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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 299

by Mike Howell(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 299 - December 2024

The Benefits of Altrient Glutathione for Skin Pigmentation and Redness

Altrient Glutathione was the first liposomal Glutathione (GSH) to be created. It has long been known that GSH has significant health benefits and is widely used for skin health. Abundance & Health Ltd wanted to see just how impactful the liposomal form of GSH would be on improving the condition of the skin and the results were remarkable.

This report presents  the  results  from  a  12-week  independent  study designed to evaluate  the effectiveness of Altrient Glutathione in improving the appearance of hyperpigmentation, skin redness and overall skin tone. The study, conducted by Princeton Consumer Research, enrolled male and female participants  with  self-reported  uneven  skin  tone  and  pigmentation  issues.  The  supplement’s  impact was assessed through various scientific measures and participant self-assessments.

The trial enrolled 33 subjects, with 31 completing the study. Structured as a single-centre, home-use trial, participants were required to take 2 sachets of Altrient Glutathione per day, while maintaining their usual skincare  routines.  They  were  also  required  to  avoid  any  facial  treatments  that  could  affect  the  study results.


Altrient Liposomal Glutathione Sachet + Graph Reduction in Redness and Hyperpigmentation


Assessment tools used in the study included a Chromameter CR300® for measuring skin redness, and pigmentation;  professional  photography for  documenting visual  skin  changes; and  Student Perception Questionnaires – SPQs – for  capturing subjects' perceptions of the effects. The subjects completed questionnaires at the end of the 12-week period, and their responses were highly favourable.

  • 96% agreed that their skin is visibly brighter
  • 93% confirmed that their skin looks more radiant and luminous
  • 93% confirmed that their skin looks healthier
  • 90% acknowledged that their skin looks younger
  • 90% confirmed that their skin feels hydrated
  • 80% of participants felt that their skin looks more even
  • 80% agreed that their skin tone looks improved
  • 77% agreed that the look of discolouration is lighter
  • 74% acknowledged that the product fades the look of dark spots
  • 74% acknowledged that their complexion is clearer
  • 70% confirmed that the product visibly improves signs of aging

Glutathione is a water-soluble tripeptide, containing sulphur and three amino acids and serves as a reservoir for glutamate, cysteine and glycine. Glutathione is one of the most powerful intracellular (within the cell) defence nutrients found in almost every cell in the body and is highly active, particularly in cells that are most susceptible to toxicity such as the brain, kidneys, liver, heart, lungs, skin, intestinal epithelia, cornea and retina.

The fact that glutathione is present in the cells of all living organisms explains its important biological significance. Glutathione is primarily involved in the scavenging of reactive oxygen species (ROS), cellular detoxification and reduction of hydrogen peroxide. It also operates as an essential cofactor for various enzymes and plays a pivotal role in several important metabolic.

Further Information

Altrient Glutathione  is available from



Sayer Complementary Health – Reiki Homeopathy and Nutrition Training

When I was asked to attend a Reiki level 1 course (Shoden) I was skeptical and put off doing the course for many months.  When eventually I did take the course, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it and some months later I enrolled for the Reiki second degree course (Okuden). I started to offer these disciplines within my practice and clients gave me very positive feedback after their Reiki sessions.   

As I had been teaching homeopathy for a while and my students began to ask if I would teach them Reiki, this led me on the path to undertake training to become a Reiki Master/Teacher.  Reaching that level was both enlightening and I found that practicing Reiki on a regular basis helped me to keep a sense of calm when faced with everyday situations that otherwise may have caused me a level of stress.  As my Reiki teacher said it’s better to ‘go with the flow’ a statement that I have learned to welcome into my life. 


June Sayer


I thoroughly enjoy practising and teaching Reiki and seeing the benefits it brings to so many people.  Each Reiki levels 1 and 2 come complete with a detailed manual and a one-day teaching session that opens you up to the healing power of Reiki enabling you to carry out Reiki healing on yourself and your family.  The Master/Teacher level is more in-depth but also comes complete with audio materials and manual.  Certificate of Attendance is provided at completion of each Reiki level.

