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About Celia Wright
![Celia Wright [Image: Celia Wright]](/img/original/AuthorAvatar/1503.8331f51f70711321abeb0b3046f2f07d.jpg)
Celia Ann Zoe Wright 1943-2009 while studying Maths at University, discovered that Maths was not the beautiful, contemplative study she had imagined, and worked at several jobs before going back to study Psychology, combining this with a business in antiques and a busy life with friends in London. In 1975 Celia met Brian Wright, and they married in 1976, forming a strong, dynamic and loving couple who spent 34 years working, playing, meditating, and enjoying a very full life together.
By 1979, they had discovered a deep interest in natural health, based on nutrition, and their studies and business instincts led them to begin their first nutrition company, with a new range of good quality supplements, and the first generation of trainings and information. Celia discovered her talent for writing wonderfully accessible and informative articles, which appeared in leading magazines over the next decade, and drew many readers into an understanding of how they could nurture their own health and energy through nutrition. She also produced The Wright Diet, and several booklets, and gave countless people advice that turned around their health. Meanwhile, they built a small, but perfectly formed business, based on the highest principles of service and quality. In 1989, they passed the business on, and in 1993, they set up Higher Nature, with similar principles of making the very best products available, together with service to customers, employees, and for the general good.
In October 2008, Celia was discovered to have a benign brain tumour. There was no choice but to have surgery, and she had the operation to remove it in early December. Following successful removal, there were complications which resulted in damage to her frontal lobes. However, Celia was very much herself, and showed a lot of affection. On the 24th February she had a relatively routine operation. Tragically, she sustained severe neurological damage from which she did not recover.
If you would like to make a donation in Celia's name, please send a cheque made payable to the charity of your choice to: C Waterhouse and Sons, High Street, Burwash, TN19 7ET.
Celia's Favourite Charities
Green Light Trust – working with children and communities to create UK forest environments, rich in wildlife and linked to global rainforest projects.
The Meridian Trust – preserving the Buddhist culture through film and video, particularly where threatened by political oppression.
Cats Protection
Articles by Celia Wright
Listed in women's health
There are few women who would turn down the chance to look and feel younger if a magic pill were offered. But is HRT really such an elixir, or could it actually shorten life? New ev...
Food Allergy Testing - The Future
Listed in allergy testing
In 1994 a two and a half year old child was brought to see a Dr. Grant Born in Grand Rapids. The child had already seen many physicians. The boy appeared in the office as a very mal...
Book reviews by Celia Wright
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