Articles: dna gene expression

Below are the articles associated with this topic. Click on a title to read one.

  1. The Sequence Specific Homeopathic DNA Remedy System Responds to Discovery of New Form of Asthma

    by Dr Peter Kay and Saqib Rashid

    It has long been recognized that asthma is caused by an inflammatory response to allergens in the airways. This form of asthma can be treated by suppression of the inflammatory resp...

  2. Toward a Unified Theory of Evolution

    by David E Marsh

    This is a story of the quest to understand evolution. During the last three centuries, with increasing knowledge, research has led us from Lamarck, with his theory of the Inheritan...

  3. Wave Genetics as Developed by the Late Professor Peter Gariaev

    by Roger S Meacock

    Few scientists have contributed so much to a single field as Professor Peter Gariaev PhD has done to revolutionize our understanding of DNA. He is maybe best known for his discovery...

  4. Wired Grandeur – Fixing the Faulty Gene

    by Rajgopal Nidamboor

    Our memories in the future may emerge in the form of a pill — a pill that expands our ‘normal’ memory. Such a pill, ‘in the works,’ has already been used in patients with memory los...

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