When a prospective client enquires about treatments that I offer at my practice, Reiki, Homeopathy or Nutrition, we have a discussion before they book so that they can decide which service they feel would offer them the most benefit.  It is quite usual for the client to start with one treatment and then chose to add another treatment at some stage later on.  The majority of homeopathy and nutritional appointments are held on-line via Zoom, Skype, Messenger or Facetime and this means that I can work with clients who would like to work with me but distance could prevent that.

As well as Reiki, I provide training courses in Homeopathy. The Homeopathy at Home course is designed to help you learn how to select homeopathic remedies that will address minor ailments such as coughs, colds, headaches and sore throats and may even negate the need for a visit to the doctor. 

Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic, non-addictive and safe for all ages.  This course is easily accessible via Zoom.

The Homeopathic Practitioner Diploma course is an in-depth apprenticeship style course spread over three years.  You will learn about the history of homeopathy and the philosophy of working with acute cases through to understanding the depth of a more chronic case and how to prepare a case protocol.  Anatomy and physiology as well as pathology and disease are also covered.  Home study and written assignments are essential to the course.  Upon successful completion of all the necessary criteria you will be entitled to register as a homeopathic practitioner with a registering organization and build your career as a homeopath. 

Further Information

My practice, Sayer Complementary Health is based in Burnham on Crouch, Essex.  For further details on any of the above, please telephone Tel: 1621 730664 or email me at  or visit and please mention Positive Health when making contact.



Tales of Brother Marcus – The Rose Priory Dialogues - Audible Audiobook

by Allan Armstrong

Published by Imagier Publishing. 2014. Paperback - £9.50  / Audiobook / Kindle.

Joe is a pilgrim in search of spiritual enlightenment. He has spent years wandering the world seeking mystical experience and the fellowship of the spiritually enlightened, but with little success.

After years of fruitless searching for spiritual in India and the East, Joe returns home to England a weary and disillusioned pilgrim without hope of finding the mystical experience that has eluded him for so long.

On the verge of giving up his quest altogether Joe is invited to attend a discussion on mysticism and spirituality at the ancient and mysterious Rose Priory, where he is introduced to the enigmatic Brother Marcus. Little did he realise that this meeting was to be the beginning of an extraordinary adventure.

Sound interesting? The author thinks so too! Listen to The Rose Priory Dialogues, and experience the compelling world of horror fiction.


Cover Tales of Brother Marcus Part One The Rose Priory Dialogues


Further Information

For further information please visit    Amazon Kindle  Amazon   Audible  



Turning Point Training – Postgraduate Courses in Craniosacral Therapy and Homotoxicology

Turning Point Training offers postgraduate courses in Craniosacral Therapy and Homotoxicology. Our students come from a variety of backgrounds both in conventional and holistic disciplines. This allows an exchange of information and experience that enriches the learning experience. Courses are mixture of leading-edge, scientifically based theory and clinical and practical tuition. Students are encouraged to explore and develop their gifts and talents in bringing their unique experience to the disciplines taught. Students are thus empowered.


Jonathan and Rosemary Lawrence + Practitioner Course + Electroacupuncture + CranioSacral Course 2019

Top: Jonathan Lawrence BA DO Cert Ed and Rosemary Lawrence Dip BFD Cert Clin Hom Cert Ed

Middle: Practitioner Course and Electroacupuncture: Bottom: Craniosacral Course 2019


Small groups help to facilitate this experience. Turning Point teachers are enthusiastic and experienced practicing therapists who keep their knowledge up to date. The philosophy of Turning Point encompasses the idea that medicine is an art informed by science. We believe that the conventional materialist paradigm is very much out of date and that scientific knowledge has now reached a point where much of holistic medicine can incorporated into a new paradigm.

Turning Point courses introduce the concepts of research and encourage students to critically evaluate current information.

