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About Dr Angela Jones
![Dr Angela Jones [Image: Dr Angela Jones]](/img/original/AuthorAvatar/255.72d62c12d1d18cb1a2bf72e685312fd7.jpg)
Dr Angela Jones works in NHS general practice and also privately, using homeopathy alongside conventional medicine. Dr Jones can be contacted via the Faculty of Homeopathy on Tel: 020-7566 7800.
Articles by Dr Angela Jones
The Challenges Posed by Homeless People
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Up to 50% of homeless people suffer from major mental illness and the incidence among them of substance abuse, including alcohol and drugs, is almost 100%. Many are on the knife-edg...
Another Headache Solved With Homeopathy
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Homeopath Angela Jones presents a case study of a woman suffering from long-standing migraine, illustrating that perseverance is sometimes needed in finding the perfect homeopathic ...
Listed in dentistry
Homeopath Angela Jones shares her own experiences of a painful infected root canal which, after initial dental drilling, washing out and dressing, she successfully treated herself w...
Listed in homeopathy
Childhood eczema is an aggravating skin condition involving itching, bleeding and scratching, which is usually only controlled rather than cured with conventional treatments such as...
A Tricky Case of Eczema - or 'If at First You Don't Succeed...'
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The little boy developed eczema at the age of six months, initially inside the elbow and quickly spreading down to the wrists, onto the legs, and onto the face and behind the ears, ...
Isopathic Treatment of Rhinitis
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This regular column by Dr Angela Jones describes the homeopathic treatment prescribed for a teenage boy with persistent rhinitis, which caused chronic nasal obstruction, bouts of sn...
Treating Verrucas - to Burn or Not to Burn?
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The author presents a homeopathic approach to treating the viral condition of verrucas, or plantar warts, as an alternative to conventional treatment with freezing, burning, cutting...
Listed in fibromyalgia
This article presents a case study of a nurse who, in addition to degenerative arthritis of the spine as a result of a back injury which was being treated with pain management techn...
Listed in stress
Hypertension (high blood pressure) is the result of a combination of factors, such as inherited predisposition, unsuitable diet, kidney disease, pregnancy problems and stress. The a...
Listed in homeopathy
The author describes how, through homeopathy, she successfully treated a nine-year-old girl, Julia, who was displaying the physical symptoms of school phobia: daily headaches, week...
Another Headache Solved by Homeopathy
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Darren has migraine – or at least, he had migraines for the last five years. It had the typical features of associated nausea and dislike of the light, but no visual symptoms...
Listed in homeopathy
Among the most irritating and distressing of symptoms are those related to the ears, nose and throat (or ENT as they are known in the trade). Julia came to see me after suffering sy...
Lichen Planus Helped by Apis Mellifica
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This is an amazing story of how a notoriously stubborn skin condition has responded to the homeopathic medicine derived from the bee, Apis mellifica. The patient in question, Sharon...
Folliculinum in Prolonged Stress
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Those of you who read this column regularly may remember the case of Colin, a middle aged man with arthritis in the neck. He was experiencing severe depression due to an ongoing sit...
Homeopathic Help for the Menopause
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I have to admit that I was quite shocked and worried by Mary account of her menopause when she first came to see me. Seven years previously, she had been a fit and active forty one ...
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Fiona had finally had enough of her headaches. She had suffered with them for years and years and always took her maximum daily allowance of 8 co-codamol tablets. She described them...
The Power of Constitutional Medicine
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I have treated Elizabeth for over five years now, on an intermittent basis. She first came to see me for her arthritis, which was causing her absolute misery. It affected her chiefl...
A Case for Tarentula hispanica
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GP and homeopath, Dr Angela Jones, looks closely here at the case of one of her patients whose serious mental condition was finally brought under control by the medicine, Tarentula ...
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This article, by one of our regular feature writers, examines the case of Ann, who had been plagued by psoriasis for twenty years. Her body was marked by large, scaly patches of thi...
Listed in homeopathy
It is interesting to ponder on the statistics regarding depressive illness. 20 to 30% of the population are thought to suffer from symptoms of depression in the course of one year. ...
Listed in homeopathy
In her Case Study this month Dr Jones looks at several different issues in the case of a woman who had had serious surgery in the past and had got through it relatively easily. She ...
Listed in homeopathy
Conventional medicine does not have a successful treatment for eczema and when she started using homeopathy, Dr Jones was delighted to have a tool that could be effective in treatin...
Listed in women's health
In her column this month Dr Jones looks at a case that was uncannily typical of the remedy that she needed. The patient was menopausal symptoms, especially hot flushes withexperienc...
Listed in women's health
The patient in this case study had suffered from endometriosis and from bowel symptoms; however, it was her urinary symptoms that had brought her to seek the help of a homeopath.
Polymyalgia rheumatica succumbs again!
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Susan came to me eight months ago, more or less in despair. She had been diagnosed as suffering from polymyalgia rheumatica eighteen months beforehand. Her story started three years...
How can this be used as evidence?
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Simon did not feel well. He found it difficult to describe, to explain or quantify; he just did not feel well. He had felt like this on and off for almost as long as he could rememb...
Different Approach to Urinary Tract Infection
Listed in infections and inflammation
Melanie was a chronic cystitis sufferer. In previous years, she had always found Cantharis 6c very effective. She had chosen this with the help of a complementary self help guide on...
Unblocking a Nasal Allergy with Homoeopathy
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Susan always had a tendency to a blocked nose. It had become worse recently and was more obviously aggravated by exposure to house dust. Indeed, skin tests performed at the local ho...
