care Solution

If this sounds all too familiar, don’t worry – you’re not alone, and there’s a way forward. The Sacred Vitality Club (SVC) was designed with people like you in mind. Whether you’re a busy mom, a caretaker, or just someone trying to juggle life’s many demands, the SVC can help you make self-care not just a priority, but a sustainable, joyful part of your life.

Here’s How SVC Can Help You Succeed

  • Personalised Guidance: We'll help you develop a self-care routine that fits your life and aligns with your core needs and values;
  • Group Coaching & Community: You'll be part of a supportive group that’s just as invested in your growth as you are. Imagine a place where you’re surrounded by like-minded women who cheer you on and keep you accountable;
  • Practical Tools: Get the confidence and know-how to manage stress, build healthier habits, and keep your energy levels up. Plus, we’ll give you circles to manifest your dream life during each new and full moon!

Real-Life Success Stories

Women from all walks of life have found transformation through SVC. Like Hayet, who went from feeling exhausted, bloated and depleted to energized and in control of her health, thanks to personalised Ayurvedic guidance. Or Libby, who used the club’s practical tools and community support to finally prioritise her self-care, even as a busy entrepreneur and caretaker.

Join Us in the Sacred Vitality Club!

You don’t have to go it alone. Self-care doesn’t have to be sporadic, stressful, or something you feel guilty about. By joining the Sacred Vitality Club, you’re stepping into a safe space of support, empowerment, and growth.

Ready to transform your life? Doors are open now to our annual memberships, so now is the perfect time to jump in. This is your chance to cultivate a lifestyle that makes you feel alive, aligned, and whole.

Don’t wait – take action today and join the Sacred Vitality Club to start living your best, most vibrant life.


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About Amrita Ma Devi

Amrita Ma Devi is the founder of Ayurveda Anytime. A trained Ayurvedic practitioner, functional nutritionist and plant-based chef, Amrita has dedicated her life to empowering women through the ancient science of Ayurveda.  Her platform, Ayurveda Anytime, born amidst the global changes of 2020, has rapidly evolved into a sanctuary for women seeking to reconnect with their innate wisdom through the ancient practices of Ayurveda. She may be contacted via 

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