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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 298

by Mike Howell(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 298 - November 2024

Immune System – Natural Support and Remedies – Organic Aromatherapy

Immune systems are always challenged at this time of year, especially recently.

Auto immune systems are also very challenged. As an holistic therapist I am interested in natural wellbeing and have gathered some ’tools’ over the last 50yrs or so during my training and ongoing practice. I am always bowled over by natures resilience and diversity. Often if you walk barefoot in your garden it will grow/provide just what you need personally for wellness and personal balance. 

Our immune systems are so clever! This is especially the case if you are able to add a little of your own DNA ( hair, saliva, nail clippings etc.). Nature has some amazing remedies so I thought you may like to explore some of them yourself. From personal experience, my dear mother developed blood cancer a few years ago and the garden suddenly started to grow copious amounts of a herb called ‘Horsetail. Since then I have discovered that this could have helped her. I didn’t realize at the time.. but if I had known then what I know now I would have been making a tea from this for her to sip!  

Nature’s Resilience and Diversity

Nature’s Resilience and Diversity


Here are my top 25 of my personal favourites suggestions to whet your appetite:

  1. Essential oils : i.e. Ravensara, Tea Tree ( Melaleuca), Lemon, On Guard ( DoTerra) blend.
  2. Soul Harmony creams ; Thymic Chakra balancing, Anti-Viral, Liver Support, Spleen Support organ balancing and physical support creams
  3. Hydroxychloroquine ( Lemon and grapefruit peel with water which is so easy and inexpensive to make)
  4. Vit C and zinc ( + copper)
  5. Dark (vegan )chocolate 
  6. NAC
  7. .Chlorophyll
  8. .Antibiotic Honey ( garlic cloves in raw local honey)
  9. Onions, garlic and ginger
  10. Sunshine
  11. Herbs 
  12. Fresh organic fruits i.e. berries, citrus and kiwi
  13. Locally grown seasonal veggies
  14. Dandilions,Nettles and Basil ( try making a pesto by adding a little olive oil and garlic…nutritious, almost free and completely delicious)
  15. Turmuric with coconut oil ( Golden Paste.. activated with a touch of black pepper); Getting into nature.
  16. Hug a tree.
  17. Staying hydrated with clean structured water)
  18. Celtic Sea salt
  19. Good quality, restful sleep
  20. 'Tesla cages’ for your devices and organite to keep you protected from negative wifi and 5d frequencies.
  21. Stroke a pet.. calming you down 
  22. Meditation (daily)
  23. Grounding
  24. Regular exercise/ thyme ’thump” ( tapping your upper chest thymic chakra to the beat of the ‘waltz')
  25. Yoga and Tai Chi and the colour turquoise !

There are so many more!

You may like to check Barbara O’Neil’s work for lots more suggestions for all that ails you or a loved one, avoiding 'big pharma and all their side effects.

Luckily, as we step further into 5D and quantum entanglement, stem cell technology just using our own inner Light is now also available. (You can message me for details on this

Further Information and Sources 

Please contact Sarah Williams on Tel: 07710 994432;



Metabolic Training  – The Ultimate Guide to the Ultimate Workout

by John Graham and Michael Barnes

Published by Human Kinetics Inc. Paperback. 2023. £23.21/ $22.99.  ISBN-10  1718212461

What is Metabolic Training and What are the Benefits?

In recent years, the popularity of high-intensity interval training has increased. Essentially, metabolic training combines higher intensity strength and metabolic intervals with cardiovascular training to produce maximum gains in muscle development, strength, and cardiovascular fitness. The workout emphasizes and reinforces proper form and technique throughout a quick tempo.

The concept of metabolic training is the efficient application of training methods, such as strength training, to stimulate metabolic processes, rest or relief intervals, fatigue management, progressive overloading, and individual adaptations. In broad terms, metabolic training is a form of interval training.

Cover Metabolic Training


Principles of Metabolic Training

The following principles of exercise are particularly applicable to metabolic training and should always be considered when designing and implementing metabolic-training programs. Measures such as heart rate can be used to evaluate how the body responds to the exercise stimuli associated with these training approaches.

