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About June Butlin
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June M Butlin PhD is a trained teacher, nutritionist, kinesiologist, aromatherapist, fitness trainer and sports therapist. She is a writer, health researcher and lecturer and is committed to helping people achieve their optimum level of health and runs a private practice in Wiltshire. June can be contacted on 01225 869 284; junebutlin@btinternet.com
Articles by June Butlin
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and NADH
Listed in cfs me long covid
Just as Tim was initially in denial of his illness, many doctors suffer from the same problem. They refuse to recognise the condition because they cannot find anything physically wr...
Listed in diabetes
This article discusses the genetic, lifestyle and dietary causes of diabetes mellitus, which results from either a lack of insulin or the body cells being resistant to it, and can l...
Listed in neurological and neurodegenerative
There are about 120,000 people in the UK with Parkinsons Disease. This article by June Butlin makes an important contribution to the field, both with regard to understanding the pos...
Listed in women's health
In this article, June Butlin discusses the condition of fibromyalgia. She introduces some of the symptoms of fibromyalgia, such as pain and weakness in the muscles, and some of the ...
Listed in nutrition
Schizophrenia is a psychotic condition that affects 1% of people from every culture, and the lifetime severity is worse in developed countries.
Listed in fertility
June Butlin describes the nutritional therapy undertaken by a couple trying to conceive who were devastated by the news that they were both infertile, the male partner having a low ...
Listed in organic food
Raw fooders believe that humans are naturally and biologically raw plant eaters, as expounded by experts on raw food nutrition such as David Wolfe and Edward Howell.
Listed in metabolic typing
This article continues the study of metabolic typing introduced in Issue 65, looking in greater detail at the testing procedures used in the William Wolcott system and presenting a ...
Listed in metabolic typing
Body typing focuses on such factors as the personality, appearance and biochemistry of the client rather than on the disease to determine specific body type and make nutritional and...
Case Studies on Eczema, Acne and Dull, Lifeless Skin
Listed in allergies
This article follows on from discussion about the skin, which featured in the previous issue (no. 63) of Positive Health, and presents three case studies illustrating the effective ...
Listed in skincare
The skin is the largest organ in the body and has protective, respiratory and excretory functions. If the lungs, liver, large intestine or kidneys are overworked and unable to proce...
Listed in weight loss
This regular column by June Butlin illustrates how the author tackled the long-term weight problems experienced by a middle-aged client.
Listed in stress
This article illustrates how an inherent weakness to stress can cause a multitude of seemingly unrelated symptoms. It relates how a teacher in her twenties had suffered from practic...
The Use of Herbs and Phytonutrients in Pain and Inflammation
Listed in nutrition
This article continues the discussion on pain and inflammation introduced in Issue 59 and focuses on the analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of herbs and phytonutrients. Five...
Listed in nutrition
Although pain and inflammation are important life processes – pain warns that something is wrong, and inflammation is a protective mechanism that allows healing to take place...
Listed in infections and inflammation
Otitis media, inflammation and infection of the middle ear, is common in young children. Its many possible causes, including food allergies and lack of breast-feeding as babies, are...
Listed in arthritis
This article defines osteoarthritis, a degenerative, inflammatory disease of the weight-bearing joints, which affects over 5 million people in the UK and for which many different ca...
Listed in nutrition
Milk is a very important food for all mammals as it provides optimum nutrition for growth and development. However, when the milk of each mammalian species, whether goats, elephants...
Listed in weight loss
Diet programs rarely produce safe and effective methods of achieving fat loss. Indeed, America spends 36 billion dollars on weight loss programs each year and it is a highly profita...
Listed in fertility
In her regular column for this issue, June Butlin discusses the case of a couple who had been unable to conceive for some eighteen months.
Listed in headaches
In this issue, June Butlin discusses the causes and characteristics of both tension and migraine headaches, as well as the use of pain killers.
Listed in healing
Last month I discussed Fionas case study on Lupus from a nutritional point of view, which is one of the most important aspects of any healing process. Other major areas involved in ...
A Case Study on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Listed in medical conditions
This column by June Butlin looks at the auto-immune disorder Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), which is characterised by severe rashes on the cheeks and nose, as well as tiredness...
Case Studies on the Eat Right for Your Blood Type Diet
Listed in metabolic typing
In this column, June Butlin expands on the Peter D Adamo Eat Right for Your Blood Type Diet. This diet identifies the foods which are most suitable for the four blood groups O, A, B...
'Eat Right for your Blood Type' Diet
Listed in metabolic typing
The Eat Right for Your Blood Type Diet was developed by Dr Peter D Adamo, inspired by his fathers theories on the importance of blood types in predicting a person biochemistry.
Listed in stress
Following on from the last column that looked at the role nutrition has to play in dealing with stress, this month June Butlin looks at a case of severe stress that caused a range o...
Listed in nutrition
In her column this month June Butlin looks at stress. In the first half of the article she reviews the mechanisms of the fight or flight response. In the second half she looks at nu...
Listed in organic food
There have been many advocates of raw food diets dating back from the Essenes, a monastic sect at the time of Christ to Dr Max Gerson, founder of the Gerson Institute, and Leslie Ke...
Listed in medical conditions
Multiple Sclerosis is a disease in which scarring occurs to the myelin sheath that surrounds the nerves. This results in the nerves no longer conducting electrical impulses normally...
Listed in colon health
The June Butlin Column this month looks at the case of a 38 year old junior school teacher who had felt physically and mentally below par for more than two years. Though she suffere...
Sarah's Story of High Blood Pressure
Listed in heart
diagnosis of high blood pressure should be taken seriously as it can lead to coronary heart disease, the commonest cause of death, in the western world. The specific consequences of...
