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About Christopher Paul Jones
![Christopher Paul Jones [Image: Christopher Paul Jones]](/img/original/AuthorAvatar/3424.7c7936832939ca988bb33a94455c73d0.jpg)
Christopher Paul Jones Certified Trainer NLP, Master Practitioner NLP, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), aka The Breakthrough Expert, is a therapist based in Harley Street who specialises in helping people let go of their fears, anxieties and even their phobias; from a fear of public speaking to anxieties around work, Christopher has helped 100s of people ‘let go’ and get their lives back. He even cured his own morbid fear flying, to the extent he was able to take a sightseeing flight through the Pyrenees – strapped to the OUTSIDE of a helicopter! For contact and more information please visit http://christopherpauljones.net
Tweets by @breakthruexpert
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ChristopherPaulJonesTheBreakthroughExpert/
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/christopherpauljones?trk=hp-identity-name
YouTube: www.breakthroughexperttv.com
Articles by Christopher Paul Jones
Get Over Your Fear of Flying - in Seven Easy Steps
Listed in nlp
According to statistics, one in four people have a phobia of flying. However, the causes vary from one person to the next. For some it is a fear of heights, for others claustrophobi...
How to Cope with the Stress of City Living
Listed in nlp
You navigate rush hour to play that cosy game of sardines on the train every morning. You dodge the tourist that’s standing on the wrong side on the escalator, and if you stop to c...
Game of Thrones - Who Needs Therapy when you have This?
Listed in nlp
As a Harley Street therapist, I have sat watching one of my favourite programs, Game of Thrones, and found that actually, not only is it really addictive to watch (and entertaining...
Fears of Loneliness; How Reaching out can Help Mental Health
Listed in depression
Loneliness is on the increase, and with the winter fast upon us, more and more of us (and not just the elderly) may be finding themselves caught in a world where they feel lost, al...
Suicide - Is It All in Your Mind?
Listed in depression
In this article, Harley Street therapist Christopher Paul Jones talks about Suicide and asks the questions, ‘is it all in your mind?’.
How to Handle Loneliness when Loneliness is on the Increase
Listed in mind matters
Loneliness is on the increase, and isn’t just related to the elderly. And the reasons behind the rise in loneliness, is actually really interesting. In this article, Harley Street t...
How to Make Anxiety Your Best Ally
Listed in anxiety
In this article Harley Street therapist Christopher Paul Jones talks about how anxiety doesn't have to be the enemy, and if reframed in a more positive way it can actually become yo...
Book reviews by Christopher Paul Jones
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