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Articles: letters to the editor
Below are the articles associated with this topic. Click on a title to read one.
Letters to the Editor Issue 138
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US FDA Announces Plan To Eliminate Vitamin Companies
Letters to the Editor Issue 139
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Appreciation for Beata Bishop’s Columns + NICE Guidelines for ME + Early Cancer Screening Detection Myth
Letters to the Editor Issue 140
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General Medical Council (GMC) Clears Dr Jayne Donegan of Professional Misconduct + Reader’s Feelings about Positive Health (PH) + Correspondence re CFS/ME between Nancy Blake and D...
Letters to the Editor Issue 141
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The Great EMF Exposure Guidelines Fiasco + The ME/CFS Debate Continues between Nancy Blake and Dr Shenahan Dept of Health + Dr Shanahan dhmail@dh.gsi.gov.uk replies
Letters to the Editor Issue 142
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Obituary: Canon Christopher Pilkington – 1923-2007 + Ernst Report ‘Essentially Flawed’ Say Herbal Experts + Comment: Attack on Herbal Medicine by Prof Ernst and Colleagues + Why C...
Letters to the Editor Issue 143
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Organic Food Really IS Better for You + Statin Drugs, Liver Injury, and Cancer: Is There A Connection?
Letters to the Editor Issue 144
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Pesticides on Fruit and Vegetables + Codex Moves Closer To Eu Blueprint
Letters to the Editor Issue 145
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Reply to PH Editorial: Regulation of Complementary Healthcare + Response to FIH from GRCCT + Self Healing Colitis & Crohn’s + Vitamins Cure Skin Conditions + Nutritional Medici...
Letters to the Editor Issue 146
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Bircher-Benner Raw Food Pioneer + Fruit Consumption may Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk + BBC Health Website Deletes Complementary Medicine + Codex Alimentarius: The UN/EU Plan to Destroy ...
Letters to the Editor Issue 147
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Urgent Appeal: Please Help Steven and Ondrea Levine + Biodynamic Products Under Attack: New European Laws Affecting Weleda And Wala + Correspondence Regarding CAM Material Removed ...
Letters to the Editor Issue 148
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Cochrane Review Of Antioxidant Supplements In Prevention Of Mortality + Antioxidant Supplements and Mortality – Research Critique
Letters to the Editor Issue 149
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Federal Regulation – To Be Or Not To Be + Canada’s Natural Health Products At Risk: Help Stop Bills C-51, C-52 and the Drug Class Natural Health Products Regulations + Treatment of...
Letters to the Editor Issue 150
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Conservatives are Angry and Resigning from the Party over Bills C 51 and C 52 + Immediate Action Needed Bills C-51 & 52 + Committees of the House Mr James Rajotte (Edmonton Led...
Letters to the Editor Issue 151
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Trial Evaluating B Vitamins in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease + Drug Company Propaganda on AOL's Health Page + Study Fails To Clear MMR/Autism Link + Study Dispels Link Betwe...
Letters to the Editor Issue 152
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Most Cancer Patients Eating Wrong: Hot Dogs Promote Cancer; Vitamins Prevent Cancer + Chemotherapy Doesn't Work, So Blame Vitamin C + Antibiotics Put 142,000 Into Emergency Rooms ...
Letters to the Editor Issue 153
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Lancet Homeopathy Reviews Seriously Flawed + Vitamin C Slows Cancer Down and Can Reverse It as Well + Claims that Statins Lower Heart Attack Risk Misleading
Letters to the Editor Issue 154
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Key Mechanism behind Cancer Spread is Explained + High Doses of Vitamins Fight Alzheimer's Disease + Vitamin E Prevents Lung Cancer
Letters to the Editor Issue 155
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GRCCT Comment: CnHC Register for Massage and Nutritional Therapists Launch + Toothpaste Toxin in Food Supplements Triggers ANH Call for Inquiry
Letters to the Editor Issue 156
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Pomegranate Juice for Chemoprevention and Chemotherapy of Prostate Cancer [CaP] + Exposing Health Canada – Dr Shiv Chopra's book – Corrupt To The Core ... + Women's Multivitamin St...
Letters to the Editor Issue 157
by Letters
The Case Against Fluoridation: Statement By Dr Hardy Limeback