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About Harry Dalford and Julie Kingston
![Harry Dalford and Julie Kingston [Image: Harry Dalford and Julie Kingston]](/img/original/AuthorAvatar/288.3ab303395fddfa3d2f16b11f9141119e.jpg)
Harry Dalford BEng(Hons) IPTI LTP is a former Paratrooper, sky-diver, skin-diver and rock-climber who practises and teaches Aikido. He is a self-employed, Engineer/Surveyor/Builder and practises Trager in the self-built studio he shares with his partner of 15 years Julie Kingston. He is the current Chairman of Trager UK, and is also the Trager UK Newsletter Writer/Editor. He may be contacted via Tel: 01483 894741; harry@tragersurrey.co.uk www.tragersurrey.co.uk
Julie Kingston BA(Hons) LTP BWY MIPTI MICHT IHHT VTCT became a British Wheel of Yoga Teacher in 1993, went on to study CranioSacral Therapy, Life Coaching, Indian Head Massage and Swedish Massage. She has two grown-up children and practices Trager and other therapies in her home studio. She is also a partner in a drumming company, Drumheads Live organizing community, education and corporate djembe drumming events. She is currently UK representative and the Trager International vice president on the Council of Trustees of Trager International, and has also served on the TUK Board of Directors. She may be contacted via Tel: 01483 894741; julie@tragersurrey.co.uk www.tragersurrey.co.uk
Articles by Harry Dalford and Julie Kingston
The Trager® Approach: The Wellbeing of the Practitioner
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Trager work uses gentle self-care movements called Mentastics or metal gymnastics, and may be regarded as self-care/awareness/empowerment exercise. These can be used both by the pra...
The Trager Approach: What is Trager®?
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The authors provide a clear explanation of the origins of Trager, its benefits, and its practice. They describe tablework, mentastic, pausing, and hook-up. Tablework is intended to ...
Tired of Reaching for the Painkillers - Discover the Healing Power of Touch
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The authors use healing massage and the Trager Approach with clients who are suffering painful terminal or chronic illnesses, as well as ones suffering from emotional stresses of v...
When the Immune System Attacks
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This article summarizes thoughts about auto-immune disorders, and their apparently rising prevalence, especially in more developed countries, in cooler latitudes. It explains the di...
Take a Deep Breath and Let Go of Stress
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The article gives examples of cases in which the importance of breathing is emphasised, including an anecdote about a woman who, when having a potentially fatal heart attack, focus...
Looking After Yourself with Trager Mentastics
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Trager Mentastics is based on following the undulating curvature of a wave....Mentastic movements create wave-like shimmering that resonate through the body and have a loosening and...
Conversations between Mind and Body
Listed in mind body
The particular Approach I follow is that devised by medical Doctor Milton Trager MD a man that was both interested in mental health, neurological disorders and meditation.
The Joy of Being Present and Learning!
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The authors describe their experiences in organizing a Level 1 core training in the Trager Approach and a Level 5 “Treasures of the Belly” post-practitioner training.
"Hooking Up" to Healing - Good Vibrations
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Dr Milton Trager believed that a vital part of the Trager Approach was to Hook Up in 'present moment awareness', to something greater that ourselves.
Book reviews by Harry Dalford and Julie Kingston
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