  1. Overload
    The principle of overload refers to the application of a greater amount of stress than an individual has previously experienced. Increased intensity, duration, frequency volume, as well as new types of exercise, can be considered as overload. For instance, adding a fourth day of running per week from three days is an overload of training.
  2. Specificity
    According to the principle of specificity, a specific method of training produces a specific outcome. As an example, someone who consistently runs long distances will adapt physiologically to long-distance running.
  3. FITT
    FITT stands for “frequency, intensity, time, and type.” Frequency refers to how often you exercise. Intensity is the effort to perform a specific exercise. Time is the duration of an exercise. Type indicates the kind of exercise (cardio, strength, or a combination of the two).
  4. Rest/Recovery
    Rest or recovery describes breaks taken during an exercise session—between exercises or between exercise sets—as well as between one exercise session and the next.
    Training intensity can be evaluated using heart-rate monitoring. The higher the heart rate, the more intense the training, and vice versa. You should know your resting heart rate and your average heart rate during light to heavy exercise. Maximal heart rates can be reached during metabolic training. It is important to understand that each individual has their own maximal heart rate and training intensities. Higher heart rate during the training session does not mean a greater effort or more intense training. World-class athletes can have low or high maximal heart rates; neither is a predictor of cardiorespiratory fitness.

Whether you’re looking to improve your performance, add variety to your current workout, or simply try something new and enjoyable, we encourage you to explore the world of metabolic training, using this book as your guide.

Further Information

Available on      Human Kinetics



Improving Dietary Micronutrient Status in the Elderly

Earlier this year (PH issue 295) I wrote a short feature on feeding teenagers and young adults, partly in response to the 2020 UK national diet and nutrition survey which described “a crisis” in their dietary status from a continuing lack of micronutrients. No less affected are the elderly, whether living alone, with care, or in an institution. Daily use of Seagreens® also addresses the following key factors, highly relevant as I approach my 75th next Spring!

Asco seaweed

Seagreens® non-allergenic seaweed for human nutrition


Loss of Taste, Salivation and Appetite

Seagreens® seaweed products for human nutrition, have degrees of umami flavour. Rich in minerals and amino acids, they stimulate taste receptors in the mouth and intestine, which can help improve salivation, reverse loss of appetite, and so regain body weight. Japanese research: Important Role of Umami in the Elderly Sasano 2015

Mental Health

They also provide an ideal ratio of Omega ‘brain health’ polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially Seagreens Pelvetia Pieces. This was recognized as long ago as 1999 when Helen Heap, Nutritionist at the UK Women's Nutritional Advisory Service, wrote to me that "Many of my patients are on restricted diets, and they often complain that the food is 'bland' and lacking flavour. By using the Seagreens (nutrition products) they will still be able to enjoy a flavoursome diet".

Seagreens The Mineral Salt and The Ruby One are highly nutritious condiments in place of salt and pepper and still provide adequate sodium. Pure fine granules of Seagreens called Culinary Ingredient can likewise be added to most foods, while our soluble Food Granules will add complete micronutrients to a fruit juice or milk smoothie. Up to a teaspoonful per day (4 grams) provides comprehensive micronutrients, soluble minerals and trace elements to ensure a diet with little likelihood of nutritional deficiencies. Product nutritional profiles appear below each product at Seagreens.Shop.

Weight Loss, Weight Gain, Weight Fluctuation

A sufficient daily intake of Seagreens will result in weight loss in the overweight, or weight gain or regulation where a normal weight is to be achieved, with the help of improved digestion and nutrition. Seagreens research paper: Obesity Appetite Research Hall 2012 or email for a brief on ‘Weight regulation’ to .

Digestion and  Nutritional Balance

Seagreens are natural prebiotics which help balance the gut flora especially in combination with probiotics. They also help regulate the secretion of digestive enzymes which helps tackle diabetes type 2 and obesity. Their dietary fibre heals and protects the intestinal lining. High antioxidant capacity helps rid the gut of toxins and ROS.

Further Information

Please contact Seagreens on Tel: +44 (0)1444 400403;



Living Minerals™ Multi Mineral Complex

Living Minerals™ Multi Mineral Complex is a unique plant-sourced liquid mineral concentrate manufactured by Oxigenesis in the USA. It contains naturally occurring fulvic acid together with a whole spectrum of 78 essential and trace elements, electrolytes and amino acids.

Living Minerals™ Multi Mineral Complex


The minerals are extracted from prehistoric plant deposits and are minimally processed to ensure both purity and bioavailability.

