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About Dr Brian Isbell
![Dr Brian Isbell [Image: Dr Brian Isbell]](/img/original/AuthorAvatar/261.31b3194c5dad184a188bda5916576539.jpg)
Brian Isbell PhD BSc DO MRN is the Head of the Department of Chinese Medicine and Complementary Therapies in the School of Life Sciences at the University of Westminster. The current degree Scheme is the largest portfolio of complementary medicine courses in Europe.
Brian is an Osteopath, Naturopath and Cranial Therapist and has worked within the NHS and the University of Westminster's multidisciplinary Polyclinic for several years. Brian has taught biomedical sciences and complementary medicine for over 30 years. He may be contacted via isbellb@westminster.ac.uk
Articles by Dr Brian Isbell
The Importance of Professional Organizations in Integrated Medicine
Listed in integrated medicine
For as long as there have been complementary therapists, there have been organisations formed by individuals or groups to promote that therapy. Frequently, early professional organi...
Does Naturopathy have a place in Integrated Medicine?
Listed in naturopathy
In the Integrated Medicine column this month Dr Isbell looks at Naturopathy and what role it might have in the integration of complementary and conventional medicine. Naturopathy is...
Integrating Complementary Therapies into Mainstream Education
Listed in complementary medicine
Over the past decade approximately ten universities in the UK have become involved in developing degree courses in complementary therapies.
Why develop degrees in Complementary Therapies?
Listed in integrated medicine
By September 1998 at least ten Universities in the UK were enrolling students in degrees on Complementary Therapies. Some of the universities were offering places on up to six diffe...
Naturopathy as a Profession: Current and Future Prospects
Listed in naturopathy
This article looks at Naturopathy as a profession, its origins, what it can be used to treat, the educational training of naturopaths and future prospects of this practice.
A Decade of Complementary Therapies Provision
Listed in integrated medicine
This article focuses of the development and growth of complementary therapies provision, which began to accelerate from 1995 in universities. However, the first mainstream providers...
Challenges Facing CAM Education Providers in the New Decade
Listed in integrated medicine
Education in Complementary and Alternatives Medicine faces challenges as Further and Higher Education Colleges, and universities face funding cuts. Private educational institutions ...
Book reviews by Dr Brian Isbell
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