Listed in colon health
Part of my responsibility as a nutritionist is to keep updated with research, to furnish me with the knowledge and understanding that I need to help my clients achieve their health ...
Listed in detoxification
The liver is the largest gland in the body and weighs on average 3lbs. Its most important role is to detoxify foreign substances such as metabolic waste products, drugs, pesticides,...
The Achievements of Two Sportsmen
Listed in exercise and fitness
June Butlin continues her column with the theme of Sports Nutrition from an holistic perspective and this month she reviews the activities of two former patients who benefited from ...
An Holistic Approach to Optimum Sports Nutrition
Listed in exercise and fitness
Sports nutritionists seem to be involved in a never ending search for the one isolated supplement, food or drug, which will enhance performance.
Listed in allergies
Jane, aged 54, came to see me with a few minor health problems, and one major one of severe eczema, a chronic skin condition, which she had suffered from for most of her life.
The Repercussions of Allergies
Listed in allergies
An allergy is caused by the bodys adverse reaction to normal stimuli such as foods, chemicals, animals, clothing, pollen and dust. The effects of an allergy can be obvious, whereby ...
Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Listed in cfs me long covid
Mark came to me in sheer despair. He was suffering from severe tiredness, a racing heartbeat and continuous noises in his head. The doctors and specialists had treated him for tinni...
Implications of Molecules in Emotion
Listed in nutrition
In nearly three decades of working in the area of wellness I have never found one health discipline that has all the answers for healing. The reason is that there are so many indivi...
Nutrition for Children and Young Adults
Listed in nutrition
Quality nutrition is very important for children health, as it is likely to result in good eating patterns in later life, and is essential for optimum growth and development. Resear...
A Case Study on Anxious Depression
Listed in depression
Helen is a single parent of three children who works extremely hard to provide for her family. She was employed part time as a teacher, and although the money was limited, she manag...
Listed in depression
Depression is a growing health problem and one of the least understood diseases. It affects adults and children of all ages and can be very serious. Untreated depression may lead to...
Perseverance and Endurance in Nutritional Therapy
Listed in nutrition
One of the fundamental principles of optimum nutrition is a time delay in the healing process. Nutrients in the form of foods, supplements and herbs do not produce an instant overni...
Listed in detoxification
Summer is a wonderful time of the year when nature flourishes and life seems brighter, more colourful, and full of vitality. A newness evolves and we naturally focus on our surround...
Listed in nutrition
I believe that optimum nutrition is essential in maintaining optimum health. It is vital to our lives as our bodies have been completely built and maintained by the foods that we ea...
The Side Effects of Antibiotics
Listed in infections and inflammation
Discovering antibiotics in the 1930s was a major breakthrough for modern medicine as it allowed many people to be saved from life threatening diseases such as typhoid and meningitis...
The Power of Corrective Nutrition
Listed in nutrition
However, in 1993, at the age of 52, she encountered health problems. She started to suffer from extreme mental and physical tiredness, and her weight started to creep up. She was of...
Listed in women's health
Over the past 18 months I have been consulted by more and more clients suffering from hormonal imbalances. These include premenstrual tension, menopausal symptoms, infertility and p...
An Holistic Approach to Optimum Sports Nutrition
Listed in exercise and fitness
Until September 1995, Catherine was fit, healthy and full of vitality. She had a happy home life, a good social life, and a reasonable degree of fitness. Then, she suffered from ext...
The Practicalities of the Gerson Therapy
Listed in detoxification
After attending the Gerson therapy training day I realised that the practicalities of the therapy were far from simplistic and it could well be the most intense and extreme nutritio...
Listed in cancer
In conventional terms there are many cancers, many causes, but few cures. Chemotherapy (drug based) with its extensive side effects including nausea, leukaemia and sterility is repu...
Listed in nutrition
Michael is a lively, sensitive, impulsive, verbally adept thirteen-year-old of high intelligence with a wide general knowledge that would put many adults to shame. However, he is se...
Listed in diabetes
Diabetes is on the increase. There are approximately 700,000 people currently being diagnosed yearly in Britain, and in America it is the seventh leading cause of death.
Listed in complementary medicine
It is not so long ago that complementary therapy was frowned upon and each discipline at that time was working towards the common goal of establishing themselves in the health care ...
Listed in nutrition
This case study illustrates how nutritional factors can affect not just physical well-being but also mental, emotional and behavioural patterns.
Listed in sad
June Butlin looks at Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). For many people who suffer from SAD, winter (between September and April) can be a time of depression, desolation and emptine...
The Importance of Integrative Health Care
Listed in complementary medicine
As a nutritionist, June Butlin, believes that our bodies are derived from the nutrients we take from our food, helped by oxygen and water. She does not feel that the medical establi...
The Role of the Gut in Psychology
Listed in colon health
This article explores the link between illnesses such as autism, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder and gut disorders.
The Role of Nutrition and the Nutrition Practitioner in the 21st Century
Listed in nutrition
The author says nutrition practitioners have to move beyond just prescribing a healthy diet of quality whole foods, water, essential fatty acids and eliminating offending food. Esp...
Book reviews by June Butlin
Welcome to the Dance Caffeine Allergy - A Masked Cerebral Allergy and Progressive Toxic Dementia
Listed in allergies
After Atkins and Other Low-Carb Diets
Listed in nutrition
Thriving with Heart Disease - Live Happier, Healthier, Longer
Listed in heart
Overcoming and Preventing Heart Problems
Listed in heart
Listed in fibromyalgia
Dr Jensen's Juicing Therapy: Nature's Way to Better Health and a Longer Life
Listed in nutrition
Dr Jensen's Nutrition Handbook: A Daily Regimen for Healthy Living
Listed in nutrition
Listed in skincare