  • Nano-sized colloidal minerals
  • 100% bio-accessible
  • Easy on digestive system
  • Organic
  • Vegan
  • 100% natural

Plant-sourced Minerals = Superior Bioavailability

Plant-sourced minerals are the only minerals that can be completely absorbed and utilized by the human body. The minerals in Living Minerals™ Multi Mineral Complex have been “pre-digested” by living vegetation and transformed into organic compounds via the energy of sunlight resulting in exceptional nutrition at a cellular level.

Why are Prehistoric Plant Deposits Superior?

In prehistoric times water was pure and unaffected by the toxins and pollutants found in water today. The air was rich in oxygen and the soil was rich with nutrients. Many nutrients have been depleted from our soil, and therefore from the food we eat, by intensive agriculture.

Natural Organic Fulvic Acid

Fulvic acid is not a mineral or a vitamin and cannot be manufactured by man due to the complex nature of fulvic acid molecules. Fulvic acid used to be abundant but has been depleted from our soil due to pollution and intensive agriculture. This means we no longer get adequate amounts from our food.

Our bodies need fulvic acid for optimal health. Fulvic acid is a powerful antioxidant and is fantastic for detoxifying the body and helping to improve the absorption of nutrients. Fulvic acid is also beneficial to the digestive system as it nourishes the digestive tract and encourages good bacteria to repopulate and form a healthy microbiome. A healthy digestive system is essential for optimal health.

Oxigenesis have published a very interesting article entitled LTSM® – Lyophilic Third State Plant Minerals, that discusses the proprietary third sate minerals used in their Living Minerals™ Multi Mineral Complex. The article also discusses fulvic acid in depth and cites numerous research articles on its benefits. This article can be found  at

Water for Health – Exclusive UK Distributors for Oxigenesis

We are proud to be the UK distributors for Oxigenesis. T. No other mineral supplements come close to the purity and bioavailability of their Living Minerals™ range. The range includes not only the Multi Mineral complex but also Silica, Zinc, Iron, Chromium and Silver. The full range of Oxigenesis products can be found here.   



New Release – Neem: Your Guide to Natural Health and Beauty

Unlock the Natural Power of Neem with Klaus Ferlow's New Book

Klaus Ferlow, a Master Herbalist and author proudly announces the release of his new book, Neem: Your Guide to Natural Health and Beauty. This concise guide highlights the remarkable benefits of Neem, a plant revered in traditional medicine for its powerful health and beauty properties.

Cover Neem Your Guide to Natural Health and Beauty


Readers will find practical advice on how to incorporate Neem into their daily routines, discovering natural ways to enhance their health, well-being and beauty.

About Klaus Ferlow HMH HA

Klaus Ferlow HMH HA is a Master Herbalist and founder of Ferlow Botanicals, a company specializing in natural personal care products. He was one of the first to introduce Neem products to the Western world, pioneering the use of this powerful plant in holistic health and beauty solutions.

Early copies of Neem: Your Guide to Health and Beauty are now available for purchase on Lulu.  Get your copy today:  Purchase Link  

Further Information

For more information, review copies, or to schedule an interview with Klaus Ferlow, please contact:



The Yoga of Self-Love: The Sacred Path to Wholeness and Healing Through Inner-Child Work

by Ramaa Krishnan

Published by Full Bloomed Lotus Center for Self-Awareness. 2024. Paperback. £14.15. $16.16.  ISBN-13: ‎979-8991008006

Setting aside time to look inward is just as important as eating right and exercising, says Ramaa Krishnan, a spiritual teacher and founder of the Full Bloomed Lotus Center for Self-Awareness. In her new book, The Yoga of Self-Love: The Sacred Path to Wholeness and Healing Through Inner-Child Work, Krishnan invites readers to witness her own transformative journey, as she shares her intimate and profoundly human story of self-discovery and healing. Blending memoir, spiritual teachings and psychological principles, each chapter offers poignant reflections and practical exercises for readers to apply to their own situations.

Cover The Yoga of Self-Love


“Knowing that ‘hurt people hurt people,’ I wanted to create opportunities for people to heal and make the world a better place, especially at this time in history as there seems to be so much anxiety and personal strife around the globe,” Krishnan said. Through poignant, yet relatable anecdotes, The Yoga of Self-Love helps readers navigate the complexities of life's stages, from the struggles of youth to the depths of midlife crisis. With raw truth, compassion and wisdom, Krishnan’s narrative unfolds organically into an exploration of the human psyche and the universal quest for happiness.