Craniosacral therapy is based on the relationship between the structure and function of the body and the expression of health. Specific, gentle and skilled manipulation can restore the structure-function relationship supporting the patient’s own homeostatic mechanisms. This non-invasive and safe therapy can be used on patients of all ages from the new-born to the elderly.

The Practitioner Course consists of 8 modules over 5 weekends and 20 hours Zoom support. In addition, students must complete a portfolio of case studies and complete an exam. Practical skills are assessed during the course. This course is recognized by the CMA. 2025 to be confirmed. This course is held in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Contact to register your interest. This course is led by Jonathan Lawrence.

Homotoxicology is based on the idea that disease results from toxic load. In modern life we are subject to toxins from a variety of sources. This has the effect of stressing the immune system leading to ill health. Accurate prescribing can help the body gently detoxify aiding the restoration of homeostasis.

The remedies used are single potency homeopathic remedies or combinations of remedies to achieve a specific physiological response.

The Online Diploma in Homotoxicology is via the Society of Homotoxicology, UK. Contact us for access to this course.

Electro Acupuncture According to Voll (EAV) is a postgraduate course. This method involves electro-acupuncture assessment of organ meridians to find imbalances in the body. The 12 traditional Chinese meridians are tested plus the addition 9 Voll Meridians discovered by Dr Reinhard Voll. Training is via small tutorial groups led by Rosemary Lawrence. For  dates email

Further Information

For information about training in these disciplines visit



External Pernicious Influences [EPI] – Seasonal Viral Cleanse & Detox Blends

by Clare G Harvey (Integrated Medicine Consultant, Harley Street)

With the change of seasons, the Chinese Medicine Doctors often advise, that with the onset of external pernicious influences, i.e.: the increased exposure to wind, rain and cold, that we can experience at specific times of the natural transitions that occur throughout the year, that we should future proof ourselves, especially the change from Autumn moving into Winter. 

The Chinese Medicine Barefoot Doctor’s philosophy purported that it is better to be proactive with one’s health than firefight when symptoms occur. Which is now increasingly becoming a more popular and being thought of as a far more insightful approach to health. After all for the Barefoot doctor maintaining his patient’s health was important to his own survival as he did not get recompensed when his patients were sick!

So they considered it was beneficial to take extra care in looking after our immune systems –chi, while simultaneously cleaning the body’s detox-pathways of the physical, emotional toxins, parasites and chemicals that pollute the body. Suggesting this would be a wise yearly practice, and prove to be advantageous and well as protective for the whole body’s system. 


Adaptofleur Cleanse & Detox

ImmunVitrix + AdaptoFleur Cleanse & Detox


Here I draw from the Nordic Flowers and Stem Cell Essences that are wild crafted, to harness the healing qualities of the flowers found in the pristine environment of Norway’s valleys and fjords. These are hardy flowers that have had to survive the harsh Nordic environment and not only contain the energetic qualities of survival but also the pure energies of a pristine environment which make the Nordic essences particularly strong and vibrant, and able to endure today’s physical and mental challenges.


Innate Immunity: Awakes the ancient intelligence of the immune system, Influ-Grippe – Supports resistance during cold and flu seasons. AntiFleur VBF – Defense and support viral, bacterial and fungal overload.  As a virus or viral infection can often be seen as the body’s way of detoxing itself of the buildup of latent viruses’ parasites and chemical toxins that are detrimental of the overall health and survival of the body. Which is not necessarily a bad thing? It’s helpful to couple this with a Cleanse and Detox blend, drawn from hardy Australian Flowers of Aboriginal Outback

Adaptofleur Flower Essence blend: Cleanse & Detox is specifically formulated to works with feeling emotionally overloaded effected by toxic emotions and overwhelmed by significant changes, feeling the weight of the world, or physically burdened and for those that have trouble letting go as well as clearing and cleansing the detox pathways, of viral, parasitic or chemical toxicity .Works with the Qi of the liver, kidneys, lymph and blood circulatory systems

Adaptofleur Cleanse & Detox Essence enhances vitality, and up or down-regulating stress levels and energy as required, supports balance. Cleanses the internal pathways with ease, acting to rid energetic system any form of toxicity that has lingered in the body, mind and spirit, gently aiding the natural process of elimination and encourages the body to find and re-establish its own natural rhythms.

