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About Beata Bishop
![Beata Bishop [Image: Beata Bishop]](/img/original/AuthorAvatar/256.bc0bca7692632fe4498aa515b144d48b.jpg)
Beata Bishop is a writer, lecturer and psychotherapist in private practice, working along Jungian and transpersonal lines. Her special interests include the role of the spiritual dimension in all kinds of healing, and the body-mind link in sickness and health. Her book, A Time to Heal (First Stone Publishing, 2010), describes her journey from life-threatening cancer to robust health using an unorthodox nutritional therapy. She can be contacted on e-mail: beatabishop@fastnet.co.uk.
Articles by Beata Bishop
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
Beata Bishop investigates the role of faith in self-healing. Though we live in an age of miracle drugs, researchers into Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) have found that positive thinkin...
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
Beata Bishop uses two powerful examples to demonstrate how we all need to establish our autonomy and ensure that we march to our own drumbeat rather than being overwhelmed by the in...
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
Beata Bishop uses the image of a hamster on a wheel, climbing endlessly and getting nowhere, to symbolize the pitfalls of circular thinking. She comments how it is usually based on...
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
Beata Bishop points out that noise has become an increasing part of society today, particularly for young people; silence is scary and needs to be filled. Yet this silence is essent...
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
Beata Bishop highlights a major theme in the world - the blame culture, and from her own observations of society and in her psychotherapy practice she illustrates how blaming has be...
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
Beata Bishop draws on her own experiences of dealing with cancer 20 years ago to explain the dangers of either-or thinking in ones approach to healing.
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
Beata Bishop draws on her experiences as a psychotherapist, and highlights the fact that an increasingly common factor behind client anxieties and problems is a sense of isolation a...
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
Beata Bishop uncovers some of the hidden dictators of today - not recognizable tyrants such as Attila the Hun and Hitler, whose power was limited geographically, by the passing of t...
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
The author of this short article, a psychotherapist who works along Jungian and transpersonal lines, gives a brief insight into the causes and negative effects of CatEx, or catastro...
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
Regular contributor Beta Bishop discusses the hanging-on versus letting-go conflict, which operates powerfully over all age groups and can cause real problems. She says our personal...
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
Beata Bishop gives us examples of how people become fixed in rigid habit patterns. She says the key words to listen out for are always and never. People who say they always do somet...
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
Beata Bishop is a psychotherapist who has to treat many patients who are suffering from wake-up calls in the form of unexpected redundancy, relationship break-ups, serious illnesses...
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
It is possible to get addicted to anything, not only alcohol, drugs, tobacco. A middle-aged man is reported to have got hooked on cough remedy. The author saw a woman popping throat...
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
The author takes a stab at the commercial world key word -easy- to advertise products from bestselling books (easy to read), garments in fashion catalogues (easy to wear) and latest...
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
This Column gets into laughter and its power to heal. Humans are probably the only creatures for whom laughter is the greatest and most necessary free spice of life, says the author...
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
According to the author, risk-taking is part of the inner journey and a life without risks lacks colour, zest, adventure and eventually results in an overdose of boredom. Without ri...
The Role of the Transpersonal Dimension in Life-Threatening Illness
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
This article focuses on Transpersonal Psychology which is based on the work of Carl Jung, Roberto Assagioli, Abraham Maslow and their successors. It combines the traditions of weste...
Listed in depression
Beata Bishop takes a look at how people who suffer from depression are treated by doctors. She talks about the way in which few doctors attempt to uncover the cause of the problem i...
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
The author was inspired to write this column after reading a small news item on how many parents do not talk to their young children at all, and as a result these kids are barely ab...
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
This column focuses on the Assumption Trap, a powerful fallacy that makes us reach cast-iron conclusions about a person or situation, without testing what the reality might be.
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
Curiosity: from Latin curiosus. meaning inquisitive or assiduous. It is a great gift of mankind, driving creativity and inventiveness, art and science.
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
The author looks into the psyche of people, and how they create the world they live in. Having worked with a variety of clients over the years, she says she has noticed how some of ...
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
This feature addresses the issue of our lack of energy which can lead to a lack of action, lethargy and general disinterest. The author talks about some of the great talents of this...
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
In this column the author discusses our dependency on electricity, following a sudden power cut in her area. What would it be like, she wondered, if - as is happening in many parts ...
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
In this column the author discusses solitude as she wonders whether all the noise and chatter that most people create around them is to help them feel connected and un-alone. She ex...
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
The focus of the article is the prevalence of symptomatic treatment instead of an attempt to identify the root causes of our problems, and do something about them. This attitude is ...
Listed in psychospiritual
We are about to enter the age of Aquarius, the water bearer. The author notes that in astrology, he is an Air sign, but is seen pouring water onto the parched earth, both being fem...
Listed in holistic psychotherapy
The experience of finding a quick solution to a problem by looking at it from a slightly different viewpoint flashes through my mind every time a client or a friend complains about ...