“In this beautiful book, Ramaa Krishnan shares the story of her deep inward journey, healing, and spiritual expansion,” said Robert Schwartz, Between Lives Soul Regression hypnotist and author of Your Soul's Plan, Your Soul's Love, and Your Soul's Gift. “With great courage, insight, and perseverance, she carves a pathway to self-love and self-care in which others may follow.”

Echoing Schwartz’s comments, Sharon Salzberg, author of Lovingkindness and Real Life said, "Krishnan creates a safe place for self-exploration, like sitting with a kind friend, interrupting the cycle of shame and blame to remind readers that they are worthy of a more regulated way of thinking and being.”

For those facing the struggles of midlife or navigating the challenges of personal growth, The Yoga of Self-Love is a compassionate companion, offering solace, guidance and deeper self-understanding. It is a beacon of light for anyone seeking to embrace their true nature and live a life filled with joy, purpose and unconditional self-love.

About the Author

Ramaa Krishnan is the founder of Full Bloomed Lotus Center for Self-Awareness. Born and raised in India, she developed a deep spiritual perspective on life and her role in the world. Initially focused on studying and sharing meditation and mindfulness teachings, Krishnan encountered a challenging chapter in her life that led her to question her beliefs and to dig deeper to understand what it truly means to live a life of faith beyond traditional practices. She now shares these profound insights through her classes and one-on-one sessions, both in-person and online. She lives in Wilmette, Illinois, with her loving husband and two adult children.

Further Information

Available to purchase at    Full Bloomed Lotus 

For more information, please visit, or connect with the author on Instagram (@fullbloomedlotus) or Facebook (Full Bloomed Lotus Center for Self Awareness).



Politics of Being: Wisdom and Science for a New Development Paradigm Publisher: Ocean of Wisdom Press

by Thomas Legrand

Published by Ocean of Wisdom Press. 2021. Paperback. £9.50. $22.41.  ISBN-13: ‎ 978-2957758302.

What would a wisdom-based or “spiritual” approach to politics look like? How can people tap into science to support the collective conscious evolution? In his groundbreaking work, Politics of Being: Wisdom and Science for a New Development Paradigm, Thomas Legrand PhD, proposes to fundamentally reframe the development model from its current emphasis on “having” to one focused on “being.”

“We’re just so far away from tapping into our full potential, each of us as human beings and also as societies,” Legrand noted.

Mobilizing a wealth of scientific research from many different fields, the core teachings of wisdom traditions and his own experiences, Legrand articulates how politics can support human flourishing and the collective shift of consciousness that today’s current challenges demand.

Cover Politics of Being Wisdom and Science Thomas Legrand


"Anyone who is interested in preventing our collective consciousness sleepwalking to extinction should read this book.”

– Deepak Chopra, Author and Pioneer in Integrative Medicine and Personal Transformation

“We really need to reorient what we mean by ‘progress’ and the development of our societies,” Legrand said. “Economic growth, economic development is good per se but only a means toward an end, and the real end to me is human flourishing or what I call ‘being.’”

An awakening journey into human and societal potential, Politics of Being charts the way for a truly human development in the 21st century, one to reconcile minds and hearts, and the whole Earth community. Readers will discover:

  • An integral map of such politics as it emerges;
  • Concrete examples and recommendations in numerous areas ranging from education to governance, to justice and economy;
  • A complex question converted into a clear and tangible agenda;
  • A wealth of references to deepen their exploration;
  • And much more.

"Politics of Being aims at aligning our institutions with our true reason to be here on Earth: becoming who we are, the best and most complete version of ourselves,” Legrand added. “Only through a collective awakening can we deal effectively with the problems humanity faces. Politics of Being tells us how to organize societies for that.”

About the Author

Thomas Legrand is a wisdom seeker, social scientist and sustainability practitioner. He is currently the Lead Technical Advisor for the Conscious Food Systems Alliance convened by the United Nations Development Programme. His spiritual journey began at the age of 23 with an encounter with native spirituality in Mexico, before embracing the wisdom of a wide range of traditions and practices, including meditation, energetic healing and Tai-chi-Chuan. He lives with his wife and their two young daughters near Plum Village, the monastery of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in the Southwest of France, his country.