In combination, the synergistic effect is of ridding the system of all forms of toxicity at the fundamental level, whether its viral, parasitic or toxic-ants, contributing to not only allowing the body to feel clean and clear but to be able to achieve a protective effect on immunity so the body can function at its optimum level again.

Further Information

Available from  Information  Tel:01963 250750;



Strive To Do Less - A Mantra For ME/CFS and Long Covid

Set ‘Doing Less’ as a permanent guide for life.

All of the healing reserves in our bodies, that beautiful, complex armoury of mechanisms our amazing bodies can put into action, are needed to deal with the equally complex and amazing armoury of weapons which viruses use to attack us.

Crucially, any kind of exertion diverts energy away from where it is needed.

When your body is struggling to counter the insidious factors that create multiple varied symptoms, don’t ask the troops to leave the battlefield so that you can take a walk, peel the vegetables, or even sit up. If you succeed in that effort, your illness will worsen. No congratulations for doing whatever it is are justified – it is a victory for your disease.

  • Concentrating on doing more is concentrating on doing what will make us worse.
  • Concentrating on doing more is concentrating on doing what will hamper
  • Focussing on finding ways to minimise exertion in every aspect of our lives will give our immune systems the best chance of finally defeating the remaining bits of whatever it is that is keeping us sick.
  • Strive To Do Less – to create a pathway towards getting better.


Front and Back Cover 299 from 281 Beginners-Guide-to-ME-CFS


A Beginner’s Guide to ME/CFS with its repeated message about the importance of rest and the dangers of exercise for people with ME came out in 2013: several years before anyone had heard of Covid or Long Covid.

(The book also explains Les Simpson’s research on how red blood cells with odd shapes that can’t get through the tiniest blood vessels cause oxygen starvation in important tissues and organs. It gives a list of supplements which could improve this situation in some patients.)

In 2015, the US IOM (now Academy of Medicine) Report on ME/CFS suggested a name change to Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease in recognition of its defining characteristic: ‘exertion of any kind – physical, cognitive or emotional – may adversely affect many organ systems’.

In 2022, NICE accepted a revision of Guideline CG53 on ME/CFS which finally conceded that Graded Exercise Therapy was harmful and should not be used.

These important developments both re-affirm the recommendations given in A Beginner’s Guide to ME/CFS.    

Could Long Covid sufferers benefit as well?

Long Covid has many characteristics similar to ME/CFS, and threatens to engulf us with a new wave of people made permanently disabled unless the dangers of exertion are recognised.

Dr Melissa Heightman, the lead for post-Covid services at the University College London Hospitals NHS Trust believes that careful management of early recovery from the initial Covid infection is vital. “Don’t rush back to significant levels of exercise or very intense and stressful work [until] you’re confident you are fully better,” she says. “It does seem that can increase risk.”

(Melissa Heightman, Long Covid Services

And what about Les Simpson’s recommendations to counteract the oxygen-deprivation caused by non-deformable red blood cells?

Professor Resia Pretorius states that while as many as 150 different symptoms have been reported by Long Covid patients, they can all be explained by lack of oxygen.


The interview between Dr Proal and Professor Pretorius, when Professor Pretorius states that as many as 150 symptoms have been reported in Long Covid, and all can be explained by hypoxia ­(lack of oxygen), see Minute13.


Hypoxia seems to be the result of micro-clotting in the small blood vessels.  If red-blood cells can’t get through the microcirculation and get stuck, this might be how microclots get started.

It may be that Les Simpsons recommendations could help. They aren’t likely to do harm.

Back to our mantra: Strive to do less!

