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About Alison Demarco
![Alison Demarco [Image: Alison Demarco]](/img/original/AuthorAvatar/3952.800b9f3651c169538981399efc6960ea.jpg)
Alison Demarco is a Colour Therapist, Kirlian and Energy Practitioner, NLP Practitioner and Self-development Expert and Life Coach, Psychic/Clairvoyant, Visionary, and Author. As a specialist in the language of colour, Alison uses colour to tune into and uncover the root cause and issues that are holding her clients back from being ‘in their element ‘and offers them the ‘how to’ lead a happy, successful life. Alison is one of the world’s fastest and most accurate personality, and temperament assessors. Having been deemed by some experts as the world’s #1 Spiritual Guide and Visionary due to her ability to read people and their lives as if they are an open book. She is the author of Dark Storm Golden Journey, The Signature From Tibet, Lomond’s Awakening and Own Your Power Cards.
Alison has been seen and heard on BBC TV, ITV Lorraine Kelly Morning Show, Channel 5, House Busters with Russel Grant, Radio, and featured in the National & International Media. Alison offers Guidance and Support in the workplace, and uses a colourful Team Building System to understand personality & temperament thus creating balance and harmony for the team members. As an experienced and entertaining speaker and lecturer, Alison runs workshops worldwide, offers numerous self-development webinars, & Private Spiritual & Self- Revealing Readings, as well as facilitating her accredited Colour Therapy/Colour Language and Personal Assessment & Face Reading/Temperament Courses. Alison may be contacted on Tel: 07716 669 566; alisondemarco646@gmail.com www.facebook.com/power2beyou/ www.alisondemarco.com
Articles by Alison Demarco
Colour Therapy for Anorexia and Depression
Listed in light and colour
Alison studied colour therapy with Vicky Wall and created her own colour system – the Colour Profile Analysis System. This includes Alison work with Harry Oldfield and electr...
Listed in psychospiritual
Without LIGHT, there would be no life as we know it today. Light contains information, energy, frequency, vibration, colour, sound and matter. We transmit light waves, and we rece...