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About Claudia Louch
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Claudia Louch BSc Hons MCPP MSc MPharm MNutr PGCert MBasl at the Natural Dermatology Clinic is a Health Scientist with a background in Advanced Dermatology Practice, Pharmacology, Allergology, Clinical Nutrition and Medicinal Plant Science. She specializes in: Skin Disease, Customised Botanical Cosmetics, Skin Cosmeceuticals, Allergies, Clinical Nutrition and Phytomedicine.
As a phytomedical practitioner and pharmacologist Claudia is able to formulate and issue her patients with unique customized plant based medicines for most conditions. Claudia has also her own range of medicinal plant based skin care products, which are completely preservative-free and do not contain chemicals such as paraben, sodium lauryl sulphate or titanium dioxide. Each of her skin care products is customized for her patients after a consultation. Claudia supports a wide range of skin conditions and customises anti-ageing and line prevention cosmeceuticals.
Claudia Louch at the Natural Dermatology Clinic, obtained a BSc Honours degree in Phytomedicine (Plant based Medicine) and is a fully registered member of the College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy. Claudia was offered a studentship/bursary by King's College London at the world renowned Guy's, King's and St Thomas School of Biomedical & Health Sciences, the Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, for a Masters Degree in conventional Drug Discovery. During this course she undertook her Masters Project at the Immuno-Pharmacology Department of a major Medicine Research Company in the UK.
Claudia continued her postgraduate research at King's College London at the School of Biomedical & Health Sciences and the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics to study for a second Masters Degree in Human Nutrition. Claudia developed a strong interest in childhood and adult obesity and patients with eating disorders during this time. Claudia continued her professional development at the University of Leeds whilst completing a course in Clinical Nutrition, approved by the British Dietetic Association. Claudia attended also postgraduate research course at Imperial College London in Gastrointestinal and Allergic Skin Diseases and also attended a postgraduate course in 'Advanced Dermatology Care' at King's College London.
Claudia founded the Natural Dermatology Clinic in 2005 and practises from her own clinic in Harley Street, London. Claudia Louch is a member of the following professional bodies: Nutrition Society UK, College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy, British Association for The Study Of The Liver, Royal Anthropological Institute, Member of the NHS Directory of C&A Practitioners, Recognized PruHealth and Cigna Health Provider. Please contact Claudia via info@claudialouch.com www.claudialouch.com/
Articles by Claudia Louch
Applied Phytomedicine Treatment for Herpes Zoster (Shingles)
Listed in herbal medicine
Herpes zoster is an acute neurodermic viral infection of the dorsal root ganglia of the spinal cord or the extramedullary cranial nerve ganglia. It is caused by the reactivation o...
Lichen Planus: A Disease Profile
Listed in skincare
This article gives a very detailed and technical account of the disease, Lichen Planus. There is controversy over what relationship there may be between hepatitis C virus (HCV) and ...
Childhood Obesity and Food Advertisements†
Listed in weight loss
Worldwide, over 22 million children under five are severely overweight. In the UK there are around 1 million obese children under 16 years of age. These soaring rates in obesity ha...
To What Extent is Weight Loss in Cancer Patients Attributable to Decreased Food Intake?
Listed in cancer
Debilitating weight-loss in cancer patients is part a syndrome known as cancer cachexia (CC), characterized by disease-induced starvation and wasting.
Natural Treatment Options for Acne Vulgaris
Listed in herbal medicine
Mild acne affects many teenagers at some point but also adults. Acne is a condition which can be effectively treated. In order to make most of the treatments available it is necessa...
Phytomedical Treatment of Eczema
Listed in skincare
The word eczema comes from the Greek word “ekzein” which means “to boil.” Eczema is a dry skin condition and highly individual in terms that it varies from person to person and come...
A Case Study of Tuberculosis - Addison’s Disease And Hypoglycaemia
Listed in infections and inflammation
Does the HIV / AIDs Pandemic Affect National and Household Level Food Security
Listed in immune function
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) pandemic, also known as acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), is a global crisis with consequences that will be felt for decades to come...
Are Phytochemicals the Future of Skin Protection from Ultraviolet Radiation?
Listed in skincare
Solar UVR is divided into three types of radiations: UVA (320-400 nm), UVB (290-320 nm), and UVC (200-290 nm). Different wavelengths and energy associated with UV subdivision corre...
Book reviews by Claudia Louch
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