Articles: editorial

Below are the articles associated with this topic. Click on a title to read one.

  1. Editorial Issue 59

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    I place a great deal of importance upon the integrity and reliability of the source of critical information, particularly when it may impact upon my health and wellbeing.

  2. Editorial Issue 62

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    The origins of numerous effective therapies and treatments often arise from the desperate search for relief of sufferers of devastating illnesses. In this age of evidence-based med...

  3. Editorial Issue 65

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    We in the UK have been forced to witness with numbing incredulity the slaughter of millions of healthy livestock and other animals, due to apparent scientific incompetence and bure...

  4. Editorial Issue 68

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    As individuals, how we choose to support causes, complementary medicine in particular, may literally save our lives.As eloquently discussed by Dorothy Rowe Ph.D., we typically take...

  5. Editorial Issue 71

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    Robert Charman (see Letters) has got it absolutely right. Looking at the recent BBC1 series Living with Cancer, Monday evenings at 10.35pm, one might get the impression that all th...

  6. Editorial Issue 74

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    The current healthcare system is light years from being integrated, vis à vis Orthodox and Complementary disciplines. This can be exemplified by reading comments from some of the l...

  7. Editorial Issue 77

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    When I recently received The British Association of Flower Essences Producers' newsletter advising that Flower Essences may come under the aegis of the Traditional Herbal Medicines...

  8. Editorial Issue 80

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    When I originally started Positive Health some nine years ago, my motivation was to provide authoritative clinical and research information about complementary medicine to people w...

  9. Editorial Issue 83

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    The old saying 'plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose' is a time-honoured truism with both positive and negative attributes.

  10. Editorial Issue 86

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    I get extremely irritated, in fact infuriated, at the constant derisory carping and criticism about complementary therapies appearing in the print, electronic and broadcast media.<...

  11. Editorial Issue 89

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    Those of us who wish to protect our health and that of our families and patients are definitely on a collision course with the 'Big Brother' authorities – multinational pharmaceuti...

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Dr S Goodman Nutrition and Cancer Book

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