  • We need to revise our thinking and not just worry about the dangers of exercise, but actively turn our thoughts towards the benefits of doing less;
  • Check every aspect of our lives for ways we can do what we need to do with less physical effort! Treat every labour-saving device as medicine!
  • Find our baseline of activity, then see how we can reduce it!
  • Get a Fitbit and bring down the number of steps you take in the course of a day!

And if you, or anyone you know, has never had or heard about ME/CFS but is suffering from post-Covid symptoms, getting a copy of A Beginner’s Guide to ME/CFS could help set you on a novel and helpful path.

Further Information

Further information about The Beginner's Guide to ME/CFS is available here. Available from  Amazon 



The Magic of Holistic Living: A Guide to Happiness and Wellbeing Paperback

by Dean Fraser

Published by Alive To Thrive Ltd. 2024 (2020). Paperback. £9.99/$11.99. ISBN 979-8692215147.


The author’s quest for metaphysical growth has seen him travel across two continents in search of truth, network with fellow seekers of enlightenment and visit sacred sites to attune with their energies – BODYMINDSOUL.COM


Cover The Magic of Holistic Living Dean Fraser

Self-Love is vital; the author simply explains how to achieve this. Amongst holistic knowledge shared is pendulum dowsing, crystals for health, meditation and easily adopted paradigm shifting stress-busting techniques. Covered also are ways to self-heal headaches, injuries and emotional issues. Advice is given on plant-based eating and exercising for maximum enjoyment; with the added bonus of potentially great health as the happy by-product.
The author is a body language psychologist and takes you step by step through ways to use your physiology to transform the way you are perceived and more importantly go through an inner transformation to engender incredible self-confidence. Dean Fraser explains numerous holistic health core themes to play forward into our lives; including how we never need diet again and yet maintain our ideal weight.
With minor changes in our daily routine and mindset, we gift ourselves an amazing opportunity to enjoy a long and healthy life!

Further Information

Available on    Dean Fraser Central



The Happiness Formula – A  Groundbreaking Approach to Happiness & Personal Fulfilment

by Dr. Alphonsus Obayuwana, MD Ph.D. CPC

Published by Health Communication Inc. 2024. Paperback. £11.27 / $10.99.  ISBN-10: 0757325084

Humans seem to be constantly chasing happiness, and yet, until recently there was no way to objectively measure a person’s happiness level. “We all want to be happier,” said Dr. Alphonsus Obayuwana, MD, Ph.D., CPC. “There is no one person you are going to meet who is not seeking happiness.”

For Dr. Obayuwana, the quest to identify the causative factors and objectively quantify degrees of happiness took 30 years of research. He developed a simple equation that can assign a numerical happiness score to any individual, regardless of demographics, using a universal unit of measure called the Personal Happiness Index (PHI).

Cover The Happiness Formula

In his new book, The Happiness Formula: A Scientific, Groundbreaking Approach to Happiness and Personal Fulfilment, he advises readers on where to look and what to look for in the “happiest living human,” provides a brief history of the positive psychology movement, debunks happiness myths and unveils his novel equation for quantifying happiness.

“Unlike other books about happiness, which are too often filled with dos and don’ts, wishful thinking, and empty aphorisms, The Happiness Formula breaks new ground,” said Dr. Obayuwana. “Despite its title, The Happiness Formula is much more than a mathematical equation for measuring happiness. It is a book about life, the relationship between human hope and happiness, one’s overall feeling of personal satisfaction and subjective well-being.”

In addition to happiness seekers, Dr. Obayuwana wrote the book for those who serve in helping professions, such as life coaches, chief happiness officers, directors of human services, and other types of administrators, policymakers and researchers who are involved in the “business” of human happiness.

The book also guides happiness coaches, as it offers a strong theoretical basis and firm practical structure for happiness coaching, which currently lacks existing guidelines.

The idea of the Personal Happiness Index began in 1982 when Dr. Obayuwana was developing the Hope Index Scale (HIS) to measure human hope and prevent suicide. That scale became adopted by The Coca-Cola Company, General Motors, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and academic institutions across the globe.

