About Dr Nadeem Moghal

[Image: Dr Nadeem Moghal]

Dr Nadeem Moghal is the Chief Medical and Innovation Officer at Strasys, helping organizations and leaders to learn to think differently and reimagine healthcare.

He worked for over 30 years in and for the NHS as a clinician and senior leader across several roles and NHS organizations: Clinical Director, Director of Strategy, and Medical Director. Nadeem has led and delivered several critical transformations improving clinical capability, standards, leadership, engagement, and culture.

Passionate about improving healthcare equality and life chances, he has been pioneering population-centric healthcare reform. Recently, he has been supporting the reshaping of care for children and young people, developing a national healthcare quality governance capability and enabling an integrated care health system. With a deep passion for enhancing healthcare equality and improving life chances, Nadeem questions current approaches, encouraging different thinking and approaches to build more equitable communities - thinking that contributes to meaningful population-centric healthcare reforms.

He has also been an external examiner at the RCSI Institute of Leadership, a Clinical Director at the Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath), a Senior Clinical Fellow at the Nuffield Trust, and a lecturer at the Newcastle University Business School. Dr Moghal may be contacted via


Articles by Dr Nadeem Moghal

  1. We Chose Health Inequality: Decades of Discussion, Why are We Still Here?

    Listed in integrated medicine

    Health inequalities are not inevitable; they are the consequence of deliberate choices made by society, healthcare systems, and policymakers. This is the resounding message from an ...

Book reviews by Dr Nadeem Moghal

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