Further Information 

Available on    Politics of Being

For more information, visit, or find Legrand on Instagram (politicsofbeingbook), Facebook (politicsofbeing), Substack (@politicsofbeing), LinkedIn ( and YouTube  Interview: 




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About Mike Howell

Co-founder of Positive Health magazine.

  • Brief Takes Issue 298


    New Touch for Resilience Course

    Our brand new Touch for Resilience course has been designed specifically to build your confidence in being part of the solution when it comes to mental ill-health. We're running our very first course on November 9th & 10th in Morecambe and want it to be as accessible as possible - which is why you can book now for just £149. This is a one-off price and is only available for the next few weeks for this first course. You can learn more about the course and secure your place here, or get in touch with any questions.

    Further Information:  Please contact The 4Elements Company Ltd on Tel: 01524 415345; Mob: 07367 064945;


    Hippocampus Unexpected Role in Skilled Movement Control

    Researchers at the University of Birmingham have uncovered a surprising role of the hippocampus – linking this part of the brain to the control of skilled actions such as handwriting, typing, and playing music. The hippocampus is traditionally associated with memory for events and spatial navigation, but a new study challenges these long-held distinctions and opens new possibilities for rehabilitation of neurological and neurodegenerative disorders that affect movement. The research team published their findings today (26 Sep) in The Journal of Neuroscience

    Further Information:  For media enquiries please contact Press Office, University of Birmingham, Tel: +44 (0)121 4142772:


    Buteyko Method Training in London Jan 2025

    Patrick McKeown, the world’s leading authority on the Buteyko Breathing Method, is delivering a 3-day in-person training at Lauderdale House in Highgate Hill London, N6 5HG. The training takes place from 16-18 January 2025, from 9.30am-5pm daily and includes training with Patrick McKeown, copy of the Buteyko Method Manual, support, Certificate in the Buteyko Method (CertBBM) training and more.

    Further Information: For details and to book, please contact Buteyko Clinic via   Buteyko Clinic International 


    Amchara Health – 6 Powerful Physical Benefits Of Fasting

    Fasting is a practice that has been around for centuries. A recent interest in the health benefits has led to an increase in awareness and popularity of fasting and growing research shows some profound benefits to your health. 6 Powerful Physical Benefits Of Fasting   Discover How Your Kidneys Keep Your Body Toxin-Free   Vegetarian & Vegan Proteins - Are You Getting Enough?

    Further Information: Tel: 01823 213111;


    UK Launch: Reversatrol™ by Phytoceutics

    Leading global nutraceutical and natural health brand Phytoceutics, launches Reversatrol™ with resveratrol a natural polyphenol that acts as an antioxidant, protecting the body against oxidative stress which may cause ageing and inflammation. Resveratrol is a natural nonflavonoid polyphenol which forms part of a plant’s natural defence strategy against pathogens that cause damage to or attack the plant. They also act as antioxidants to protect against cell damage, including harmful UV radiation. In humans, antioxidants may help protect the body against chronic diseases, such as heart disease, inflammation and they are known to support longevity.

    Further Information: Phytoceutics Reversatrol™  is available online at £29.80 for 30 capsules at   For further information, contact:


    How to Control Chronic Anxiety – Practical Skills Human Givens New Course

    Over 8 million people in the UK are experiencing an anxiety disorder at any one time.  The good news is that there’s much we can do to reduce this suffering. This 1-day workshop, with Diploma tutor Jo Baker, focuses on giving you the key information and techniques you need to lower anxiety levels, help people manage their own anxiety better and deal with the causes... Tuesday 5th November • London CPD Certificate – 6 hours.

    Further Information: Book Online  or call on Tel: +44 (0)1323 811690 Mon-Fri 9.00am-5.30pm.


    Safe Platform Ensure Positive Outcomes From Psychedelic Use

    SetSet, the first platform to bridge the knowledge gap between consumers and medical providers for safe micro dosing, has officially launched. Designed to help women navigate psychedelic experiences with community support, therapist-created curriculum, and access to trained practitioners, SetSet offers universal integration resources for both individuals and healthcare professionals. Women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety and depression as men, and many are turning to psychedelics like psilocybin and ketamine as alternatives to ineffective pharmaceutical treatments like SSRIs and benzodiazepines.