In addition to the book, Dr. Obayuwana is available to discuss related topics such as why children are happier than adults, how or why achievements make people happy, and why there’s still lingering unhappiness from the pandemic.

Alphonsus Obayuwana, MD, PhD, CPC, is a physician-scientist, a happiness coach, and the founder and CEO of Triple-H Project LLC, an entity that trains and certifies happiness coaches. He is a Literary Titan Gold Award-winning author who has published several peer-reviewed articles in national medical journals about human hope and happiness, including The Hope Index Scale that became widely used at the Coca-Cola Company, General Motors, the Veterans Administration, and many academic institutions inside and outside the United States. After 30 years of relentless research on human hope and happiness, he successfully derived the Triple-H Equation that is at the core of his latest book, The Happiness Formula.

Throughout his faculty tenures at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine, and University of Toledo, he has taught and mentored medical students, resident physicians, nurses, and fellows in the art and science of caring and promoting happiness for themselves and their patients. Dr. Obayuwana is also a retired major in the United States Air Force (Reserve). He is married to Ann Louis, his wife of 47 years. Together, they have two sons and three granddaughters. For recreation, he loves walking, reading, listening to music, and playing on his drum set.    

Further Information

Available to purchase on  Barnes & Noble, and Books-a-Million





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About Mike Howell

Co-founder of Positive Health magazine.

  • Brief Takes Issue 299


    Why Sports – A Healthier Britain Conference

    Get Active for a Healthier Britain Conference – 4th March 2025, One Birdcage Walk, Westminster, London. Be Part of the Change for a Healthier and Happier Britain. Stephanie Peacock, the newly appointed Sports Minister, will deliver the keynote presentation at the Get Active for a Healthier Britain Conference.  By attending, you’ll gain: Expert insights on national and local government wellbeing strategies;  Actionable solutions to address health inequalities;  Networking opportunities with over 250 sector professionals.

    Further Information:  Register


    Human Givens College – Join us Next Year in BRISTOL

    Add powerful new skills and the latest research insights to your toolbox at our events in Bristol next year. These in-person workshops give you essential knowledge and life-changing skills that will make your work easier and increase your ability to help people overcome difficulties in their lives...Dealing with Conflict Monday 3rd Feb 2025; The Therapeutic Power of Language Tues 4th & Wed 5th Feb 2025; How to Tell Stories that Heal  Thurs 6 Feb 2025; How to Control Chronic Anxiety Mon 3rd March 2025;

    Further Information: Contact us at Tel: +44 (0)1323 811690;


    2025 Intentions at Hawkwood

    At Hawkwood, we offer a diverse range of courses to help develop your practices to support and nurture your wellbeing. Starting in January, The How of Happiness with Miriam Akhtar Friday 17 – Sunday 19 Jan 2025 invites you to take a journey into positive psychology, and our popular Finding Quiet Strength with Judith Kleinman Friday 24th – Sunday 26th Jan 2025 course will help you ease into a new year by nurturing awareness, balance and calm. We are also thrilled to announce that our highly sought-after Gong Master Training course in August is now open for bookings. Hawkwood is also available for hire for your Christmas party, company away day, or cosy festive lunch! Festive Season

    Further Information: For more information please contact Hawkwood on Tel: 01453 759 034;


    The Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation

    The Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation has been educating you about all the ways that you can benefit from The Gonzalez Protocol®. We are pleased to have new prospective patients applying to meet with a Gonzalez Guardian Doctor. We love informing people like yourself about nutrition, detoxification, supplementation and spirituality through our webinars and online programs. 99% of the health information we offer is freely available on our website. We hope to be able to continue offering this type of content. Through education, we want to reach people earlier in their health decision making process. 