Listed in homeopathy
Joan had suffered from ulcerative colitis for sixteen years when she came to see me. This particularly nasty bowel disease causes heavily blood-laden diarrhoea and can necessitate t...
Listed in homeopathy
As a general practitioner, I frequently have patients whose chief complaint is that they are tired all the time. As you can perhaps imagine, it is a symptom to strike horror into th...
Listed in colon health
Evelyn was referred to me by her general practitioner, who described, in his letter, a history of abdominal symptoms dating back over fifteen years. Furthermore, Evelyn and many mem...
Homoeopathic Dog's Milk for PMT
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Jane had always had premenstrual problems. As a teenager, she had been very tired and moody for a few days prior to her period; natural enough in an adolescent. However, after her t...
Treating Children with Homoeopathy
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Our children are our most treasured possessions, or should I say our most valued charges. It is the natural wish of a parent that their child should have the best of everything, inc...
A Case of Bloody Diarrhoea Responds to Homoeopathy
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Adam was in dire straits when he came to see me. He had been suffering from diarrhoea for nine months and was getting nowhere with conventional therapy.
Listed in women's health
Ellen had a miserable time with endometriosis for many years. She had been treated with danazol, then had difficulty conceiving, but eventually achieved pregnancy with the help of f...
Listed in homeopathy
Most doctors will admit that life events have an effect on health. It has been proven in studies that rates of illness increase after bereavement, divorce or other negative occurren...
Listed in heart
I have just heard about the death of one of my patients. Even homeopathy cannot prevent this inevitable event. Sarah was seventy-five, alert and active. She suffered a massive heart...
Success with Recurrent Viral Infections
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One of the areas where homeopathy has a useful role is in the management of nonspecific ill health, where a person feels generally unwell and is often prone to recurrent viral infec...
Listed in homeopathy
The name Eira means snow in Welsh. The brunette in front of me in my consulting room explained that she had had white hair as a baby, hence the appellation, which had subsequently b...
Listed in homeopathy
Hair loss is one of the most distressing symptoms a patient can have, not because of its life-threatening nature, but because the fear of baldness, and its accompanying social stigm...
Listed in homeopathy
One of the cruelest things about the skin condition, psoriasis, is that it can go on to cause a particularly destructive form of arthritis, known as psoriatic arthropathy.
Listed in skincare
Tim is forty eight years of age and a successful businessman. He came to see me a year ago having had problems with his feet for the previous eight years. After an episode of excess...
Listed in homeopathy
I have always thought of catarrh as being extremely unglamorous, as well as somewhat boring, from the medical point-of-view. As a general practitioner, there is not a lot that one c...
If at first you don't succeed...a case of hypertension and headache
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Marilyn came to see me with a two year history of raised blood pressure which had been successfully managed with a mild diuretic tablet. However, over the past six weeks she had beg...
Listed in homeopathy
One of the great strengths of homeopathy as a therapeutic tool is that it is ideally suited to the treatment of problems which cannot be given a medical diagnosis. The phrase - I am...
Listed in homeopathy
There are few things more irritating than a wart. Though seemingly trivial, they are unsightly and embarrassing. Conventional medicine has little to offer the sufferer - he can choo...
Listed in arthritis
I would like to share a recent case which came to me a few months ago and which has proceeded elegantly and fascinatingly so far. It concerns a charming self-employed bodywork thera...
Listed in homeopathy
Choosing a homeopathic medicine on the basis of a single keynote symptom is neither recommended nor reliable. However, there are instances when a keynote symptom can be an important...
Listed in anxiety
Like the majority of my patients, Lisa came to me because she had found that her doctors could not help her any further with her problems. Her story began the previous year when she...
Listed in anxiety
Anxiety afflicts us at all times. It is part of normal life, a natural sequel to caring and responsibility. Usually, we can overcome our anxieties and continue with our lives undaun...
Listed in homeopathy
This case is a success story where conventional treatment had failed to help the patient in any long term way.
Listed in ibs
It is difficult to be sure whether irritable bowel syndrome is becoming more common or whether it is simply becoming more readily recognised by both the medical fraternity and patie...
Osteoarthritis - a happy result!
Listed in arthritis
I was going to write about Irritable Bowel Syndrome this time. However, that will now have to wait. Instead, I feel that I must share my delight with you regarding a case which I fo...
Harnessing the power of a grain of sand - Case studies of silica
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One of the fascinations of homeopathy is the extraordinary power that is produced in otherwise inert and everyday substances, by the potentisation process.
Listed in homeopathy
This case, though not stunningly exciting, is none the less an important demonstration of how homeopathic treatment sometimes has to progress. One cannot always find THE REMEDY stra...
Case Studies on Homeopathy - Four Cases of Eczema
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Eczema is the external or skin manifestation of allergy and, as such, can often be influenced by dietary manipulation. This approach is fraught with difficulties and frustrations an...
Listed in homeopathy
One of the problems with being a homeopath is that, so often, patients approach you as a last resort. By the time they reach your door, they have explored many avenues both conventi...
Listed in asthma
Children are a joy to treat with homeopathy. Not only are their characteristics clearly and openly displayed in the consulting room; they also respond wonderfully well to the correc...
A GP Homoeopath's View Regarding Research
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This short article argues the case for research in homeopathy to ensure its survival as a therapy. The author, herself a GP homeopath, realises that colleagues, as well as the patie...
Book reviews by Dr Angela Jones
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