About Clare Maxwell-Hudson

[Image: Clare Maxwell-Hudson]

Clare Maxwell-Hudson is considered to be one of the most interesting and practical authorities and writers on massage alive today. She has achieved international recognition for her contribution to the health sciences. Her six best-selling books sell in their millions in 22 countries. Established in 1980 and situated in a quiet location off Baker Street in London's West End, her school The Clare Maxwell-Hudson School of Massage offers a wide range of courses with the best tuition available to prepare the student for a rewarding career in the fast growing field of complementary therapy. She can be contacted on Tel: 020 7724 7198; admin@cmhmassage.co.uk; www.cmhmassage.co.uk

Articles by Clare Maxwell-Hudson

  1. Nothing New Under The Sun

    Listed in massage

    Dr James Mennel, Head of the Department of Massage at St Thomas Hospital (London) early in the last century, first brought out his book on massage in 1934. In this, her first column...

  2. The Power Of Voluntary Work

    Listed in massage

    Regular contributor Clare Maxwell-Hudson shows how voluntary work has been a valuable part of societies all over the world. A large study in Michigan found that those who did volunt...

  3. Facing It

    Listed in massage

    Regular columnist Clare Maxwell-Hudson examines how face massage can be a powerful tool and that there is more to it than beauty. Applying sensitive touch to the face can overcome r...

Book reviews by Clare Maxwell-Hudson

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