    Further Information: Mary Beth Gonzalez  Please Donate


    Alzheimer's Diagnostic Blood Test Now Available in the UK

    Advance Tests, a pioneer in advanced diagnostics, today announced the exclusive UK launch of LucentAD Complete, a multi-marker blood test that provides highly accurate risk classification for amyloid pathology associated with Alzheimer’s Disease. Developed by Lucent Diagnostics, a commercial brand of Quanterix Corporation, this breakthrough diagnostic test combines several Alzheimer’s-related biomarkers, including p-Tau 217, to enhance early detection in patients with cognitive symptoms. The LucentAD Complete test utilizes p-Tau 217 along with additional biomarkers – Aβ42/40, GFAP, and NfL – to improve amyloid detection over single biomarker tests, delivering a result that either rules in or rules out amyloid pathology for approximately 90% of cases.

    Further Information: For more information contact Stephen Simpson on Tel: 07792767529; or  visit


    Better Health Alaska's New Massage Therapist

    Better Health Alaska Chiropractors offer a wide range of services including chiropractic care, physical therapy, massage therapy, and other medical services such as trigger point therapy. The latest addition to our team is Licensed Massage Therapist, Daniel Parker. Born and raised in Alaska, Daniel's passion for adventure and love for his community has led him to the healing arts as a means of helping others. With experience in conscious movement and martial arts such as Tai Chi, Qigong, Fire Spinning, and Kung-Fu, Daniel brings a unique perspective to his massage practice. He specializes in Swedish massage, deep tissue and light touch techniques, Thai massage, acupressure, Reiki, tuning fork therapy, cupping, and gua’sha  all aimed at creating a deeply therapeutic and relaxing experience for his clients.

    Further Information: Please get in touch on Tel: +1 907-258-5255,


    Amchara Health – Top 5 Nutrient-Packed Winter Vegetables

    Eating seasonally not only reduces reliance on imported produce from across the world, but also enhances the variety of nutrient intake. Most winter vegetables provide a significant source of vitamins C and K, as well as minerals such as potassium and manganese. These can have profound effects on your health during the winter months, a time during which overall health and wellbeing can often slip. Top 5 Nutrient-Packed Winter Vegetables; 11 Ways To Cleanse & Support Your Kidney Health; Is It Time for a Dopamine Detox: Amchara Special Offers;

    Further Information: Tel: 01823 213111;


    Mind Body Soul Experience  - 2025 Tickets Now on Sale – 2 for 1 Offer

    Mind Body Soul Experience is returning to Alexandra Palace: 17, 18, 19  October 2025. 2025 Tickets Now On Sale  Early Bird Offer – Buy 2 for 1 Tickets Now. Tickets include FREE entry to OM Yoga Show which is taking place over the same weekend at Alexandra Palace. Children under 16 can enter for FREE when accompanied with an adult.

    Further Information:  Please contact Claire on Tel: 01787 220650;


    Healthy Bones on a Plant-Based Diet?

    Can you have healthy bones while following a diet of mostly, or entirely plants? Is lower bone density an inescapable price even young people must pay for choosing plant foods? Dr Laura, a specialist in precision medicine for bone health, hears these questions from patients and colleagues who cite studies showing that as a group, vegetarians and vegans can have lower bone density than do people who eat animal food. Through her clinic and her new book, The Healthy Bones Plant-Based Nutrition Plan and Cookbook, Dr. Kelly puts these questions to rest, offering readers the same expert guidance she provides to her patients who are on a plant-forward or vegetarian diet, ensuring they have a plan to meet their nutritional needs for healthy bones or working toward reversal of bone loss.

    Further Information: Please contact Rosie Baldwin on Tel: +44 (0)7481 230669; Available on and  Chelsea Green Publishing


    The Importance of Vitamin D3 and K2

    Natural peppermint flavoured Vitamin D3 & K2 Oral Spray by BetterYou. As women reach midlife, particularly those entering perimenopause and menopause, nutrient absorption decreases, and deficiencies in crucial vitamins can have a long-term impact on well-being. Two of the most overlooked nutrients in this demographic are Vitamin D3 and K2. Multiple studies have also referenced the importance of vitamin D3 and K2 for women’s health: Bone Health. Vitamin D3 helps regulate calcium levels, vital for bone density, especially as women face a greater risk of osteoporosis after 40.  Heart Health. Research shows Vitamin K2 activates proteins that prevent calcium from being deposited in arteries, a key factor in preventing heart disease. Immune Function. Vitamin D3 is well-known for boosting the immune system, reducing inflammation, and lowering the risk of infections.

