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About Barbara Payne
![Barbara Payne [Image: Barbara Payne]](/img/original/AuthorAvatar/224.33a17ba85b99f4c5657385116c9da2ba.jpg)
Barbara Payne taught clinical aromatherapy in various hospitals in the North of England, for School of Health, University of Hull, and was principal of an IFA and IFPA accredited college of clinical aromatherapy, for many years. She served as an inspector and examiner and was Chair of Education for the ISPA, (now IFPA). Barbara had regular interviews with BBC radio and appeared on national television occasionally and lectured annually for the RHS. Having contributed to Positive Health over many years, Barbara has now decided to retire from her PH Expert Regular Column after Issue 154 in Jan 2009. She can be reached on Tel: 01482 835358; barbara@payne56.karoo.co.uk
Articles by Barbara Payne
Listed in aromatherapy
From time to time you may have seen a product which seems to bear a variety of names such as hydrolat, hydrosol, floral water, distillate, and aromatic water, to name but a few and ...
Listed in cancer
My once size ten, shapely body achieved through exercise and weight training, had ballooned into a size twenty two and for some obscure reason my feet and hands were getting bigger ...
Tisanes and their use for minor ailments
Listed in herbal medicine
The art of making tisanes is a very ancient, (documentation goes as far back as Anglo Saxon times in Britain), and a beneficial way of helping to alleviate minor ailments which pres...
Use The Dark Days To Lighten Up
Listed in aromatherapy
Barbara Payne points out how outside influences and emotional ups and downs create chemical changes within, which in turn affect the way we feel and ultimately define our health sta...
High Summer - A Time to Recoup and Restore
Listed in aromatherapy
Although we all look forward to warm summer days, we can various problems associated with the summer season. Aromatherapist Barbara Payne outlines some useful coping strategies to m...
Aromatherapy and Flower Posies - Two Healing Supports
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Holistic aromatherapist, Barbara Payne, highlights how aromatherapy and flower posies can be used as healing aids during the busy spring fever time of year, when we become particula...
Listed in aromatherapy
Aromatherapist Barbara Payne looks at the uplifting and reviving essential oils that reflect the vibrancy of the autumn season and which can help to ward off viruses.
Summer - And Its Aromatic Bounties
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Barbara Payne describes the many different ways we can enjoy aromatic summer herbs, fruits and flowers, not simply by inhaling their beautiful aromas as they grow in our gardens or ...
Spring - A Time of Regeneration and Rebirth
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This article provides a stimulus for initiating change in our lives. Just as we nourish seeds and young plants in spring, we all need to learn how to nourish ourselves, regenerate o...
Are You Ready to Spring Forward?
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Regular columnist and aromatherapist Barbara Payne reminds us that Spring is the time of year to nurture our integument system - the skin, nails and hair - which we have probably ov...
Lavender - Summer's Precious Jewel
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Lavender has been celebrated for thousands of years by various civilisations. There are different species and colours, all with a strong floral aroma, and it is easy to grow. Lavend...
Listed in aromatherapy
Regular columnist Barbara Payne says that the days of November and December are ideal for making gifts from your garden and your stock of essential oils and herbs. She presents thre...
Listed in aromatherapy
Barbara Payne discusses the value of Rosemary as one of the joys of spring. It makes one feel mentally and physically on top of the world. As an evergreen it remains unchanged throu...
Fennel, the Roman Candle of Autumn
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Fennel is a fernlike hardy perennial that grows well in UK gardens from early spring to late autumn. It has been known about for centuries. Roman soldiers used to carry its seeds to...
Herbal Essential Oils For Winter Cheer
Listed in herbal medicine
Barbara Payne shares her love for nature by growing herbs and organising botany sessions in her garden. Now with winter fast approaching, and forced to spend more time indoors, she ...
Blossom Oils For Blooming Summer
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With summer almost upon us, the author focuses on sweet summer fragrances such as rose blooms in the garden and aromatherapy oils. She says that through the sense of smell we can ac...
Reaping the Bounties of Autumn
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In this Expert Column the author offers some comforting solutions from garden blooms of fruits and herbs to please the senses as the days get shorter and cooler. She says those with...
Early Spring - Give Yourself The 'Gift' Of An Hour
Listed in aromatherapy
Barbara Payne, a PH Expert Regular Columnist, encourages us to take just an hour of our time and use it in the garden. At this time of the year, she tells us, you can catch a glimps...
The Pleasant Pastime of Growing Herbs
Listed in herbal medicine
Barbara Payne describes how herbs are low maintenance, beautiful and useful and can be taken as remedies for simple things like upset stomach (in the form of peppermint tea) and hea...
Enjoy Winter With Plants and Aromatherapy
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Evergreen plants, this time of the year, are wonderful for their colour and smell. Herbs such as rosemary, myrtle and bay make beautiful displays. Primula or brightly coloured polya...
Appreciating Spring-Time and Its Uplifting Attributes
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Spring is the time when we all can benefit from longer and lighter days, bird song, warmer temperatures. Even in the city, we see flowering trees and shrubs in public areas. If we h...
Herbal Beauties in Late Summer
Listed in herbal medicine
In this column the author shares tips on how to keep gardens looking pretty, with Aromatherapy Fragrances, in a shabby-chic kind of way in the late summer, a season when most people...
The Recuperative Power of Plants
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This column looks at the recuperative power of plants damaged by floods in the author Aromatherapy Fragrance Garden.
Listed in aromatherapy
This column focuses on the extra little things one can do to make life more enjoyable in summer, with flowers, herbs and gardens. The author suggests collecting seeds and wrapping t...
Use Essential Oils to Change Your Mood and Make the Most of Every Minute
Listed in aromatherapy
Barbara Paynes final Expert Column prior to her retirement from PH, she finds powerful, yet tangible ways in which we can search for balance in our busy lives. Essential oils and es...