    Further Information:


    Niyc Pidgeon - Announces New Book "One More Day"

    One More Day, the latest book by acclaimed Positive Psychologist Niyc Pidgeon, delves into the harrowing realities of suicide while offering a beacon of hope and resilience through the principles of Positive Psychology. In August 2014, Niyc Pidgeon was sitting in her car in Newcastle, England, with her friend Sophie, both overwhelmed with grief after the funeral of their friend Chris, who had died by suicide. Amidst their tears, they made a pact to never let such a tragedy befall another friend. Despite their commitment, Sophie herself succumbed to suicide a few years later, along with another close friend, Sara. These losses shook Niyc to her core, challenging her faith in Positive Psychology, a field she passionately advocates through her motivational talks and writings.

    Further Information: Available to purchase on   and OneMoreDayBook


    Menopause Sleep Cycle: A Doctor's Guide

    Menopause marks a time of significant hormonal, physical, and psychological changes for women — and these changes can severely disrupt sleep. So, how can women take back control of the hormonal shifts affecting their sleep quality? Here are sleep expert, physiologist and best-selling author Dr Nerina Ramlakhan’s top tips to tackle the exhausting menopause sleep cycle: Go to bed 30 minutes earlier; Stick to routine; Find your zen; Try a herbal remedy; Cut the caffeine; Reduce Alcohol intake. Kalms Night One-A-Night tablets contains valerian root and can promote a nourishing night’s sleep and reduce stress or anxiety before bedtime, helping to break the sleepless cycle.

    Further Information: Kalms is available to buy instore and online at supermarkets and pharmacies nationwide and online retailers such as Amazon. For further information visit and Amazon


     GOVCONNECT – Mental Health Webinar

    Mental Health: Reducing Wrongful Hospitalisation For Neurodivergent Young People. 12th November 2024: 01:00 PM - 02:00PM.  Misunderstanding of Neurodivergent Behaviours;

    Lack of Specialised Services; Inadequate Training of Healthcare Providers; Systemic Gaps & many more.  This CPD accredited event is brought to you by Great Minds Together.    Register Now

    Further Information:


    Steps to Safeguard Your Heart

    Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death, claiming 1 in 4 lives in the U.S. Luckily, you can take action to protect your heart. Our supplements are developed to support heart health with safe, natural ingredients that people can trust.

    Further Information: Shop Heart Health  Heart Beets


    Get Off Your Cushion – Weaving Meditation Into the Fabric of Life

    Swapping Stress for Serenity - New Book Shares Ancient Buddhist Teachings reworked for a Modern Lifestyle. A firm believer that challenges are part of life, but suffering is optional; embracing the contents of this book marks the first step of your journey to 24/7 inner peace. Having spent most of her life and her entire academic career studying the mind (the author holds a Bachelor of Psychology, a Master of Cognitive Science, a Ph.D. in neuropsychiatry and postgraduate training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy) Li-Anne Tang is not only eminently qualified to impart her wisdom but is living proof that meditation works; having experienced only contentment and serenity following her recovery from viral encephalitis.

    If you’re considering learning how to meditate, this is the book you need to read.

    Further Information: Available to purchase on


    Luxury Spa Opening Jan 2025 Damu at The Mandrake

    The Mandrake, five-star boutique hotel in Fitzrovia, founded and owned by entrepreneur and art collector Rami Fustok, has announced the opening of its new spa, Damu, opening in January 2025. Damu will take guests on a transformative journey of rejuvenation and renewal, where advanced treatments blend cutting-edge technology with timeless traditions. Damu will offer a holistic approach, with the experiences targeting visible signs of ageing, and delivering unparalleled results. From head to toe, Damu's treatments will restore vitality and promote holistic well-being.  

    Further Information: The Mandrake, 20-21 Newman Street London W1T 1PG. Tel: 0203 146 7770.


    Rest Do Days  – How to Live with Fatigue and Get Things Done

    When Dr Wendy Bryant was diagnosed with vasculitis, it turned her life upside down. Fatigue is one of many symptoms she now lives with. Finding a way to ‘rest’ and ‘do’ has been transformative. In this practical guide, she shares what she has discovered...Using concepts from occupational therapy about pacing, balance and creativity in everyday life, the Rest Do Days approach is based on the author's professional and personal experience. As an occupational therapist who lives with chronic illness, Dr Wendy Bryant knows how important it is to find a way to continue to do what’s important. She has learned how to adapt her rest-activity balance and in Rest-Do Days she shares her tips so that readers can recharge their energy levels and get things done.

    Further Information: Available on  and  Chelsea Green Publishing


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