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About Linda Hall
![Linda Hall [Image: Linda Hall]](/img/original/AuthorAvatar/2494.b944baf5dc00464c38077a0b8b4a9fd2.jpg)
Linda Hall’s BA MTI dip TH Dip.Clin.Hyp.NLP.Coach EFT professional experience spans twenty years in the complementary health-care field. Starting out in holistic body-work and subtle energy healing, she went on to train in clinical hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Coaching and Emotional Freedom Technique. She has taught secular meditation since 2001 and works as a personal development coach combining meditation with other holistic modalities. Having trained as a psychology practitioner with The Optimum Health Clinic, a leading UK stress related centre, specialising in ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, she runs ground-breaking meditation courses with the clinic specifically to help in the recovery from ME. Linda, herself, was ill will ME for almost a decade; it was during this time that she became particularly interested in exploring and developing ways to calm the nervous system’s ‘stress response’. Now fully recovered, she has established a reputation as an inspirational meditation teacher and gifted audio author for stress management and personal growth. Her meditation and relaxation CDs and MP3s are distributed world-wide and have proved especially helpful in stress management and pain relief. Her eight step introduction to secular meditation audio course: ‘Step Into Meditation - The Foundation Course’ is available from her online shop www.AudioMeditation.co.uk . Linda may be contacted on Tel: 00 44 020 3286 6478; linda@ResourcefulnessMeditation.com
Articles by Linda Hall
Listed in meditation
So much time is spent living in the relative dream worlds of the future or the past, we would do well to remember that both come from the present moment. The more we are able to liv...
Meditation for ME / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Related Conditions
Listed in cfs me long covid
The author explains that stress, and the stress response, play an important role in the factors which lead up to ME, and then even more so as a response to the symptoms, as the suf...
How Meditation Is Changing With The Times
Listed in meditation
Far reaching changes brought about by recent advances in technology and science have created fundamental shifts in the way meditation is perceived and practised. The enlightened age...
Book reviews by Linda Hall
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