About John Kent
John Kent BA LTCL was born in London, and has lived and worked as a communication trainer, seminar leader and facilitator in Europe, South Africa, SE Asia, South America and USA. He has over 30 years experience in developing and delivering intensive seminars that help participants improve both intra-personal and interpersonal communication. He has worked with corporate, academic, medical and scientific organizations as well as many private clients.
John has studied Voice Dialogue with its creators, Drs Hal and Sidra Stone in the USA and Europe. From 1991 to1995 he co-founded the Voice Dialogue Centre of Tucson, Arizona and taught Voice Dialogue in San Francisco.
He is now based in London where as the director of Voice Dialogue UK he conducts workshops and facilitates private sessions with individuals and couples.
For more information about Voice Dialogue or to contact John about his workshops and private consultations go to: www.voicedialogue.org.uk John may be contacted on Tel: 07941 141377; john@voicedialogue.org.uk