    Further Information: Please contact or Available from  Amazon, Boots, Holland & Barrett and independent health stores and pharmacies.


    Five Tips for Improving Male Mental Health

    Movember is an annual campaign focused on raising awareness of men's health, including mental health and suicide prevention. While growing a moustache is often the face of the movement, its aim is to encourage positive actions to support men's wellbeing. Living a healthy lifestyle, staying socially connected, and planning things to look forward to are key ways men can improve their mental health this Movember.  Simple actions like a 30-minute walk, a daily check-in with a friend, or planning an enjoyable activity can boost wellbeing; Mental exercises like journaling and meditation help men de-stress and refresh their minds, promoting mental clarity and emotional wellbeing.

    Further Information: Please contact Rebecca Devlin-McGurk on Tel:  +44 208 050 0054; 


    Buteyko Method Training in London Jan 2025

    Patrick McKeown, the world’s leading authority on the Buteyko Breathing Method, is delivering a 3-day in-person training at Lauderdale House in Highgate Hill London, N6 5HG. The training takes place from 16-18 January 2025, from 9.30am-5pm daily and includes training with Patrick McKeown, copy of the Buteyko Method Manual, support, Certificate in the Buteyko Method (CertBBM) training and more.

    Further Information: For details and to book, please contact Buteyko Clinic via  Tel: +353 91 335536;   Buteyko Clinic International 


    Winter On Its way! Time to Boost Your Immunity

    Stay strong this winter! Protect your health with our Immune Boost Pack – the ultimate defence against winter colds. For just £40.75, get a 4-month supply of essential immunity-boosting supplements, including: Vitamin D Drops; Vitamin C Capsules; Zinc Capsules. Don’t wait until it’s too late – prepare your immune system now and enjoy a healthy season ahead!

    Further Information: Please contact us via Tel: 01764 662111;

    Stay strong this winter! 


    Natural Solutions to Prevent and Combat Head Lice

    Natural remedies can be just as effective in both preventing and treating head lice. Essential oils like eucalyptus have been shown to help repel lice, while blends of plant oils, including sweet almond, calophyllum, coconut, jojoba, castor, and sunflower, can help eliminate them. According to a research poll, 52% of parents admitted that their children get more stressed and anxious, while almost half of kids (47%) fear being teased, all thanks to head lice.  That’s according to a real-world research survey commissioned by Puressentiel – - the brains behind the evidence backed plant-based health products for everyday wellness needs. Puressentiel have two products which are clinically proven to treat lice within minutes naturally.  Containing natural ingredients, their Lice Repellent Spray and Head Lice Treatment Lotion with Comb, is an effective and convenient treatment for busy families.

    Further Information: Please visit


    Natural Remedy to Ease Menopausal Anxiety

    Research reveals that 98% of women report feelings of anxiety during the menopause and perimenopause, and that 61% of these women have been recommended anti-depressants to treat their anxiety. A study conducted by Anxiety UK and Kalms Herbal Remedies has revealed an overwhelming association between the menopause, perimenopause, and symptoms of anxiety. 85% of women surveyed believe that their anxiety was triggered by the menopause and an alarming 61% of these women have been recommended anti-depressants as a result. More than 15 clinical trials show that Lavender oil is effective at reducing the psychological and physical symptoms of anxiety. The anxiety-relieving effects of uniquely prepared, pharmaceutical quality lavender oil are available, only in Kalms Lavender One-A-Day Capsules.

    Further Information: Kalms is available to buy instore and online at supermarkets and pharmacies nationwide and online retailers such as Amazon. For further information visit and Amazon

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